United States Code/Title 35/Chapter 12/Section 131

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United States Code
the United States Government
Title 35, Chapter 12, Section 131. Examination of application
111833United States CodeTitle 35, Chapter 12, Section 131. Examination of applicationthe United States Government

Section 131. Examination of application

The Director shall cause an examination to be made of the application and the alleged new invention; and if on such examination it appears that the applicant is entitled to a patent under the law, the Director shall issue a patent therefor.



(July 19, 1952, ch. 950, 66 Stat. 801; Pub. L. 106-113, div. B, Sec. 1000(a)(9) [title IV, Sec. 4732(a)(10)(A)], Nov. 29, 1999, 113 Stat. 1536, 1501A-582; Pub. L. 107-273, div. C, title III, Sec. 13206(b)(1)(B), Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1906.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Based on Title 35, U.S.C., 1946 ed., Sec. 36 (R.S. 4893).

The first part is revised in language and amplified. The phrase “and that the invention is sufficiently useful and important” is omitted as unnecessary, the requirements for patentability being stated in sections 101, 102 and 103.





Pub. L. 107-273 made technical correction to directory language of Pub. L. 106-113. See 1999 Amendment note below.



Pub. L. 106-113, as amended by Pub. L. 107-273, substituted “Director” for “Commissioner” in two places.

Effective Date of 1999 Amendment


Amendment by Pub. L. 106-113 effective 4 months after Nov. 29, 1999, see section 1000(a)(9) [title IV, Sec. 4731] of Pub. L. 106-113, set out as a note under section 1 of this title.