User:Hal Bregg II/Neologisms of Return from the Stars

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Neologisms of Return from the Stars
by Stanisław Lem
2069888Neologisms of Return from the StarsStanisław Lem

This table is a juxtaposition of the Polish (original) and English (translated) sets of neologisms excerpted from Return from the Stars, a science-fiction novel by Stanisław Lem.

The table comprises a part of a project discussing Lem's neologisms.

The table's abbreviations:

ST = Source Text; SL - Source Language; TT = Target Text; TL = Target Language.

Ref. ST neologism Page SL's morphological process Meaning TT rendition Page TL's morphological process Analysis
1. selenofor 5 blending; selen + luminofor a type of lamp selenium light 3 phrasal words descriptive equivalent
2. prum 8 coinage “out of the blue” a drink prum 6 borrowing exact borrowing
3. extran 8 coinage a drink extran 6 borrowing exact borrowing
4. morr 8 coinage a drink morr 6 borrowing exact borrowing
5. cydr 8 coinage and a wordplay; compare cedr a drink cider 6 conversion functional equivalent, the name of an actual drink used
6. polidukt 13 compound: poli+dukt a type of road polyduct 10 compound: morpheme poly+ duct borrowing with transliteration
7. dublować 13 conversion to retake a missed projectile backtrack 10 conversion recognized equivalent
8. rast 13 coinage a type of projectile rast 10 borrowing exact borrowing
9. DUKT CENTR 13 perhaps abbreviation a part of a communication terminal DUCT CENTR 10 borrowing borrowing with transliteration
10. styk 13 conversion a slot to commute through switch 10 conversion recognized equivalent + conversion
11. wuka 15 abbreviation the abbreviation of “the inner circle” (wewnętrzny krąg) vuk 12 borrowing with transliteration traces of misformation; the pronunciation of the Polish neolog is retained; though the meaning of the abbreviation is lost
12. transtel 18 blending: trans + telewizja a type of television transtel 14 borrowing exact borrowing
13. styk 19 conversion a slot to commute through change 15 conversion the TT’s lack of cohesion, two various translations for the same term
14. infor 21 clipping, comp. information an interactive information panel infor 17 borrowing exact borrowing
15. tridukt 22 compound; tri+dukt a type of road triduct 18 borrowing with transliteration nearly literal translation, borrowing
16. eskal 22 clipping; comp. eskalator a type of elevator escal 19 borrowing with transliteration borrowing
17. pława 23 conversion a type of drink raft 19 conversion recognized equivalent
18. kol 24 perhaps clipping; comp. kolega a way of addressing a man; comp. dude, bro col 20 borrowing with transliteration coinage, borrowing, though the sense of Polish kolegadude, pal is lost
19. wziąć się 25 conversion to date a random man; to go home with him to take off 20 conversion recognized equivalent
20. bons 26 coinage a certain express meal bons 22 borrowing exact borrowing
21. wziąć się 28 as above as above to go 23 conversion the same term translated twice in two different ways; lack of cohesion
22. glider 28 coinage, perhaps an Anglicism; comp. to glide, glider a wheel-less, windowless, driverless car of the future gleeder 23 borrowing buttressed with cautious transliteration borrowing with an element of coinage, to avoid glider which already exists
23. kals 30 coinage a type of flirt cals 26 borrowing with transliteration borrowing
24. orka 30 conversion a leisure orka 26 borrowing exact borrowing
25. bryt 32 coinage, perhaps a wordplay a drink that deletes the erotic mood, the “rejected suitor” drink brit 27 borrowing with transliteration borrowing
26. Kawuta 33 perhaps abbreviation, though the plot does not reveal its source words a university of arts Cavuta 27 borrowing with transliteration borrowing
27. plastować 33 a coinage, comp. plastyk, plastelina to create clothes by means of spraying fabrics directly at the customer to plast 27 coinage the core of the verb is borrowed
28. real 36 conversion a virtual reality theatre real 31 conversion exact borrowing
