User:Anunnakki/The Hundredth Monkey/8 Whatever That Critical Number Is, You Are Needed To Save Our Civilization

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You are essential!!!

It may be that without you, it will not happen and our species will hurtle itself into partial or complete destruction.

How do we play the game of saving the world?

To begin with, you probably can't help others understand unless you have a grasp of the scope of the nuclear wipeout we all face.

One of the most readable and fascinating books on this subject is Killing Our Own by Harvey Wasserman and Norman Solomon. This book tells about the countless human deaths already caused by the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, the Nevada bomb tests, the tests in the Pacific Islands, uranium mining, exposure in nuclear industries, and the near meltdown of the Three-Mile Island nuclear power plant.

Above all, be creative — and energetic.

Since the future of both you and your family is at stake, turn on the immense resources of your mind.

Find the ways in which you can flow your energy into increasing worldwide awareness that the nuclear bomb mentality must be eliminated.

The strength of our species lies not in sharp fangs or piercing claws.

It lies in our ability to use our minds to cooperate with each other as we play the games of life.

The same powerful minds that created nuclear bombs and intercontinental missiles can also learn how to create human unity and cooperativeness.

We can save the world from people-made disaster — when we set the goal high and add our determination and our persistence.

Appoint yourself as a roving Ambassador of the State of Loving and Caring.

Will you accept your share of the responsibility for creating the Hundredth Monkey energy that will change the consciousness of the entire planet?

We can tilt the scales to eliminate the awesome threat of nuclear catastrophe and environmental ruin.

Be informed, hopeful and energetic.

Be vigilant with your thoughts of peace and love.

Sense your power to lift the mood of despair.

Let your enthusiasm seep in and penetrate the collective consciousness!

Meet with people, talk with people, share with people.

Find and support organizations that channel our energy into survival.

Write to your senators and representatives and other politicians.

Let them know what you want them to do.*

(*John Kenneth Galbraith of Harvard University, at the October 31, 1981 symposium of the Physicians for Social Responsibility, told the 2,700 participants, "Nothing is more needed in Washington than a rebuke to those who are not pressing actively and energetically for arms control." You can get the voting records of congressmen on specific issues by writing the U.S. Senate, Capitol Building, Washington, D.C. 20510 and the U.S. House of Representatives, Capitol Building, Washington, D.C. 20515.)

Most of the things you are now doing in your life will become meaningless or nonexistent if we are hit by nuclear catastrophe!

Take a new look at your priorities . . . .

This does not necessarily mean leaving your work or your present lifestyle.

It means giving an increasing energy and priority to expanding your own awareness, to communicating with other people who are now asleep, and to withdrawing energy from all thoughts and actions which create human alienation, separateness, destruction and death.*

(*Green ribbons were worn as a reminder of the children being killed in Atlanta. Yellow ribbons were worn as a reminder that our citizens were being held as hostages in Iran. There is a worldwide energy to wear blue ribbons symbolizing that everyone on earth is a hostage to the ever-present threat of nuclear annihilation. You may wish to buy a roll of " blue ribbon and a package of safety pins and pass out these symbols of protest to your friends — and wear one yourself. Thousands of people in Europe are wearing leaves as Friends of the Peace Book by Bernard Benson.)

Do not wait until others around you are opening their hearts.

Instead, begin doing things now that are so desperately needed for the conscious unfolding of your life — and the survival of our species.

Your dedication to saving our lives and the planet Earth will bring your own life to a level of satisfaction and well-being that you may never otherwise achieve.

You will become increasingly happier as you learn to love more.

And you will begin to discover the miracle of your full potential as a human being.

Your life will gain meaning and purpose.

Your energy can tip the scales when you add it to thousands of others' — merging, slowly raising our collective consciousness to the point of power when it makes the all-important difference!

This survival energy spreads far beyond those involved and touches every life on Earth!

The change in you is already taking place!