Tropical Diseases/Index

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3694740Tropical Diseases — IndexPatrick Manson



  • Abdominal diseases, 456
  • Abscess of liver, 573
    • adhesions in, 581
    • amœbæ in, 582, 584
    • area of dullness in, 591
    • diagnosis of, 596
      • from malaria, 597
    • discharging into serous cavity, treatment of, 608
      • through lung, treatment of, 607
    • duration of, 593
    • encystment in, 583
    • etiology of, 575
      • age, and length of residence, 580
      • predisposing conditions, 578
      • race, sex, and climate, 577
      • supplementary causes, 579
    • geographical distribution of, 573
    • malaria and, 580
    • micro-organisms in, 582, 584
    • mistaken for malaria, 597
    • morbid anatomy of, 580
    • mortality of. 596
    • pathology of, 584
    • periodicity of fever in, diagnosis of, from malaria, 114
    • pulmonary inflammation in, 581
    • pyogenic organisms in, 582
    • relation of, to dysentery, 575
    • rupture, of 594
      • into bowel, 595
      • into lung, 594
      • into pericardium, 595
      • into peritoneum, 595
      • into pleura, 595
      • into stomach, 595
      • through skin, 596
    • symptoms of, 586
    • terminations of, 593
    • treatment of, 599
        • by aspiration, 599
        • operative, 601
          • author's method, 603
          • prognosis in, 608
      • postoperative, 606
  • Acanthia lectularia, 235
  • Acanthocheilonema perstans, 735
  • Acarina, 245
  • Accès pernicieux, 73
  • Ackee poisoning, 909
  • Adeleidæ, 940
  • Adenitis, non-venereal, 914
  • Adrenalin in amœbic dysentery and liver abscess, 541
  • Adynamic remittent malarial fever, 73
  • Ague, atypical, 56
    • fit in malarial fever, 53
          • relation of, to stages of parasite, 57
    • types of, 56
    • (see also Malaria)
  • Ainhum, 919
    • symptoms of, 920
    • treatment of, 922
  • Aino, 197
  • Aka mushi, 315
  • Alpine scurvy, 437
  • Amblyopia, malarial, 75
      • diagnosed from quinine amblyopia, 76
  • Amœba coli, 511, 514, 517 (footnote), 519, (footnote), 550, 927, 928
    • diaphana, 517 (footnote)
    • guttula, 517 (footnote)
    • histolytica, 504, 511, 512, 517 (footnote), 518, 529, 927, 928
    • limax, 928
    • oblonga, 517 (footnote)
    • proteus, 517 (footnote)
    • rectularis, 517 (footnote)
    • terricola, 928
    • tetragena (see Amœba histolytica)
    • vermicularis, 517 (footnote)
    • (see also Dysentery)
  • Amœbæ, method of isolating, from stools, 515
    • methods of staining, 529
  • Amphistomum hominis, 845
    • watsoni, 844
  • Anæmia, endemic, 816
  • Anakhre. 915
  • Anaplasma centrale, 947
    • marginale, 198, 947
  • Anchylostomum (see Ankylostomum)
  • Anguillula intestinalis, 550, 839
    • stercoralis, 839
  • Animal parasites and associated diseases, 679
  • Ankylostomiasis, 824
    • campaign against, in United States, 834 (footnote)
    • convalescence in, 833
    • diagnosis of, 828
    • history of, 824
    • pathological anatomy and pathology of, 829
    • prophylaxis of, 833
    • symptoms of, 826
    • treatment of, 830
  • Ankylostomum braziliense, 824
    • ceylanicum, 824
    • dermatitis, 835
    • duodenale, 816
      • description of, 817
      • examination of faeces for ova of, 810
      • geographical distribution of, 816
      • nomenclature of, 816
      • ova of, 810, 818
      • reproduction and mode of infection of, 818
  • Anopheles, generic characters of, 148
    • maculipennis, 20
    • species of, that foster malaria parasites, 152
    • subgenera of, 150
  • Anophelini, characters of, 147
  • Anti-choleraic inoculation, 482
  • Anti-hookworm campaign, 834 (footnote)
  • Anti-typhoid inoculation, 378
  • Antimony in trypanosomiasis, 180
    • in ulcerating granuloma of pudenda, 678
  • Aphthae tropicse, 549
  • Argas, 228
    • miniatus, 235, 246, 247, 249
    • persicus, 235, 246, 249
  • Argasidae, 246
  • Ascaris lumbricoides, 812
      • mode of infection of, 812
      • ova of, in faeces, 808, 810
      • symptoms of, 813
      • treatment of, 815
    • trichiura, 811
  • Aspergillus bouffardi, 878
    • flavescens, 445
    • fumigatus, 444, 445
    • in pinta, 893
    • nidulans, 878
    • varians, 445
  • Asturian leprosy, 437
    • rose, 437
  • Athene noctua, 932, 946
  • Atoxyl in kala-azar. 217
    • in pellagra, 455
    • in relapsing fever, 243
    • in trypanosomiasis, 179, 188
  • Atypical agues, 56
  • Auchmeromyia luteola, 905


  • Babesia bigemina, 246, 294
    • bovis, 31, 946
    • canis, 31, 246
    • oyis, 246
  • Babesiae, transmission of, 31
  • Bacillus coli, action of, on maize, 443
    • dysenteries, 504, 505
      • and allied organisms, cultural characters of, 507, 509
      • method of isolating, from stools, 530
    • lepræ, characters of, 631
      • discovery of, 613
      • distinguished from tubercle bacillus, 632
      • experimental inoculation with, 640
      • in nasal mucous membrane, 617
      • staining of, 632
      • theories concerning, 634
    • of cholera (see Cholera, germ of)
    • "pellagrae," 445
    • pestis, characters of, 323
      • culture of, 324
      • discovery of, 323
      • extracorporeal, vitality of, 344 (footnote)
      • modifications of virulence of, 325
    • pyocyaneus in dysentery, 504, 508
    • typhosus, 378, 506
  • Bacterium coli commune in abscess of liver, 583, 584
        • in dysentery, 505
      • dysenteriæ, 505
    • cuenoti, 234
    • "maydis," 444
  • Bagdad boil, 219
  • Balantidium coli, 504, 523, 949
  • Balfour's infective granule, 231
  • Barbeiro, 192
  • Barbiers, 407
  • Bass's method of cultivating malaria parasite, 48
  • Bengalia depressa, 905
  • Beriberi, 407
    • age and, 418
    • asylum, 420
    • cardiac attacks in, 417
    • cholesterin and, 428 (footnote)
    • classification of, 418
    • climatic conditions and, 418
    • diagnosis of, 427
    • dropsical cases of, 412
    • erroneous diagnoses of, 415
    • etiology of, 418
    • geographical distribution of, 407
    • heart and circulation in, 411
    • history of, 407
    • mixed paraplegic and dropsical cases of, 414
    • mode of death in, 242
    • morbid anatomy of, 424
    • mortality of, 427
    • occupation and, 418
    • overcrowding and, 419
    • paraplegic cases of, 409
    • pathology of, 424
    • prognosis of, 426
    • sex and, 418
    • ship, 419
    • symptoms of, 408
    • treatment of, 428
    • uncertain course of, 416
    • vitamine and, 424
  • Bicho, 544
  • Big heel, 922
  • Bile-sickness, 198
  • Bilharziosis (see Haematuria, endemic)
  • Biliary cirrhosis, infantile, 609
  • Bilious remittent malaria, diagnosis of, from yellow fever, 115
      • malarial fever, 72
  • Black sickness (see Kala-azar)
    • spores, 103
    • vomit in yellow fever, 262
  • Blackwater fever, 275
      • "chrome cells" in, 284 (footnote)
      • diagnosis of, 287
      • distribution of, 275, 277
      • epidemiology of, 278
      • etiology of, 280
      • incubation period of, 284
      • length of residence and, 279
      • malarial theory of, 280
      • mortality of, 287
      • post-mortem appearances of, 287
      • predisposing causes of, 278
      • prophylaxis of, 291
      • quinine theory of, 282
      • seasonal prevalence of, 277
      • specific theory of, 283
      • symptoms of, 285
      • treatment of, 288
  • Blastomycosis, 882
    • diagnosis of. 883
    • forms of, 883
    • treatment of, 884
  • Blood films, preparation of, 32, 42
    • in malaria, 81
      • microscopical examination of, 32
  • Bodo, 928
  • Boils, 867
    • treatment of, 868
  • Borax-methylene blue stain, 43
  • Bordet-Gengou reaction in cholera, 488
  • Bothriocephalus liguloides, 790
    • mansoni, 790
  • Bouffard's black mycetorna, 878
    • white mycetoma, 880
  • Bouton d'Orient, 219
  • Brassy bodies, 65
  • Breakbone fever, 293
  • Brumpt's white mycetoma, 879
  • Bubas Braziliana (see Leishmaniasis Americana)
  • Bulinus contortus, 745
    • dybowski, 745
    • innesi, 745
  • Burdwan fever, 203
  • Burri's indian-ink method, 231


