Translation:Shulchan Aruch/Choshen Mishpat/76

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Paragraph 1- If one borrowed from two lenders at the same time- a maneh from one and 200 from the other- and they told him who had lent the maneh and who had lent the 200, and when they come to make the claim each one says I had lent the 200 and the borrower doesn’t know who had lent the maneh and who had lent the 200, he must pay 200 to each one after they each swear. If, however, the loan was documented as a loan of 300 and they told him that a maneh belonged to one and 200 belonged to the other, he would pay each one a maneh and the remainder will remain until Eliyahu comes because they were partners in one loan and the party that produced the document is able to collect without power of attorney so the borrower was not negligent at all and had no responsibility to pay close attention. See later in 77:9 with respect to these rules. There are those that say in an oral loan where the parties did not make a claim against him, he is obligated in order to fulfill his heavenly duties.

Paragraph 2- If two people were making a claim against the defendant that he owed them a maneh and the defendant says I borrowed from one of you and I don’t know which one, he must pay a maneh to each.

Paragraph 3- If the plaintiffs did not make a claim against the defendant, but the defendant himself says that one of you lent me a maneh and I don’t know which one, he would even be exempt from a heavenly requirement. There are those that say that he must pay each one in order to fulfill his heavenly duty.