Unheard-of Curiosities/5

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The power of Artificiall Images is proved, by that of those that are found Naturally imprinted on Stones, and Plants, commonly called Gamahe, or Camaieu, and Signatures.

1550629Unheard-of Curiosities — Chapter Ⅴ.Edmund ChilmeadJacques Gaffarel

the contents.

  1. The Division of Naturall Figures, or Images. Gamahe, or Camaieu, drawn peradventure from the Hebrew word כמייה Chemaia.
  2. Of divers rare Gamahes, or Stones painted naturally : and why they are more frequently found in hot Countreys, then in Cold.
  3. Of other curious Gamahes not painted, mentioned by Pliny, Nider, Gesner, Goropius Becanus, Thevet, and Mr. de Breves. A new Observation on the Bones of Giants.
  4. Of Gamahes that are Ingraven : and whether those places, whereever any Fish Sbels are found, have been formerly covered with water, or not.
  5. Certaine admirable Figures, and Signatures, that are found in all the parts of Plants. Many choyce Inquiries proposed, on this Subject.
  6. The power of these Figures proved ; and the Objections answered, that are brought against it.
  7. The Secret discovered, why a Scorpion, applied to the wound made by a Scorpion sting, should not hurt rather, then cure it.
  8. Of the Figures of Plants, that represent all the parts of the body of a man ; and that cure the same, when ill-affected.
  9. The Formes of all things admirably preserved in their Ashes.
  10. The Ghosts of dead folks, that appear in Church-yards, and after great slaughter of Armies, whence they proceed. Certain choice Questions proposed, touching this Argument.
  11. A new reason given, of the Raining of Frogs, which hath sometimes happened.
  12. Of Figures that are found in Living Creatures ; and what power they have.