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  1. Aaron's Rod / D. H. Lawrence
  2. The Abbess of Castro / Stendhal; translated from the French by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff
  3. The Abbot / Walter Scott
  4. An account of the manners and customs of the Aborigines and the state of their relations with Europeans / Edward John Eyre.
  5. An account of the sea coast and interior of South Australia / Charles Sturt
  6. The Acharnians / Aristophanes
  7. Across the Plains / Robert Louis Stevenson
  8. Actions and Reactions / Rudyard Kipling
  9. Adam Bede / George Eliot
  10. An Address delivered before the Senior Class in Divinity College, Cambridge, Sunday Evening, July 15, 1838 / Ralph Waldo Emerson
  11. The advancement of learning / Francis Bacon.
  12. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom / Tobias Smollett
  13. The Adventures of Gerard / Arthur Conan Doyle
  14. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn / Mark Twain
  15. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle / Tobias Smollett
  16. The Adventures of Roderick Random / Tobias Smollett
  17. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes / Arthur Conan Doyle
  18. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer / Mark Twain
  19. Aesop's Fables / translated by George Fyler Townsend
  20. After London ; or Wild England / Richard Jefferies
  21. Agamemnon / Aeschylus ; translated by E.D.A. Morshead
  22. The Age of Reason / Thomas Paine
  23. Agesilaus / Xenophon ; translated by H. G. Dakyns
  24. Agnes Grey / Anne Brontë.
  25. Albert Savarus / Honoré de Balzac
  26. Alcestis / Euripides; translated by Richard Aldington
  27. Alfred Tennyson / Andrew Lang
  28. The Alhambra by Washington Irving
  29. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Lewis Carroll; illustrated by Sir John Tenniel
  30. Allan Quatermain / H. Rider Haggard
  31. All's well that ends well / William Shakespeare
  32. Almayer's Folly : a story of an eastern river / Joseph Conrad
  33. Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont and the Canton Ticino / Samuel Butler
  34. The Amateur Emigrant / Robert Louis Stevenson
  35. The Ambassadors / Henry James
  36. The American Crisis / Thomas Paine
  37. The American / Henry James
  38. American Notes for General Circulation / Charles Dickens
  39. American Notes / Rudyard Kipling
  40. The American Scholar : an oration delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, at Cambridge, August 31, 1837 / Ralph Waldo Emerson
  41. The American Senator / Anthony Trollope
  42. An American Tragedy / Theodore Dreiser
  43. Among the Railway Folk / Rudyard Kipling
  44. Among the Tibetans / Isabella L. Bird
  45. The Amours of Bosvil and Galesia / Jane Barker
  46. Amy Foster / Joseph Conrad
  47. Anabasis / Xenophon ; translated by H. G. Dakyns
  48. The Analects of Confucius / translated by James Legge
  49. The Analyst : A Discourse addressed to an Infidel Mathematician / George Berkeley
  50. Anatomy of Melancholy / Robert Burton
  51. Andromache / Euripides; translated by Edward P. Coleridge
  52. Animal Farm / George Orwell
  53. Anna Karenina / Leo Tolstoy; translated by Constance Garnett
  54. The Annals / P. Cornelius Tacitus; translated by Alfred John Church and William Jackson Brodribb
  55. Anne of Geierstein / Walter Scott
  56. Ann Veronica, a modern love story / H. G. Wells
  57. Another Study of a Woman / Honoré de Balzac
  58. The Antiquary / Sir Walter Scott; illustrated
  59. Anton Chekhov / Marian Fell
  60. Antony and Cleopatra / William Shakespeare
  61. Aphorisms / Hippocrates ; translated by Francis Adams
  62. The Apology of Socrates / Xenophon ; translated by H. G. Dakyns
  63. Apology / Plato; translated by Benjamin Jowett
  64. The Arabian Nights' Entertainments / Richard F. Burton
  65. Areopagitica / John Milton
  66. The Argonautica / Apollonius Rhodius ; translated by R.C. Seaton
  67. An Argument against Abolishing Christianity / Jonathan Swift
  68. Armadale / Wilkie Collins
  69. Armance / Stendhal; translated from the French by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff
  70. Around the World in 80 Days / Jules Verne
  71. The Arrow of Gold / Joseph Conrad
  72. Arrowsmith / Sinclair Lewis
  73. The Art of Controversy / Arthur Schopenhauer; translated by T. Bailey Saunders
  74. The Art of Literature / Arthur Schopenhauer; translated by T. Bailey Saunders
  75. The Art of Living in Australia / Philip E. Muskett ; together with three hundred Australian cookery recipes and accessory kitchen information by Mrs. H. Wicken.
  76. The Art of War / Niccolo Machiavelli
  77. The Aspern Papers / Henry James
  78. As you like it / William Shakespeare
  79. The Atheist's Mass / Honoré de Balzac
  80. The Athenian Constitution / Aristotle; translated by Sir Frederic G. Kenyon
  81. At the Back of the North Wind / George MacDonald ; illustrated by Arthur Hughes and edited by Greville MacDonald
  82. At the Back of the North Wind / George MacDonald ; simplified by Elizabeth Lewis ; with six full page illustrations in color by Maria L. Kirk
  83. At the Mountains of Madness / H.P. Lovecraft
  84. At the Sign of the Cat and Racket / Honoré de Balzac
  85. At the Sign of the Reine Pédauque / Anatole France; translated by Jos. A. V. Stritzko
  86. Aucassin and Nicolete / Andrew Lang
  87. Australia felix / Henry Handel Richardson.
  88. Australia Twice Traversed / Ernest Giles
  89. An Autobiography / Anthony Trollope
  90. The Autobiography of John Stuart Mill
  91. Autobiography / T. H. Huxley.
  92. The Autocracy of Mr. Parham / H. G. Wells
  93. Autour de la Lune / Jules Verne
  94. Les Aventures du Capitaine Hatteras / Jules Verne
  95. Awakening / John Galsworthy
  96. Ayala's Angel / Anthony Trollope
  97. Ayesha : The Return of She / H. Rider Haggard


  1. Babbit / Sinclair Lewis
  2. The Bacchantes / Euripides; translated by Edward P. Coleridge
  3. The Ball at Sceaux / Honoré de Balzac
  4. Balzac / Frederick Lawton
  5. Barchester Towers / Anthony Trollope
  6. Barnaby Rudge : a tale of the riots of 'Eighty / Charles Dickens
  7. Barrack-Room Ballads / Rudyard Kipling
  8. The Battle of Life / Charles Dickens
  9. The Battle of the Books / Jonathan Swift
  10. The Beast in the Jungle / Henry James
  11. Beatrix / Honoré de Balzac
  12. The Beautiful and Damned / F. Scott Fitzgerald
  13. The Bedford-Row Conspiracy / William Makepeace Thackeray
  14. The Beggar's Opera / John Gay
  15. Bel Ami / Guy de Maupassant
  16. The Belton Estate / Anthony Trollope
  17. Beowulf / translated by Francis Gummere
  18. The Betrothed / Walter Scott
  19. Between the Acts / Virginia Woolf
  20. Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Future Philosophy / Friedrich Nietzsche ; translated by Ian Johnston
  21. Beyond the Wall of Sleep / H.P. Lovecraft
  22. The Bible in Spain / George Borrow
  23. The Bickerstaff-Partridge Papers / Jonathan Swift
  24. Billy Budd, Sailor / Herman Melville
  25. The Birds / Aristophanes
  26. The Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses / Robert Louis Stevenson
  27. The Black Dwarf / Sir Walter Scott
  28. Bleak House / Charles Dickens
  29. Bliss, and other stories / Katherine Mansfield
  30. The Blithedale Romance / Nathaniel Hawthorne
  31. The Blue Fairy Book / Andrew Lang
  32. The Boats of the 'Glen Carrig' / William Hope Hodgson
  33. Bobok : from Somebody's Diary / Fyodor Dostoyevsky ; translated by Constance Garnett
  34. The Body-Snatcher / Robert Louis Stevenson
  35. The Book of Dreams and Ghosts / Andrew Lang
  36. The Book of Household Management / Isabella Beeton.
  37. The Book of Job / William Blake
  38. The Book of Prognostics / Hippocrates ; translated by Francis Adams
  39. The Book of Snobs / William Makepeace Thackeray
  40. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night / Richard F. Burton
  41. The Book of Urizen / William Blake
  42. A Book of Words / Rudyard Kipling
  43. Books and Bookmen / Andrew Lang
  44. The Bostonians / Henry James
  45. Boyhood / Leo Tolstoy; translated by C. J. Hogarth
  46. The Bride of Lammermoor / Walter Scott
  47. A briefe commentarie of Island: wherein the errors of such as haue written concerning this Island, are detected, and the slanders, and reproches of certaine strangers, which they haue vsed ouer-boldly against the people of Island are confuted. / Arngrimus Ionas
  48. The Broken Heart / John Ford
  49. Brother Jacob / George Eliot
  50. The Brothers Karamazov / Fyodor Dostoyevsky; translated by Constance Garnett
  51. The Brown Fairy Book / Andrew Lang
  52. The Brown Man's Servant / W. W. Jacobs
  53. Bulfinch's Mythology
  54. Bulfinch's Mythology: Legends of Charlemagne or Romance of the Middle Ages / Thomas Bulfinch
  55. Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Chivalry, or Legends of King Arthur / Thomas Bulfinch
  56. Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable; or Stories of Gods and Heroes / Thomas Bulfinch
  57. Burlesques / William Makepeace Thackeray
  58. Burmese Days / George Orwell