  • Calabar swellings, 786
  • Calliphora vomitoria, 860 (figure)
  • Calymmatobacterium granulomatis, 674
  • Carbol-thionin stain, 43
  • Cardiac degeneration in malaria, 98
  • Caribi, 544
  • Catoblepas gnu, 196
  • Ceratophyllus fasciatus, 332 (footnote), 931, 936
  • Ceratopogon, 449
  • Cercomonas, 928
  • Cercopithecus, 178
  • Cerebral capillaries, embolism of, in malaria, 74
  • Cestodes, 851
    • affections due to, 851
  • Ceylon sore mouth, 549
  • Chappa, 913
  • Chaulmoogra oil in leprosy. 646
  • Cheiracanthus siamensis, 843
  • Cheironomidae, 146, 449, 934
  • Chigger, 896
  • Chlamydozoa, 950
  • Cholera, 456
    • algide stage of, 471
    • ambulatory, 473
    • carriers, 488
    • diagnosis of, 477
      • bacteriological, 478
    • epidemiology of, 456
    • etiology of, 457
    • geographical distribution of, 456
    • germ of, 462
      • detection of, in stools, 478
      • variability of. 468
    • history of, 456
    • hyperpyrexia in, 474
    • immunity from, 458
    • incubation period of, 481
    • isolation in, 458
    • local conditions favouring, 459
    • morbid anatomy of, 474
    • mortality of, 479
    • pathology of, 474
    • personal prophylaxis of, 484
    • precautions in, 488
    • quarantine prevention of, 479
    • reaction, stage of, 472
    • sequelæ of, 474
    • sicca, 473
    • symptoms of, 470
    • treatment of, 485
    • typhoid, 472
    • water-borne, 459
  • Choleraic form of algide malarial fever, 75
  • Cholerine, 473
  • Cholesterin, and beriberi, 428 (footnote)
  • "Chrome cells" in blackwater fever, 284 (footnote)
  • Chrysomyia macellaria, 901
  • Chrysops dimidiata, 782
    • silacea, 782
  • Chylous diarrhoea, 734
    • dropsy, 734
  • Chyluria, 718
    • causes of, 720
    • pathology of, 718
    • symptoms of, 718
    • treatment of, 720
  • Ciliata, 949
  • Cimex boueti, 191 (footnote)
    • lectularius, 191 (footnote)
    • rotundatus, 221 (footnote), 936
  • Cirrhosis, infantile biliary, 609
  • Citellus beechyi, 331
    • columbianus, 313
  • Cladorchis watsoni, 844
  • Clarias angolensis, 201 (footnote)
  • Climatic bubo, 914
  • Clonorchis endemicus, 801, 804
    • sinensis, 801
    • ova of, in faeces, 803
  • Clou de Gafsa, 219
  • Cnidosporidia, 948
  • Coccidia, 940
  • Coccidium schubergi, 940, 942
  • Coenogonimus heterophyes, 848
  • Coko, 652
  • Coma, malarial, 74
  • Comma bacillus, 462
  • Conradi-Drygalski medium, com-
    • position of, 530 (footnote)
  • Cordylobia anthropophaga, 904
  • Corethrinse, 148
  • Cotylogonimus heterophyes, 848
  • Craw-craw, 911
    • etiology of, 911
    • symptoms of, 912
    • treatment of, 913
  • Cristispira balbiani, 950
  • Crithidia, 934, 936
  • Cryptococcus xanthqgenicus, 254
  • Ctenocephalus canis, 211, 334, 931
  • Ctenodactylus gondii, 945
  • Ctenopsylla musculi, 332 (footnote)
  • Culex albopunctatus, 153
    • fatigans, 102, 141 (figure), 142 (figure)
      • and dengue, 295
      • and Filaria bancrofti, 687, 690
    • penicillaris, 153
    • pipiens, 152 (figure), 153
    • pulchritarsis, 153
    • vexans, 153
  • Culicidee, 137
    • sub-families of, 146
  • Culicinse, 147, 148, 274
  • Culicini, 147
  • Culicoides, 449


  • Danysz's bacillus, 354
  • Davainea asiatica, 859
    • madagascariensis, 857
      • characters of, 857
      • distribution of, geographical, 857
        • zoological, 857
      • history of, 857
      • pathogenesis of, 858
  • Delhi boil, 219
  • Dengue, 293
    • defervescence in, 297
    • desquamation in, 299
    • diagnosis of, 302
    • eruption of, 298
    • etiology of, 294
    • geographical distribution of, 293
    • germ of, 294
    • incubation period of, 296
    • initial fever and eruption in, 296
    • meteorological conditions and, 295
    • mode of spread of, 293
    • morbid anatomy of, 302
    • mortality of, 301
    • relapses in, 301
    • rheumatoid pains in, 300
    • symptoms of, 296
    • terminal fever and eruption in, 298
    • treatment of, 302
    • variability of epidemic type of, 301
  • Dermacentor andersoni (see Dermacentor venustus)
    • maturatus, 313
    • occidentalis, 313 (footnote)
    • reticulatus, 246, 313 (footnote)
  • Dermacentor venustus, 310, 313, 314
  • Dermatobia cyaniventris, 903
  • Dermatophilidse, 360
  • Dermatophilus penetrans, 896
  • Dermatose parasitaire, 912
  • Dermotagra, 437
  • Dhobie's itch, 884
      • diagnosis of, 886
      • prophylaxis of, 886
      • treatment of, 887
  • Diarrhœa alba, 549
    • hill, 546
  • Dibothriocephalus latus, 852
  • Dibothrium mansoni, 790
  • Dicrocælium buski, 846
    • heterophyes, 848
    • lanceatum, 848
  • Dionisi's discovery of malaria
    • parasites in bats, 30
  • Diplacanthus nanus, 854
  • Diplodia zeae, 445
  • Diplogonoporus grandis, 852
  • Dirofilaria immitis, 696, 699, 702
  • Discomyces bovis, 877
    • maduræ, 878
  • Disease of the Landes, 437
  • Distoma buski, 846
    • conjunctum, 801
    • heterophyes, 848
    • innocuum, 801
    • japonicum, 801, 804
    • pulmonale, 794
    • pulmonis, 794
    • rathouisi, 846'
    • ringeri, 794
    • sinense, 801
    • spathulatum, 801
    • westermani, 794
  • Dochmius duodenalis, 816
  • Double continued fever, 386
  • Dourine, 197
  • Dracunculus medinensis, 766, 772
      • characters of, 767
      • geographical distribution of, 766
      • habits of, 768
      • larva of, 771
      • mode of infection of, 773
      • oculi, 776
      • persarum, 766
  • Dropsy, epidemic, 433
      • etiology of, 434
      • geographical distribution of, 433
      • morbid anatomy of, 436
      • symptoms of, 435
      • treatment of, 436
  • Dum-dum fever, 203
  • Dysenteric form of algide malaria] fever, 7?
          • treatment of, 129
  • Dysentery, 490
    • age and, 527
    • amoebic, 510
      • distinguished from bacillary, 523, 527
    • pathology of, 520
    • treatment of, 533
    • and liver abscess, connection between, 575
    • anomalous types of, 495
    • appendicitis in, 497
    • bacillary, 504, 505
      • distinguished from amœbic, 523, 527
      • pathology of, 508
      • treatment of, 535
    • balantidium, 504
      • treatment of, 525
    • catarrhal, morbid anatomy of, 488
      • symptoms of, 492
    • chronic, lesions in, 502
      • symptoms of, 494
      • treatment of, 539
      • surgical, 541
    • classification of, according to parasite, 504
    • constipation after, treatment of, 542
    • diagnosis of, 527
    • epidemic, 505
    • etiology of, 503
    • food and clothing in, 542
    • fulminating, morbid anatomy of, 500
      • symptoms of, 493
    • gangrenous, morbid anatomy of, 499
      • symptoms of, 496
    • geographical distribution of, 490
    • germs of, 504
      • capacity of, for latency, 527
      • how carried, 525, 526
    • hæmorrhage in, 496
    • healing process in, 502
    • hepatitis in, 497
      • treatment of, 543
    • intussusception in, 497
    • kala-azar, 504
    • liver and mesenteric glands
    • in, 503
    • malarial, 504
      • treatment of, 532
    • morbid anatomy of, 498
    • mortality of, 497
    • occupation and, 527
    • perforation in, 496
    • polypoid growth in, 503
    • predisposing causes of, 527
    • primary lesion in, 501
    • prophylaxis of, 543
    • protozoal, 504
    • recurring, 494
    • relapsing, 494
    • relation of abscess of liver to, 575
    • scorbutic, treatment of, 532
    • sequelæ of, 497
  • Dysentery, sex and, 527
    • sprue secondary to, 555
    • symptoms of, 491
    • tetragena cysts in, 519
    • treatment of, 531
      • by antiserum, 538
      • by aperient sulphates, 535
      • by bismuth and opium, 536
      • by calomel, 536
      • by cinnamon, 537
      • by emetine, 534, 540
      • bismuth iodide, 540
      • by intestinal antiseptics, 537
      • by ipecacuanha, 533
      • by kho-sam, 537
      • by Monsonia ovata, 537
      • by simaruba, 536
      • food in, 532
      • rest in, 531
    • types of, 504
    • ulcerative, morbid anatomy of, 499
      • symptoms of, 493
    • verminous, 504


