User:Levana Taylor/Illustration links

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John Everett Millais

  • ✓ The Anglers of the Dove (woman sitting amid disorder and scattered books) NGV
  • ✓ The Anglers of the Dove (procession of three women) NGV
  • ✓ The Anglers of the Dove (sorting the catch) NGV
  • ✓ The Anglers of the Dove (cradle and sheep) NGV
  • The Anglers of the Dove (5) 1862-08-16 8.197 British Museum
  • The Crusader's Wife 1862-05-10 British Museum
  • ✓ Endymion on Latmos NGV
  • ✓ Hacho the Dane NGV
  • ✓ The Hampdens (1) p. 211 sea with moon British Museum
  • ✓ The Hampdens (2) p. 239 (picking flowers)
  • ✓ The Hampdens (3) p. 267 children in garden
  • ✓ The Hampdens (4) p. 281 family consultation
  • ✓ The Hampdens (5) p. 309 hairdressing British Museum
  • ✓ The Hampdens (6) p. 337 sword under cloak British Museum
  • ✓ The Hampdens (7) p. 365 packing
  • ✓ The Hampdens (8) p. 393 riding side by side
  • ✓ The Hampdesn (9) p. 421 in bed
  • ✓ The Hampdens (10) p. 449 praying British Museum
  • The Iceberg NGV
  • ✓ Limerick Bells NGV
  • A Lost Love 1859-12-03 British Museum
  • ✓ Magenta 1859-07-02 British Museum
  • Maude Clare 1859-11-05 British Museum
  • On the Water 1859-07-23 British Museum
  • Sister Anna's Probation (anna and mother) NGV
  • Sister Anna's Probation (at convent)
  • Sister Anna's Probation (lovers at seaside) NGV
  • Sister Anna's Probation (talking in garden)
  • Sister Anna's Probation (reading their book) NGV
  • ✓ Son Christopher (1) .6.491 10-24. British Museum
  • ✓ Son Christopher (2) 6.519 10-31.
  • ✓ Son Christopher (3) 11-07 6.547 NGV
  • ✓ Son Christopher (4). (two women at fence) 11-14. 9.575
  • ✓ Son Christopher (5) 11-21. 9.603
  • ✓ Son Christopher (6) 9.631 NGV
  • ✓ Son Christopher (7) 9.659 12-05NGV
  • ✓ Son Christopher (8) 9.687 12-12 British Museum
  • The Spirit of the Vanished Island 1862-11-08 British Museum
  • ?Stock Incidents bull throws man over fence NGV
  • Swing Song NGV
  • Thorr's hunt for his hammer 1861-01-26 British Museum
  • Polly "1864" little girl praying NGV
  • Capital letter A. Two children on rocking horses. NGV
  • unknown illustration, in a parlor, at center a large armchair with a woman sitting in it with her back to the viewer, sewing or knitting. in front of her a writing desk. to left, standing, prominently, a teen girl (clothes, I think, are well post-1860s) is looking down at her with some scorn. NGV
  • unknown illustration. By a riverside, a man and woman stand with backs to one another. She has a parasol pointed toward the ground, he is reading a letter. NGV
  • unknown. Woman in dark colors leans on wall looking through fence at graveyard. NGV
  • unknown. Woman with book and dog. PDF
  • Birmingham museum has most images, small but clear

Millais illos needing replacement

  • Dark Gordon's Bride (poor)
  • ✓ Head of Bran (so-so)
  • ✓ Iphis and Anaxarete (poor) NGV
  • Margaret wilson (poor)
  • Master Olaf (poor) 1860-07-14 British Museum
  • The Meeting (poor) 1860-09-01 British Museum
  • the mite of dorcas (poor)
  • ✓ practising (so-so)
  • ✓ musa (poor) 1860-06-16 British Museum
  • violet (poor)

Millais to find


Hablot Knight Browne

  • ✓ A Valentine

Charles Keene

  • ✓ The Beggar's Soliloquy
  • ✓ The Foundation of My Picture Gallery
  • ✓ Nips Daimon
  • A Good Fight (1)
  • A Good Fight (2)
  • A Good Fight (3)
  • A Good Fight (4)
  • ✓ A Good Fight (5)
  • A Good Fight (6)
  • A Good Fight (7)
  • ✓ A Good Fight (8)
  • A Good Fight (9)
  • ✓ A Good Fight (10)
  • A Good Fight (11)
  • A Good Fight (12)
  • A Good Fight (13)
  • ✓ A Good Fight (14)
  • ✓ The Revenue Officer's Story
  • ✓ A Night on the Ice
  • ✓ The Return of the Firefly
  • ✓ The Vikings' Serf
  • ✓ Where Is the Other 1-2
  • ✓ The Woman I Loved 1-8

Charles Green


John Tenniel

  • ✓ Clyte
  • ✓ Nomenoe

Frederick Sandys

  • ✓ The Death of King Warwolf
  • ✓ The Three Statues of Aegina
  • ✓ The Old Chartist
  • ✓ Harald Harfagr
  • ✓ The Boy Martyr NGV
  • ✓ From My Window NGV
  • ✓ Jacques de Caumont NGV
  • ✓ The King at the Gate NGV
  • ✓ Rosamond, Queen of the Lomabards NGV
  • ✓ The Sailor's Bride NGV
  • ✓ Yet Once More on the Organ Play NGV

Frederick Walker

  • Prodigal son. Mlle Boisfleury's fall NGV
  • The Ghost in the Green Park NGV
  • "The overness" woman seated w/four children, another woman coming in the door greeted by one of the children NGV
  • unknown. 17th-c.? Child presented (by clergyman?) to man in elaborate dressing gown who hands him a piece of fruit. NGV

George du Maurier

  • ✓ On Her Deathbed
  • ✓ Per l'Amore d'una Donna
  • unknown. woman looking out window past gauzy curtain and balcony railing, with her chin on her hand. NGV
  • unknown. "c. 1864" In parlor, woman holding letter has a child leaning on her lap and is embracing her tenderly (a scene of grief after bad news?) NGV
  • unknown. "c. 1865" Bedroom, woman with hair in bun, teen girl leaning head on her shoulder NGV
  • unknown. "c. 1865" In fron of fireplace, two women sit, with man standing to left holding hat and looking down at them NGV
  • unknown. In a garden, a confrontation: at right, a couple holding hands and looking startled and guilty; at left, a woman walking vigorously into the picture. NGV
  • unknown. an introduction, fancily dressed people. one woman introduces a man and woman. At right in foreground, a dark-dressed woman. NGV
  • unknown. A parlor, with two chatting couples, one in chairs to left, the other in the right background, she sitting, he leaning on the mantelpiece. NGV
  • unknown. "c. 1865" woman playing the piano and singing with man standing next to her NGV
  • unknown. Old-timey clothes, smiling woman in elaborate headdress in chair, man introducing child to her, child bowing. NGV

Du Maurier to replace

  • Parts 1-4 of Notting Hill Mystery are OK but could be improved
  • Parts 1, 4, 5, 11, 12, 15, 16 of EV are just OK

Du Maurier to add

  • All Santa except 5

George John Pinwell

  • ✓ The Sirens
  • unknown., harvest. In background, man w/sickle andpoor woman; in front, a man and woman talking comfortably, he lying on the ground, with a dog and a jug in front of them. NGV
  • unknown "c. 1865" street (not in England), man on horse holding out hand to window from which hand emerges [ NGV]
  • unknown. countryside, two men in sporting/country clothes w/gaiters, one of them holding a gun, talk in the road. dog lying in road behind them. NGV
  • unknown. on shipboard, with birds flying around, leaning on a bar (rudder?) is a woman flirtatiously posed with a man leaning next to her; he is wearing hose, short tunic, knife at belt. NGV
  • unknown. background, harvest scene; foreground, woman sits holding bunch of small flowers and hands one shyly to a bearded man sitting next to her. NGV
  • unknown. woman with two children: girl looking down, woman and boy laughing. boy on chair holding out hand to woman. NGV
  • unknown. woman in kitchen(?) holding book, talks with man leaning in through open window. NGV
  • unknown. "c. 1870" setting antiquity? man and woman play board game, with a third woman sitting next to them seemingly dozing. NGV
  • unknown "c. 1865" interior: old and younger woman converse with children around them, one child leaning on a chair and others behind on a staircase. NGV
  • unknown. "c. 1865" sorrowful looking scene: woman bending over a baby on her lap, man holding hat and closed umbrella leaning against the wall behind her NGV

John Dawson Watson

  • unknown. "c. 1862" Two men in 18th-century costume at night reading a gravestone. NGV

Matthew James Lawless

  • The betrayed [REPLACE] 3.155 1860-0304 (BrM has smallish image) British Museum (smallish)
  • ✓ The Bridal of Galtrim 1&2
  • Broken Toys 9.672 1863-12-05 British Museum (medium-size)
  • The Cavalier's escape 4.687 British Museum (medium size)
  • Confessions of St. Valentine Aberystwyth
  • Dead Love - to b/w
  • ✓ Dr. Johnson's Penance 6.14 NGV
  • Effie Gordon (1) 4.406 NGV
  • Elfie Meadows [REPLACE] 3.304 British Museum
  • ✓ Faint Heart Never Won Fair Ladye
  • ✓ Florinda
  • ✓ The Head Master's Sister (1)
  • ✓ The Head Master's Sister (2) [REPLACE] British Museum
  • ✓ The Head Master's Sister (3) British Museum
  • Heinrich Frauenlob 1863-10-03 9.393 British Museum
  • ✓ John of Padua 10.071 (The Sixties)
  • King Dyring 5.575 British Museum
  • ✓ Lay of the Lady and the Hound
  • My Angel's Visit British Museum
  • ✓ Oenone 1&2
  • ✓ Pearl Wearers and Pearl Winners
  • The Secret That Cant Be Kept [REPLACE] 2.430 British Museum
  • Sentiment from the Shambles (1) p. 507 1859-12-17 British Museum (smallish)
  • Sentiment from the Shambles (2) p. 509 1859-12-17 British Museum (smallish)* Valentine's day 4.208 British Museum (medium size)
  • The Two Beauties of the Camberwell Assemblies British Museum or BrM
  • British Museum has medium-size images of The Minstrel's Curse / High Elms / Twilight / Fleurette / What befel me at the Assises / The Dead Bride / The Linden Trees / Gifts
  • unknown, old woman and girl reading together, urn in background 1860 British Museum

Lawless to replace

  • Effie Gordon (2) medieval bedroom 4.407 (not too bad)
  • Legend of Swaffham 2.549
  • Only for something to say 2.352
  • Head master's sister (1) 2.386
  • The Lots Upon the Raft 2.620

Thomas Morten

  • Swift and the Mohawks 9.323 NGV
  • The Father of the Regiment 5.071 NGV

Frederic Shields

  • The Robber Saint 5.378 NGV

John Leech


Joseph Wolf
