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About Stevenphil


Hi there! I'm Steven Baldesco. Since August 14, 2007, I have mostly contributed to Philippine-related pages (which can been seen below) by revising, expanding and improving articles that concern the Philippines in any branch of knowledge - modern history, culture, religion, geography, government and people.

You may have noticed that I have contributed to many articles concerning the lives of the Philippines' revered heroes of democracy - the late Benigno 'Ninoy' Aquino, Jr., his wife, the late President Cory Aquino, and their son, incumbent President of the Philippines, Benigno 'Noynoy' Aquino III, whom I staunchly supported during the 2010 Philippine presidential campaign.

I first created an article on the late Gerardo 'Gerry' Roxas, former leader of the Liberal Party of the Philippines and former Senator of the Republic. As you can see, I also have great interest on the current democracy movement in Burma, especially on Aung San Suu Kyi, Burmese pro-democracy leader, recipient of the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize and one of the world's most famous political prisoners until her release from seven consecutive years of house arrest on November 13, 2010.

And, as famous politicians do as they deliver their final remarks, I will end with a quote from Benigno 'Ninoy' Aquino, Jr.:

"If I die, then I die and there's only one to suffer. But so long as each one of us will be willing to take on the struggle - even if I'm in prison; even if I die prison - so long as YOU will continue the struggle and carry the torch, then I think we'll have a better Philippines: rather than have one torch, we'll have many!"