  • Echinococcus granulosus, 852
  • Echinostomum ilocanum, 850
    • malayanum, 851
  • Eimeriidea, 940
  • Eimeriinea, 940
  • El becho, 544
  • Elephantiasis, 721
    • græcorum (see Leprosy)
    • of arms, 730
    • of legs, 723
      • Handley's operation for, 724
      • Kondoleon's operation for, 725
      • Lanz's operation for, 725
    • of limited skin areas, 733
    • of scrotum, 725
      • anatomical characters of, 726
      • treatment of, 727
    • of vulva and mammæ, 730
    • pathology of, 706
    • sequence of events in, 709
  • Elephantoid fever, 711
  • Embolism of cerebral capillaries in malaria, 74
  • Emetine bismuth iodide in dysentery, chronic, 540
    • hydrochloride in dysentery, acute, 534
        • chronic, 540
  • Endemic glandular fever, 390
    • hæmaturia (see Hæmaturia, endemic)
    • hæmoptysis (see Hæmoptysis, endemic)
  • Endemic hypertrophy of os calcis, 922
  • Endermophyton concentricum, 890
    • indicum, 890
  • Entamoeba (see Amœba)
  • Eosin-azur stain, 45
  • Epidemic dropsy, 433
      • etiology of, 434
      • geographical distribution of, 433
      • history of, 433
      • morbid anatomy of, 436
      • symptoms of, 435
      • treatment of, 436
    • gangrenous rectitis, 544
  • Eriocheir japonica, 798
  • Espundia, 225
  • Eugregarinae, 939


  • Faeces, examination of, for ova of intestinal parasites, 808
  • Famine fever, 228
  • Fannia canicularis, 860
    • scalaris, 860
  • Fasciola hepatica, ova of, in faeces, 808
    • lanceolata, 848
  • Fascioletta ilocana, 850
  • Fasciolopsis buski, 846
    • ova of, in faeces, 808, 847
    • rathouisi, 847
  • Febris recurrens, 228
    • undulans (see Undulant fever)
  • Fever, double continued, 386
    • endemic glandular, 390
    • hyperpyrexial, 388
    • low, 385
  • McCarrison's, 304
    • non-malarial remittent, 385
    • of Indian ports, seven-days', 389
    • pseudo-typhus of Deli, 390
    • simple continued, 385
  • Fevers, tropical, imperfectly differentiated, 384
        • classification of, 384
        • diagnosis of, 390
        • treatment of, 391
  • Filaria bancrofti and Culex fatigans, 687, 690
      • dimensions of, 741
      • discovery of, 679
      • female, 701
      • geographical distribution of, 681
      • male, 701
    • bourgi, 776, 785
    • demarquaii, 680
    • diurna, 680, 776
    • dracunculus, 766
    • equina, 777, 783
    • immitis, 103
    • labiato-papillosa, 783
    • loa, 776
    • magalhaesi, 680, 741
    • medinensis, 766
    • nocturna, 680, 681
    • oculi, 776
    • ozzardi, 680, 738, 741
    • perstans, 176, 680
      • characters of, 735
      • geographical range of, 735
      • life-history of, 736
      • presence of, in sleeping sickness, 176
    • philippensis, 690
    • sanguinis hominis, 679, 681
    • sheath of, purpose of, 699
    • subconjunctivalis, 776
    • volvulus, 787
    • wüchereri, 681

(see also Microfllaria)

  • Filariae, metamorphosis of, in mosquito, 698
    • parental forms of, 700
    • table of dimensions of, 741
  • Filarial abscess, 710
    • diseases, enumeration of, 710
    • prophylaxis of, 734
    • orchitis, 721
    • periodicity, 685
    • synovitis, 721
  • Pilariasis, 679
    • history of, 679
    • morbid anatomy and pathology of, 703
      • prophylaxis of, 734
    • varieties of, 710
  • Fixation-of-complement reaction in cholera, 488
  • Flagella of malaria parasite, 8, 16, 28
  • Flagellata, 928
  • Flagellated body in malarial blood, 37
      • staining of, 46
  • Flea, rat (see Rat flea)
  • Fleas, characters of, 359
    • synopsis of, 360
  • Flema salada, 437
  • Framboesia, 652
  • Fucellia, 212
  • Fungous skin diseases, 871
  • Furunculosis, 867


  • Galziekte, 198
  • Gametes, 28, 926
  • Gametocytes, 28, 926
  • Gangosa, 662
  • Gangrenous rectitis, epidemic, 544
  • Gastric form of algide malarial fever, 75
  • Gastrodiscoides hominis, 845
  • General diseases of undetermined nature, 407
  • Giemsa's stain, 45
  • Gigantorhynchus moniliformis, 807
  • Glossina brevipalpis, distribution of, 199
    • caliginea, distribution of, 199
    • development of trypanosomes in, 933
    • fusca, 196
      • distribution of, 199
    • longipalpis, development of trypanosomes in, 932
      • distribution of, 199
    • longipennis, 197
      • distribution of, 199
    • morsitans, 156, 168, 185, 186, 187, 188, 196
      • development of trypanosomes in, 932
      • distribution of, 199
    • pallicera, distribution of, 199
    • pallidipes, 196
      • distribution of, 199
    • palpalis as transmitter of
    • trypanosomiasis, 155, 162, 164, 168, 182, 185, 186, 187, 202
      • development of Trypanosoma gambiense in 932, 933
      • digestive tract of, 165
      • distribution of, 199
    • tachinoides, development of trypanosomes in, 932
      • distribution of, 199
  • Glossinæ, 198, 932
  • Austen's classification of, 200
    • distribution of, 199
    • habits of, 202
    • Newstead's classification of, 199 (footnote)
    • reproduction of, 202
  • Gnathostomum spinigerum, 843
  • Goundou, 915
    • symptoms of, 916
  • Gregarinidea, 939