  1. The Calash / Nikolai Gogol
  2. Caleb Williams ; or things as they are / William Godwin
  3. The Call of Cthulhu / H.P. Lovecraft
  4. Camilla : or, A Picture of Youth / Fanny Burney
  5. Candide / Voltaire
  6. The Canterbury Tales / Geoffrey Chaucer
  7. The Canterbury Tales / Geoffrey Chaucer ; edited by Walter W. Skeat
  8. Can you forgive her? / Anthony Trollope
  9. Captain Cook's journal during his first voyage round the world made in H.M. Bark "Endeavour", 1768-71 : a literal transcription of the original mss. / with notes and introduction, edited by Captain W.J.L. Wharton
  10. Captain Gault / William Hope Hodgson
  11. The Captain of the "Pole-Star", and other stories / Arthur Conan Doyle
  12. Captains Courageous : a story of the Grand Banks / Rudyard Kipling
  13. The captain's doll / D. H. Lawrence
  14. The Captive / Marcel Proust; translated from the French by C. K. Scott Moncrieff
  15. Carmilla / J. Sheridan Le Fanu
  16. Carnacki, the Ghost Finder / William Hope Hodgson
  17. The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes / Arthur Conan Doyle
  18. The Case of Charles Dexter Ward / H.P. Lovecraft
  19. Cass Timberlane / Sinclair Lewis
  20. Castle Dangerous / Walter Scott
  21. The Castle of Otranto / Horace Walpole
  22. Castle Rackrent / Maria Edgeworth ; with an introduction by Anne Thackeray Ritchie
  23. Castle Richmond / Anthony Trollope; with and introduction by Algar Thorold
  24. The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne / Ann Radcliffe
  25. The Categories / Aristotle; translated by E. M. Edghill
  26. Catherine: a story / William Makepeace Thackeray
  27. Catiline / Henrik Ibsen
  28. Catriona / Robert Louis Stevenson
  29. The Cavalry General / Xenophon ; translated by H. G. Dakyns
  30. Cecilia / Fanny Burney
  31. Celephais / H.P. Lovecraft
  32. The Cenci / Stendhal ; translated from the French by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff
  33. Cetywayo and his white neighbours : remarks on recent events in Zululand, Natal, and the Transvaal / H. Rider Haggard
  34. Chance / Joseph Conrad
  35. A Changed Man / Thomas Hardy
  36. Chants for Socialists / William Morris
  37. Charmides, or Temperance / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  38. The Charterhouse of Parma / Stendhal; translated from the French by C. K. Scott–Moncrieff
  39. Le Château des Carpathes / Jules Verne
  40. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales for the Modern Reader / prepared & edited by Arthur Burrell
  41. Child Christopher / William Morris
  42. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage / George Byron
  43. Childhood / Leo Tolstoy; translated by C. J. Hogarth
  44. A Child's Garden of Verses / Robert Louis Stevenson
  45. A Child's History of England / Charles Dickens
  46. The Child's Story / Charles Dickens
  47. The Chimes / Charles Dickens
  48. The Choephori / Aeschylus ; translated by E.D.A. Morshead
  49. A Christmas carol / Charles Dickens
  50. A Christmas Tree / Charles Dickens
  51. Chronicles of the Canongate / Walter Scott
  52. Les Cinq Cents Millions de la Bégum / Jules Verne
  53. Cinq Semaines en Ballon / Jules Verne
  54. Cities of the Plain / Marcel Proust; translated from the French by C. K. Scott Moncrieff
  55. City of Dreadful Night / Rudyard Kipling
  56. The City of the Sun / Tommaso Campanella
  57. Clarissa Harlowe / Samuel Richardson
  58. The Claverings / Anthony Trollope
  59. A Clergyman's Daughter / George Orwell
  60. The Cloak / Nikolai Gogol
  61. The Clouds / Aristophanes
  62. The Coat / Henry Handel Richardson
  63. Collected Essays / George Orwell
  64. Collected Essays / Robert Louis Stevenson
  65. Collected Ghost Stories / M. R. James
  66. The Collected Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
  67. Collected Poems / Oscar Wilde
  68. Collected Poems / William Butler Yeats
  69. Collected Stories / Olaf Stapledon
  70. Le Colonel Chabert / Honoré de Balzac
  71. The Colour out of Space / H.P. Lovecraft
  72. The Comedy of errors / William Shakespeare
  73. The Coming of the Fairies / Arthur Conan Doyle
  74. The Coming Race / Edward Bulwer-Lytton
  75. Coming up for Air / George Orwell
  76. Commentaries on the Laws of England : in four books / William Blackstone
  77. The Commission in Lunacy / Honoré de Balzac
  78. The Common Reader : First series / Virginia Woolf
  79. The Common Reader, Second Series / Virginia Woolf
  80. Common Sense / Thomas Paine
  81. The Compleat Angler / Izaak Walton
  82. A Complete Account of the Settlement at Port Jackson / Watkin Tench
  83. The Complete "Father Brown" / G. K. Chesterton.
  84. The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley / Edited with textual notes by Thomas Hutchinson
  85. The Conduct of Life / Ralph Waldo Emerson
  86. The confessions of a beachcomber : scenes and incidents in the career of an unprofessional beachcomber in tropical Queensland / E.J. Banfield.
  87. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater : Being an extract from the Life of a Scholar / Thomas de Quincey
  88. The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau / Jean-Jacques Rousseau; translated by W. Conyngham Mallory
  89. The Confessions / St. Augustine; translated by Edward Bouverie Pusey
  90. Consolation of Philosophy / Boetius ; translated into English prose and verse by H. R. James
  91. Contributions to "All the Year Round" / Charles Dickens
  92. Cool Air / H.P. Lovecraft
  93. The Cossacks / Leo Tolstoy; translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude
  94. Le Côté de Guermantes / Marcel Proust
  95. Counsels and Maxims / Arthur Schopenhauer; translated by T. Bailey Saunders
  96. Count Robert of Paris / Walter Scott
  97. The Country of the Blind, and other stories / H. G. Wells
  98. Cox's Diary / William Makepeace Thackeray
  99. Cranford / Mrs. Gaskell
  100. Cratylus / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  101. Creatures That Once Were Men, and other stories / Maxim Gorki ; translated from the Russian by J. M. Shirazi and others, with an introduction by G. K. Chesterton
  102. The Cricket on the Hearth / Charles Dickens
  103. Crime and Punishment / Fyodor Dostoyevsky; translated By Constance Garnett
  104. The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard / Anatole France
  105. The Crimson Fairy Book / Andrew Lang
  106. Critias / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  107. Criticism / Edgar Allan Poe
  108. The Critique of Judgement. Part I : Critique of Aesthetic Judgement / Immanuel Kant ; translated by James Creed Meredith
  109. The Critique of Pure Reason / Immanuel Kant ; translated by J. M. D. Meiklejohn
  110. Crito / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  111. The Crock of Gold / James Stephens
  112. The Crocodile : an extraordinary incident / Fyodor Dostoyevsky; translated by Constance Garnett
  113. The Cyclops / Euripides; translated by E. P. Coleridge
  114. Cymbeline / William Shakespeare


  1. Dagon / H.P. Lovecraft
  2. Daisy Miller: a study in two parts / Henry James
  3. Danger! and other stories / Arthur Conan Doyle
  4. Daniel Deronda / George Eliot
  5. Darkness and the Light / Olaf Stapledon
  6. A Daughter of Eve / Honoré de Balzac
  7. The Daughter of the Commandant / Aleksandr Pushkin; translated by Mrs. Milne Home
  8. Dawn / H. Rider Haggard
  9. The Days of my life : an autobiography / H. Rider Haggard
  10. The Day's Work / Rudyard Kipling
  11. Dead Souls / Nikolai V. Gogol; translated by C. J. Hogarth
  12. Death into Life / Olaf Stapledon
  13. Death of the Laird's Jock / Walter Scott
  14. The Death of the Moth and other essays / Virginia Woolf
  15. Debits and Credits / Rudyard Kipling
  16. The Decameron / Boccaccio
  17. A Defence of Free-Thinking in Mathematics / George Berkeley
  18. The Defense / Apuleius ; translated by H.E. Butler
  19. A Defense of the Rockingham Party, in Their Late Coalition with the Right Honorable Frederic Lord North / William Godwin
  20. De La Terre a La Lune / Jules Verne
  21. Democracy in America / Alexis de Tocqueville ; translated by Henry Reeve
  22. Departmental Ditties and other verses / Rudyard Kipling
  23. The Derelict / William Hope Hodgson
  24. The Descent of Man / Charles Darwin
  25. A description of the methods adopted by the Duke Valentino when murdering Vitellozzo Vitelli, Oliverotto da Fermo, the Signor Pagolo, and the Duke di Gravina Orsini / Nicolo Machiavelli ; translated by W. K. Marriott
  26. The Deserted Woman / Honoré de Balzac
  27. A Desperate Character and other stories / Ivan Turgenev
  28. Destroyers at Jutland / Rudyard Kipling
  29. The Dhammapada : a collection of verses. Being one of the Canonical Books of the Buddhists. / translated from Pali by F. Max Muller
  30. The Dialogues of Plato / by Benjamin Jowett; translated into English with analyses and introductions by B. Jowett.
  31. The Diary of a Superfluous Man and other stories / Ivan Turgenev
  32. The diary of C. Jeames De La Pluche, Esq., with his letters / William Makepeace Thackeray
  33. Discourse on the Arts and Sciences / Jean-Jacques Rousseau ; translated by Ian Johnston
  34. Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason, and Seeking the Truth in the Sciences / Rene Descartes
  35. Discourse on the Origin and the Foundations of Inequality Among Men / Jean-Jacques Rousseau ; translated by Ian Johnston
  36. The Discourses / Niccolo Machiavelli
  37. The discourses of Epictetus
  38. The Disintegration Machine / Arthur Conan Doyle
  39. A Distinguished Provincial at Paris / Honoré de Balzac
  40. A Diversity of Creatures / Rudyard Kipling
  41. The divine comedy : The Vision of Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise / Dante Alighieri ; translated by H.F. Cary ; illustrated by Gustave Doré.
  42. Doctor Grimshawe's Secret : a Romance / Nathaniel Hawthorne ; edited with preface and notes by Julian Hawthorne
  43. Doctor Marigold / Charles Dickens
  44. Doctor Thorne / Anthony Trollope
  45. The Doctrine of the Mean / Confucius ; translated by James Legge
  46. Dodsworth / Sinclair Lewis
  47. The Dog / Ivan Turgenev
  48. The Dolliver Romance / Nathaniel Hawthorne
  49. A Doll's House / Henrik Ibsen
  50. Dombey and Son / Charles Dickens
  51. Domestic Manners of the Americans / Fanny Trollope
  52. Domestic Peace / Honoré de Balzac
  53. Don Quixote / Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra ; a translation, with introduction and notes by John Ormsby; illustrated by Gustave Doré
  54. The Doom that Came to Sarnath / H.P. Lovecraft
  55. The Door in the Wall, and other stories / H. G. Wells
  56. The Doré Gallery of Bible Illustrations / Gustave Doré
  57. The Double : a Petersburg poem / Fyodor Dostoyevsky; translated by Constance Garnett.
  58. Down and Out in Paris and London / George Orwell
  59. Dracula / Bram Stoker
  60. Dramatic Romances / Robert Browning
  61. Dr. Birch and his young friends / William Makepeace Thackeray
  62. The Dream of a Ridiculous Man / Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  63. A Dream of John Ball / William Morris
  64. The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath / H.P. Lovecraft
  65. The Dreams in the Witch House / H.P. Lovecraft
  66. Dream tales and prose poems / Ivan Turgenev
  67. Dr. Wortle's school / Anthony Trollope
  68. Dubliners / James Joyce
  69. The Duchess of Malfi / John Webster
  70. The Duchess of Palliano / Stendhal ; translated from the French by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff
  71. Du côté de chez Swann / Marcel Proust
  72. The Duke's Children / Anthony Trollope
  73. The Dunwich Horror / H.P. Lovecraft
  74. Dwellers in the Mirage / Abraham Merritt
  75. The Dynamiter / Robert Louis Stevenson


  1. The Ebb-Tide / Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne
  2. The Ecclesiazusae / Aristophanes
  3. Eclogues / Virgil ; translated by J. B. Greenough
  4. The Economist : A Treatise on the Science of the Household in the form of a Dialogue / Xenophon ; translated by H. G. Dakyns
  5. Edinburgh Picturesque Notes / Robert Louis Stevenson
  6. The Education of Cyrus / Xenophon ; translated by H. G. Dakyns, revised by F. M. Stawell
  7. Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon / Jules Verne
  8. Electra / Euripides; translated by E. P. Coleridge
  9. The Elements of Drawing : in three letters to beginners / John Ruskin ; with illustrations drawn by the author.
  10. Elmer Gantry / Sinclair Lewis
  11. Eloi Eloi Lama Sabachthani / William Hope Hodgson
  12. Emile Zola / William Dean Howells
  13. Emma / Jane Austen
  14. The end of a childhood / Henry Handel Richardson.
  15. The End of Books / Octave Uzanne
  16. The end of the tether / Joseph Conrad
  17. An Enemy of the People / Henrik Ibsen ; translated by R. Farquharson Sharp
  18. English housewifry, exemplified in above four hundred and fifty receipts : giving directions in most parts of cookery and how to prepare various sorts of soops, made-dishes, pastes, pickles, cakes, creams, jellies, made-wines, &c. : with cuts for the orderly placing the dishes and courses, also bills of fare for every month in the year, and an alphabetical index to the whole ... / by Elizabeth Moxon ; with an appendix containing upwards of sixty receipts of the most valuable kind, communicated to the publisher by several gentlewomen on the neighbourhood, distinguished by their extraordinary skill in housewifry.
  19. English Traits / Ralph Waldo Emerson
  20. The Englishwoman in America / Isabella Bird
  21. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding / David Hume
  22. Enquiry concerning Political Justice, and its influence on general virtue and happiness / William Godwin
  23. An Enquiry into the Principles of Morals / David Hume
  24. Eothen / Alexander William Kinglake
  25. The Epic of Kings : Hero Tales of Ancient Persia / Firdausi ; translated by Helen Zimmern
  26. Erema / R. D. Blackmore
  27. Erewhon ; or, Over the Range / Samuel Butler
  28. Eric Brighteyes / H. Rider Haggard
  29. Eryxias / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  30. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding / John Locke
  31. An essay on the principle of population, as it affects the future improvement of society with remarks on the speculations of Mr. Godwin, M. Condorcet, and other writers / Thomas Robert Malthus
  32. Essays and Miscellanies / Plutarch
  33. The Essays / Francis Bacon
  34. Essays in the Art of Writing / Robert Louis Stevenson
  35. Essays / Michel de Montaigne ; translated by Charles Cotton
  36. Essays of Schopenhauer / Arthur Schopenhauer; translated by Mrs. Rudolf Dircks
  37. Essays of Travel / Robert Louis Stevenson
  38. Essays / Ralph Waldo Emerson
  39. Essays / T. H. Huxley
  40. An essay towards a new theory of Vision / George Berkeley
  41. An essay upon projects / Daniel Defoe ; with an introduction by Henry Morley.
  42. The Ethics / Benedict de Spinoza ; translated by R. H. M. Elwes
  43. Eugene Onegin: a romance of Russian life in verse / Aleksandr Pushkin ; translated by Henry Spalding
  44. Eugénie Grandet / Honoré de Balzac
  45. Eugénie Grandet / Honoré de Balzac ; translated by Katharine Prescott Wormeley
  46. The Eumenides / Aeschylus ; translated by E. D. A. Morshead
  47. Eureka : a prose poem / Edgar Allan Poe
  48. The Europeans / Henry James
  49. The Eustace Diamonds / Anthony Trollope
  50. Euthydemus / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  51. Euthyphro / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  52. Eve and David / Honoré de Balzac
  53. Evelina / Fanny Burney
  54. Everybody's business is nobody's business / Daniel Defoe
  55. The Evil Clergyman / H.P. Lovecraft
  56. The Evil Guest / J. Sheridan Le Fanu
  57. Exilius ; or, The Banish'd Roman / Jane Barker
  58. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker / Tobias Smollett
  59. Experiences in the Friends' Ambulance Unit / Olaf Stapledon
  60. The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard / Arthur Conan Doyle
  61. The Eyes of Asia / Rudyard Kipling


