Translation:Summatio quarandum serierum singularium

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Summation of Certain Singular Series (1811)
by Carl Friedrich Gauss, translated from Latin by Wikisource
Carl Friedrich Gauss4405314Summation of Certain Singular Series1811Wikisource



Among the remarkable truths to which the theory of the division of the circle has opened the way, the summation proposed in Disquisitiones Arithmeticae art. 356 claims not the last place for itself, not only because of its particular elegance and wonderful fecundity, which will be explained more fully on another occasion, but also because its rigorous demonstration is not burdened by uncommon difficulties. Of course, this should have been expected, since the difficulties do not fall so much into the theorem itself, but rather into a limitation of the theorem, which was then ignored, but whose demonstration is immediately available and easily derived from the theory explained in the present work. The theorem is presented there in the following form. Supposing to be a prime number, denoting all of the quadratic residues modulo between the limits 1 and (incl.) indefinitely by denoting all the non-residues between the same limits by denoting by the arc and denoting by any fixed integer not divisible by we have

I. for values of which are of the form

II. for values of which are of the form

These sums have been demonstrated with all rigor in loc. cit., and the only remaining difficulty is in determining the sign to be assigned to the radical quantity. It can easily be shown that this sign depends only on the number that the same sign must hold for all values of that are quadratic residues modulo and that the opposite sign must hold for all values of that are quadratic non-residues modulo Therefore, the whole matter depends upon the case and it is evident that as soon as the sign for this value is known, the signs for all other values of will immediately follow. But in this very question, which at first glance seems to be among the easier ones, we encounter unforeseen difficulties, and the method with which we have made progress so far completely denies us further help.



It would not be out of place, before proceeding further, to work out some examples of our summation by numerical calculation. However, it will be convenient to preface this with some general observations.

I. If in the case where is a prime number of the form all quadratic residues of lying between 1 and (inclusive) are denoted indefinitely by and all non-residues between the same limits are denoted by then certainly all are included in and all are included in Therefore, since together clearly exhaust the entire set of numbers all together with all include all and likewise all together with all include all Hence we have

Now, considering that it is clear that

The summation of cosines, on the other hand, takes on the form

from which it follows that

II. In the case where is of the form the complement of any quadratic residue modulo will be a quadratic non-residue, and the complement of any quadratic non-residue will be a quadratic residue; therefore, all will coincide with all and all will coincide with all Hence we conclude

and so, since and together fill out all the numbers and therefore

the summations

are automatically evident. Similarly,

and from this it is clear how the summations

depend upon each other.



Now here are some examples of numerical computations:

I. For there is one value of namely and one value of namely and these are

II. For there are three values of namely and an equal number of values of namely from which we compute

III. For we have four values of namely and an equal number of values of namely From this, we compute the cosines

IV. For there is one value of namely which corresponds to

V. For there are three values of namely hence we have the sines

VI. For the values of are which correspond to sines

VII. For the values of are which correspond to sines



In all these examples the radical quantity has a positive sign, and the same is easily confirmed for larger values etc., from which a strong likelihood emerges that this holds generally. However, the proof of this phenomenon cannot be sought from the principles set forth in loc. cit., and must be regarded as deserving of a thorough investigation. Therefore, the purpose of this commentary is to present a rigorous proof of this most elegant theorem, which has been attempted in vain in various ways for many years, and was finally achieved successfully through careful and subtle considerations. At the same time, we will bring the theorem itself, with its elegance preserved or rather enhanced, to a much greater generality. Finally, in the conclusion, we will reveal a remarkable and close connection between this summation and another very important arithmetic theorem. We hope that not only will geometers be gratified by the results of these investigations, but also that the methods, which may well be useful on other occasions, will be deemed worth of their attention.



Our proof relies on the consideration of a specific type of series, whose terms depend on expressions of the form

For the sake of brevity, we will denote such a fraction by and we will first present some general observations about such functions.

I. Whenever is a positive integer smaller than the function clearly vanishes, since the numerator involves the factor For the factors in the numerator will be identical, but in the reverse order compared to the factors in the denominator, so that Finally, in the case where is a positive integer greater than we have the formulas

or more generally,

II. Furthermore, it is easily confirmed that, in general,

and likewise

which continues until

and therefore, as long as is a positive integer greater than

Hence it is clear that if, for any given value of the function is integral for all positive integer values of then the function must also be integral. Therefore, since this assumption holds for the same will hold for and thus for etc., i.e. in general for any positive integer value of the function will be integral, or in other words the product

will be divisible by



We will now consider two series, each of which can be used to achieve our goal. The first series is


which for the sake of brevity we will denote by It is immediately clear that when is a positive integer, this series terminates after its term (which is ), and therefore in this case, the sum must be a finite integral function of Furthermore, according to observation II of article 5, it is clear that in general, for any value of we have

and therefore

But it is also clear that

from which we deduce the equation




Since for we have we obtain, from the formula we have just found,

or more generally, for any even value of


On the other hand, since for we have we have

or, in general, for any odd value of

Indeed, the latter sum could have already been derived from the fact that in the series

the last term destroys the first, the penultimate destroys the second, etc.



For our purpose it suffices to consider the case where is a positive odd integer. However, it will not hurt to add a few remarks about the cases where is fractional or negative, due to the singularity of the matter. Clearly in these cases our series will not be interrupted, but will diverge to infinity. Moreover, it is easily seen that the series diverges whenever the value of is less than 1, so its summation should be restricted to values of which are greater than 1.

According to formula [1] in article 6, we have

so that for negative, integral, even values of the function can also be assigned a value with finitely many terms. For the remaining values of we will convert the function into an infinite product using the following method.

As approaches negative infinity, the function converges to

Therefore, this series is equal to the infinite product

Moreover, since it is generally true that

we have

whose factors clearly converge to unity.

The case deserves special attention. Here we have

It follows that this series can be expressed as an infinite product

or, by replacing with

This equality between two somewhat complicated expressions, to which we will return on another occasion, is indeed very remarkable.



Secondly, we consider the series


which we will denote by We will restrict this discussion to the case where is a positive integer, so that the series always terminates at the term, which is Since

the above series can also be expressed as:

Hence we have

Therefore, since we have (art. 5, II)

we obtain the result


But therefore we have

or in general




Having made these preliminary observations, let us now proceed towards our objective. Since the squares are all incongruent to each other modulo it is clear that their minimal residues modulo must be identical to the numbers and therefore

Similarly, since the same squares are congruent to in reverse order, we have

Therefore, assuming

we will have

Hence it is clear that the summations proposed in article 1 depend on the summations of the series and We will therefore direct our discussion to these, and complete it in a general way that it includes not only prime values of but composite values as well. Let us also suppose that the number is relatively prime to for the case where and have a common divisor can be reduced to this one without any difficulty.



Let us denote the imaginary quantity by and let

so that or equivalently is a root of the equation It is easy to see that the numbers are all indivisible by and are incongruent to each other modulo therefore, the powers of

will all be distinct, and each of them will satisfy the equation Because of this, these powers represent all of the roots of the equation

These conclusions would be invalid if had a common divisor with For if were such a common divisor, then would be divisible by and hence a power less than say would be equal to unity. In this case, therefore, the powers of up to the would all be roots of the equation and indeed they would be distinct roots, if were the greatest common divisor of and In our case, where and are assumed to be prime to each other, can conveniently be called a proper root of the equation In the other case, where and have a (greatest) common divisor we will say that is an improper root of that equation. Clearly in the latter case, would be a proper root of the equation The simplest improper root is unity, and in the case where is a prime number, there are no other improper roots whatsoever.



If we now set

it is clear that so that is the real part of and is obtained from the imaginary part of by suppressing the factor The whole matter is therefore reduced to finding the sum for this purpose, either the series considered in article 6 or the one we have shown how to sum in article 9 can be used, although the former is less suitable in the case where is an even number. Nonetheless, we hope that it will be agreeable to the reader if we treat the case where is odd according to both methods.