"Gros nez," 915

  • Guinea-worm, 766
    • prophylaxis of, 776
    • treatment of, 775
    • (see also Dracunculus medinensis)


  • Hæmadipsa ceylonica, 907
  • Hæmaphysalis leachi, 246
  • Hæmatobia, 195, 199
  • Hæmatopinus spinulosus. 931
  • Hæmatopota, 198, 212
  • Hæmatoxylin and eosin stain, 43
  • Hæmaturia, endemic, 742
      • diagnosis of, 752
      • etiology of, 743
      • history and geographical distribution of, 742
      • pathological anatomy of, 750
  • Hæmaturia, endemic, prevention of, 755
      • prognosis of, 753
      • symptoms of, general, 748
      • treatment of, 754
      • (see also Schistosomum)
  • Hæmaturic fever, 275
  • Hæmocystidium simondi, 945
  • Hæmocystozoon braziliense, 957
  • Hæmoflagellata, 929
    • nomenclature of, 936
  • Hæmoglobinsemia in malaria, 87
  • Hæmoglobinuria in malaria, 88
  • Hæmoglobinuricr fever, 275
  • Hæmogregarina canis, 941, 942
    • jaculi, 941
    • muris, 941, 942
    • seligmanni, 941
    • stepanowi, 942
  • Hæmogregarinidse, 940
  • Hæmopis sanguisuga, 908
  • Hæmoproteus, 945
  • Hæmoptysis, endemic, 794
      • diagnosis of, 798
      • geographical distribution of, 794
      • history of, 794
      • parasite of, 794
      • pathological anatomy of, 795
      • prophylaxis of, 797
      • symptoms of, 795
      • treatment of, 797
  • Hoemorrhagic form of algide malarial fever, 77
  • Hæmosporidia, 942
  • Haffkine's cholera inoculations, 482
        • results of, in Balkan and European Wars, 484
    • plague inoculations, 356
  • Halteridium, 945
  • Haptosporidia, 948
  • Heat-apoplexy, 395
  • Heat-exhaustion, 393
    • etiology of, 393
    • symptoms of, 394
    • treatment of, 394
  • Heat-stroke, 392
    • prevention of, 404
  • Helcosoma tropicum, 220
  • Helix pomatia, 934
  • "Henpurge," 918
  • Herpetic eruptions in malarial cachexia, 94
  • Herpetomonas, 212
  • Heterophyes aegyptiaca, 848
    • heterophyes, 848
    • yokagawa, 849
  • Hill diarrhœa, 546
    • distribution of, 546
    • etiology and pathology of, 546
    • symptoms of, 547
    • treatment of, 548
  • Hippobosca maculata, 198
    • rufipes, 198, 931
  • Hippoboscidæ, 201
  • Histoplasma capsulatum, 938
  • Hoplopsyllus anomalus, 331
  • Hydrochserus capybara, 198
  • Hymenolepis murina, 854
    • nana, 854
      • characters of, 854
      • development 01, 855
      • distribution of, geographical, 854
        • zoological, 854
      • history of, 854
    • pathogenesis of, 856
      • treatment of, 856
  • Hyperparasitism in malaria, 103
  • Hyperpyrexia, malarial, 73
      • treatment of, 128
  • Hyperpyrexial fever, 388
  • Hypoderma, 198


  • Indian Plague Commission, 333, 335
    • sickness, 544
  • Indiella mansoni, 879
    • reynieri, 880
    • somaliensis, 880
  • Infantile biliary cirrhosis, 609
  • Infective granule of Balfour, 231
    • granulomatous diseases, 611
  • Infusoria, 927, 949
  • Inoculation, prophylactic, in cholera, 482
      • in plague, 356
      • in relapsing fever, 245
      • in typhoid fever, 378
  • Intermittent malarial fever, 53
  • Intestinal affections in malarial
    • cachexia, 95
    • myiasis, 859
    • parasites (see Parasites, intestinal)
  • Ixodes reduvius, 245, 948
    • ricinus, 314
  • Ixodidae, 246


  • Janthinosoma lutzi, 904
  • Japanese river fever, 315
        • distribution of, 315
        • etiology of, 315
        • history of, 315
        • mortality of, 317
        • pathological anatomy of, 317
        • symptoms of, 316
        • treatment of, 318
  • Jenner's stain, 44
  • Juxta-articular nodules, 919


  • Kakka (see Beriberi)
  • Kala-azar, 203
    • and oriental sore, 218
    • diagnosis of, 215
  • Kala-azar, epidemiology of, 206
    • etiology of, 208
    • history of, 204
    • incubation period of, 213
    • mode of transmission of, 211
    • morbid anatomy of, 215
    • of lower animals, 211
    • parasite of, 209
    • predisposing causes of, 213
    • prophylaxis of, 218
    • symptoms of, 213
    • treatment of, 217
      • with antimony, 217
  • Kaladunkh (see Kala-azar)
  • Katayama disease, 764
  • Kerandel's symptom, 169
  • Klein's methods of bacteriological diagnosis of cholera, 478
    • prophylactic for plague, 357

"Koch's bodies," 947


  • Lagochilascaris major, 815
    • minor, 815
  • Lamblia infection, 525
    • intestinalis, 525, 939
  • Lamus (Oonorhinus) megistus, 156, 188, 192, 934
  • Laverania immaculata, 67, 78
    • malariæ, 68, 78
    • præcox, 67, 78
  • Laveran's staining method, 45
  • Leeches as pests, 907
  • Leishman body, 203, 209
  • Leishmania, 203, 208, 935
    • donovani, 203, 209, 211, 219, 221, 504, 935, 936
    • infantum, 206 (footnote), 208
    • parasites resembling, 937
    • tropica, 219, 935, 936
  • Leishmaniasis, 203
  • Americana, 225
  • Irishman's stain, 45
  • Lelaps echidninus, 942
  • Leprosy, 611
    • age and, 638
    • bacillus (see Bacillus lepræ)
    • climate and, 638
    • contagiousness of, 642, 645
    • diagnosis of, 636
    • etiology of, 638
      • cured-fish theory of, 644
    • geographical distribution of, 613
    • heredity and, 640
    • history of, 611
    • in rats, 634
    • leproma in, 622, 634
    • mixed, 621, 631
    • nerve, 625
      • prognosis of, 638
    • nodular, 622
      • prognosis of, 638
    • occupation and, 638
    • pathological anatomy of, 631
    • prevention of, 644
  • Leprosy, prognosis of, 638
    • rise of modern knowledge of, 613
    • sex and, 638
    • social and hygienic conditions and, 638
    • stages of, 617
      • incubation period, 618
      • primary exanthem, 620
        • infection, 617
      • prodromata, 618
      • specific deposit, 621
    • symptoms of, 615
    • treatment of, 645
      • by drugs, 646
      • by nastin, 649
      • by nerve-stretching, 648
      • by tuberculin, 647
      • hygienic, 645
    • vaccination and, 645
  • Leptoconops, 449
  • Leptodera intestinalis, 839
    • stercoralis, 839
  • Leptomonas, 934, 936
  • Leptus autumnalis, 315
  • Leucocytozoon, 946
    • ziemanni, 233
  • Leucopodia guntheri, 804
  • Lichen tropicus, 861
  • Light treatment of oriental sore, 225
  • Ligula mansoni, 790
  • Linguatula armillata, 805
    • constricta, 805
    • taenoides, 807
  • Lithobius forficatus, 940
  • Liver, abscess of (see Abscess of liver)
    • blood of, in malaria, 85
    • enlargement of, in kala-azar, 215
      • in trypanosomiasis, 172
    • in malaria, 83
    • in malarial cachexia, 97
    • parasites of, 800
    • tropical (see Tropical liver)
  • Loa loa, 776
      • characters of, 779
      • distribution of, geographical, 778
        • zoological, 779
      • history of, 776
      • larva of, 780
      • life-history of, 782
      • pathogenesis of, 785
  • Local diseases of uncertain nature. 911
  • Loffler's methylene blue stain, 43
  • Low fever, 385
  • Lund's larva, 905
  • Lustig's injections for plague, 356
  • Lymph scrotum, 716
  • Lymphangitis and elephantoid
    • fever, 711
  • Lymphatic trunks, thickened, 715
    • varicea cutaneous and deeper, 715
  • Lymphatic varix, pathology of, 704
  • Lynchia maura, 945
  • Lyperosia, 199