  1. The Fables of Aesop / translated by Joseph Jacobs
  2. Fables / Robert Louis Stevenson
  3. Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family / H.P. Lovecraft
  4. The Fair Maid of Perth / Walter Scott
  5. Falk / Joseph Conrad
  6. Familiar Spanish Travels / William Dean Howells
  7. Familiar Studies of Men and Books / Robert Louis Stevenson
  8. Fanny Hill : memoirs of a woman of pleasure / John Cleland
  9. Fanshawe / Nathaniel Hawthorne
  10. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie / Johannes Boemus; translated by William Waterman
  11. Far from the Madding Crowd / Thomas Hardy; illustrated by Helen Paterson Allingham
  12. The Fatal Boots / William Makepeace Thackeray
  13. Father Goriot / Honoré de Balzac; translated by Ellen Marriage
  14. Fathers and Sons / Ivan Turgenev
  15. The Feast at Solhaug / Henrik Ibsen ; translated by William Archer and Mary Morrison
  16. The Festival / H.P. Lovecraft
  17. A Few Crusted Characters / Thomas Hardy
  18. A Few Figs from Thistles / Edna St. Vincent Millay
  19. The Fiddler of the Reels / Thomas Hardy
  20. Fielding / Austin Dobson.
  21. The Financier / Theodore Dreiser
  22. Finnegan's Wake / James Joyce
  23. The Firm of Girdlestone / Arthur Conan Doyle
  24. The First Alcibiades / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  25. First footsteps in East Africa ; or, An Exploration of Harar / Richard Burton
  26. First Love / Ivan Turgenev
  27. First Men in the Moon / H. G. Wells
  28. The first part of King Henry the Fourth / William Shakespeare
  29. The First part of King Henry the Sixth / William Shakespeare
  30. The First Part of Tamburlaine the Great / Christopher Marlowe
  31. A First Year in Canterbury Settlement / Samuel Butler
  32. The Fitz-Boodle Papers / William Makepeace Thackeray
  33. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel / Francois Rabelais; translated into English by Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromarty and Peter Antony Motteux; illustrated by Gustave Doré.
  34. The Five Nations / Rudyard Kipling
  35. Five Weeks in a Balloon / Jules Verne
  36. The Flames / Olaf Stapledon
  37. Flappers and Philosophers / F. Scott Fitzgerald
  38. Flatland: a romance of many dimensions / Edwin A. Abbott
  39. Les Fleurs du Mal / Charles Baudelaire
  40. Flowering Wilderness / John Galsworthy
  41. Flush: a biography / Virginia Woolf
  42. The Food of the Gods and how it came to Earth / H. G. Wells
  43. A Footnote to History: Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa / Robert Louis Stevenson
  44. For the term of his natural life / Marcus Clarke
  45. The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders / Daniel Defoe.
  46. The Fortunes of Nigel / Sir Walter Scott
  47. The fox / D.H. Lawrence.
  48. The fox woman & other stories / Abraham Merritt.
  49. Framley Parsonage / Anthony Trollope
  50. France at War / Rudyard Kipling
  51. Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus / Mary Shelley.
  52. Fridthjof's Saga / Esaias Tegnér ; translated by Thomas Aand Martha Holcomb.
  53. The Fringes of the Fleet / Rudyard Kipling
  54. The Frogs / Aristophanes
  55. From Beyond / H.P. Lovecraft
  56. From London to Land's End / Daniel Defoe
  57. From Sea to Sea / Rudyard Kipling
  58. From the Earth to the Moon / Jules Verne
  59. Fugitive Pieces / George Gordon Noel Byron ; reproduced from the first edition, with a bibliographical note by Marcel Kessel
  60. Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals / Immanuel Kant ; translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott
  61. The Fur Country / Jules Verne.


  1. The Gambler / Fyodor Dostoyevsky; translated by C. J. Hogarth.
  2. The Garden Party, and other stories / Katherine Mansfield
  3. The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money / John Maynard Keynes
  4. Gentle Spirit : a fantastic story / Fyodor Dostoyevsky; translated by Constance Garnett
  5. Geometrical Solutions Derived from Mechanics / Archimedes
  6. George Cruikshank / William Makepeace Thackeray
  7. The George Sand-Gustave Flaubert Letters / translated by A. L. McKenzie, with an introduction by Stuart Sherman
  8. George Silverman's Explanation / Charles Dickens
  9. Georgics / Virgil ; translated by J. B. Greenough
  10. The Getting of Wisdom / Henry Handel Richardson.
  11. The Ghost Pirates / William Hope Hodgson
  12. Ghosts / Henrik Ibsen; translated by R. Farquharson Sharp
  13. Ghost Stories of an Antiquary / M. R. James
  14. Gideon Planish / Sinclair Lewis
  15. The Giridih Coal-Fields / Rudyard Kipling
  16. Gobseck / Honoré de Balzac
  17. Going into Society / Charles Dickens
  18. The Gold-Bug / Edgar Allan Poe
  19. The Golden Asse / Apuleius ; translated by William Adlington.
  20. The Golden bough : a study in magic and religion / Sir James George Frazer
  21. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither / Isabella L. Bird
  22. The Golden Lion of Granpere / Anthony Trollope
  23. Gone with the Wind / Margaret Mitchell
  24. Gorgias / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  25. The Grave / William Blake
  26. Great Expectations / Charles Dickens
  27. The Great Gatsby / F. Scott Fitzgerald
  28. The Great Hoggarty Diamond / William Makepeace Thackeray
  29. The Great Instauration / Francis Bacon
  30. The Great Learning / Confucius ; translated by James Legge
  31. The Green Fairy Book / Edited by Andrew Lang.
  32. The Green Flag / Arthur Conan Doyle
  33. Green Mansions / William Henry Hudson
  34. Greenmantle / John Buchan
  35. Green Tea / J. Sheridan Le Fanu
  36. The Grey Fairy Book / Andrew Lang
  37. The Grounds of an Opinion on the Policy of Restricting the Importation of Foreign Corn / Thomas Malthus
  38. Growing pains / Henry Handel Richardson.
  39. The Growth of the Soil / Knut Hamsun
  40. The Guermantes Way / Marcel Proust; translated from the French by C. K. Scott Moncrieff.
  41. The Gulistan of Sa'di / Sheikh Muslih-uddin Sa'di Shirazi; translated by Edward Rehatsek.
  42. Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the world / Jonathan Swift
  43. Guy de Maupassant, a study / Pol. Neveux
  44. Guy Mannering / Sir Walter Scott


  1. The Hacker Crackdown : Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier / Bruce Sterling
  2. Hadji Murad / Leo Tolstoy
  3. Hamlet / William Shakespeare
  4. The Hand of Ethelberta : a comedy in chapters / Thomas Hardy; illustrated by George Du Maurier
  5. Hard Times / Charles Dickens
  6. The Harp-Weaver and other poems / Edna St. Vincent Millay
  7. Harry Heathcote of Gangoil / Anthony Trollope
  8. The Haunted and the Haunters / Edward Bulwer-Lytton
  9. The Haunted Hotel : A Mystery of Modern Venice / Wilkie Collins
  10. A Haunted House, and other short stories / Virginia Woolf
  11. The Haunted House / Charles Dickens
  12. The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain / Charles Dickens
  13. The Haunter of the Dark / H.P. Lovecraft
  14. The Hawaiian Archipelago : Six months among the palm groves, coral reefs, and volcanoes of The Sandwich Islands / Isabella L. Bird
  15. Hawthorne / Henry James
  16. Heart of Darkness / Joseph Conrad
  17. The Heart of Mid-Lothian / Walter Scott
  18. Hecuba / Euripides; translated by E. P. Coleridge
  19. Hedda Gabler / Henrik Ibsen; translated by Edmund Gosse and William Archer
  20. He / H.P. Lovecraft
  21. He knew he was right / Anthony Trollope
  22. Helen / Euripides; translated by E. P. Coleridge
  23. Hellenica / Xenophon ; translated by H. G. Dakyns
  24. Henrik Ibsen / Edmund Gosse
  25. Henry James / William Dean Howells
  26. The Heracleidae / Euripides; translated by E. P. Coleridge
  27. Heracles / Euripides; translated by E. P. Coleridge
  28. Herbert West--reanimator / H.P. Lovecraft
  29. Herland / Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  30. Herodias / Gustave Flaubert
  31. A Hero of Our Time / Mikhail Lermontov; translated by J. H. Wisdom & Marr Murray
  32. Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica / H. G. Evelyn-White
  33. Hiero / Xenophon ; translated by H. G. Dakyns
  34. Hints towards an essay on conversation / Jonathan Swift
  35. Hippolytus / Euripides; translated by E. P. Coleridge
  36. His Last Bow / Arthur Conan Doyle
  37. Histories / P. Cornelius Tacitus; translated by Alfred John Church and William Jackson Brodribb
  38. The History / Herodotus, translated by George Rawlinson
  39. The History of Animals / Aristotle; translated by D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson
  40. The history of Florence : and of the affairs of Italy, from the earliest times to the death of Lorenzo the Magnificent / Nicolo Machiavelli
  41. The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. ; A Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty Queen Anne; Written by Himself / William Makepeace Thackeray
  42. The History of Herodotus / Translated into English by G. C. Macaulay
  43. The History of Mr. Polly / H. G. Wells
  44. The History of Pendennis / William Makepeace Thackeray
  45. The History of the Caliph Vathek / William Beckford
  46. The History of the Conquest of Mexico / William Hickling Prescott
  47. The History of the Conquest of Peru / William Hickling Prescott
  48. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire / Edward Gibbon; edited, with notes, by the Rev. H. H. Milman.
  49. The History of the Next French Revolution / William Makepeace Thackeray
  50. History of the Peloponnesian War / Thucydides; translated by Benjamin Jowett.
  51. History of the Peloponnesian War / Thucydides; translated by Richard Crawley
  52. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling / Henry Fielding
  53. The History of Troilus and Cressida / William Shakespeare
  54. A Holiday Romance / Charles Dickens
  55. The Holly-Tree / Charles Dickens
  56. Homage to Catalonia / George Orwell
  57. Homer and His Age / Andrew Lang
  58. Honoré de Balzac
  59. Honoré de Balzac / Albert Keim and Louis Lumet
  60. The Honor of the Name / Émile Gaboriau.
  61. Hopes and Fears for Art / William Morris
  62. The Horror at Red Hook / H.P. Lovecraft
  63. The Hound / H.P. Lovecraft
  64. The Hound of the Baskervilles / Arthur Conan Doyle
  65. Household Tales / the brothers Grimm; translated by Margaret Hunt
  66. A House of Gentlefolk / Ivan Turgenev
  67. The House of the Four Winds / John Buchan
  68. The House of the Seven Gables / Nathaniel Hawthorne
  69. The House of the Wolfings / William Morris
  70. The House on the Borderland / William Hope Hodgson
  71. A House to Let / Charles Dickens
  72. How I Found Livingstone : Travels, Adventures and Discoveries in Central Africa including four months residence with Dr. Livingstone / Henry Morton Stanley
  73. How the Two Ivans Quarrelled / Nikolai Gogol
  74. Human Immortality: Two Supposed Objections to the Doctrine / William James
  75. Humorous Tales / Edgar Allan Poe
  76. Hunger / Knut Hamsun
  77. Hung Lou Meng : or The Dream of the Red Chamber / Cao Xueqin; translated by H. Bencraft Joly.
  78. Hunted Down / Charles Dickens
  79. The Hunting of the snark : an agony in eight fits / Lewis Carroll; illustrated by Henry Holiday
  80. Hunting Sketches / Anthony Trollope
  81. Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial / Thomas Browne
  82. Hypnos / H.P. Lovecraft