Let us first suppose that is an odd number, that is an arbitrary proper root of the equation and that in the function we set and Then clearly

up to

(It will not be superfluous to mention that these equations are valid only to the extent that is assumed to be a proper root: for if were an improper root, the numerator and denominator of some of these fractions would simultaneously vanish, and thus the fractions would become indeterminate).

From this, we derive the following equation:

The same equation will still hold if we substitute for where is any arbitrary integer relatively prime to for then will also be a proper root of the equation Let us write instead of or equivalently Then

Next, let us multiply both sides of this equation by


we get the following equation

or, by rearranging the terms of the first member,




The factors of the second member of the equation [5] can also be written as

up to

in which case the equation takes the following form:

Multiplying this equation by [5] in its original form, we obtain

where is either or depending on whether is of the form or Therefore,

But it is clear that are precisely the roots of the equation except for the root Hence the following equation must hold

and setting we find that

Since it is evident that our equation becomes:


In the case where is of the form we have:

and therefore

On the other hand, in the case where is of the form we have:

and therefore



The method of the previous article determines only the absolute values of and and leaves their signs ambiguous, so it is necessary to determine whether (in the first case) and (in the second case) are equal to or . However, at least when this can be deduced from equation [5] in the following way. Since, for

this equation is transformed into

Now, in the case where is of the form in the series of odd numbers

there can be found which are less than and these clearly correspond to positive sines. On the other hand, the remaining will be larger than and these correspond to negative sines. Therefore, the product of all the sines must be equal to a product of a positive quantities, multiplied by the factor and thus will be equal to the product of a positive real quantity with or since and is divisible by 4. That is, the quantity will be a positive real quantity, and hence we must have

In the second case, where is of the form in the series of odd numbers

the first will be smaller than and the remaining will be larger. Among the sines of the arcs therefore, will be negative, and thus will be the product of with a positive real quantity and the third factor is which when combined with the first, gives since Therefore we must have




We will now show how the same conclusions can be deduced from the series considered in article 9. Let us write in place of in equation [4], so that

up to the term will be


If we take to be a proper root of the equation say and at the same time we set then we have

up to

where it should be noted that none of the denominators etc. will be Hence equation [7] takes the form

in the second member of this equation, if we multiply the first term by the last, the second term by the penultimate, etc., then we obtain

From these products, it is easy to see that the product

will be

This equation is identical to equation [5] in article 12, which was derived from the first series, so the rest of the argument can be carried out in the same way as in articles 13 and 14.



We now move on to the other case, where is an even number. First let be of the form or equivalently an oddly even number. It is clear that the numbers etc., or in general can be divided by to produce odd quotients, and thus they are congruent to modulo Hence, if is a proper root of the equation and thus it follows that

Hence, in the series

the term destroys the first term, the following term destroys the second term, etc., and therefore



There remains the case where is of the form or evenly even. Here, in general, will be divisible by and therefore

Hence, in the series

the term will be equal the first term, the following term will be equal to the second term, etc., so that

Let us now suppose that in equation [7] of article 15, we set and for we substitute a proper root of the equation Then just as in article 15, the equation takes the form



Furthermore, since and thus

and since the product of the factors etc. up to is the previous equation can also be expressed as


we have

and therefore

Multiplying this value of by the one we previously found, and adjoining the factor to both sides, we get

But we have

From which it finally follows that


Now it can be easily seen that is either or depending on whether is of the form or And since

we will have, in the case where is of the form

and thus

and in the other case, where is of the form

and thus



The method of the previous article provided the absolute values of the functions and and determined the conditions under which equal or opposite signs should be given to them. But the signs themselves are not yet determined at this point. We will supply this for the case as follows.

Let so that and It is clear that equation [8] can be expressed as

or, by arranging the factors in a different order,

Now we have

up to

Therefore, we have:

The cosines in this product are clearly positive, but the factor becomes Hence we conclude that is the product of and a positive real quantity, so we must have



It will be worthwhile to gather together here all of the summations we have evaluated so far. In general, we have

and in the case where is assumed to be the positive sign must be assigned to the radical quantity. All of the things which had been observed by induction in article 3, for the first few values of , have now been demonstrated with all rigor, and nothing remains but to determine the signs for other values of in all cases. But before this task can be undertaken in all generality, it will be necessary to first consider more closely the cases in which is either a prime number or a power of a prime number.



