Translation:The High Mountains/8

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The High Mountains (1918)
by Zacharias Papantoniou, translated from Greek by Wikisource
The Mules Know Where to Stop for Lunch
Zacharias Papantoniou2728187The High Mountains — The Mules Know Where to Stop for Lunch1918Wikisource

The Mules Know Where to Stop for Lunch

Shortly after, when a source with plane trees and poplars appeared in view, the mules stopped of their own accord. The children understood that for the animal to stop here by itself meant that it must be an old travellers' custom to make a halt here to eat. They'd all had the same idea, although they said the greedy one was Foudoulis.

And how hungry they were! While looking at this and that, they hadn't felt it coming. They had such an appetite that they didn't really understand when the picnic was set up under the green leaves, when they were seated, or if they were sitting sideways or cross-legged. They ate heartily with the plane tree waving its branches above them.