  1. The Idiot / Fyodor Dostoyevsky; translated by Eva Martin
  2. Idylls of the King / Alfred, Lord Tennyson; illustrated by Gustave Doré.
  3. The Iliad of Homer / translated by Alexander Pope, with an introduction and notes by Theodore Alois Buckley
  4. The Iliad / translated by Samuel Butler
  5. Illusrations to Far from the Madding Crowd / Helen Paterson Allingham
  6. Illustrations by George Wooliscroft Rhead, & Louis Rhead, from Tennyson, Alfred. Idylls of the King: Vivien, Elaine, Enid, Guinevere. New York: R. H. Russell, 1898
  7. Illustrations from: The Doré Gift Book: Illustrations to Tennyson's Idylls of the King
  8. The Imaginary Mistress / Honoré de Balzac
  9. Imogen : A Pastorial Romance From the Ancient British / William Godwin
  10. Imprisoned with the Pharaohs / H.P. Lovecraft
  11. In an Opium Factory / Rudyard Kipling
  12. In Chancery / John Galsworthy
  13. Indian Summer of a Forsyte / John Galsworthy
  14. Initials Only / Anna Katharine Green.
  15. An Inland Voyage / Robert Louis Stevenson
  16. The Inn / Ivan Turgenev
  17. The Inn of Tranquillity: Studies and Essays / John Galsworthy
  18. An inquiry into the nature and progress of rent / Thomas Malthus
  19. In Search of the Castaways / Jules Verne
  20. The Inspector-General / Nikolai V. Gogol
  21. Instruments of Reduction / Hippocrates ; translated by Francis Adams
  22. The Insulted and the Injured / Fyodor Dostoyevsky; translated by Constance Garnett.
  23. In the Days of the Comet / H. G. Wells
  24. In the South Seas / Robert Louis Stevenson
  25. In the Vault / H.P. Lovecraft
  26. In the World / Maksim Gorky ; translated by Mrs. Gertrude M. Foakes
  27. Introduction to the Metaphysic of Morals / Immanuel Kant ; translated by W. Hastie
  28. The Invisible Man / H. G. Wells
  29. Ion / Euripides; translated by Robert Potter
  30. Ion / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  31. The iournall of Frier Odoricus, one of the order of the Minorites, concerning strange things which hee sawe among the Tarters of the East
  32. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253. / William de Rubruquis
  33. Iphigenia at Aulis / Euripides; translated by Edward P. Coleridge
  34. Iphigenia in Tauris / Euripides; translated by Robert Potter
  35. The Irish Sketch Book / William Makepeace Thackeray
  36. An Island Nights' Entertainment / Robert Louis Stevenson
  37. The Island of Doctor Moreau / H. G. Wells
  38. The Italian / Ann Radcliffe
  39. It Can't Happen Here / Sinclair Lewis
  40. Ivanhoe / Sir Walter Scott
  41. Ivanoff / Anton Chekhov
  42. Ivan the Fool / Leo Tolstoy


  1. Jacob's Room / Virginia Woolf
  2. Jane Eyre / Charlotte Brontë.
  3. Jennie Gerhardt / Theodore Dreiser
  4. The Jew and other stories / Ivan Turgenev
  5. John Caldigate / Anthony Trollope
  6. John Gabriel Borkman / Henrik Ibsen ; introduction and translation by William Archer
  7. John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character / William Makepeace Thackeray
  8. The Jolly Corner / Henry James
  9. The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa / Mungo Park
  10. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia / Thomas Mitchell
  11. Journal of an overland expedition in Australia, from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, a distance of upwards of 3000 miles, during the years 1844-1845 / Ludwig Leichhardt
  12. A journal of a tour of discovery across the Blue mountains, New South Wales, in the year 1813 / Gregory Blaxland, with references and explanatory notes, maps, etc. by Frank Walker.
  13. Journal of a tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LL.D. / James Boswell
  14. Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon / Henry Fielding
  15. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle / Charles Darwin
  16. A journal of the plague year : being observations or memorials of the most remarkable occurrences, as well public as private, which happened in London during the last great visitation in 1665 / Daniel Defoe
  17. Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in the years 1840-1 : sent by the colonists of South Australia, with the sanction and support of the government / Edward John Eyre.
  18. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart during the years 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, & 1862, when he fixed the centre of the continent and successfully crossed it from sea to sea. Edited from Mr. Stuart's Manuscript by William Hardman ..., With Maps, a Photographic Portrait of Mr. Stuart, and twelve Engravings drawn on wood by George French Angas ...
  19. Journals of two expeditions into the interior of New South Wales, undertaken by order of the British government in the years 1817-18 / John Oxley.
  20. The Journal to Stella / Jonathan Swift
  21. Journey to the Interior of the Earth / Jules Verne; translated by Frederick Amadeus Malleson
  22. A Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland / Samuel Johnson
  23. Jude the Obscure / Thomas Hardy
  24. Just So Stories for Little Children / Rudyard Kipling


  1. The Kama Sutra of Vatsasayana / Richard F. Burton
  2. Kangaroo / D.H. Lawrence.
  3. The Kasidah of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi : or Lay of the Higher Law / ; Translated and annotated by his friend and pupil, F.B. (Richard F. Burton)
  4. Keep the Aspidistra Flying / George Orwell
  5. The Kellys and the O'Kellys / Anthony Trollope
  6. Kenilworth / Sir Walter Scott
  7. Kéreban-le-Tétu / Jules Verne.
  8. The Kickleburys on the Rhine / William Makepeace Thackeray
  9. Kidnapped / Robert Louis Stevenson
  10. Kim / Rudyard Kipling
  11. The King James Bible : Old and New Testaments
  12. King Lear / William Shakespeare
  13. The King of the Golden River / John Ruskin
  14. Kingsblood Royal / Sinclair Lewis
  15. King Solomon's Mines / H. Rider Haggard
  16. The Knights / Aristophanes
  17. Knock, knock, knock / Ivan Turgenev
  18. Knut Hamsun: From Hunger to Harvest / Edwin Björkman
  19. The Kreutzer Sonata, and other stories / Leo Tolstoy; translated by Benjamin R. Tucker
  20. The Kreutzer Sonata / Leo Tolstoy; translated by Benjamin R. Tucker


  1. Laches, or Courage / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  2. Lady Anna / Anthony Trollope
  3. Ladybird / D. H. Lawrence
  4. Lady Chatterley's Lover / D.H. Lawrence.
  5. Lady Clare / Alfred Tennyson
  6. The Lady from the Sea / Henrik Ibsen ; translated by Eleanor Marx Aveling
  7. Lady Inger of Ostrat / Henrik Ibsen
  8. The Lady of Shalott / Alfred Tennyson
  9. The Lady of the Lake / Walter Scott
  10. The Lady's Dressing Room / Jonathan Swift
  11. A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains / Isabella Bird
  12. Lady Susan / Jane Austen
  13. La Grand Breteche / Honoré de Balzac
  14. La Grenadiere / Honoré de Balzac
  15. The lair of the white worm / Bram Stoker
  16. The Lamplighter's Story / Charles Dickens
  17. The Land of Midian / Richard F. Burton
  18. The Land of Mist / Arthur Conan Doyle
  19. Last and First Men : a story of the near and far future / Olaf Stapledon
  20. The Last Chronicle of Barset / Anthony Trollope
  21. The Last Days of Pompeii / Edward Bulwer-Lytton
  22. The Last Galley : impressions and tales / Arthur Conan Doyle
  23. Last leaves from Dunk Island / E.J. Banfield ; with introduction by A.H. Chisholm.
  24. The Last Man / Mary Shelley.
  25. Last Men in London / Olaf Stapledon
  26. Lavengro : the Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest / George Borrow
  27. The Law / Hippocrates ; translated by Francis Adams
  28. Laws / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  29. Lay Morals and other papers / Robert Louis Stevenson
  30. The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices / Charles Dickens
  31. A Legend of Montrose / Sir Walter Scott
  32. A Legend of the Rhine / William Makepeace Thackeray
  33. Les Indes Noires / Jules Verne
  34. Les Misérables / Victor Hugo ; translated by Isabel Hapgood
  35. The Lesser Hippias / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  36. A Letter Concerning Toleration / John Locke; translated by William Popple
  37. Letters of Anton Chekhov; / translated by Constance Garnett
  38. Letters of Marque / Rudyard Kipling
  39. The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson
  40. Letters of Two Brides / Honoré de Balzac
  41. Letters on Literature / Andrew Lang
  42. Letters to Dead Authors / Andrew Lang
  43. Letters to his son : on the fine art of becoming a Man of the world and a Gentleman / The Earl of Chesterfield ; with an introduction by Oliver H.G. Leigh
  44. Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark / Mary Wollstonecraft
  45. Letter to a Friend / Thomas Browne
  46. Letter to Menoeceus / Epicurus; translated by Robert Drew Hicks
  47. Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes
  48. The Library / Andrew Lang
  49. Lieutenant Yergunov's Story / Ivan Turgenev
  50. The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit / Charles Dickens
  51. The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves / Tobias Smollett
  52. The Life and Death of Julius Caesar / William Shakespeare
  53. The Life and Death of King John / William Shakespeare
  54. The Life and Death of Richard the Second / William Shakespeare
  55. The Life and Death of Richard the Third / William Shakespeare
  56. The Life and Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne / Frank Preston Stearns
  57. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman / Laurence Sterne
  58. The life of Castruccio Castracani of Lucca / Nicolo Machiavelli ; translated by W. K. Marriott
  59. The Life of Charlotte Bronte / Elizabeth Gaskell
  60. Life of Franklin Pierce / Nathaniel Hawthorne
  61. Life of Huxley / Ada L. F. Snell.
  62. The Life of King Henry the Eighth / William Shakespeare
  63. The Life of King Henry the Fifth / William Shakespeare
  64. The Life of Oliver Goldsmith / Washington Irving
  65. The Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D. / James Boswell; abridged and edited, with an introduction by Charles Grosvenor Osgood
  66. The Life of Sir Richard Burton / Thomas Wright.
  67. The Life of Timon of Athens / William Shakespeare
  68. Life's Handicap / Rudyard Kipling
  69. Life's Little Ironies / Thomas Hardy
  70. The Lifted Veil / George Eliot
  71. The Light That Failed / Rudyard Kipling
  72. The Lilac Fairy Book / Andrew Lang
  73. Lilith / George MacDonald
  74. Limits and Renewals / Rudyard Kipling
  75. The Lining of the Patch-Work Screen / Jane Barker
  76. A Little Dinner at Timmins's / William Makepeace Thackeray
  77. Little Dorrit / Charles Dickens
  78. Little Eyolf / Henrik Ibsen ; translated with an introduction by William Archer
  79. Little Travels and Roadside Sketches / William Makepeace Thackeray
  80. Lives of the Necromancers / William Godwin
  81. Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans / Plutarch
  82. À l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleur / Marcel Proust
  83. The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini / John de Plano Carpini
  84. Look Back on Happiness / Knut Hamsun
  85. Looking Backward. 2000 to 1887 / Edward Bellamy
  86. Lord Arthur Savile's Crime, and other stories / Oscar Wilde
  87. Lord Jim / Joseph Conrad
  88. Lorna Doone / R. D. Blackmore
  89. Lost Illusions / Honoré de Balzac
  90. The Lost World / Arthur Conan Doyle
  91. Love and Mr Lewisham / H. G. Wells
  92. A lover's complaint / William Shakespeare
  93. Love's Comedy / Henrik Ibsen
  94. Love's Labour 's Lost / William Shakespeare
  95. A Lowden Sabbath Morn / Robert Louis Stevenson
  96. The Lurking Fear / H.P. Lovecraft
  97. Lysis; or Friendship / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  98. Lysistrata / Aristophanes


