Translation:Receipt of the transportation costs that Bulgarian state paid to transport 4137 Jewish citizens from Macedonia to their death in Treblinka

Sofia, October 13, 1943
56 Albanska Street
Head office
Railways and ports
Railway box office
Bulgarian Official Travel Agency "Balkan"
No. III / 01.2504
With the following we confirm that the price of the tickets for the two special trains with which they transported on Marc 25 of this year (1943) 1748 adults and 197 children ages 4-10 of Jewish origin from Skopje to Treblinka and on March 28 of this year 1797 adults and 395 children ages 4-10 of Jewish origin, is 7,144,317 / seven million one hundred forty-four three hundred and seventeen / levs.
Those trains were sent at the request of the Commissariat for Jewish Affairs, which paid the price of those two trains with checks worth 4,827,395 leva from March 23, this year. , a check worth 2,000,000 levs from March 29 and a check valued at 316,922 levs as of October 13th.
This is issued to the Commissariat for Jewish Affairs to serve as an official receipt.
Balkan Bulgarian official travel bureau Signature Commissioner (signature illegible) three different stamps, tax stamp of 10 levs
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