Let be a prime odd number. Then it is clear from what was explained in article 10 that where we set and denotes all of the quadratic residues of between and indefinitely. But if we also denote indefinitely by all the quadratic non-residues between the same limits, it is seen without any difficulty that all of the numbers will be congruent modulo to either all of or all of without respect to order, depending on whether is a quadratic residue or non-residue modulo . Therefore, in the former case, we have

and thus if is of the form and if is of the form

On the other hand, in the case where is a quadratic non-residue modulo we have

Hence, since it is clear that all integers and together complete the complex integer numbers and thus

we have

and thus if is of the form and if is of the form

Hence we conclude:

first, if is of the form and is a quadratic residue modulo

second, if is of the form and is a quadratic non-residue modulo

third, if is of the form and is a quadratic residue modulo

fourth, if is of the form and is a quadratic non-residue modulo



Let be a square or higher power of an odd prime , and let where is either or It is first of all important to observe here that if is any integer not divisible by then we have

From this it is easy to see that

Indeed, the remaining terms of the series

can be distributed into partial sums, each of which has terms, and is seen to vanish by applying the transformation given above.

Hence it follows, in the case where or where is a power of a prime number with an even exponent, that

and therefore

On the other hand, in the case where or where is a power of a prime number with an odd exponent, let us set where is a proper root of the equation specifically Then

But the sum of the series has been determined in the preceding article, and from this we conclude that

if is of the form

if is of the form

with a positive or negative sign depending on whether is a quadratic residue or a non-residue modulo



The following proposition, which is easily derived from that which has been set forth in articles 20 and 21, will be of considerable use to us below. Let

where is any integer not divisible by Then in the case where or where is a power of with an odd exponent, we have

, if is a quadratic residue modulo

, if is a quadratic non-residue modulo

For it is clear that arises from if is substituted for In the former case, and will be the same, and in the latter different, insofar as they are quadratic residues or non-residues modulo

However, in the case where is a power of with an even exponent, it is clear that and therefore always



In articles 20, 21, 22 we considered odd prime numbers and their powers. It remains, therefore, to consider the case where is a power of two.

For it is clear that

For we obtain Hence whenever is of the form and whenever is of the form

For we have Hence

whenever is of the form

whenever is of the form

whenever is of the form

whenever is of the form

If is a higher power of two, let so that is either equal to 1 or 2, and is greater than 1. It must first of all be observed here that if is an integer not divisible by then we have

Hence it is easy to see that

Let us set Then will be a root of the equation and in fact Thus we have

But the sum of the series is determined by what we have already explained in the cases Hence we conclude that

in the case where or where is a power of 4,
if is of the form

if is of the form

which are the exact formulas already given for
in the case where or where is a power of two with an odd exponent greater than 3,
if is of the form

if is of the form

if is of the form

if is of the form
which also precisely match the formulas we provided for



It will also be worthwhile to determine the ratio of the sum of the series

to where is an arbitrary odd integer. Since arises from by replacing with the value of will depend on the form of the number in the same way as depends on the form of the number Let us set Then it is clear that

I. In the case where or any higher power of two with an even exponent,

if is of the form

if is of the form and is of the form

if is of the form and is of the same form

II. In the case where or any higher power of two with an odd exponent,

if is of the form

if is of the form

if either is of the form and is of the form

or is of the form and is of the form

if either is of the form and is of the form

or is of the form and is of the form

With this, the determination of in those cases where is a prime number or a power of a prime number is complete. It remains, therefore, for us to finish those cases where is composed of several prime factors, to which end the following theorem paves the way.