  1. The Mabinogion / translated by Lady Charlotte Guest.
  2. Macbeth / William Shakespeare
  3. Madame Bovary / Gustave Flaubert ; translated from the French by Eleanor Marx Aveling
  4. Madame Firmiani / Honoré de Balzac
  5. Madame Midas / Fergus Hume
  6. The Magic Skin / Honoré de Balzac
  7. Maid in Waiting / John Galsworthy
  8. Main Street / Sinclair Lewis
  9. The Malay Archipelago / Alfred Russel Wallace
  10. Mandeville's Voyages / Sir John Mandeville
  11. A Man Divided / Olaf Stapledon
  12. The Manifesto of the Communist Party / Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
  13. Mankind in the Making / H. G. Wells
  14. The Man of Property / John Galsworthy
  15. Mansfield Park / Jane Austen
  16. The man who could work miracles / H. G. Wells
  17. The man who was afraid / Maxim Gorki; translated by Herman Bernstein
  18. The Man Who Was Thursday / G. K. Chesterton.
  19. Many Inventions / Rudyard Kipling
  20. The Marble Faun / Nathaniel Hawthorne
  21. Maria; or The Wrongs of Woman / Mary Wollstonecraft
  22. Marie; a story of Russian love / Aleksandr Pushkin ; translated by Marie H. de Zielinska
  23. Mark Twain : a biography : the personal and literary life of Samuel Langhorne Clemens / Albert Bigelow Paine.
  24. A Marriage Contract / Honoré de Balzac
  25. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell / William Blake
  26. Mary : a fiction / Mary Wollstonecraft
  27. Mary Anerley / R. D. Blackmore
  28. Mary Christina / Henry Handel Richardson
  29. Master and Man / Leo Tolstoy; translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude
  30. The Master Builder / Henrik Ibsen ; translated by Edmund Gosse and William Archer with an introduction by William Archer
  31. Master Humphrey's Clock / Charles Dickens
  32. The Master of Ballantrae / Robert Louis Stevenson
  33. The Master of the World / Jules Verne
  34. Mathilda / Mary Shelley ; edited by Elizabeth Nitchie
  35. Maurice Guest / Henry Handel Richardson.
  36. The Mayor of Casterbridge / Thomas Hardy
  37. The Meaning of Truth / William James
  38. Measure for Measure / William Shakespeare
  39. Medea / Euripides; translated by E. P. Coleridge
  40. The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
  41. A Meditation upon a Broomstick / Jonathan Swift
  42. Melmoth the Wanderer / Charles Maturin
  43. The Memoires of Barry Lyndon / William Makepeace Thackeray
  44. Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin / Robert Louis Stevenson
  45. A Memoir of Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu / Alfred Perceval Graves
  46. A Memoir of Mrs. Behn / Montague Summers
  47. The memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt / translated from the French by Arthur Machen
  48. Memoirs of Journeys to Venice and the Low Countries / Albrecht Durer; translated into English by Rudolf Tombo
  49. The Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush / William Makepeace Thackeray
  50. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  51. Memoirs of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of Woman / William Godwin
  52. Memorabilia / Xenophon ; translated by H. G. Dakyns
  53. Memories and Portraits / Robert Louis Stevenson
  54. Memories and Studies / William James
  55. Menexenus / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  56. Men Like Gods / H. G. Wells
  57. Meno / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  58. Mens Wives / William Makepeace Thackeray
  59. The Merchant of Venice / William Shakespeare
  60. The Merry Men, and other tales and fables / Robert Louis Stevenson
  61. The Merry Wives of Windsor / William Shakespeare
  62. A Message from the Sea / Charles Dickens
  63. The Message / Honoré de Balzac
  64. The Metal Monster / Abraham Merritt
  65. Metamorphoses / Ovid
  66. Metamorphosis / Franz Kafka; translated by David Wyllie
  67. The Metaphysical Elements of Ethics / Immanuel Kant ; translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott
  68. Metaphysics / Aristotle; translated by W. D. Ross
  69. Meteorology / Aristotle; translated by E. W. Webster
  70. Micah Clarke / Arthur Conan Doyle
  71. Michael Strogoff / Jules Verne
  72. Michel Strogoff : Moscou, Irkoutsk / Jules Verne.
  73. Middlemarch / George Eliot
  74. A Midsummer Night's Dream / William Shakespeare
  75. The Mill on the Floss / George Eliot
  76. The Mirror of the Sea / Joseph Conrad
  77. The Misadventures of John Nicholson / Robert Louis Stevenson
  78. Miscellaneous Papers : essays from The Examiner, Household Words and All the year round / Charles Dickens
  79. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa : Including a Sketch of Sixteen Years' Residence in the Interior of Africa, and a Journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the West Coast; Thence Across the Continent, Down the River Zambesi, to the Eastern Ocean. / David Livingstone
  80. Moby Dick; or the Whale / Herman Melville
  81. A Modern Theory of Ethics : A study of the Relations of Ethics and Psychology / Olaf Stapledon
  82. A Modern Utopia / H. G. Wells
  83. Modeste Mignon / Honoré de Balzac
  84. A Modest Proposal for preventing the children of poor people in Ireland, from being a burden on their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the publick / Jonathan Swift
  85. The Monadology / Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ; translated by Robert Latta
  86. The Monastery / Walter Scott
  87. Monday or Tuesday / Virginia Woolf
  88. The Monkey's Paw / W. W. Jacobs
  89. The Monk / Matthew Lewis
  90. Monsieur Bergeret à Paris / Anatole France
  91. Monsieur Lecoq / Émile Gaboriau.
  92. Monsieur Lecoq : Première Partie: L'Enquête / Émile Gaboriau.
  93. Monsieur Lecoq : Seconde Partie: L'Honneur du Nom / Émile Gaboriau.
  94. A Month in the Country / Ivan Turgenev
  95. The Moon-Bog / H.P. Lovecraft
  96. The Moon Pool / Abraham Merritt
  97. The Moonstone / Wilkie Collins
  98. Moral Emblems / Robert Louis Stevenson
  99. The Moral Equivalent of War / William James
  100. More Ghost Stories / M. R. James
  101. Le morte d'Arthur : Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table / by
  102. Mother / Maxim Gorki
  103. Moving the Mountain / Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  104. Mozart and Salieri / Aleksandr Pushkin ; translated by Alan Shaw
  105. Mrs. Dalloway / Virginia Woolf
  106. Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy / Charles Dickens
  107. Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgings / Charles Dickens
  108. Mrs. Perkin's Ball / William Makepeace Thackeray
  109. Much Ado About Nothing / William Shakespeare
  110. Mugby Junction / Charles Dickens
  111. Mumu / Ivan Turgenev
  112. The Murders in the Rue Morgue / Edgar Allan Poe
  113. The Muse Among the Motors / Rudyard Kipling
  114. The Music of Erich Zann / H.P. Lovecraft
  115. My Aunt Margaret's Mirror / Walter Scott
  116. My Childhood / Maksim Gorky
  117. The Mysteries of Udolpho / Ann Radcliffe
  118. The Mysterious Island / Jules Verne
  119. The Mysterious Portrait / Nikolai Gogol
  120. The mystery of a hansom cab / Fergus Hume.
  121. The Mystery of Cloomber / Arthur Conan Doyle
  122. The Mystery of Edwin Drood / Charles Dickens
  123. The Mystery of Marie Roget / Edgar Allan Poe
  124. A Mystery with a Moral / Laurence Sterne
  125. Myths and Myth-Makers: Old Tales and Superstitions Interpreted by Comparative Mythology / John Fiske
  126. My tropic isle / E.J. Banfield.


  1. The Nameless City / H.P. Lovecraft
  2. Nana / Emile Zola
  3. Nana / Emile Zola
  4. Narrative of an expedition into Central Australia / Charles Sturt
  5. Narrative of an expedition undertaken under the direction of the late Mr. Assistant Surveyor E. B. Kennedy, for the exploration of the country lying between Rockingham Bay and Cape York; by Wm. Carron, one of the survivors of the expedition. / William Carron
  6. The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket / Edgar Allan Poe
  7. Narrative of Captain James Cook's voyages roung the world : with an account of his life during the previous and intervening periods : also an appendix detailing the progress of the voyage after the death of Captain Cook. / A. Kippis, D.D., F.R.S., & S.A.
  8. A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay / Watkin Tench
  9. Narrative of the overland expedition of the Messrs. Jardine, from Rockhampton to Cape York, Northern Queensland / F. and A. Jardine
  10. The Native Tribes of Central Australia / Baldwin Spencer and F.J. Gillen
  11. Native tribes of the Northern Territory of Australia / Baldwin Spencer
  12. Nature, Addresses, and Lectures / Ralph Waldo Emerson
  13. Nature / Ralph Waldo Emerson
  14. The Naulahka: A Story of West and East / Rudyard Kipling and Wolcott Balestier
  15. The Æneid / Virgil ; translated by John Dryden
  16. New Arabian Nights / Robert Louis Stevenson
  17. The New Atlantis / Francis Bacon
  18. The Newcomes / William Makepeace Thackeray
  19. New Grub Street / George Gissing.
  20. The New Organon / Francis Bacon
  21. News from Nowhere / William Morris
  22. The Nibelungenlied / translated by Daniel B. Shumway.
  23. Niccolo Machiavelli / Hugo Albert Rennert; translated by Christian E. Detmold
  24. Niccolo Machiavelli / W. K. Marriott
  25. Nicholas Nickleby / Charles Dickens
  26. Nicomachean Ethics / Aristotle; translated by W. D. Ross
  27. The Nigger of the Narcissuss : a tale of the forecastle / Joseph Conrad
  28. Night and Day / Virginia Woolf
  29. The Night Land / William Hope Hodgson
  30. Nina Balatka / Anthony Trollope
  31. Nineteen eighty-four / George Orwell
  32. Nobody's Story / Charles Dickens
  33. No Name / Wilkie Collins
  34. North America / Anthony Trollope
  35. Northanger Abbey / Jane Austen
  36. Nostromo : a Tale of the Seaboard / Joseph Conrad
  37. Notes from Underground / Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
  38. Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo / William Makepeace Thackeray
  39. Notes on Life and Letters / Joseph Conrad
  40. No Thoroughfare / Charles Dickens
  41. Notre Dame de Paris / Victor Hugo
  42. Novels by Eminent Hands / William Makepeace Thackeray


