User:Rich Farmbrough/DNB/T/h/Thomas Hatcher (d.1583)

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Thomas Hatcher||1583| Thomas Hatcher (died 1583), antiquary, was born at Cambridge, probably in St. Edward's parish, being son and heir of John Hatcher, M.D., sometime fellow of St. John's College there, and afterwards regius professor of physic and vice-chancellor of the university. He was educated at Eton College, whence he was elected in 1555 to King's College, Cambridge. He proceeded BA in 1559–60, and commenced MA in 1563. In 1565, being dissatisfied with the government of Provost Baker, he, with some other members of the college, wrote a letter of complaint against him to Secretary Cecil, to whom in 1567 he dedicated Dr. Walter Haddon's 'Lucubrationes'. At one period he studied the law in Gray's Inn, where he was admitted in 1565, and subsequently applied himself to medicine. He does not, however, appear to have practised either profession, his means being apparently ample. In the latter part of his life he lived on his father's estate at Careby, near Stamford, Lincolnshire. Cole describes him as a great antiquary, a religious, learned, and honest man. He was on terms of intimacy with Dr. John Caius, who in 1570 inscribed to him his work 'De Libris suis propriis'. John Stow was another friend and correspondent. He wrote to Stow from Careby, 18 January 1580–1, asking him to publish Leland's 'Commentaries', or whatever he had of Leland's whether Latin or English; recommends the publication of Stow's manifold antiquities under the title of 'Stow's Storehouse;' desires Stow to speak to Camden about printing the history of Tobit in Latin verse; and states that he intended a discourse about the authors cited by Stow in his 'Chronicle' (Harleian MS. 374, f. 14). Hatcher was buried at Careby on 14 November 1583. He married Catharine, daughter and heiress of Thomas Rede, son of Richard Rede of Wisbech, and had issue John, elected from Eton to King's College, Cambridge, in 1584, who succeeded to the estates of his grandfather, Dr. John Hatcher, and received the honour of knighthood; Henry, sometime of St. John's College, Cambridge; William; Alice, wife of Nicholas Gunter, sometime mayor of Reading; and other daughters.

Hatcher wrote: 1. 'Catalogus Præpositorum, Sociorum, et Scholarium Collegii Regalis Cantabrigiæ, a tempore fundationis ad annum 1572', manuscript in Caius College Library, 173, f. 119; Harleian manuscript 614; Additional manuscripts 5954, 5955. Wood had a copy of this work, which he frequently quotes. The catalogue was continued to 1620 by John Scott, coroner of the college, from that year to 1646 by George Goad, and finally extended to 1746 by William Cole (1714–1782), whose 'History of King's College, Cambridge', is now in the British Museum (Addit. manuscripts 5814–17). 2. 'De viris illustribus Academiæ Cantab. regiæ', manuscript. This is said to be in two books, in centuries, according to the method of Bale. 3. Latin verses (a) 'On the restitution of Bucer and Fagius', 1560; (b) 'In commendation of Bishop Alley's Poor Man's Library', 1571; (c) 'In commendation of Carr and Wilson's Demosthenes;' (d) 'On the death of Nicholas Carr;' (e) 'On Frere's translation of Hippocrates;' (f) 'In Paracelsitas', manuscript C.C.C. Oxon. 258, f. 67; (g) On the death of Dr. Whittington gored by a bull; in Foxe's 'Acts and Monuments'. Hatcher also edited Dr. Walter Haddon's 'Lucubrationes et Poemata', 1567, and Dr. Nicholas Carr's orations 'De scriptorum Britannicorum paucitate', 1576. [Addit. manuscripts 5815 page 100, 24490 page 316; Ames's Typ. Antiq. (Herbert), page 698; Baker manuscript iii. 323; Cooper's Athenæ Cantabr. i. 483, 569; Foster's Gray's Inn Reg. page 65; Gough's British Topography, i. 185, 219, 234; Harl. manuscripts 1190 f. 50 b, 1550 following 192 b, 202 b; Harwood's Alumni Eton, pages 171, 194; Heywood and Wright's Laws of King's and Eton Colleges, page 212; Masters's Life of Baker, page 119; Smith's Catalogue of Caius College manuscripts page 86; Cal. of State Papers, Dom. 1547–1580, page 282; Strype's Works (general index); Tanner's Bibl. British page 384.][1]


  1. [[Template:Cite DNB|vb=yes|author=Template:DNB TC|title=Hatcher, Thomas (d.1583) (DNB00)|work=Dictionary of National Biography|volume=25|pages=0|url=,_Thomas_(d.1583)_(DNB00)]]

DNB references


These references are found in the DNB article referred to above.

Hatcher, Thomas (d.1583) (DNB00)|Hatcher, Thomas (d.1583)

date=August 2014 date=August 2014 [[Template:Person data |name=Hatcher, Thomas |alternative names= |short description=antiquary |date of birth= |place of birth= |date of death=1583 |place of death= ]]

NoCategory:Year of birth missing NoCategory:1583 deaths date=August 2014