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( function ( mw, $ ) {

	function addToContentSub( el, newline = true ) {
		var contentSub = document.getElementById( 'contentSub' );
		if ( newline ) {
			contentSub.append( document.createElement( 'br' ) );
		contentSub.append( el );

	function run() {
		var lintErrorHeader = document.createElement( 'strong' );
		lintErrorHeader.innerText = 'Lint errors (may take a moment to load)...';
		addToContentSub( lintErrorHeader );
		// Get all pages linked to by this one.
		var links = document.querySelectorAll( '#mw-content-text a' );
		titleBatch = [ mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) ];
		links.forEach( function ( link, i ) {
			// Strip leading '/wiki/'.
			var title = link.pathname.substring( '/wiki/'.length );
			titleBatch.push( decodeURIComponent( title ) );
			if ( titleBatch.length === 50 || i === ( links.length - 1 ) ) {
				// If we've got a full batch or are at the end of the queue.
				fetchBatch( titleBatch );
				titleBatch = [];
		} );

	function fetchBatch( titles ) {
		var request = { action: 'query', titles: titles.join( '|' ) };
		new mw.Api()
			.get( request )
			.done( function ( result ) {
				addToContentSub( ' . ', false );
				if ( result && result.query && result.query.pages ) {
					for ( var pageId in result.query.pages ) {
						if ( pageId < 1 ) {
						processPage( pageId );
			} );

	function processPage( pageId ) {
		var request = {
			action: "query",
			list: "linterrors",
			lntpageid: pageId
		new mw.Api()
			.get( request )
			.done( function ( result ) {
				addToContentSub( ' . ', false );
				if ( result.query && result.query.linterrors ) {
					errorsFound = true;
					addErrorsToList( result.query.linterrors );
			} );

	function addErrorsToList( errors ) {
		errors.forEach( function ( error ) {
			var link = document.createElement( 'a' );
			link.href = '/w/index.php?curid=' + error.pageid + '&action=edit&lintid=' + error.lintId;
			link.text = 'Lint error ' + error.category + ': ' + error.title + ' (' + + ')'; = '_blank';
			addToContentSub( link );
		} );

	link = mw.util.addPortletLink(
		'Linked Lint Errors',
		'Show lint errors of this page and of pages it links to'
	$( link ).on( 'click', run );

}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );