User:Dovi/Miqra according to the Masorah/Information about this Edition

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Miqra according to the Masorah

Information about this Edition

To the Reader:

There exists at Hebrew Wikisource a fascinating resource for students of the Hebrew Bible – an edition of the Hebrew Bible which takes as its point of reference the Aleppo Codex, rather than the Leningrad Codex, as one most commonly finds online.

For my own use, I’ve been translating bits of the documentation of the project into English. If you are reading this, please do not think of this as a reliable, scholarly translation. My Hebrew is limited, and I’ve been compiling this very slowly, using such elementary tools as online dictionaries and even Google Translate to help me understand what I am reading.

These notes should not be considered a substitute for the Wikisource Project notes themselves, and may contain all sorts of errors. In some places, where I am especially confused, I have placed a question mark (?) to alert the reader that my translation may be especially unreliable. Consider these pages simply one student allowing another student to peek into his notebook – nothing more; at least until more experienced readers of Hebrew have had a chance to validate the work.

The original Miqra according to the Masorah (MAM) project is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0), so it should live beyond any one author and can be improved at will. If I understand correctly, the CC-BY-SA license requires that any derivative work be released under the same license. As this document contains long translated sections from MAM, it too must be available under the CC-BY-SA license, and I hereby release it.


Mitchell Powell



Misc: Some useful characters for editing this page: ẒẓḥḤṬṭ—