  • McCarrison's fever, 304
  • Macrogametes, 28, 926
  • Macrornerozoites, 941
  • Madura foot (see Mycetoma)
  • Madurella mycetomi, 879
  • Magaropus australis, 948
  • Main-en-griffe, 629
  • Maize theory of pellagra, 444
  • Maizina, 443
  • Mai de caderas, 198
    • de la rosa, 437
    • du coit, 197
    • rosso, 437
  • Malaria, 1
    • acclimatization and, 109
    • acquired immunity from, 109
    • age and, 108
    • bilious remittent, diagnosis
      • of, from yellow
    • fever, 115
    • treatment of, 127
    • blood in, 81
    • cardiac degeneration in, 98
    • cause of fever and of periodicity in, 90
    • communicability of, 109
    • definition of, 1
    • diagnosis of, 113
      • from other paroxysmal
      • fevers, 116
      • from typhoid fever, 116
      • from yellow fever, 115
      • periodicity in, 114
    • diagnostic value of "zone of free haemoglobin" in, 37
    • dysenteric attacks of, treatment of, 129
    • etiology of, 100
      • (see also Malaria parasites, and Malaria, mosquito and)
    • flagellated bodies in blood in, 37
    • food and drink in, 131
    • hæmoglobinuria in, 88
    • histology of, 4
    • history of, 1
    • hyperparasitism in, 103
    • infection, disturbance of soil and, 107
      • endemic and epidemic
      • fluctuations of, 101
      • geographical range in, 100
      • influence of altitude in, 103
      • of atmospheric temperature in, 103
    • of decomposing vegetable matter in, 104
      • influence of latitude and season in, 101
        • of local conditions in, 101, 106
        • of meteorological conditions in, 108
        • of moisture in, 104
        • of rainfall in, 105
        • of subsoil moisture in, 104
        • of winds in, 105
      • time of day and, 106
    • leucocytes in, 89
    • microscopical examination of blood in, 32, 35
    • morbid anatomy of, 83
    • mosquito and, 137
      • theory of, 17
    • occupation and, 108
    • parasites as means of diagnosis, 41
      • benign, 50
      • changes of, in human cycle, 5
      • characters of, 78
      • classification of, clinical, 51
        • principles of, 50
      • complete cycles of, in man and birds, 28
      • crescent body of, 10
      • cultivation of, 48
      • endogenous cycle of, 28
      • exogenous cycle of, 28
      • extracorporeal phase of, 7
        • possibility of another, 30
      • flagellated body of, 7
      • formation of, 13
        • source of, 10
      • in mosquito, 7, 21
        • encysted or zygote stage of, 23
        • sporozoite or infective stage of, 25
        • travelling vermicule stage of, 21
      • intracorporeal phase of, 4
      • latent phase of, 29
      • malignant, 50, 64
        • common characters of, 64
        • crescent body of, 65
      • morphology of, 4
      • quartan, 51
      • quotidian, 51
      • structure of, in human cycle, 6
      • subtertian, 51
      • tertian, 51
      • transference of, to human host, 26
    • pathognomonic signs of, 113
    • periodicity of, 90
    • pernicious attacks of, necessity for microscopical examination of blood in, 117
    • phagocytosis in, 38
      • spleen in, 85
    • pigment in, 83
      • extravascular, 86
      • nature and source of, 84
      • yellow, 87
    • pigmented leucocytes in, 38
      • lymphocytes in, 38
    • polycholia and hsemoglobinæmia in, 87
    • preparation of films in, 32, 42
    • proof of parasitic nature of, 2
    • prophylactics in, 135, 136
    • red corpuscles in, 88
    • sex and, 108
    • ship, 101
    • staining of blood in, 41
    • treatment of, 119
      • by quinine, 119
      • by various drugs, 129
    • prophylactic, 132
  • Malarial amblyopia, 75
    • cachexia, pathology and pathological anatomy of, 95
      • symptoms of, 91
      • treatment of, 130
    • coma, 74
    • fever, adynamic remittent, 73
      • algide, pernicious attacks of, 75
            • treatment of, 129
      • bilious remittent, 72
      • cerebral, pernicious attacks of, 73
      • clinical forms of, 70
        • phenomena of, 53
      • embolism of cerebral capillaries in, 74
      • intermittent, 53
        • cold stage of, 54
        • duration of fit in, 54
        • hot stage of, 54
        • premonitory stage of, 53
        • sweating stage of, 54
      • malignant, 64
        • characters of, 66
      • microscopical examination of blood in, 70
      • pernicious attacks of, 73
      • quartan, 58
        • ague fit in, 60
        • geographical distribution of, 60
        • parasite of, 58
      • quotidian, 66
        • parasite of, 67
      • remittent types of, 72
      • subtertian, 68
        • geographical distribution of, 69
        • parasite of, 68
      • tertian, 61
        • ague fit in, 63
        • geographical distribution of, 63
        • parasite of, 61
      • typhoid remittent, 72
    • hyperpyrexia, 73
      • treatment of, 128
    • neuroses and skin affections, 93
    • toxin, acquired tolerance of, 92
  • Malignant malarial fevers, 64
  • Malta fever (see Undulant fever)
  • Mangrove flies as intermediary of Loa loa, 782
  • Mannaberg's classification of malaria parasites, 50
  • Margaropus annulatus, 246
    • australis, 246
    • bovis, 246
    • decoloratus, 246
  • Mastigophora, 926
    • subclasses of, 928
  • Mbori, 195
  • Mbu fever, 17
  • Mediterranean fever (see Undulant fever)
  • Megarhini, 147
  • Melania libertina, 802
    • obliquegranulosa, 802
  • Melanoglossia in malarial cachexia, 92
  • Melanuric fever (see Blackwater fever)
  • Merozoites, 28, 925
  • Mesogonimus heterophyes, 848
    • pulmonalis, 794
    • ringeri, 794
    • westermani, 794
  • Metagonimus yokagawai, 849
  • Metorchis conjunctus, 800
  • Micrococcus melitensis, 305, 362, 364, 371, 373
  • Microfilaria bancrofti, description of, 683
      • discovery of, 679
      • non-periodic, 689
    • demarquaii, 680, 737
    • loa, 680, 686 (figure)
    • ozzardi, 680
    • perstans, 680, 687, 912
  • Microfilariæ of blood, demonstration of, 681
  • *
      • enumeration of, 688
      • living, demonstration of, 683
      • permanent preparations of, 683
    • periodicity of, 685
    • retirement of, to larger arteries and lungs. 68?'
  • Microgametes, 8, 16, 28, 926
  • Micromerozoites, 941
  • Microsporon furfur, 886
    • macfadyeni, 885
    • mansoni, 885
    • minutissimum, 886
    • tropicum, 885
  • Midges, differentiation of, from mosquitoes, 146
  • Miner's anaemia (see Ankylostomiasis)
  • Monilia in pinta, 893
  • Mosquito, anatomy of, 142
    • and dengue, 295
    • and filariasis, 690
    • and malaria 17
    • and yellow fever, 251, 269
    • diagnosis of, from other blood-sucking insects, 145
    • dissection of, 22
    • geographical range of, 139
    • life-history of, 139
    • malaria theory, 17
    • malarial parasite in, 7, 21
    • nets, 134
    • sub-families of, 146
  • Mozambique ulcer, 864
  • Mus decumanus, 193, 328, 353
    • norvegicus, 328
    • rattus, 193, 328, 353
    • rufescens, 193
  • Musca, 212
    • luteola, 905
  • Mycetoma, 871
    • actinomycotic, 877
    • Bouffard's black, 878
      • white, 880
    • Brumpt's white, 879
    • classic black, 879
    • classification, etiology, and histology of, 876
    • history and geographical distribution of, 872
    • morbid anatomy of, 881
  • Nicolle's white, 878
  • Reynier's white, 880
    • symptoms of, 873
    • treatment of, 882
  • Vincent's white, 878
  • Myiasis from Auchmeromyia luteola, 905
    • from Chrysomyia macellaria, 901
    • from Cordylobia anthropophaga, 904
    • from Dermatobia cyaniventris, 903
    • intestinal, 859


