User:Geo Swan/working/Summary of Evidence memos/pg57

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This memo was released in January of 2005.[1] The allegations this detainee faced were:

a. Detainee is associated with the Taliban and al Qaida.
  1. The detainee worked for al Wafa, an al Qaida associated organization.
  2. Detainee's name and phone number were known to an al Qaida leader.
  3. Detainee received training at Lashkar e-Taiba .
b. Detainee engaged in hostilities against the US or its coalition partners.
  1. The detainee fought against the Northern Alliance at Tora Bora and Talaqoun.
  2. Detainee operated an anti-aircraft gun at Talaqoun.
  3. Detainee was among 84 Mujahidin fighters captured by the Pakistani government in Nangarhar province.


  1. CSRT Summary of Evidence memoranda (.pdf) released in January 2005, Combatant Status Review Tribunals - September 23 2004 - page 57