Translation:The Black Heralds (1918)/For My Beloved's Impossible Soul

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The Black Heralds (1918)
by César Vallejo, translated from Spanish by Wikisource
For My Beloved's Impossible Soul
1855107The Black Heralds — For My Beloved's Impossible Soul1918César Vallejo


Beloved: You have never wanted to take form
as my divine love would have thought.
Stay in the host,
blind and impalpable,
as God remains.

If I have sung much, I have cried more
for you, oh my sublime parable of love!
Stay in the brain,
and in the immense myth
of my heart!

It is the faith, the forge where I burned
the muddy iron of so many women;
and on an ungodly anvil I wanted to perfect you.
Stay in the eternal
nebula, there,
in the multessence of a sweet nonexistence.

And if you have never wanted to take form
in my metaphysical emotion of love,
let me lash myself,
like a sinner.