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hebrew plain text font = אדם

hebrew template {{tl|he}} = אדם

hex & html[edit]

variations of quotation marks to be added to the character table[edit]

U+2018 left single quotation mark

145 8216 0x91 U+2018
’ 146 8217 0x92 U+2019 ’ right single quotation mark
“ 147 8220 0x93 U+201C “ left double quotation mark
” 148 8221 0x94 U+201D ” right double quotation mark
" chr(0x0020)
' chr(0x0027)
‛ chr(0x201B)
" chr(0xFF02)
' chr(0xFF07)
& chr(0x0026)
half space  
thin space  
& = &#x0026
< = &#x003c
> = &#x003e

table as of 2023-08-22 21:26[edit]

&#65279 unicode character 'zero width no-break space'
&#rsquo prime
&#rdquo double prime
&#x0020 space
' &#x0027 apostrophe (aka &apos; = ('))
&#x211e prescription symbol
= &#x061
­ &#173 soft hyphen u+00ad (aka &shy;)
&#8208 normal hyphen (unicode)
Å &#x00c5
Δ &#916
÷ &#x00f7

<math> operators[edit]

<math> = + - \times \div </math>




<math>\scriptstyle \sqrt 300^2 + 400^2</math>, or 500 miles a second.

, or 500 miles a second.


<math> M : m = \tfrac {R^3}{T^2} : \tfrac {r^3}{t^2};</math>

\left ( \right)[edit]

<math> \scriptstyle {R^3} = {r^3} \left ( \tfrac {T^2}{t^2} \right ) \left ( \tfrac {M}{m} \right )</math>;


<math> \left ( \tfrac {1162}{160} \right ) </math>

<math> \left ( = 2 \times {10^{11}} \right ) </math>

<math>(a|b)^*a\underbrace{(a|b)(a|b)\cdots(a|b)}_{k-1\text{times}}. \,</math>

math fractions[edit]

<math>\tfrac {1}{15000}</math> to <math>\tfrac {1}{2000}</math>


<math> subscript[edit]

<math>C_6H_12O_6 = 2C_2H_6O + 2CO_2</math>

superscript and subscript[edit]

R = Awv<sup>2</sup>/g OR v= Rg/Aw

R = Awv2/g OR v= Rg/Aw

<math> with \superscript[edit]

<math>R = \frac {A w v^2} {g}</math> or <math>\scriptstyle v = \sqrt \frac {Rg} {Aw}</math>


<math> and fractions[edit]

<math>\frac {Rv}{2}</math>


<math> and \sqrt[edit]

<math>T = \frac {\pi \sqrt PC} {A}</math>,


superscript and subscript and frac template[edit]

<sup>23</sup>/<sub>1000000</sub> {{frac|23|1000000}}

23/1000000 231000000

<math> \scriptstyle and fractions[edit]

<math>\scriptstyle\frac {23}{1000000}</math>

<math>R = \frac {A w v^2} {g}</math> or <math>\scriptstyle v = \sqrt \frac {Rg} {Aw}</math>


<math> and \sqrt[edit]

<math>\scriptstyle \sqrt -1</math>

frac, sfrac, over[edit]

{{frac|2|3}} {{fs|90%|{{frac|1|2}}}}


{{sfrac|2|3}} {{fs|90%|{{sfrac|1|2}}}}


{{over|2|3}} {{fs|90%|{{over|1|2}}}}


<math></math> and \mathrm[edit]

Latex for math tag



<math> \left ( \alpha - \Beta \right ) / \left ( \Beta - \gamma \right ) </math>

<ce> and \overset[edit]

<ce>\overset{^+}{H} + \overset{^-}{Cl}</ce>

WS page status category codes[edit]

cat id cat title
2 Validated
3 Proofread
6 Not proofread
7819 Without text
4067 Problematic

greek math tag symbols[edit]

to be used with <math></math> tags
Uppercase lowercase
1 \Sigma \sigma
2 \Alpha \alpha
3 \Beta \beta
4 \Gamma \gamma
5 \Delta \delta
6 \Epsilon \epsilon
7 \Zeta \zeta
8 \Eta \eta
9 \Theta \theta
10 \Iota \iota
11 \Kappa \kappa
12 \Lambda \lambda
13 \Mu \mu
14 \Nu \nu
15 \Xi \xi
16 \Omicron \omicron
17 \Pi \pi
18 \Rho \rho
19 \Tau \tau
20 \Upsilon \upsilon
21 \Phi \phi
22 \Chi \chi
23 \Psi \psi
24 \Omega \omega

book structure[edit]

  • Half Title
  • Frontispiece
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication
  • Acknowledgments
  • Table of Contents
  • Foreword
  • Preface or Introduction, or both
  • Body matter
  • Glossary
  • Bibliography
  • Index


search for replace with decription comment
/�/g replace with nothing OK
/—/g surround mdash on both sides with a space OK
/(\n){3}/g $1$1 replace three newlines with two not OK
<div style="width:100%; border:1px solid black;">