  1. The Oath / Hippocrates ; translated by Francis Adams
  2. Observations on the Effects of the Corn Laws, and of a Rise or Fall in the Price of Corn on the Agriculture and General Wealth of the Country / Thomas Malthus
  3. Odd John : a story between jest and earnest / Olaf Stapledon
  4. The Odyssey / Homer; translated by Samuel Butler
  5. The Odyssey of Homer / translated by Alexander Pope ; with an introduction by the Rev. Theodore Alois Buckley
  6. The Oedipus Trilogy of Sophocles / translated by F. Storr
  7. Off on a Comet / Jules Verne
  8. Of The Epidemics / Hippocrates ; translated by Francis Adams
  9. Of the Nature of Things / Titus Lucretius Carus
  10. Olaf Liljekrans / Henrik Ibsen
  11. Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine / William Carew Hazlitt
  12. The Old Curiosity Shop / Charles Dickens
  13. Old French Romances / William Morris
  14. Old Mortality / Sir Walter Scott
  15. Old World Romances / Edgar Allan Poe
  16. The Olive Fairy Book / Andrew Lang.
  17. Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens
  18. On airs, waters, and places / Hippocrates ; translated by Francis Adams
  19. On Ancient Medicine / Hippocrates ; translated by Francis Adams
  20. On Benefits / L. Annaeus Seneca
  21. On Dreams / Aristotle; translated by J. I. Beare
  22. On Fistulae / Hippocrates ; translated by Francis Adams
  23. On Forsyte 'Change / John Galsworthy
  24. On Fractures / Hippocrates ; translated by Francis Adams
  25. On Generation and Corruption / Aristotle; translated by H. H. Joachim
  26. On Hemorrhoids / Hippocrates ; translated by Francis Adams
  27. On Horsemanship / Xenophon ; translated by H. G. Dakyns
  28. On Human Nature / Arthur Schopenhauer; translated by T. Bailey Saunders
  29. On Hunting : A Sportsman's Manual / Xenophon ; translated by H. G. Dakyns
  30. On Injuries of the Head / Hippocrates ; translated by Francis Adams
  31. On Interpretation / Aristotle; translated by E. M. Edghill
  32. On Liberty / John Stuart Mill
  33. On Longevity and Shortness of Life / Aristotle; translated by G. R. T. Ross
  34. On Memory and Reminiscence / Aristotle; translated by J. I. Beare
  35. On Prophesying by Dreams / Aristotle; translated by J. I. Beare
  36. On Regimen in Acute Diseases / Hippocrates ; translated by Francis Adams
  37. On Sense and the Sensible / Aristotle; translated by J. I. Beare
  38. On Sleep and Sleeplessness / Aristotle; translated by J. I. Beare
  39. On Sophistical Refutations / Aristotle; translated by W. A. Pickard-Cambridge
  40. On the Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery / Joseph Lister
  41. On The Articulations / Hippocrates ; translated by Francis Adams
  42. On the Duty of Civil Disobedience / Henry David Thoreau
  43. On the Eve / Ivan Turgenev; translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett, with an introduction by Edward Garnett
  44. On the Gait of Animals / Aristotle; translated by A. S. L. Farquharson
  45. On the Generation of Animals / Aristotle; translated by Arthur Platt
  46. On the Heavens / Aristotle; translated by J. L. Stocks
  47. On the Improvement of the Understanding / Benedict de Spinoza; translated by R. H. M. Elwes
  48. On the law which has regulated the introduction of new species / Alfred Russel Wallace
  49. On the Motion of Animals / Aristotle; translated by A. S. L. Farquharson
  50. On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals / William Harvey
  51. On the Natural Faculties / Galen ; translated by Arthur John Brock
  52. On the Parts of Animals / Aristotle; translated by William Ogle
  53. On the Sacred Disease / Hippocrates ; translated by Francis Adams
  54. On the Soul / Aristotle; translated by J. A. Smith
  55. On the Sublime and Beautiful / Edmund Burke
  56. On the Surgery / Hippocrates ; translated by Francis Adams
  57. On the tendency of varieties to depart indefinitely from the original type / Alfred Russel Wallace
  58. On Ulcers / Hippocrates ; translated by Francis Adams
  59. On Vaccination / Edward Jenner
  60. On Youth and Old Age, On Life and Death, On Breathing / Aristotle; translated by G. R. T. Ross
  61. The Orange Fairy Book / Andrew Lang
  62. Orestes / Euripides; translated by E. P. Coleridge
  63. The Origin of Species / Charles Darwin
  64. Orlando Furioso / Lodovico Ariosto; translated by William Stewart Rose
  65. Orlando / Virginia Woolf
  66. Oroonoko ; or, The Royal Slave / Aphra Behn
  67. Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions / Frank Harris
  68. Othello, the Moore of Venice / William Shakespeare
  69. The Other Gods / H.P. Lovecraft
  70. Our Mr. Wrenn / Sinclair Lewis
  71. Our Mutual Friend / Charles Dickens
  72. Our Street / William Makepeace Thackeray
  73. An Outcast of the Islands / Joseph Conrad
  74. The Outsider / H.P. Lovecraft
  75. Over the River / John Galsworthy


  1. A Pair of Blue Eyes / Thomas Hardy
  2. Pamela / Samuel Richardson
  3. Pan / Knut Hamsun; translated from the Norwegian by W. W. Worster
  4. Paracelsus / Robert Browning
  5. Paradise Lost / John Milton ; illustrated by Gustave Doré
  6. The Paris Sketch Book / William Makepeace Thackeray
  7. Parmenides / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  8. Passages from the American Notebooks / Nathaniel Hawthorne
  9. Passers By / John Galsworthy
  10. The Passing of the Aborigines / Daisy Bates
  11. The Passionate Pilgrim / William Shakespeare
  12. A Patch-Work Screen for the Ladies / Jane Barker
  13. Paul Clifford / Edward Bulwer-Lytton
  14. Peace / Aristophanes
  15. Peer Gynt / Henrik Ibsen; translated by William and Charles Archer
  16. Penguin Island / Anatole France ; translated by A. W. Evans
  17. Pensees / Blaise Pascal; translated by W. F. Trotter
  18. The People of the Mist / H. Rider Haggard
  19. Pericles, Prince of Tyre / William Shakespeare
  20. The Perils of Certain English Prisoners / Charles Dickens
  21. The Persians / Aeschylus ; translated by Robert Potter
  22. The personal history of David Copperfield / Charles Dickens
  23. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah / Richard F. Burton; edited by his wife, Isabel Burton.
  24. Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of America, during the years 1799-1804, by Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland / written in French by Alexander von Humboldt ; translated and edited by Thomasina Ross
  25. A Personal Record / Joseph Conrad
  26. Persuasion / Jane Austen
  27. Peter and Wendy / J. M. Barrie ; illustrated by F.D. Bedford
  28. Peveril of the Peak / Walter Scott
  29. Phaedo / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  30. Phaedrus / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  31. Phantastes, a Faerie Romance for Men and Women / George MacDonald
  32. The Phantom Rickshaw; and other tales / Rudyard Kipling
  33. Philebus / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  34. Philobiblion / Richard de Bury
  35. A Philosophical Dictionary / Voltaire
  36. Philosophy and Living / Olaf Stapledon
  37. Phineas Finn / Anthony Trollope
  38. Phineas Redux / Anthony Trollope
  39. The Phoenissae / Euripides; translated by E. P. Coleridge
  40. The Phoenix and the Turtle / William Shakespeare
  41. Physics / Aristotle; translated by R. P. Hardie and R. K. Gaye
  42. The physiology of taste; or Transcendental gastronomy. Illustrated by anecdotes of distinguished artists and statesmen of both continents by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. / translated from the last Paris edition by Fayette Robinson
  43. Pickman's Model / H.P. Lovecraft
  44. The Picture in the House / H.P. Lovecraft
  45. Pictures from Italy / Charles Dickens
  46. Pierre And Jean / Guy de Maupassant; translated By Clara Bell
  47. Pierre Grassou / Honoré de Balzac
  48. The Pilgrims of Hope / William Morris
  49. Pillars of Society / Henrik Ibsen ; translated by R. Farquharson Sharp
  50. The Pink Fairy Book / Andrew Lang
  51. Plain Tales from the Hills / Rudyard Kipling; translated by Professor Peterson
  52. The plumed serpent / D.H. Lawrence ; with an introduction by Richard Aldington.
  53. A Pluralistic Universe / William James
  54. Plutus / Aristophanes
  55. Poems and Fragments / Catullus; translated by Robinson Ellis
  56. Poems by the Way / William Morris
  57. Poems / John Keats
  58. Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect / William Barnes
  59. The Poetical Works of Tobias Smollett / with a memoir, critical dissertations, and explanatory notes by the Rev. George Gilfillan
  60. Poetics / Aristotle; Translated by S. H. Butcher
  61. The Poison Belt / Arthur Conan Doyle
  62. Polaris / H.P. Lovecraft
  63. A Political Treatise / Benedict de Spinoza; translated by R. H. M. Elwes
  64. Politics and the English Language / George Orwell
  65. Politics / Aristotle; Translated by Benjamin Jowett
  66. Polity Athenians and Lacedaemonians / Xenophon ; translated by H. G. Dakyns
  67. Poor Folk / Fyodor Dostoyevsky; translated by C. J. Hogarth.
  68. The Poor Relation's Story / Charles Dickens
  69. A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries and the discovery of Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa 1858-1864 / David Livingstone
  70. Portrait of a Lady / Henry James
  71. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man / James Joyce
  72. The Possessed (The Devils) / Fyodor Dostoyevsky; translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett.
  73. Posterior Analytics / Aristotle; translated by G. R. G. Mure
  74. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club / Charles Dickens
  75. Pragmatism : A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking / William James
  76. The Praise of Folly / Erasmus
  77. Prayers Written At Vailima / Robert Louis Stevenson
  78. Preface to Shakespeare / Samuel Johnson
  79. Preparative toward Natural and Experimental History / Francis Bacon
  80. Prester John / John Buchan
  81. Pride and Prejudice / Jane Austen
  82. The Prime Minister / Anthony Trollope
  83. The Prince / Nicolo Machiavelli ; translated by W. K. Marriott
  84. Prince Otto / Robert Louis Stevenson
  85. Principal Doctrines / Epicurus; translated by Robert Drew Hicks
  86. Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation / Richard Hakluyt
  87. The Principles of Political Economy with some of their applications to social philosophy / John Stuart Mill
  88. The Principles of Psychology / William James
  89. Prior Analytics / Aristotle; translated by A. J. Jenkinson
  90. The Prodigal Parents / Sinclair Lewis
  91. The Professor / Charlotte Brontë.
  92. Prometheus Bound / Aeschylus; translated by G. M. Cookson
  93. A Proposal for Correcting, Improving, and Ascertaining the English Tongue / Jonathan Swift
  94. Proserpine and Midas : two unpublished Mythological Dramas / Mary Shelley ; edited with an introduction by A. Koszul
  95. Protagoras / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  96. The Provincial Letters / Blaise Pascal; translated by Thomas M'Crie
  97. The Prussian Officer and other stories / D. H. Lawrence
  98. Puck of Pook's Hill / Rudyard Kipling
  99. Punin and Baburin / Ivan Turgenev ; translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett
  100. The Purcell Papers / J. Sheridan Le Fanu
  101. The Purloined Letter / Edgar Allan Poe
  102. The Purse / Honoré de Balzac


  1. The Queen of Spades / Aleksandr Pushkin ; translated by H. Twitchell
  2. Quentin Durward / Walter Scott
  3. The Querist / George Berkeley
  4. The Quest of Iranon / H.P. Lovecraft


