Treaty of Edinburgh

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Treaty of Edinburgh also know as the treaty of Leith[1][2]
The plenipotentiaries of the high powers who signed the treaty

This treaty, concluded on, 6 July 1560, is in Latin and what is presented here is a translation. It was a treaty between Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland, and King Francis II of France and Mary Queen of Scots.

1315278Treaty of Edinburgh also know as the treaty of Leith[1][2]The plenipotentiaries of the high powers who signed the treaty

Articles I and II: [The treaty of Cambray is confirmed].

III, It is appointed, agreed, and concluded, That all the military forces pertaining to either party by sea or land, shall depart out of Scotland, after the manner, and upon the terms, as mail be agreed by particular articles, signed and sealed by the respective commissioners; such a certain number of French soldiers excepted, as shall be condescended upon by the commissioners of France, and the lords of Scotland, to remain in the castle of Dunbar, and fort of Inch-keith.

IV, It is appointed, agreed, and concluded, That all manner of warlike preparations in England and Ireland against the French or Scots; and in France against the English, Irish, or Scots, shall hereafter cease: So that no ships having on board any soldiers or warlike instruments, or preparations for war, shall be allowed to pass from England or Ireland, or from any other part, into France or Scotland, by and with the consent of Elizabeth queen of England; nor from France, nor any other part, to England, Ireland, or Scotland, by and with the consent of Francis and Mary king and queen of France and Scotland.

V, Seeing in the forementioned treaty of Cambray, it was agreed and concluded, That the fort built at Aymouth in the kingdom of Scotland, should have been demolished within three months after the date of the said treaty, razed to the ground, and nothing ever thereafter to have been built there: And although the said fort be in some sort demolished, yet not so as was agreed upon; therefore it is now appointed, agreed, and concluded, That the said fort of Aymouth shall be utterly demolished and razed before the end of four days, after the demolition of Leith shall begin. And in the demolishing of the said fort, such Scottish men as shall be deputed thereunto by the commissioners, shall be at freedom to make use of the labour of English pioneers.

VI, Seeing the kingdoms of England and Ireland do, by right, pertain to the most serene lady and princess Elizabeth; upon which account it is not lawful for any other persons to call, write, name, or entitle themselves, nor yet to order themselves to be called, written, named, or entitled king and queen of England or Ireland, nor to use or take to themselves the ensign's armorial, or arms of the kingdom of England or Ireland: Therefore it is appointed, agreed, and concluded, That the said most Christian king and Queen Mary, and both of them, shall in all times coming, abstain from using and bearing the said title and arms of the kingdom of England or Ireland, and shall strictly prohibit and forbid their subjects in France and Scotland, and the provinces thereof, from using the said title and arms any manner of way; and shall likewise prohibit and take care, so far as in them lies, that no person quarter the said ensigns armorial with the arms of the kingdoms of France or Scotland. And if there be any public letters or writings which carry in them the title of the kingdoms of England or Ireland, or be sealed with the seal of the said kingdoms, or either of them; the fame shall be renewed, without the abjection of the title and arms of England and Ireland; and all letters and writings containing the said title, or sealed with the seals of the said arms, which shall not be renewed within six months after the publication of this present treaty, shall be void, and of no avail. Finally, they shall take care, so far as they can, that in the said kingdoms of France and Scotland, the said arms be no where extant, seen, or found mixed with the arms of the said king or Queen Mary; and that the said title be no where extant, seen or found ascribed to the said king or Queen Mary.

