User:Geo Swan/working/Summary of Evidence memos/pg81

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81 (81) September 23 2004

a. Detainee is a member of al Qaida:
  1. The detainee is a Libyan national who has, since 1992, traveled to numerous areas of conflict throughout the Middle East and Former USSR. He claims to have arrived in Afghanistan in 1995.
  2. The detainee ############################ in an explosives accident while in Tajikistan in 1994.
  3. The detainee was an al Qaida operative in Kabul.
  4. One of the detainee's aliases appeared on a list of individual who reportedly trained at the al Qaida training camp at Jihad Wahl, Afghanistan in 1996.
  5. The detainee was captured by Pakistani Forces in November 2001 after entering that country without documentation or authorization.