Unheard-of Curiosities/12

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Whether it be possible to read any thing, in the Clouds, and in all other Meteors.

1550782Unheard-of Curiosities — Chapter Ⅻ.Edmund ChilmeadJacques Gaffarel

the contents.

  1. How many waies this Reading by the Meteors may be performed.
  2. Battailes, and fearful Prodigies seen in the Aire.
  3. The Reasons they give, who are of opinion, that these things are Supernaturall.
  4. Reasons given to the Contrary. Angels, and Saints, how they have sometimes been seen to appeare in the Clouds.
  5. A new, and quaint opinion, touching the divers kinds of figures that appeare in the Clouds : and a conjecture upon the Secret, mentioned by Trithemius, of conveying Newes a great distance off.
  6. The Author's Resolution, concerning Strange Sights in the Aire.
  7. The Raining of Blood, in the Figure of a Crosse, not Naturall; against Cardan.
  8. The Manna in the Wildernesse, marked with the Hebrew letter ו Vav, according to some of the Rabbins : and what consequence we may hence deduce, against them.
  9. Haile in Languedoc, figured like Armes : Snow, like Stars in shape, spoken of by Kepler.
  10. The Rainbow, the Hieroglyphick of sorrow.
  11. Diverse Opinions, concerning the Generation of Comets : and whether, they naturally presage some Evill to come, or not.
  12. Rules to know, what Pillars, Swords, Bucklers, Trumpets, and fiery Arrows, seen in the Air, foretell. Hebrew Letters sometimes seen in the Air.
  13. What Letters have been devised, in Imitation of the Figures made by Cranes in their Flight. Presages of Accidents to come, taken from birds.