29. mut 37 coinage a virtual reality tourism moot 31 conversion recognized equivalent with similar pronunciation
30. betryzacja 41 coinage the pharmacological muzzle that erases all the aggression (and inclination for taking any risk) out of a man; the society-forming issue pivotal for the entire plot of the novel– everyone is betrizated at birth; for Lem’s comment on betrization cf. 2.4. betrization 35 borrowing with transliteration borrowing
31. sap 48 conversion; a verb, comp. sapać a humoristic, poking, perhaps disturbing expression sap 42 borrowing with transliteration an exact borrowing at the expense of the meaning: grunt, gasp, grumble
32. czyst 57 clipping, comp. czystość, czysty a machine that washes (or dry cleans) clothes laundry 50 - recognized equivalent
33. Żekos 59 acronym: Żegluga Kosmiczna Cosmic Navigation Cosnav 51 acronym: Cosmic Navigation acronym based on literal translation
34. kalster 59 coinage a device similar to credit card calster 52 borrowing with transliteration borrowing
35. igłowiec 62 blending; comp. igła+wieżowiec a tall skyscraper spire 54 conversion recognized equivalent with the meaning slightly converted
36. kress 64 coinage a type of meal of an unspecified nature kress 56 borrowing exact borrowing
37. ozot 64 coinage an unspecified meal; though it suits coffee ozote 56 borrowing with transliteration literal translation with a slight spelling shift
38. herma 64 coinage a type of meal of an unspecified nature herma 56 borrowing exact borrowing
39. ity 66 coinage a currency of a future ets 58 borrowing with thorough transliteration borrowing devised so that its pronunciation corresponds closely with the ST’s neologism
40. ulder 67 coinage a fraught aircraft, resembling a zeppelin ulder 58 borrowing exact borrowing
41. realista 80 conversion a performer that acts in realon realist 71 conversion recognized equivalent of a shifted sense
42. opton 88 coinage; comp. optyka an electronical book reader with “only one page between the covers”, comp. Kindle opton 79 borrowing exact borrowing
43. lekton 88 coinage; comp. lektura a device that reads a book aloud, comp. audiobook lecton 79 borrowing with transliteration borrowing
44. parastatyka 97 blending; para+statyka a science that tames and harnesses the gravity parastatics 87 borrowing with transliteration borrowng
45. grawitologia 97 affixation, clipping: grawitacja + logia a branch of science related to the gravity gravitology 87 borrowing with transliteration borrowing
46. blar 116 coinage an illegal drink that temporarily suspends the effects of betrization blar 104 borrowing exact borrowing
47. perto 118 coinage yet another liquid that hinders betrization perto 106 borrowing exact borrowing
48. psychopeda 121 blending: perhaps psycholog+ortopeda a profession psychopedist 109 borrowing with transliteration and an recognized suffix (comp. psychologist) borrowing
49. czarna skrzynka 137 conversion a device, mounted in every projectile, which accumulates in itself all the kinetic energy of a crash, thus it annuls all the material results of the impact black box 123 conversion recognized equivalent with an altered meaning
50. teletaksja 141 coinage: comp. tele, taxi a theory speculating on the possibility of travels faster than the speed of light teletaxis 127 borrowing with transliteration borrowing
51. realon 155 coinage a virtual reality theatre realon 139 borrowing exact borrowing
52. hipnagog 170 blending; comp. hipnoza, pedagog an apparatus of subthreshold influence that teaches one while he sleeps hypnagog 153 borrowing with transliteration borrowing
53. mesk 207 coinage a quasi-marriage, quasi-separation, a “trial period” relationship mesk 189 exact borrowing exact borrowing



Lem, Stanisław [1961] (1985) Powrót z gwiazd. Kraków – Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Literackie.

Lem, Stanisław [1961] Powrót z gwiazd. English translation (1980) by Barbara Marszal and Frank Simpson, Return from the stars. San Diego. New York. London: A Harvest/HBJ Book. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.