Translation:Theorematis fundamentalis in doctrina de residuis quadraticis demonstrationes et ampliationes novae

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New Demonstrations and Extensions of the Fundamental Theorem of the Theory of Quadratic Residues (1817)
by Carl Friedrich Gauss, translated from Latin by Wikisource
4406390New Demonstrations and Extensions of the Fundamental Theorem of the Theory of Quadratic Residues1817Carl Friedrich Gauss

The fundamental theorem of quadratic residues, which is said to be among the most beautiful truths of higher arithmetic, was easily discovered by induction, but it is much more difficult to demonstrate. It often happens in this subject that the simplest truths, which offer themselves spontaneously to the inquirer by induction, have demonstrations which are hidden in the deepest depths, which can only be brought to light after many fruitless attempts, and quite possibly by a different path than that by which they were sought. Then, when at first one path has been discovered, it happens not infrequently that several more appear from time to time, with some being shorter and more direct, and others arising obliquely and from very different principles, which one would have thought to be nearly unrelated to the proposed question. Strange connections of this kind between abstruse truths not only give a certain charm to these contemplations, but also deserve to be diligently investigated and analyzed, because they frequently lead to new resources or advances in science.

Therefore, although the arithmetic theorem which is to be discussed here may seem to be fully completed by previous efforts, which provided four entirely different demonstrations[1], I nonetheless return again to the same theme, and add two more demonstrations, which will certainly shed new light on this matter. The first is in a certain way related to the third, as it proceeds from the same lemma; afterwards, however, it follows a different course, so that it can well be considered a new proof, whose elegance will be seen to be, if not superior, then at least not inferior to that of the third. On the other hand, the sixth demonstration is based on a completely different and more subtle principle and provides a new example of an astonishing connection between arithmetic truths that, at first glance, appear to be very far removed from each other. To these two demonstrations, a very simple new algorithm is added to determine whether a given integer is a quadratic residue modulo a given prime or not.

There was yet another reason, which prompted me to publish the new demonstrations at this particular moment, although they had been promised nine years ago. In 1805, when I began to investigate the theory of cubic and biquadratic residues, which is a much more difficult subject, I experienced almost the same fate as I once had in the theory of quadratic residues. Indeed, those theorems, which entirely exhaust these questions, and in which a remarkable analogy with the theorems pertaining to quadratic residues shines forth, were immediately discovered by induction as soon as a suitable approach had been found. However, all efforts to obtain them, with their demonstrations perfected in every aspect, remained fruitless for a long time. This was the incentive for me to add more and more demonstrations concerning quadratic residues to those already known, supported by the hope that among the many diverse methods, one or another might do something to reveal an analogous line of reasoning. This hope was by no means in vain, and tireless labor was finally followed by prosperous success. It will soon be possible to bring the fruits of this vigilance to public light; but before embarking on this arduous task, I decided to return once more to the theory of quadratic residues, to complete all that still remained of that agenda, and thus to bid farewell to this sublime part of arithmetic.





In the introduction, we have already stated that the fifth and third proof proceed from the same lemma. As a matter of convenience, it seems appropriate to repeat it in this place, with notation adapted to the present discussion.

Lemma. Let be a prime number (positive odd), and let be an integer not divisible by Consider the minimal positive residues of the numbers

modulo Some of these will be less than and some will be greater; let the multitude of the latter Then will be a quadratic residue or non-residue modulo depending on whether is even or odd.

Proof. Let those residues which are less than be denoted by etc., and let the rest, which are greater than be denoted by etc. The complements modulo of the latter, etc., will evidently all be less than and they will be distinct both among themselves and from the residues etc. Thus they will be identical, albeit in a different order, to the numbers So, if we set


and thus

Furthermore, we have

modulo so

Hence where the sign is positive if is even and negative if is odd. Therefore, with the help of the theorem proved in Disquisitiones Arithmeticae art. 106, the truth of the lemma is immediately apparent.



Theorem. Let be positive odd relatively prime integers, and let be the multitude of numbers in the sequence

whose minimal positive residues modulo are greater than Similarly, let be the multitude of numbers in the sequence

whose minimal positive residues modulo are greater than Then the three numbers will either be all even, or one will be even and the other two will be odd.

