Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Choshen Mishpat/365

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Paragraph 1- If one robs from one of five people but doesn’t know who he robbed from, and each one says he robbed from him, even though there are no witnesses stating he robbed, each one would swear that he was robbed and the robber would pay back each one of them.

Paragraph 2- If one told two people he robbed one of them but he is not sure which one, he would give them a maneh and they would divide because they were unaware they were robbed, other than on the robber’s say-so. Nevertheless, if the robber wants to fulfill his heavenly duty, he is required to pay back the robbery to each one of them. It two made a claim against one, however, and each one says he robbed a maneh from him, and the robber responds that it is true he robbed a maneh from one of them but he is not sure which one, he would be required to pay a maneh to each one of them. Similarly, if he robbed one maneh from one person and 200 from another, and each one is claiming 200 and he doesn’t know which one he robbed 200 from, he would give each one 200. If he robbed one person and doesn’t know if he returned it, even if the victim is not making a claim against him, he would be required to pay the victim if he wants to fulfill his heavenly duty. If he tells another that he doesn’t know if he robbed him or not, however, he would not even be required to pay to fulfill his heavenly duty.