VII, Whereas the commissioners of the most serene Queen Elizabeth did require, that the foregoing caution and provision contained in the close of the article immediately proceeding, should be published by open proclamation; and did likewise insist on a further compensation and reparation for the injuries which they alleged were done to the said most serene Queen Elizabeth, by the said most serene king and Queen Mary: And whereas the commissioners of France, after having replied sundry things in answer thereunto, did farther add, that they had no authority to treat or conclude any thing concerning these particulars; and if they should wait until a return shall come from France, not only would there arise from thence a great loss of time; but moreover strong impediments may come in the way of completing the present treaty of peace and amity: therefore it is appointed, agreed and concluded, that the disceptation concerning the above demands, namely, concerning the publication of the foresaid caution, and concerning a farther reparation, shall be remitted to another meeting at London between the said commissioners of both parties, to be assembled as quickly as conveniently may be. And if nothing can be got concluded, concerning the said disceptation, before the end of three months, to be reckoned from the date of the present treaty 5 in that case, the said disceptation shall, by consent of both parties, be referred to the arbitration of the most mighty prince Philip the Catholic King of Spain, to whose sentence and award both parties shall stand. And if the said Catholic King shall not find it convenient for him to pronounce a final decree in writing, concerning these matters, within a year after the aforesaid three months are elapsed, excepting still if the term shall not chance to be prolonged by consent of both parties; whether there be no such prolongation of the time, or the said Catholic King do not put an end to the said disceptation within the time so prolonged: in either of these cases, the said most serene Queen Elizabeth's right of suing for these things shall be reserved entire to her, in the same state and condition it was in before the commencement of this treaty.

VIII, Seeing it hath pleased Almighty God, in whose hands are the hearts of kings, so to incline the minds of the said most Christian king and Queen Mary, that they have largely manifested their clemency and benignity towards their nobility and people of their kingdom of Scotland, and that reciprocally the said nobility and people have willingly, and of their own accord, acknowledged, professed, and promised all duty and obedience to the said most Christian king and queen their sovereigns: For the better preservation, cherishing, and continuance whereof, the said most Christian king and queen have, by their said commissioners, granted their assent to certain supplicatory petitions presented by the said nobility and people to the said king and queen, tending to the honour of the said king and queen, to the public benefit of the said kingdom, and to the continuation of their obedience. And the said most Christian king and queen being desirous to have their said benignity towards their said subjects attributed to the good offices of the (aid. most serene Queen Elizabeth, their most dear sister and confederate, at whose intercession and request the said king and queen have been more propensity moved hereunto; therefore it is agreed between the foresaid commissioners of both parties, That the said most Christian king and Queen Mary shall fulfil all those things which, by their said commissioners, they have granted to the said nobility and people of Scotland at Edinburgh the sixth Day of July, in this present year 1560, provided the said nobility and people of Scotland shall fulfil and observe all those things that are contained in the said articles and conventions to tie performed on their part.

IX, In this treaty of peace and amity is comprehended, on the part of the said most serene princes Francis the most Christian king of France and Queen Mary, as likewise on the part of the most serene Elizabeth queen of England, the most potent prince Philip the Catholic king of Spain, conformable to the force and effect of treaties subsisting between the said kings and queens, their kingdoms, territories, countries, and dominions.

X, It is appointed, agreed, and concluded, That this present treaty, with all, and several, the conventions and contents thereof, shall be ratified and confirmed by the said most mighty and illustrious Francis and Mary, and Elizabeth, and each of them, within the space of sixty days after the date of this treaty, and shall be turned by them into letters patents, with their great seals appended, and their proper manual subscriptions adjoined: And the said princes, and each of them shall deliver the said confirmatory authentic letters, so subscribed and sealed, to the commissioner or commissioners of the other prince, having authority to this effect.

XI, It is appointed, agreed, and concluded, That the said most illustrious and most mighty princes, Francis and Mary, and Elizabeth, and every of them, shall in the presence of the commissioner or commissioners of the other prince, having sufficient authority for this effect, if required by him or them, promise on their royal word, and swear upon God's holy gospel; and every of them shall so swear, that they shall truly, inviolably, and in good faith, observe, for their part, all, and every, the articles, conventions, provisions, and facts, comprehended in this present league and treaty.

Here follows the tenon of the commissions

In faith and testimony of all which and singular the premisses, we the aforesaid commissioners and ambassadors have caused these letters patents subscribed with our hands, to be fortified and corroborated by our seals.

These things were done at Edinburgh within the said kingdom of Scotland, the 6th day of July, 1560.

J. Monlucius Epìscopus Valentinus.
J. Randan.
W. Cecil.
N. Wotton.


  1. Stuart, Gilbert (1805). The History of the establishment of the reformation of religion in Scotland. Edinburgh: Robert Allan. pp. 378–386. 
  2. Guthrie, William (1780). A general history of Scotland from the earliest accounts to the present time 6. J. Murray. p. 130–133.