Proof. Let us denote

by the complex of numbers

by the complex of numbers

by the complex of numbers

by the complex of numbers

Thus will indicate how many numbers have their least positive residues modulo in the complex and similarly will indicate how many numbers have their least positive residues modulo in the complex Finally, let us denote

by the of numbers

by the complex of numbers

Since every integer not divisible by must be congruent, modulo to a residue from the complex or from the complex and similarly every integer not divisible by must be congruent to a residue from the complex or from the complex it follows that all the numbers among which obviously no one is divisible by both and can be distributed into eight classes in the following way.

I. In the first class there will be those numbers which are congruent to some number from modulo and congruent to some number from modulo We will denote the multitude of these numbers by
II. Numbers congruent to numbers from modulo respectively, the multitude of which we set
III. Numbers congruent to numbers from modulo respectively, the multitude of which we set
IV. Numbers congruent to numbers from modulo respectively, the multitude of which shall be
V. Numbers divisible by and congruent to one of the residues from modulo
VI. Numbers divisible by and congruent to one of the residues from modulo
VII. Numbers divisible by congruent to one of the residues from modulo
VIII. Numbers divisible by congruent to one of the residues from modulo

Clearly, classes V and VI taken together will include all of the numbers The multitude of numbers contained in VI will be and hence the multitude of numbers contained in V will be Similarly, classes VII and VIII taken together will contain all numbers in class VIII there will be numbers, and in class VII there will be

Similarly, all the numbers will be distributed into eight classes IX - XVI. If we maintain the same order, then it is easy to see that the numbers in the classes


are the complements modulo of the numbers in the classes


respectively, so that in class IX there will be numbers; in class X, there will be and so on. Now, it is clear that if all the numbers of the first class are joined with all the numbers of the ninth class, one will have all the numbers below which are congruent to some number from modulo , and to some number from modulo It is easily seen that the multitude of these is equal to the multitude of all combinations of one individual from and one individual from Therefore,

and by a similar argument

By joining all numbers of classes II, IV, VI, we will clearly have all numbers below which are congruent to some residue from modulo Moreover, these same numbers can also be presented as follows:

from which the total number of them will be or in other words we will have

Similarly, by joining the classes III, IV, VIII, it follows that

From this the following four equations arise:

each of which demonstrates the truth of the theorem.



If we now assume that and are prime numbers, the combination of the previous theorem with the lemma of article 1 immediately yields the fundamental theorem. For it is clear that,

I. Whenever one or both of is of the form the number will be even, and therefore and will either be both even or both odd, and thus either and are both quadratic residues modulo each other, or both are quadratic non-residues modulo each other.
II. Whenever are both of the form the number will be odd, hence one of the numbers will be even and the other odd, and therefore one of the numbers will be a quadratic residue modulo the other, and the other will be a quadratic non-residue modulo the one. Q. E. D.





Theorem. Let be a prime number (odd positive), let be a positive integer not divisible by and let be an indeterminate quantity. Then the function

will be divisible by

Proof. Let be a positive integer such that and let Then we have

and therefore the function is clearly integral. Q. E. D.

It follows that any integral function of which is divisible by will also be divisible by



Let denote a positive primitive root modulo i.e., let be a positive integer such that the minimal positive residues of the powers modulo are identical (without regard to order) to the numbers Furthermore, denoting the function

by it is clear that will be divisible by and therefore a fortiori by From this it follows, since is an indeterminate quantity, that will also be divisible by and consequently (by the previous article) also by as long as is an integer not divisible by Conversely, whenever is an integer divisible by each part of the function reduced by unity, will be divisible by Therefore in this case, will also be divisible by and consequently also by



Theorem. If we set

then will be divisible by if we take the upper sign whenever is of the form and the lower sign whenever is of the form

Proof. It can easily be seen that, of the functions

etc. up to

the first will be and each of the others will be divisible by Therefore, the sum of all these will also be divisible by This sum is

Therefore, this expression will also be divisible by Now among the exponents the only one divisible by will be and so by the previous article, the individual parts of the expression

except for the term will be divisible by It is therefore permissible to delete those parts, and the remaining function

will still be divisible by Above the sign will be positive or negative, depending on whether is of the form or And since is divisible by it follows that will also be divisible by Q.E.D.

