United States Statutes at Large/Volume 6/2nd Congress/1st Session/Chapter 19

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April 12, 1792

Chap. ⅩⅨ.An Act for ascertaining the bounds of a tract of land purchased by John Cleves Symmes.[1]

Be it enacted, &c., That the president of the United States be, and he hereby is, authorized,President authorized to alter the contract with John C. Symmes, &c. at the request of John Cleves Symmes, or his agent or agents, to alter the contract, made between the late board of treasury and the said John Cleves Symmes, for the sale of a tract of land of one million of acres, in such manner that the said tract may extend from the mouth of the Great Miami to the mouth of the Little Miami, and be bounded by the river Ohio on the south, by the Great Miami on the west, by the Little Miami on the east, and by a parallel of latitude on the north, extending from the Great Miami to the Little Miami, so as to comprehend the proposed quantity of one million of acres: Provided,Not to interfere with Indian boundary, &c. That the northern limits of the said tract shall not interfere with the boundary line established by the treaty of Fort Harmar, between the United States and the Indian nations; And provided, also,Reservation of certain lands. that the President reserve to the United States such lands, at and near Fort Washington, as he may think necessary for the accommodation of a garrison at that fort.

Approved April 12, 1792.