Theorem. Let be the product of two relatively prime positive integers and and set

Then I claim that

Proof. Let indefinitely denote the numbers let indefinitely denote the numbers and let indefinitely denote the numbers Then it is clear that

Thus, we have where all possible values of and are to be substituted. Furthermore, because we have But it is clearly seen, without difficulty, that the individual values of are distinct from each other, and each is equal to some value of Thus, we have

It should also be noted that is a proper root of the equation and is a proper root of the equation



Now let be the product of three mutually prime numbers Then clearly if we set then and will be relatively prime. Therefore, is a product of two factors:

However, since is a proper root of the equation the first factor will be the product of two factors

if we set Hence it is clear that is the product of three factors:

where and are proper roots of the equations respectively.



From this it is easily concluded that in general, if is the product of any prime factors etc., then will be a product of as many factors

where etc. are proper roots of the equations etc.



Out of these principles, a passage to the complete determination of for any given value of has appeared before us. Let be decomposed into factors etc., which are either distinct prime numbers or powers of distinct prime numbers. Let etc., and let etc. be the respective roots of the equations etc. Then is the product of the factors

But each of these factors can be determined by the methods explained in articles 20, 21, 23. Hence, the value of the product can also be known. It will be useful to collect the rules for determining these factors here. When the root is the sum which we shall denote by will be determined by the number in the same way that was determined by in our general discussion. We have already distinguished twelve cases:

I. If is a prime number of the form say or a power of such a prime number with an odd exponent, and at the same time is a quadratic residue modulo then
II. If is a quadratic non-residue modulo then
III. If is a prime number of the form say or a power of such a prime number with an odd exponent, and at the same time is a quadratic residue modulo then
IV. If, with the rest of the assumptions as in III, is a quadratic non-residue modulo then
V. If is a square number, or a higher power of a prime number (with an even exponent), then
VI. If then
VII. If or a higher power of two with an even exponent, and also is of the form then
VIII. If, with the rest of the assumptions as in VII, is of the form then
IX. If or a higher power of two with an odd exponent, and at the same time is of the form then
X. If, with the rest of the assumptions as in IX, is of the form then
XI. If, with the rest of the assumptions as in IX, is of the form then
XII. If, with the rest of the assumptions as in IX, is of the form then



For example, let and In this case, we have

for by case XII,

for the factor 9, by case V, the corresponding sum will be
for the factor 5, by case II, the corresponding sum will be

for the factor 7, by case III, the corresponding sum will be

Hence, we get

If, for the same value of we set then

for the factor 8, the sum is

for the factor 9, the sum is
for the factor 5, the sum is
for the factor 7, the sum is

Hence, the product is



Another method of finding the sum in a general manner is suggested by that which was set forth in articles 22 and 24. Set and

so that we have etc. Then

will be a product of factors

and therefore will be a product of factors

Now, the first factor is determined by the discussion in article 19 above; the remaining factors etc. come from the formulas of articles 22 and 24, which are collected here again so that they can all be considered together[1]. Twelve cases must be distinguished here, namely

I. If is a prime number (odd) or a power of such a number with an odd exponent, and is a quadratic residue modulo then the corresponding factor will be
II. If, with the rest of the assumptions as in I, is a quadratic non-residue modulo then
III. If is the square of an odd prime number, or a higher power with an even exponent, then
IV. If is or a higher power of two with an even exponent, and is of the form then
V. If, with the rest of the assumptions as in IV, is of the form and is of the form then
VI. If, with the rest of the assumptions as in IV, is of the form and is of the form then
VII. If is or a higher power of two with an odd exponent, and is of the form then
VIII. If, with the rest of the assumptions as in VII, is of the form then
IX. If, with the rest of the assumptions as in VII, is of the form and is of the form then
X. If, with the rest of the assumptions as in VII, is of the form and is of the form then
XI. If, with the rest of the assumptions as in VII, is of the form and is of the form then
XII. If, with the rest of the assumptions as in VII, is of the form and is of the form then

We omit the case where indeed, in this case would be or indeterminate, but then anyway .

The remaining factors etc. depend in the same way on etc., as depends on



According to this second method, the first example in article 29 is as follows:

The factor is
For the corresponding factor is, by case VIII,
The second factor corresponds to a factor (by case III)
The factor corresponds to a factor (by case II)
The factor corresponds to a factor (by case II)

Hence, the product is obtained, as in article 29.