  • N.N.N. medium, composition of, 158
      • culture of leishmania on, 936
        • of trypanosomes on, 934
  • Nagana, 154, 196
  • Nastin in leprosy, 649
  • Necator americanus, 822
  • Nematodes, 808
  • Nematoideum hominis, 805
  • Neo-salvarsan in rat-bite disease, 319
    • in relapsing fever, 244
    • in yaws, 668
  • Neosporidia, 939, 948
  • Nephritis due to malaria, 98
  • Neuritis, peripheral, in malarial cachexia, 94
  • Neutral-red-agar medium, composition of, 530 (footnote)
  • Nicolle's white mycetoma, 878
  • Nocardia carougeaui, 919
  • Non-malarial remittent fever, 385
  • Nuttallia equi, 246, 947
    • herpestidis, 947


  • Ochromyia anthropophaga, 904
  • Octomitidae, 939
  • Ocular sparganosis, 792
  • CEsophagostomum apiostomum, 836
      • in dysentery, 504
    • brumpti, 836
    • columbianum, 837
    • dentatum, 837
  • Oligocythsemia in malaria, 81
  • Onchocerca volvulus, 787
      • description of, 778
      • geographical distribution of, 787
      • history of, 787
      • life-history of, 779
      • pathogenesis of, 778
  • Onyalai, 923
  • Oöcyst, 29, 926
  • O{subst:o:}}kinete, 28, 926
  • Opisthorchis noverca, 800
    • sinensis, 801
  • Oriental sore, 219
      • age and, 221
      • and kala-azar, 218
      • definition of, 219
      • distribution of, 219
      • etiology of, 220
      • histology of, 220
      • incubation period of, 221
      • occupation and, 221
      • race and, 221
      • sex and, 221
      • social condition and, 221
      • symptoms of, 223
        • constitutional, 221
      • treatment of, 225
        • by antimony, 225
  • Ornithodoros moubata, 229, 235,

236, 237, 245, 246

    • savignyi, 235. 249
  • Ova of Ankylostomum duodenale, 810
    • of Ascaris lumbricoides, 810
    • of Culicidse, 137
    • of Davainea madagascariensis, 857
  • Ova of Dicrocaelium lanceatum, 848
    • of Fasciolopsis buski, 808, 847
    • of Gastrodiscoides hominis, 846
    • of Heterophyes heterophyes, 849
    • of Hymenolepis nana, 855
    • of intestinal parasites, examination of faeces for, 808
    • of CEsophagostomum apiostomum, 837
    • of Oxyuris vermicularis, 808
    • of Strongyloides stercoralis, 840
    • of Tzenia africana, 853
    • of Trichiuris trichiura, 809
    • of Trichostrongylus subtilis, 842
    • of Watsonius watsoni, 844
    • of Yokagawa yokogawa, 850
  • Oxyuris vermicularis, ova of, in fæces,808


  • Paragonimus westermani, 794
  • Paragonomiasis (see Hæmoptysis, endemic)
  • Paramphistomum watsoni, 844
  • Parangi, 652
  • Paraplasma flavigenum, 255
  • Parasites, intestinal, 808
      • cestodes, 851
      • examination of faeces for ova of, 808
      • nematodes, 808
      • trematodes, 844
    • moribund and fragmented,
    • in blood, 39
    • of circulatory and lymphatic systems, 679
    • of connective tissue, 766
    • of liver, 800
    • of lung, 794
    • of malaria (see Malaria parasites)
  • Parasitic protozoa, some commoner, 924
  • Paropisthorchis caninus, 800
  • Pellagra, 437
    • age and, 439
    • diagnosis of, 455
    • distribution of, geographical, 437
      • topographical, 440
    • epidemiology of, 441
    • etiology of, 438
      • maize theory of, 442
      • protozoal theory of, 448
    • history of, 438
    • morbid anatomy of, 453
    • occupation and, 439
    • season and, 439
    • sex and, 438
    • symptoms of, 450
    • treatment of, 455
  • Pellarella, 437
  • Pellarina, 437
  • Pemphigus contagiosus, 869
  • Penicillium crustaceum, 445
    • glaucum, 443, 444, 445
    • in pinta, 893
  • Pentastomum constrictum, 805
    • diesingi, 805
    • euryzonum, 805
    • polyzonum, 805
    • protelis, 805
  • Pestis ambulans, 345
    • minor, 345
    • siderans, 343

(see also Plague)

  • Phagedaena, tropical sloughing. Phagocytosis in spleen in malaria, 85
  • Phlebotomus fever, 304
      • distribution of, 304
      • etiology of, 304
      • history of, 304
      • pathology of, 306
      • prophylaxis of, 307
      • symptoms and treatment of, 307
    • genus, 305
      • characters of, 308
      • synopsis of, 309
    • papatasii, 305
  • Physaloptera mordens, 838
  • Physopsis africana, 748
  • Pian bois, 225
  • Piedra, 895
  • Pigment, malarial, 83
  • Pigmented quotidian malarial parasites, 51
  • Pinta, 891
    • diagnosis of, 893
    • geographical distribution of, 891
    • pathology of, 893
    • symptoms of, 892
    • treatment of, 895
  • Piroplasma, 946
    • bovis, 948
    • caballi, 946
    • canis, 946, 948
    • mutans, 946, 947
    • transmission of, by ticks, 948
  • Pityriasis versicolor, 884
  • Plague, 320
    • abortive, 345
    • age and, 338
    • altitude and, 338
    • atmospheric temperature and, 339
    • diagnosis of, 348
    • distribution of, 320
    • epidemics of, 322
    • etiology of, 323
    • experimental, 326
  • Haffkine's inoculations against, 356
    • in lower animals, 331
    • incubation period of, 340
    • larval, 345
  • Plague, Lustig's injections for, 356
    • mortality of, 345
    • occupation and, 338
    • pathology of, 346
    • pneumonic, 335, 344
      • mortality of, 346
    • predisposing causes of, 336
    • prophylaxis of, general, 349
      • personal, 355
    • quarantine in, 349
    • relapses in, 345
    • rôle of flea in, 332
      • of rat in, 328
    • septiceemic, 343
    • sex and, 338
    • symptoms and stages of, 340
    • treatment of, 357
  • Planorbis boissyi, 745
    • olivaceus, 748
  • Plasmodium, characters of, 942
    • falciparum, 68, 78, 944
      • quotidianum, 51 (footnote)
    • kochi, 944 (figure)
    • life-cycle of, 944
    • malariae, 58, 78, 943
    • tenue, 51 (footnote)
    • vivax, 61, 78, 943
      • minuta, 51 (footnote)
  • Plerocercoides prolifer, 792
  • Plerocercus prolifer, 792
  • Pollenia, 212
  • Polycholia in malaria, 87
  • Polymastigina, 928, 938
  • Ponos, 203
  • Porocephalus armillatus, 805
    • moniliformis, 805
  • Potamon dehaanii, 798
    • obtusipes, 798
  • Prickly heat, 861
      • treatment of, 862
  • Principe, trypanosomiasis-prophylaxis in, 184
  • Proteosoma grassii, 944
  • Protomonadina, 928
  • Protozoa, classification of, 926
    • definition and characters of, 925
    • parasitic, some commoner, 924
  • Prowazekia, 928
    • cruzi, 929
  • Pseudorasbora parva, 804
  • Pseudo-typhus of Deli, 390
  • Psilosis (see Sprue)
    • pigmentosa (see Pellagra)
  • Pulex irritans and plague, 335 (footnote)
      • and transmission of trypanosomes, 931
    • serraticeps, 211
  • Pulicidse, 360, 934
  • Pulmonary affections in malarial cachexia, 95
  • Purru, 652
  • Pyosis Mansoni, 869
  • Pyrosoma hominis, 310


  • Quartan ague, 56, 58
      • parasite of, 51, 58
  • Quartana duplex, 52
    • triplex, 52
  • Quotidian ague, 56, 66
      • parasite of, 51, 67


