User:Geo Swan/working/Summary of Evidence memos/pg267

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Guantanamo detainee 197 - Yunis Abdurrahman Shokuri 267 (69) November 16 2004

a. The detainee was associated with the Taliban and al Qaida:
  1. The detainee traveled in June 2001 from Damascus, Syria, through Turkey and Iran, to Jalalabad, Afghanistan.
  2. Prior to helping form the Moroccan Islamic Fighting Group (GICM), the detainee was involved with Jama'at Al-Tablighi .
  3. Jama'at Al-Tablighi is a Pakistan-based Islamic missionary organization that is being used as a cover to mask travel and activities of terrorists, including members of al Qaida.
  4. The detainee was the ########## ######### ######### of the GICM.
  5. The GICM is associated with and supported by other known terrorist groups, including the: Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), Hizb-E Islami Gulbuddin (HIG), al Qaida, Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ), Egyptian National Tarouat Salah, the Taliban and the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA).
  6. The GICM allies itself with al Qaida and has supplied personnel for al Qaida for operations abroad.
  7. The GICM, with assistance from al Qaida, planned to carry out attacks against U.S. citizens in foreign countries.
  8. The detainee associated with known al Qaida members.
  9. The detainee is associated with a former Afghan-Arab linked to an al Qaida sleeper cell in Morocco.
  10. The detainee obtained AK-47 rifles and a mortar from the Taliban.
  11. Members of the GICM trained in an area between Kabul and the front lines against the Northern Alliance, where they fired AK-47 Rifles .
  12. The detainee left Jalalabad on foot in November 2001, when the city fell, and was arrested by the Pakistani Police on 19 December 2001 as he tried to cross the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.