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  • To encourage the adding of new texts throughout the year, an effort should be made prior to holidays to add eight new works about the holiday, its effects or precedents and such. For major holidays, the template can be updated to reflect this - with a small image - seven days prior to the holiday's start. For minor holidays, five days. After the holiday, the template should be restored to its previous state.

Keeping a wide variety of texts

  • Except for holidays, no two texts on the template should have a "common theme", whether being "Hindu teaching", "Speeches by sitting American politicians", "Texts that cast circumcision in a poor light" or similar
    • As a corollary, if one text about the dangers of vivisection is removed from the template as part of the normal updating process, it is not preferable to add another anti-Vivisectionist text soon afterwards.

Balancing contributors

  • While only a handful of contributors update the template, it should be encouraged to view "New Pages" and find completed texts to be featured on the template added by other, new or anonymous users as often as possible.