To avoid any ambiguity from the double sign, we will denote by the number or according to whether is of the form or Therefore,

will be an integral function of which we will denote by



Let be a positive odd number, so that an integer. Then will be divisible by and therefore also by If we set and

then will be an integral function of and we will have whenever one of the numbers or both, is of the form on the other hand, we will have whenever both are of the form



Now, let us assume that is also a prime number (different from ). Then it is clear from the theorem proven in Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, art. 51, that

is divisible by or of the form where is an integral function of even with respect to its numerical coefficients (which also applies to the other integral functions occurring here, ). Let us denote by the index of the number with respect to the primitive root modulo i.e. let Then the numbers will be congruent to modulo and thus

will all be divisible by Taking these quantities alternately positively and negatively, and adding them all up, it is clear that the function

will be divisible by provided that the sign is taken to be positive or negative depending on whether is even or odd, i.e. depending on whether is a quadratic residue or non-residue modulo Therefore, let us set

where or depending on whether is a quadratic residue or non-residue modulo Then it is clear that will be an integral function.



Having made these preparations, we deduce by combining the preceding equations that

Suppose that upon dividing the function by

we obtain a quotient and remainder or in other words we have

where and are integral functions, even with respect to their numerical coefficients, and the degree of is lower than the divisor. Then we will have

which is obviously false unless the left member and the right member both vanish individually. Thus will be divisible by and also and therefore, because the number will be divisible by

Now if denotes a positive or negative unit, depending on whether is a quadratic residue or non-residue modulo then will be divisible by and therefore so will be which cannot happen unless Hence, the fundamental theorem follows automatically. Namely,

I. Whenever both or one of them alone, is of the form and consequently we will have and thererfore either is a quadratic residue mduloo and is simultaneously a quadratic residue modulo or is a quadratic non-residue modulo and simultaneously is a quadratic non-residue modulo
II. Whenever both are of the form and consequently we will have and therefore either is a quadratic residue modulo and simultaneously is a quadratic non-residue modulo or is a non-residue modulo and simultaneously is a residue modulo Q. E. D.

A new algorithm for determining whether a given positive integer is a quadratic residue or non-residue modulo a given prime.




Before we present a new solution to this problem, we will briefly repeat the solution given in Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, which was accomplished quite expediently with the help of the fundamental theorem and the following well-known theorems:

I. The relation of a number to a number (insofar as the former is a quadratic residue or non-residue modulo the latter) is the same as the relation of a number to if
II. If is a product of factors etc., and is a prime number, then the relation of to will depend on the relation of these factors to so that will be a quadratic residue or non-residue depending on whether there is an even or odd number of such factors which are quadratic non-residues modulo Thus, whenever any factor is a square, it will not be considered at all in this examination; and if any factor is a power of an integer with an odd exponent, it can be replaced with that integer instead.
III. The number 2 is a quadratic residue modulo any prime number of the form or and a non-residue modulo any prime number of the form or

Therefore, given a number whose relation to the prime number is sought, we first substitute the minimal positive residue of modulo in place of Then, after resolving this residue into its prime factors, the problem is reduced by theorem II to the determination of the relations of each of these factors to The relation of the factor 2 (if it is present an odd number of times) to is known by theorem III. The relations of the remaining factors to known by the fundamental theorem. Thus instead of the relation of the given number to the prime number we must now investigate the relations of to certain other odd primes smaller than , and these problems will be reduced in the same way to smaller moduli, and it is clear that these successive reductions will eventually be exhausted.



To illustrate this solution by an example, let us seek the relation of the number to Since is already less than and is itself a prime number, the fundamental theorem must be applied immediately, which tells us that the relation we seek is the opposite of the relation of the number to This in turn is equal to the relation of the number to which depends on the relations of the numbers to The first of these relations is revealed by theorem III. The second, by the fundamental theorem, depends on the relation of the number to which by theorem I is equal to the relation of the number to this, in turn, by the fundamental theorem, depends on the relation of the number to which by theorem I is equal the relation of the number to which is known by theorem III. Likewise, the relation of the number to depends, by the fundamental theorem, on the relation of the number to which by theorem I is equal to the relation of the number to this, in turn, by the fundamental theorem, depends on the relation of the number to which is equal, by theorem I, to the relation of the number to which is known by theorem III. If one prefers to transform this analysis into a synthesis, the decision of the question will be referred to the fourteen points, which we present here in full, so that the greater concision of the new solution may be the more clearly understood.