  1. Rachel Ray / Anthony Trollope
  2. The Railway Children / E. Nesbit
  3. The Rainbow / D. H. Lawrence
  4. Ralph Rashleigh / James Tucker
  5. The Rape of Lucrece / William Shakespeare
  6. The Rats in the Walls / H.P. Lovecraft
  7. The Raven / Edgar Allan Poe ; illustrated by Gustave Doré
  8. A Raw Youth / Fyodor Dostoyevsky; translated by Constance Garnett.
  9. The Real Thing / Henry James
  10. Rebecca and Rowena; a romance upon romance / William Makepeace Thackeray
  11. A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms : Being an Account by the Chinese Monk Fa-Hien of his Travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 399-414) in Search of the Buddhist Books of Discipline / Translated and annotated with a Corean recension of the Chinese text by James Legge.
  12. Records of a Family of Engineers / Robert Louis Stevenson
  13. The red and the black / Stendhal ; translated from the French by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff
  14. The Red Fairy Book / Andrew Lang
  15. Redgauntlet / Walter Scott
  16. Red Pottage / Mary Cholmondeley
  17. Religio Medici / Sir Thomas Browne
  18. Religion / Arthur Schopenhauer; translated by T. Bailey Saunders
  19. Renascence and other poems / Edna St. Vincent Millay
  20. Representative Government / John Stuart Mill, 1806-1873
  21. Representative Men / Ralph Waldo Emerson
  22. Reprinted Pieces / Charles Dickens
  23. The Republic / Plato ; translated by Benjamin Jowett
  24. The Rescue / Joseph Conrad
  25. Resurrection / Leo Tolstoy; translated by Mrs. Louise Maude
  26. The Return of Sherlock Holmes / Arthur Conan Doyle
  27. Return of the Native / Thomas Hardy
  28. Rewards and Fairies / Rudyard Kipling
  29. Rhesus / Euripides; translated by Edward P. Coleridge
  30. Rhetoric / Aristotle; translated by W. Rhys Roberts
  31. The Rights of Man / Thomas Paine
  32. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner / Samuel Taylor Coleridge ; illustrated by Gustave Doré
  33. The Ring and the Book / Robert Browning
  34. The Road Leads On / Knut Hamsun; translated by Eugene Gay-Tifft
  35. The Road to Wigan Pier / George Orwell
  36. Robbery Under Arms / Rolf Boldrewood
  37. Robert Louis Stevenson, A Record, An Estimate, A Memorial / A.H. Japp
  38. Robert Louis Stevenson / Robert Louis Stevenson
  39. Robert Louis Stevenson / Walter Raleigh
  40. Robinson Crusoe / Daniel Defoe
  41. Rob Roy / Walter Scott
  42. Robur-le-Conquerant / Jules Verne
  43. Robur the Conqueror / Jules Verne
  44. Roderick Hudson / Henry James
  45. The Romance of Lady Isabel Burton : the story of her life / told in part by herself and in part by W.H. Wilkins.
  46. The Romance of the Forest / Ann Radcliffe
  47. Romances of Death / Edgar Allan Poe
  48. The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid / Thomas Hardy
  49. The Romany Rye / George Borrow
  50. Romeo and Juliet / William Shakespeare
  51. Romola / George Eliot
  52. The Room in the Dragon Volant / J. Sheridan LeFanu
  53. A room of one's own / Virginia Woolf
  54. The Roots of the Mountains / William Morris
  55. The Rose and the Ring / William Makepeace Thackeray
  56. Rosmersholm / Henrik Ibsen; translated by R. Farquharson Sharp
  57. Roundabout Papers / William Makepeace Thackeray
  58. Round the Moon / Jules Verne
  59. The Rover ; or The Banish'd Cavaliers / Aphra Behn
  60. Roxana: The Fortunate Mistress / Daniel Defoe
  61. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam / Edward Fitzgerald.
  62. Rudin / Ivan Turgenev; translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett, with an introduction by S. Stepniak
  63. R.U.R. / Karel Čapek


  1. Saint Ronan's Well / Walter Scott
  2. Saints and Revolutionaries / Olaf Stapledon
  3. Salammbo / Gustave Flaubert
  4. Samuel Butler : a sketch / Henry Festing Jones
  5. The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter / Complete and unexpurgated translation by W. C. Firebaugh, in which are incorporated the forgeries of Nodot and Marchena, and the readings introduced into the text by De Salas
  6. The Scarlet Letter / Nathaniel Hawthorne
  7. Scenes from a Courtesan's Life / Honoré de Balzac
  8. The Schoolboy's Story / Charles Dickens
  9. The Schoolmistress, and other stories / Anton Chekhov
  10. The Science of Right / Immanuel Kant ; translated by W. Hastie
  11. The Sea Fogs / Robert Louis Stevenson
  12. The Sea-Gull / Anton Chekhov
  13. The Second Alcibiades / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  14. Second April / Edna St. Vincent Millay
  15. A Second Home / Honoré de Balzac
  16. The Second Jungle Book / Rudyard Kipling
  17. The second part of King Henry the Fourth / William Shakespeare
  18. The second part of King Henry the Sixth / William Shakespeare
  19. The Second Part of Tamburlaine the Great / Christopher Marlowe
  20. Second Treatise of Civil Government / John Locke
  21. The Secret Agent / Joseph Conrad
  22. The Secret Sharer / Joseph Conrad
  23. Selected Short Stories / Sinclair Lewis
  24. Sense and Sensibility / Jane Austen
  25. A sentimental journey through France and Italy / Laurence Sterne
  26. Sentiments concerning nature with which philosophers were delighted / Plutarch
  27. Septimius Felton ; or, the Elixir of Life / Nathaniel Hawthorne
  28. A Set of Six / Joseph Conrad
  29. The Seven against Thebes / Aeschylus; translated by E.D.A. Morshead
  30. Seven pillars of wisdom / T. E. Lawrence.
  31. The Seven Poor Travellers / Charles Dickens
  32. The Seven Seas / Rudyard Kipling
  33. The Seventh Letter / Plato; translated by John Harward
  34. The Seven Wives of Bluebeard / Anatole France ; translated by D. B. Stewart
  35. The Shadow Line / Joseph Conrad
  36. The Shadow Out of Time / H.P. Lovecraft
  37. The Shadow over Innsmouth / H.P. Lovecraft
  38. Shallow Soil / Knut Hamsun
  39. The Shape of Things to Come / H. G. Wells
  40. She / H. Rider Haggard
  41. She Stoops to Conquer / Oliver Goldsmith
  42. The Ship of Ishtar / Abraham Merritt
  43. Shirley / Charlotte Brontë.
  44. Shooting an elephant / George Orwell
  45. A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature / John W. Cousin
  46. Short Stories / Guy de Maupassant
  47. The Short Stories of H. G. Wells / H. G. Wells
  48. The Shot / Aleksandr Pushkin ; translated by T. Keane
  49. A Shropshire Lad / A. E. Housman; with an introduction by William Stanley Braithwaite
  50. The Shunned House / H.P. Lovecraft
  51. A Sicilian Romance / Ann Radcliffe
  52. The Signal-Man / Charles Dickens
  53. The Sign of Four / Arthur Conan Doyle
  54. Signs of Change / William Morris
  55. Silas Marner, The Weaver of Raveloe / George Eliot
  56. A Silent Wooing / John Galsworthy
  57. The Silverado Squatters / Robert Louis Stevenson
  58. The Silver Key / H.P. Lovecraft
  59. The Silver Spoon / John Galsworthy
  60. Simple Italian Cookery / Antonia Isola [Mabel Earl McGinnis]
  61. A Simple Soul / Gustave Flaubert
  62. Sir Charles Grandison / Samuel Richardson
  63. Sirius : a fantasy of love and discord / Olaf Stapledon
  64. Sister Ann / Henry Handel Richardson
  65. Sister Carrie / Theodore Dreiser
  66. The Six Enneads / Plotinus ; translated by Stephen MacKenna and B. S. Page
  67. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon / Washington Irving
  68. Sketches by Boz / Charles Dickens
  69. The Skipper's Wooing / W. W. Jacobs
  70. The Small House at Allington / Anthony Trollope
  71. The Smith Administration / Rudyard Kipling
  72. The Snow Image and other stories / Nathaniel Hawthorne
  73. The Social Contract / Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  74. Sodome et Gomorrhe / Marcel Proust
  75. Soldiers Three ; and other stories / Rudyard Kipling
  76. Somebody's Luggage / Charles Dickens
  77. Something Childish, and other stories / Katherine Mansfield
  78. Something of myself, for my friends known and unknown / Rudyard Kipling
  79. Songs of Experience / William Blake
  80. Songs of Innocence / William Blake
  81. Songs of Travel and other verses / Robert Louis Stevenson
  82. The Sonnets / William Shakespeare
  83. Sons and Lovers / D. H. Lawrence
  84. The Sophist / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  85. Sophocles, Philoctetes / translated by Thomas Francklin
  86. The South Pole; an account of the Norwegian antarctic expedition in the 'Fram', 1910 to 1912 / Roald Amundsen
  87. South: the story of Shackleton's last expedition 1914-1917 / Sir Ernest Shackleton
  88. Souvenirs of France / Rudyard Kipling
  89. Speeches: Literary and Social / Charles Dickens
  90. A Sportsman's Sketches / Ivan Turgenev; translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett
  91. Springhaven / R. D. Blackmore
  92. Stalky & Co. / Rudyard Kipling
  93. Star-Begotten / H. G. Wells
  94. The Stark Munro Letters / Arthur Conan Doyle
  95. Star Maker / Olaf Stapledon
  96. A Start in Life / Honoré de Balzac
  97. The Statement of Randolph Carter / H.P. Lovecraft
  98. The Statesman / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  99. St. Ives / Robert Louis Stevenson
  100. St John's Eve / Nikolai Gogol
  101. The Story of a Lie / Robert Louis Stevenson
  102. A Story of the Days To Come / H. G. Wells
  103. The Story of the Glittering Plain / William Morris
  104. A Story of the Stone Age / H. G. Wells
  105. The story of the Volsungs & Niblungs : with certain songs from the Elder Edda / translated from the Icelandic by Eirikr Magnusson and William Morris
  106. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde / Robert Louis Stevenson
  107. The Strange High House in the Mist / H.P. Lovecraft
  108. The Street / H.P. Lovecraft
  109. Strong as Death / Guy de Maupassant
  110. Studies in Pessimism / Arthur Schopenhauer; translated by T. Bailey Saunders
  111. A Study in Scarlet / Arthur Conan Doyle
  112. Study of a Woman / Honoré de Balzac
  113. A Study of Hawthorne / G. P. Lathrop
  114. The Subjection of Women / John Stuart Mill
  115. Succedaneum / Henry Handel Richardson
  116. Sunday Under Three Heads / Charles Dickens
  117. Supernatural Horror in Literature / H. P. Lovecraft
  118. The Suppliants / Aeschylus ; translated by E.D.A. Morshead
  119. The Suppliants / Euripides; translated by E. P. Coleridge
  120. The Surgeon's Daughter / Walter Scott
  121. The Survivors of the Chancellor / Jules Verne
  122. Swann's Way / Marcel Proust; translated from the French by C. K. Scott Moncrieff
  123. Swan Song / Anton Chekhov; translated by Marian Fell
  124. Swan Song / John Galsworthy
  125. The Sweet Cheat Gone / Marcel Proust; translated from the French by C. K. Scott Moncrieff
  126. Symposiacs / Plutarch
  127. The Symposium / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  128. Symposium / Xenophon ; translated by H. G. Dakyns