  • Rat flea, bionomics of, 335
      • rôle of, in plague, 332
    • rôle of, in plague, 328
  • Rat-bite disease, 319
  • Rats, post-mortem indications of plague in, 348 (footnote)
  • Ray fungus, 877
  • Rectitis, epidemic gangrenous, 544
  • Relapsing fever, 228
      • diagnosis of, 243
      • etiology of, 229
      • geographical distribution of, 228
      • history of, 229
      • immunity from, 238
      • incubation period of, 239
      • morbid anatomy of, 243
      • mortality of, 243
      • parasites, 229
        • demonstration of, 230
        • species of, 234, 242
      • prophylaxis of, 245
      • symptoms of, 240
      • transmission of, 235
      • treatment of, 243
  • Remittent fever, non-malarial, 385
  • Reynier's white mycetoma, 880
  • Rhabdonema intestinale, 839
  • Rhicephalus sanguineus. 942, 948
  • Rhinosporidium kinealyi, 949
  • Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, 246
    • bursa, 246
    • eyertsi, 246
    • simus, 246
  • Rhizopoda, 927
  • Rodenwaldt's staining method, 685
  • Romanowsky's staining method, 44
  • Rosette body, 28
  • Ross's black spores, 103
    • researches in mosquito-malaria theory, 18
    • thick-film staining method, 46


  • Sabethini, 147
  • Sahib's disease, 203
  • Salvarsan in kala-azar, 217
    • in leprosy, 647
    • in oriental sore. 225
    • in pellagra, 455
    • in rat-bite disease, 319
    • in relapsing fever, 243
    • in trypanosomiasis of man, 179 (footnote)
  • Salvarsan in verruga Peruana, 671
    • in yaws, 668
    • methods of administering, 243
  • Sand-flea, 896
  • Sand-flies, differentiation of, from mosquitoes, 146
  • Sand-fly and phlebotomus fever, 305, 307
  • Sarcocystis muris, 949
    • tenella, 949
  • Sarcodina, 926, 927
  • Sarcophaga, 212
  • Sarcopsyllidje, 359, 360
  • Scarlatina rheumatica, 293 (footnote)
  • Schaudinn's staining method, 529
  • Schistosomum cattoi, 759
    • disease, 742
    • hæmatobium, 176, 742
      • characters of, 743
      • in dysentery, 504
      • in sleeping sickness, 176
      • larva of, free, 744
      • life-history of, 745
      • ova of, 743
    • japonicum, 759
      • diagnosis of, 765
      • geographical distribution of, 761
      • history of, 759
      • in dysentery, 504
      • morbid anatomy of, 762
      • ova of, in faeces, 808
      • prevention of, 765
      • symptoms of, 764
      • treatment of, 675
    • mansoni, 756
      • in dysentery, 504
      • ova of, in fæces, 808
  • Schizogony, 28
  • Sehizogregarines, 939
  • Schizonts, 28, 925
  • Schizotrypanum, 933
    • cruzi, 156, 188
  • Schiiffner's dots, 47, 62
  • Screwworm infection, 901
  • Scrotal elephantiasis, 725
  • Serum-therapy in dysentery, 538
    • in plague, 358
    • in relapsing fever, 244
  • Seven-days' fever of Indian ports, 389
  • Shiga's antiserum, 507
  • Shima mushi, 315
  • Ship malaria, 101
  • Siderosis of liver in malarial cachexia, 97
  • Simple continued fever, 385
  • Simuliidse, 449
    • and pellagra, 448
  • Siriasis, 394
    • diagnosis of, 400
    • etiology of, 396
    • geographical distribution of, 395
    • morbid anatomy of, 399
    • mortality of. 399
  • Siriasis, pathology of, 400
    • symptoms of, 397
    • treatment of, 400
  • Sirkari disease, 203
  • Skin diseases, bacterial, 863
      • fungous, 871
      • non-specific, 861
      • of animal origin, 896
  • Sleeping sickness, morbid anatomy of, 176
      • mortality of, 175
      • success of prophylaxis in Principe, 184
      • (see also Trypanosomiasis)
  • Sodium gynocardate in leprosy, 647
  • Soloid stains, 45
  • Sparganosis, ocular, 792
  • Sparganum mansoni, 790
    • proliferum, 792
  • Spermophilus guttatus, 331
  • Spirillum fever, 228
  • Spirochaeta berbera, 235, 242
    • carteri, 235, 242
    • duttoni, 235, 236, 242, 950
    • gallinarum, 235, 246, 247, 950
    • novyi, 235, 242
    • obermeieri (see Spiroclueta recurrentis)
    • pallidula, 654
    • pertenuis, 654, 950
    • plicatilis, 232, 950
    • recurrentis and relapsing
    • fever, 229
      • animal experiments with, 238, 242
      • biology of, 232
      • characters of, 230,242,950
    • refringens, 232
    • schaudinni, 864
  • Spirochætes, 950
    • granule shedding by, 231
    • of relapsing fever, clinical symptoms evoked by, 242
        • cultivation of. 234
        • nature of, 232
        • species of, 234, 242
  • Spleen in malaria, 83
      • phagocytosis in, 85
    • in malarial cachexia, 91, 95
  • Splenic enlargement in kala-azar, 215
      • in trypanosomiasis, 172
    • index in malarial cachexia, 96
    • rupture in malarial cachexia, 96
    • vein, blood of, in malaria, 85
  • Sporisorium maydis, 444
  • Sporoblasts,, 926
  • Sporogony, 29, 925
  • Sporonts, 925
  • Sporozoa, 927, 939
  • Sporozoites, 28, 29, 926
  • Spotted fever of the Rocky Mountains, 310
  • Spotted fever of the Rocky Mountains, distribution of, 310
          • etiology of, 313
          • history of, 310
          • pathology of, 313
          • prophylaxis of, 313
          • symptoms of, 311
          • treatment of, 313
  • Sprue, 549
    • course of, 553
    • diagnosis of 559
    • diarrhoea in, 553
    • dyspepsia in, 553
    • etiology of, 550
    • geographical distribution of, 549
    • history of, 553
    • incomplete, 555
    • intestinal atrophy consequent on, 556
    • morbid anatomy of, 556
    • pathology of, 558
    • prognosis of, 560
    • protopathic, 554
    • secondary to acute enterocolitis, 555
      • to dysentery, 555
    • symptoms of, 551
    • treatment of, 560
      • by drugs, 566
      • by fruit, 563
      • by meat juice and underdone meat, 563
      • by milk, 560
      • by nutrient enemata or suppositories 564
      • by Salisbury diet, 564
      • climatic, 565
      • general, 565
      • threatened relapses in, 561
    • types of, 553
  • Staining flagellated body, 46
    • malarial blood, 41
  • Stains for malarial blood, 43
  • Staphylococcus pyogenes, 867
  • Stegomyia, 259, 274
    • africana, 274
    • argenta punctata, 274
    • calopus, 250, 944
      • and dengue, 295
      • and yellow fever, 256
    • fasciata (see Stegomyia calopus)
    • pseudoscutellaris and filariasis, 690
    • scutellaris, 274
  • Sternberg's mixture in blackwater fever, 290
      • in yellow fever, 268
  • Stinging-fly and Loa loa, 784
  • Stomoxys calcitrans, 198, 784
    • nebulosa, 198
  • Stomoxys nigra, 195, 932
  • "Streptobacillus pellagras," 445 (footnote)
  • Streptococcus pyogenes, 867
  • Streptothrix leproides, 649
  • Strong's vaccine for plague, 357
  • Strongyloides intestinalis, 550
    • stercoralis, 839
      • larval form of, 841
      • ova of, 840
  • Strongylus duodenalis, 816
    • siamense, 843
  • Subintrant malarial fever, 56
  • Subtertian malaria parasite, 51, 68
    • malarial fever, 68
  • Sun-stroke (see Siriasis)
  • Sun-traumatism, 402
    • morbid anatomy of, 403
    • pathogenesis of, 403
    • treatment of, 404
  • Surra, 154, 195, 932
  • Syncopal form of algide malarial fever, 77
  • Syngamus kingi, 839
  • Synkaryon, 940


