User:Fernando de Gorocica

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In Villa Gesell, Buenos Aires province. Argentina

Biography, Job Profile and Albums


Fernando Tomás de Gorocica Rocca (born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2 th., 1962) Systems Licenciate, Universidad de Belgrano), amateur Astronomer (member of the A.A.A.A.).

Job and Amateur Profiles


Professional Profile


Informatic and Mathematics professor at Secondary School.

Amateur Astronomy Profile

  • Astronomy interest since 1976.
  • Star catalog compilation and edition: "Catálogo de las Constelaciones y de la Estrellas. Descripciones", 11.1998.
  • Astronomical Software Programming "M1 Sistema Astronómico"© (since 1998) oriented to the position astronomy: Sun, Moon, planets, asteroids, comets, Jupiter´s satéllites, stars, nebulae, galaxies and others celestial objects from the deep space; eclipses and astronomical almanac (ephemerids); celestial charts (owm design) and zodiacal diary position of the principal celestial objects.
  • Assay "Cosmogonía del Sistema Solar", 2002.
  • Art: astronomical paintings since 2007.
  • Web Publications since 2010. Facebook web page "El Observador Astronómico" (see links).

Astronomical Albums


Celestial Charts


Others Astronomy Albums


Mathematics & Geometry


Books & Articles


Ptolemy's Almagest


Eclipse Analysis. Theory of Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel


Alfonsine tables


Other Works


Babel user information
es-N Esta persona tiene una comprensión nativa del español.
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
it-1 Quest'utente può contribuire con un livello elementare in italiano.
eu-0 Erabiltzaile honek euskararik ez du ulertzen (edo nekez ulertzen du).
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