  1. A Tale of a Tub / Jonathan Swift
  2. A Tale of Two Cities / Charles Dickens
  3. Tales of all countries / Anthony Trollope
  4. Tales of Conscience / Edgar Allan Poe
  5. Tales of Illusion / Edgar Allan Poe
  6. Tales of Natural Beauty / Edgar Allan Poe
  7. Tales of Science / Edgar Allan Poe
  8. Tales of Terror and Mystery / Arthur Conan Doyle
  9. Tales of the Jazz Age / F. Scott Fitzgerald
  10. Tales of "The Trade" / Rudyard Kipling
  11. Tales of Unrest / Joseph Conrad
  12. Tales : selections from Twice-told tales, Mosses from an old manse, and the Snow Image / Nathaniel Hawthorne
  13. The Talisman / Walter Scott
  14. Talks To Teachers On Psychology ; and to Students on Some of Life’s Ideals / William James
  15. The Taming of the Shrew / William Shakespeare
  16. A Tangled Tale / Lewis Carroll
  17. The Tao Te Ching of Lao tzu
  18. The Tapestried Chamber / Walter Scott
  19. Taras Bulba / Nikolai Gogol
  20. Tartuffe ; or The Hypocrite / Moliere ; translated by Curtis Hidden Page
  21. The Tempest / William Shakespeare
  22. The Temple / H.P. Lovecraft
  23. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall / Anne Brontë.
  24. Tender is the Night / F. Scott Fitzgerald
  25. Tess of the d'Urbervilles / Thomas Hardy
  26. Thackeray / Anthony Trollope
  27. Theaetetus / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  28. Theologico-Political Treatise / Benedict de Spinoza; translated by R. H. M. Elwes
  29. The Thesmophoriazusae / Aristophanes
  30. A Thin Ghost and others / M. R. James
  31. The Thing on the Doorstep / H.P. Lovecraft
  32. The third part of King Henry the Sixth / William Shakespeare
  33. The Thirty-Nine Steps / John Buchan
  34. This Side of Paradise / F. Scott Fitzgerald
  35. Thou Art the Man / Edgar Allan Poe
  36. Thoughts on Man, His Nature, Productions and Discoveries Interspersed with Some Particulars Respecting the Author / William Godwin
  37. Thoughts on Various Subjects / Jonathan Swift
  38. The Three Clerks / Anthony Trollope; with an introduction by W. Teignmouth Shore
  39. Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous / George Berkeley
  40. Three Guineas / Virginia Woolf
  41. Three Men in a Boat : (To Say Nothing of the Dog) / Jerome K. Jerome
  42. Through Russia / Maxim Gorki ; translated from the Russian by C. J. Hogarth.
  43. Through the Looking Glass / Lewis Carroll
  44. Through the Magic Door / Arthur Conan Doyle
  45. Thus spake Zarathustra; a book for all and none / Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by Thomas Common, with an introduction by Mrs Förster-Nietzsche and notes by Anthony M. Ludovici
  46. Thy Servant, A Dog / Rudyard Kipling
  47. Timaeus / Plato; translated with an introduction by Benjamin Jowett
  48. The Time Machine / H. G. Wells
  49. Time Regained / Marcel Proust; translated from the French by Stephen Hudson
  50. 'Tis Pity She's a Whore / John Ford
  51. The Titan / Theodore Dreiser
  52. Titus Andronicus / William Shakespeare
  53. To Be Read At Dusk / Charles Dickens
  54. To Let / John Galsworthy
  55. The Toll-House / W. W. Jacobs
  56. The Tomb / H.P. Lovecraft
  57. To-morrow / Joseph Conrad
  58. Tom Tiddler's Ground / Charles Dickens
  59. Tono Bungay / H. G. Wells
  60. Topics / Aristotle; translated by W. A. Pickard-Cambridge
  61. Torrents of Spring / Ivan Turgenev
  62. To the Lighthouse / Virginia Woolf
  63. Le Tour du Mond en Quatre-vingts Jours / Jules Verne
  64. A Tour through the Eastern Counties of England, 1722 / Daniel Defoe
  65. Traffics and Discoveries / Rudyard Kipling
  66. The Tragedy of Coriolanus / William Shakespeare
  67. The Tragedy of the Korosko / Arthur Conan Doyle
  68. The Transcendentalist / Ralph Waldo Emerson
  69. The Transition of Juan Romero / H.P. Lovecraft
  70. Travels in Arabia / John Lewis Burckhardt
  71. Travels in England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth / Paul Hentzner
  72. Travels in England in 1782 / Karl Philipp Moritz
  73. Travels in Morocco / James Richardson
  74. Travels in Nubia / John Lewis Burckhardt
  75. Travels in Syria and the Holy Land / John Lewis Burckhardt
  76. Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa, 1795-7 / Mungo Park
  77. Travels in West Africa : Congo francais, Corisco, and Cameroons / Mary H. Kingsley
  78. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville / John Mandeville
  79. Travels through France and Italy / Tobias Smollett
  80. Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes / Robert Louis Stevenson
  81. Treasure Island / Robert Louis Stevenson
  82. A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge / George Berkeley
  83. A Treatise of Human Nature / David Hume
  84. The Tree / H.P. Lovecraft
  85. The Tremendous Adventures of Major Gahagan / William Makepeace Thackeray
  86. The Trespasser / D.H. Lawrence.
  87. The Trial for Murder / Charles Dickens
  88. The Trial / Franz Kafka; translated by David Wyllie
  89. The Trojan Women / Euripides; translated by Edward P. Coleridge
  90. Tropic days / E.J. Banfield.
  91. The Turn of the Screw / Henry James
  92. Twelfth Night; or, what you will / William Shakespeare
  93. Twelve Stories and a Dream / H. G. Wells
  94. Twenty-Six and One, and other stories / Maksim Gorky ; with a preface by Ivan Strannik
  95. Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea / Jules Verne
  96. Twice-Told Tales / Nathanthiel Hawthorne
  97. Twilight in Italy / D.H. Lawrence.
  98. 'Twixt Land & Sea / Joseph Conrad
  99. Two expeditions into the interior of southern Australia during the years 1828,1829,1830,1831 with observations on the soil, climate and general resources of the Colony of New South Wales / Charles Sturt
  100. The Two Gentlemen of Verona / William Shakespeare
  101. Two on a Tower / Thomas Hardy
  102. Two Poets / Honoré de Balzac
  103. Two Tales of Old Strasbourg / Henry Handel Richardson.
  104. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo / Richard F. Burton
  105. Typhoon / Joseph Conrad


  1. Ultima thule / Henry Handel Richardson.
  2. Ulysses / James Joyce
  3. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan ; An account of travels in the interior including visits to the aborigines of Yezo and the shrine of Nikko / Isabella L. Bird
  4. Uncle Silas / J. Sheridan Le Fanu
  5. Uncle Vanya / Anton Chekhov
  6. Uncollected Prose / Ralph Waldo Emerson
  7. The Uncommercial Traveller / Charles Dickens
  8. The Underground City / Jules Verne
  9. Under the Autumn Star / Knut Hamsun ; translated by W. W. Worster with an introduction by Edwin Bjorkman
  10. Under the Deodars / Rudyard Kipling
  11. Under the Greenwood Tree / Thomas Hardy
  12. Under Western Eyes / Joseph Conrad
  13. Underwoods / Robert Louis Stevenson
  14. Une Vie / Guy de Maupassant
  15. The Unnamable / H.P. Lovecraft
  16. The Unseen World, and other essays / John Fiske
  17. Ursula / Honoré de Balzac
  18. Utilitarianism / John Stuart Mill
  19. Utopia / Thomas More


  1. Vailima Letters / Robert Louis Stevenson
  2. Valerius Terminus: of the interpretation of Nature / Francis Bacon
  3. The Valet's Tragedy ; and other studies / Andrew Lang
  4. The Valley of Fear / Arthur Conan Doyle
  5. The Vampyre / John Polidori
  6. Vanina Vanini / Stendhal ; translated from the French by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff
  7. Vanity Fair / William Makepeace Thackeray
  8. The Varieties of Religious Experience : a Study in Human Nature / William James
  9. La Vendée / Anthony Trollope
  10. The Vendetta / Honoré de Balzac
  11. Venus and Adonis / William Shakespeare
  12. The Very Old Folk / H.P. Lovecraft
  13. The Vicar of Wakefield / Oliver Goldsmith
  14. Victory : an island tale / Joseph Conrad
  15. The Vikings of Helgeland / Henrik Ibsen
  16. Villette / Charlotte Brontë.
  17. Vindication of the Rights of Woman / Mary Wollstonecraft
  18. Vingt Mille Lieues sous les Mers / Jules Verne
  19. The Violet Fairy Book / Andrew Lang
  20. The Virgin and the Gypsy / D. H. Lawrence
  21. The Virginians / William Makepeace Thackeray
  22. Virginibus Puerisque and other papers / Robert Louis Stevenson
  23. Virgin soil / Ivan Turgenev; translated from the Russian by R. S. Townsend
  24. Vittoria Accoramboni / Stendhal ; translated from the French by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff
  25. The Voice in the Night / William Hope Hodgson
  26. Voltaire / John Morley
  27. Voyage au Centre de la Terre / Jules Verne
  28. Voyage d'outremer et retour de Jerusalem en France par la voie de terre : pendant le cours des annees 1432 et 1433, / Bertrandon de La Brocquiere
  29. The Voyage Out / Virginia Woolf
  30. Voyages in search of the North-West Passage / Richard Hakluyt


  1. Walden / Henry David Thoreau
  2. A Wanderer Plays on Muted Strings / Knut Hamsun ; translated by W. W. Worster
  3. War and Peace / Leo Tolstoy
  4. The Warden / Anthony Trollope
  5. The War in the Air / H. G. Wells
  6. A Warning to the Curious and other ghost stories / M. R. James
  7. The War of the Worlds / H. G. Wells
  8. The Warrior's Barrow / Henrik Ibsen
  9. The War with the Newts / Karel Čapek; translated into English by David Wyllie
  10. Washington Irving / Charles Dudley Warner
  11. Washington Square / Henry James
  12. The Wasps / Aristophanes
  13. The Watch / Ivan Turgenev
  14. The Water Babies / Charles Kingsley ; illustrated by Jesse Willcox Smith
  15. The Water of the Wondrous Isles / William Morris
  16. Waverley / Sir Walter Scott
  17. The Waves / Virginia Woolf
  18. The Way Home / Henry Handel Richardson.
  19. The Way of All Flesh / Samuel Butler
  20. Ways and Means / Xenophon ; translated by H. G. Dakyns
  21. The way we live now / Anthony Trollope.
  22. The Wealth of Nations / Adam Smith
  23. Wee Willie Winkie ; and other child stories / Rudyard Kipling
  24. The Weir of Hermiston / Robert Louis Stevenson
  25. The Well At The World's End / William Morris
  26. Wessex Tales / Thomas Hardy
  27. Westward ho! / Charles Kingsley
  28. What Are "Spiritual" Values? / Olaf Stapledon
  29. What Christmas is as we grow older / Charles Dickens
  30. What Men Live By, and other tales / Leo Tolstoy; translated by L. and A. Maude
  31. The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll / H. G. Wells
  32. When the Sleeper Wakes / H. G. Wells
  33. When the World Screamed / Arthur Conan Doyle
  34. When We Dead Awaken / Henrik Ibsen ; introduction and translation by William Archer
  35. The Whisperer in Darkness / H.P. Lovecraft
  36. The White Company / Arthur Conan Doyle
  37. The White Devil / John Webster
  38. The White Monkey / John Galsworthy
  39. The White Ship / H.P. Lovecraft
  40. The Wife, and other stories / Anton Chekhov; translated by Constance Garnett
  41. The Wild Duck / Henrik Ibsen
  42. Wild Wales / George Borrow
  43. The Will to Believe / William James
  44. The Winter's Tale / William Shakespeare
  45. The Wisdom of Life / Arthur Schopenhauer; translated by T. Bailey Saunders
  46. The Witch, and other stories / Anton Chekhov; translated by Constance Garnett
  47. Within a Budding Grove / Marcel Proust; translated from the French by C. K. Scott Moncrieff
  48. Within The Tides / Joseph Conrad
  49. The Wolves and the Lamb / William Makepeace Thackeray
  50. Woman and Labour / Olive Schreiner
  51. The Woman in White / Wilkie Collins
  52. The Woman of the Wood / Abraham Merritt
  53. A Woman of Thirty / Honoré de Balzac
  54. Women in Love / D. H. Lawrence
  55. The Wood Beyond the World / William Morris
  56. The Woodlanders / Thomas Hardy
  57. Woodstock / Walter Scott
  58. The Works of Horace / translated literally into English prose By C. Smart
  59. The Works of Lucian of Samosata / translated by H. W. Fowler and F. G. Fowler
  60. The Worldes Hydrographical Discription / John Davis
  61. World So Wide / Sinclair Lewis
  62. The Worm Ouroboros / E. R. Eddison
  63. The Wrecker / Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne
  64. The Wreck of the Golden Mary / Charles Dickens
  65. The Wrong Box / Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne
  66. Wuthering Heights / Emily Brontë.
  67. Wylder's Hand / J. Sheridan Le Fanu


  1. The Years Between / Rudyard Kipling
  2. The Years / Virginia Woolf
  3. The Yellow Fairy Book / Andrew Lang
  4. The Yellow Wallpaper / Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  5. Youth / Joseph Conrad
  6. Youth / Leo Tolstoy; translated by C. J. Hogarth
  7. Yvette / Guy de Maupassant


  1. Zadig : or, The Book of Fate, An Oriental History / Voltaire