Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Choshen Mishpat/298

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Paragraph 1- If any watchman is required to pay and says he is unsure how much money he is required to pay, and the owner says he knows it was worth such and such amount, such as where he deposited a wallet full of gold coins, the watchman was negligent and the owner says there were 200 dinar and the watchman said he knows there were definitely dinar but he does not know how much, this results in the owner claiming 200 and the watchman partially confessing and saying he doesn’t know about the rest, in which case he is obligated to swear, and because he can’t swear he must pay. Thus, the owner would take without an oath. This assume the owner is claiming an amount he is profiled to have. The watchman would place a cherem on anyone who takes more than he deserves. See above 90:10.

Paragraph 2- If one’s father died and left him a tied sack deposited by another, and the watchman was negligent, and the owner says he doesn’t know how much is in it because it may be precious stones, and the watchman likewise doesn’t know how much he is required to pay because it may be full of glass, the watchman would swear, as the Rabbis have instituted, that it is not in his possession and include in his oath that he is not certain that it is more than such and such amount, and he would pay that which he confesses to. If the owner says part of the deposit was stolen and the watchman says he is unsure, the watchman would swear he is unsure and would be exempt.