  1. The number is a quadratic residue modulo (theorem III).
  2. The number is a quadratic non-residue modulo (theorem III).
  3. The number is a quadratic non-residue modulo (by 1 and 2).
  4. The number is a quadratic non-residue modulo (fund. theorem and 3).
  5. The number is a quadratic non-residue modulo (1 and 4).
  6. The number is a quadratic non-residue modulo (fund. theorem and 5).
  7. The number is a quadratic non-residue modulo (theorem III).
  8. The number is a quadratic non-residue modulo (1 and 7).
  9. The number is a quadratic non-residue modulo (fund. theorem and 8).
  10. The number is a quadratic non-residue modulo (1 and 9).
  11. The number is a quadratic residue modulo (fund. theorem and 10).
  12. The number is a quadratic non-residue modulo (II, 1, 6, 11).
  13. The number is a quadratic non-residue modulo (1 and 12).
  14. The number is a quadratic residue modulo (fund. theorem and 13).

In the following, for the sake of brevity, we will use the notation introduced in Comment. Gotting. Vol. XVI. Namely, by we will denote the quantity itself, if is an integer, or the greatest integer smaller than if is a fractional quantity, so that is always a non-negative quantity less than unity.



Problem. If and are positive integers which are relatively prime to each other, and evaluate the sum

Solution. For the sake of brevity, let us denote the sum in question by so that

if we set It was shown in the demonstration of the third fundamental theorem that in the case where and are both odd, we have

As we already mentioned there, the truth of this proposition can also be extended to the case where only one of the numbers is odd, by following the same method. Let be divided by in a manner analogous to the method by which the greatest common divisor of two integers is investigated, let be the quotient, and let be the remainder; then divide by and so on in a similar manner, so as to obtain equations

In this way, through a series of continually decreasing numbers etc., we shall eventually arive at unity, since by hypothesis and are coprime. Then the final equation will be

We clearly have

etc., so

and therefore

By similar reasoning, if we set etc., then

etc. up to

Therefore, since it is obvious that we obtain the formula



It is easily concluded from what was set forth in the third proof, that the relation of the number to whenever is a prime number, is automatically known from the value of the sum Namely, will be a quadratic residue or non-residue modulo according to whether this sum is an even or odd number. The sum itself can be used for the same purpose, but with the restriction that the case where is odd must be distinguished from the case where it is even. Specifically,

I. Whenever is odd, will be a quadratic residue or non-residue modulo depending on whether is even or odd.
II. Whenever is even, the same rule will hold, if in addition is of the form or of the form If however, for an even value of the modulus is of the form or the opposite rule must be applied, namely that will be a quadratic residue modulo if is odd, but it will be a non-residue if is even.

All of this is very easily derived from article 4 of the third proof.



Example. If the ratio of the number 103 to the prime number 379 is sought, then to find the sum we first compute


and thus is a quadratic residue modulo If we want to use the sum for the same purpose, we have the following pattern,

from which we deduce

and thus 103 is a quadratic residue modulo 379.



Since in order to determine the relation of to it is not necessary to compute each part of the aggregate but rather it is sufficient to know how many of them are odd, our rule can also be expressed as follows:

Let etc., until the series of numbers etc. reaches unity. Set etc., and let be the multitude of odd numbers in the series etc. which are immediately followed by an odd number; further, let be the multitude of odd numbers in the series etc., such that the corresponding number in the series etc. is of the form or With this being done, will be a quadratic residue or non-residue modulo depending on whether is even or odd, except in the case where is even and is of the form or in which case the opposite rule holds.

In our example, the sequence has two consecutive pairs of odd numbers, hence and in the series there are two odd numbers, but the corresponding numbers in are of the form hence Therefore, is even, and it follows that 103 is a quadratic residue modulo 379.

  1. Two have been set forth in the Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, Sections four and five; the third in a separate treatise (Commentt. Soc. Gotting. Vol. XVI), the fourth is included in the treatise: Summation of certain singular series (Commentt. Recentiores, Vol. I).