Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Choshen Mishpat/170

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Paragraph 1- If there were five gardens that were supplied by one spring and the spring was ruined, all the gardens must repair together with the top one. The result is the bottom garden will repair with all of them and will repair for itself, and the top one will only repair for itself.

Paragraph 2- If the residents of a river irrigated their fields in order, and one of the parties wants to obstruct the river so that the river will change course and irrigate his field first and he will then open the river, and another party also wants to irrigate first, whomever is the stronger party will acquire the rights. A pit that is closest to the water channel where the river pours its water while travelling its path would fill up first for the sake of peace. There are those who say that this is only where the pit preceded the water channel, but not in the reverse case.