Two babes in the wood, or, The Norfolk gentleman's last will and testament/Bid the coachman drive

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Bid the Coachman Drive.

TO all the Ladies now at Bath,
and eke ye Beaux to you,
With aching heart, and wat'ry eyes,
I bid my laſt adieu.

Farewel, ye nymphs, who pratting ſtand,
hot reeking from the pumps.
While muſick lends her friendly aid,
to cheer you from the dumps.

Farewel, ye nymphs, who pratting ſtand,
and criticiſe the fair,
Yourſelves the joke of men of ſenſe,
who hate a Coxcomb's air

Farewel to Deards and all her toys,
which glitter in the ſhop;
Deluding toys to girls and boys,
the warehouſe of the Fop.

Lindſay's and Hay's both farewel,
where is the ſpacious hall.
With bounding ſtep and ſprightly air,
I've led up many a ball.

Where ſomerville of courteous mean,
was partner in the dance,
With ſwimming Haws and Brownlow blythe,
and Briton Pink of France.

Poor Naſh farewel may Fortune's ſmiles
thy drooping foul revive;
My heart is full, I can no more——
John, bid the coachman drive.

Printed by J.& M. ROBERTSON, Saltmarket, 1803.