  • Tabanidee, 195, 202
  • Tabanus, 195, 212
  • Teenia africana, 852
    • asiatica, 859
    • demerariensis, 857
    • echinococcus, 852
    • hominis, 853
    • madagascariensis, 857
    • nana, 854
    • philippina, 853
    • saginata, 851
    • solium, 851
  • Tjeniorhynchus richiardii, 153
  • Tartar emetic (see Antimony)
  • Tertian ague, 56, 61
      • parasite of, 51, 61
  • Tertiana duplex, 52
  • Tetragenus febris flava, 254
  • Tetramitidse, 938
  • Tetramitus mesnili, 938
  • Tetra vaccine in cholera, 484
  • Theileria, 246
    • parva, 947
  • Theobaldinella annulata, 153
    • nemqrosa, 153
  • Three-days' fever of Chitral, 304
  • Tick fever (see Relapsing fever)
    • paralysis, 314
  • Ticks, 245, 248, 948
  • Tinea imbricata, 887
      • diagnosis of, 890
      • fungus of, 889
      • geographical distribution of, 887
      • prophylaxis of, 891
      • symptoms of, 888
      • treatment of, 890
  • "Tiqui-tiqui" in beriberi, 430
  • Tocotrema yokagawa, 849
  • Toxoplasma, 945
  • Trematodes, 844
  • Treponema pertenue, 654
  • Trichiuris trichiura, 811
      • ova of, 808, 809
  • Trichocephalus dispar, 811
    • hominis, 811
  • Trichomonas intestinalis, 525, 938
  • Trichostrongylus instabilis, 842
    • subtilis, 842
  • Triodontophorus deminutus, 837
  • Trophozoite, 925
  • Tropical diarrhoea, 549
    • fevers, imperfectly differentiated, 384
          • classification of, 384
          • diagnosis of, 390
          • treatment of, 391
    • liver, 568
      • causes of, 568
      • treatment of, 570
    • sloughing phagedaena, 863
        • etiology of, 865
        • geographical distribution of, 864
        • symptoms of, 865
        • treatment of, 866
    • sore, 219
    • splenomegaly (see Kala-azar)
  • Trypanoplasma, 934
    • helicis, 934
  • Trypanosoma brucei, 154, 162, 164, 166, 187, 192, 193, 195, 197, 930, 932
    • cruzi, 188, 190, 933
    • cuniculi, 930
    • damoniae, 930
    • dimorphon, 931, 932, 933
    • duttoni, 930
    • equinum, 197, 930, 931
    • equiperdum, 197, 931
    • evansi, 192, 193, 195, 930, 932
    • gambiense, 155, 157, 158, 159, 162, 163, 167, 930, 932, 933
    • genus, 929, 936
    • granulosum, 930
    • grayi, 932
    • hippicum, 931
    • ingens, 931
    • lewisi, 154, 159, 180, 192, 195, 929, 930, 931, 932
    • microti, 930
    • nanum, 162, 931
    • pecaudi, 195
    • rajae, 930
    • rhodesienæ, 155, 159, 185, 186, 187, 192, 196. 929, 930, 932
    • rotatorium, 930
    • rougeti, 197
    • theileri, 198, 931
    • vivax, 931, 933
  • Trypanosomes, 929
    • agglomeration of, 159
    • Bruce's classification of pathogenic African, 194
    • cycle of, in invertebrate host, 932
    • drug resistance of, 182
    • granule shedding of, 161
    • habitat of, 158
    • methods of transmission of, 933
    • of mammals, 192
    • transmission of, by tse-tse flies, 932
  • Trypanosomiasis, diagnosis of, 176
    • duration of, 173
    • effect of, on abortion-rate and infant-mortality-rate, 172
    • etiology of, 157
    • geographical distribution of, history of, 154
    • immunization in, 182
    • incubation period of, 169
    • morbid anatomy of, 176
    • mortality of, 175
    • predisposing causes of, 168
    • prophylaxis of, 182, 192
    • Rhodesian, treatment of, 181
    • rôle of tse-tse fly in, 162
    • skin affections in, 170
    • symptoms of, 169, 188
    • treatment of, 178, 192
      • by antimonii oxidi injections, 181
    • by antimony, 180
      • by arsenic, 178
      • by atoxyl, 179
      • by salvarsan, 179 (footnote)
  • Tse-tse flies (see Glossina)
  • Tuberculin in leprosy, 647
  • Typhoid fever, 376
      • diagnosed from malaria, 116, 382
      • inoculation against, 378
      • prognosis and management of, 383
    • remittent malarial fever, 72
  • Typho-malarial fever, 117, 380


  • Ulcerating dermatitis, 911
    • granuloma of pudenda, 673
        • diagnosis of, 677
        • etiology of, 673
        • geographical distribution of, 673
        • histology of, 677
        • parasitic elements in, 673
        • spirochsetes in, 673
        • symptoms of, 674
        • treatment of, 678
  • Uncinaria americana, 822
    • duodenal! s, 816
  • Undulant fever, 362
      • age and, 365
      • complications of, 370
  • Undulant fever, diagnosis of, 371
      • etiology of, 364
      • geographical distribution of, 362
      • history of, 363
      • immunity from, 367
      • incidence of, in Army and Navy, 363
      • incubation period of, 367
      • mode of infection in, 366
      • mortality of, 370
      • pathology of, 370
      • prevention of, 375
      • prognosis of, 372
      • season and, 365
      • sequelæ of, 370
      • symptoms of, 368
      • treatment of, 372
  • Unpigmented quotidian malarial parasite, 51
  • Ustilago maydis, 444
  • Uta, 225


  • Vaccine treatment of oriental sore, 225
      • of undulant fever, 373
  • Vacuoles in blood, diagnosis of, 39
  • Varices, lymphatic, cutaneous and deeper, 715
  • Varicose groin glands, 712
        • diagnosis of, 713
        • pathological anatomy of, 714
        • symptoms of, 712
        • treatment of, 714
  • Vena medinensis, 766
  • Ver du Cayor, 904
    • macaque, 903
  • Verruga Peruana, 669
      • etiology of, 669
      • geographical distribution of, 669
      • mortality of, 671
      • pathology of, 670
      • symptoms of, 670
      • treatment of, 671
  • Vincent's white mycetoma, 878
  • Vitamine and beriberi, 424
  • Vomiting sickness of Jamaica, 909
        • etiology of, 910
        • symptoms of, 909
        • treatment of, 910


  • Warburg's tincture, 126
  • Wasieliewski's staining method, 529
  • Watsonius watsoni, 844
  • Whip-worm, 811


  • Xenopsylla cheopis, 332, 334, 931
  • X-ray treatment of blastomycosis, 884
      • of oriental sore, 22,5
      • of ulcerating granuloma of pudenda, 678


  • Yaws, 652
    • and primary-sore question, 661
    • diagnosis of 666
    • duration and recurrences of, 660
    • etiology of, 653
    • gangosa and, 662
    • geographical distribution of, 652
    • incubation period of, 655
    • morbid anatomy and pathology of, 665
    • mortality of, 665
    • persistent, 661
    • prophylaxis of, 667
    • sequelæ of, 662
    • spirochaete of, 654
      • cultivation of, 655
    • symptoms of, 655
      • treatment of, 667
    • by salvarsan, 668
  • Yellow fever, 250
      • and mosquito, 256
      • diagnosis of, 266
        • of malaria from, 115
      • epidemiology of, 251
      • geographical distribution of, 250
      • germ of, 254
      • immunity from, 271
      • incubation period of, 253
      • mortality of, 263
      • pathological anatomy of, 264
      • possible introduction of, into Asia, 272
      • prognosis of, 263
      • prophylaxis of, 268
      • race and, 250
      • symptoms of, 259
      • treatment of, 266
      • virus, portability of, in fomites, 271
  • Yemen ulcer, 864
  • Yersin's experiment, 332
  • Yokagawa yokagawa, 849


  • Zygotes, 28, 926
  • Zygotoblasts, 29