Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Choshen Mishpat/409

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Paragraph 1- One many not raise a small domesticated animal in Israel, because they have the habit of grazing in other’s fields, and their damaging is commonplace. One can, however, raise them in Surya and in the deserts of Israel. Nowadays that Jews don’t commonly have fields in Israel, it seems that it would be permitted.

Paragraph 2- A Jew may not raise pigs anywhere, even to use them to treat leather. It goes without saying that one may not raise them for commerce purposes.

Paragraph 3- One is prohibited from raising a vicious dog unless it is bound with iron chains and tied with them. In a city close to the border, one is permitted to raise them. He ties it up during the day and unties it at night. There are those who say that today where we live with idolaters and other nations it would all be permitted. Go and see what the people do. It seems, however, that if the dog is vicious in that it damages people, one is prohibited from raising it unless it was tied with iron chains.

Paragraph 4- If one had dogs and pigs fall to him in inheritance, we would not require him to sell them together. Rather, he may sell them little by little.