Since the value of can be determined using two methods, one of which is based on the relations of the numbers etc. with the numbers etc., and the other depending on the relations of with the numbers etc., there must be a certain conditional connection between all these relations, so that each of them must be determinable from the others. Let us suppose that all the numbers etc. are odd prime numbers, and take Let the factors etc. be distributed into two classes, one of which contains those that are of the form and which are denoted by etc., and the other consisting of those that are of the form and which are denoted by etc. We will designate the multitude of the latter by Having done this, we observe first that will be of the form when is even (which also applies to the case where the factors of the other class are completely absent, or where ), whereas will be of the form when is odd. Now the determination of is achieved by the first method as follows. Let numbers etc., etc. be determined from the relations between the numbers etc., and the numbers etc., etc., respectively, by setting

if is a quadratic residue modulo

if is a quadratic non-residue modulo

and likewise for the rest. Then will be the product of the factors etc., etc., and hence

By the second method, or rather directly by the rules from article 19,

if is of the form or equivalently, if is even

if is of the form or if is odd

Both cases may be included together in the following formula:

Hence it follows that

But is whenever is of the form or and whenever is of the form or and from this we deduce the following very elegant

Theorem. Let etc. denote positive odd prime numbers that are not equal to each other, and let their product be Let be the number of the form among them, so that the other numbers are of the form Then the multitude of those numbers among etc. such that etc. are quadratic non-residues, will be even whenever is of the form or but odd whenever is of the form or

By setting e.g. we have three numbers of the form namely and and we have so there is a unique which is a quadratic non-residue modulo



The celebrated fundamental theorem concerning quadratic residues is nothing but a special case of the theorem just developed. By limiting the multitude of the numbers etc. to two, it is evident that if only one of them, or neither, is of the form then we must have simultaneously or simultaneously On the other hand, if both are of the form then one of them must be a quadratic non-residue modulo the other, and the other a quadratic residue modulo the one. And so a fourth demonstration has been given for this most important theorem, the first and second demonstration having been given in Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, and the third recently in a special commentary (Commentt. T. XVI). We will present two other proofs in the future, based again on completely different principles. It is exceedingly surprising that this most beautiful theorem, which at first so obstinately eluded all attempts, could be approached later by methods so very distant from one other.



In fact, the remaining theorems, which act as a supplement to the fundamental theorem, that is, by which the prime numbers for which and are quadratic residues or non-residues may be identified, can also be derived from the same principles. Let us start with the residue

Set where is a prime number, and let Then by the method of article 28, will be the product of two factors, of which one will be or if or equivalently is a quadratic residue modulo or else or if 2 is a quadratic non-residue modulo The second factor is

if is of the form

if is of the form

if is of the form

if is of the form

But by article 18, we will always have Dividing this value by the four values of the second factor, it is clear that the first factor must be

if is of the form

if is of the form

if is of the form

if is of the form

From this it follows automatically that must be a quadratic residue modulo in the first and fourth cases, and in the second and third cases it must be a quadratic non-residue.



Prime numbers for which is a quadratic residue or non-residue are easily recognized with the help of the following theorem, which is also quite memorable by itself.

Theorem. The product of the two factors

is if is odd, or if is odd even, or if is evenly even.

Proof. Since it is clear that

the product can also be presented as

which, when summed vertically, produces

Now if is odd, each part of this sum, except the first will be For the second part is clear the third etc. When is even, it is also be necessary to study the part

which is In the former case, we therefore obtain but in the latter, But will be if is evenly even, and thus On the other hand, if is oddly even, then and thus Q. E. D.



Already from article 22, it is clear that if is an odd prime number, then will be equal to or depending on whether is a quadratic residue or a non-residue modulo Hence in the former case, we must have in the latter wherefore, by article 13, we conclude that the former case can only occur when is of the form and the latter case when is of the form

Finally, from the combination of conditions for the residues and it naturally follows that is a quadratic residue modulo any prime number of the form or and it is a quadratic non-residue modulo any prime number of the form or

  1. Clearly, what was and there, will here be and in the second factor, and in the third factor etc.