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Tadaram Maradas' Book of Quotations


  • Negative energy can be a positive motivating force devoid human emotion, isolation, and extinction
  • Be careful of the company that you keep, for everyone who smiles in your face is not your friend
  • (Thought or Idea) .. That’s how the game is told, and that’s how the game is sold
  • For every action there is a reaction, however for every action there is also completely separate action that negates the first action
  • Life’s journey deals you friends in both high places (+), and low places (-), one can always mate the other
  • Every ending in one’s Life Series, constitutes a beginning De Novo, always every time
  • It’s not about your past, it’s about your future …… everyday
  • Life is good all of the time and what you do is make the most of it ….. every day that you are in it
  • As your life’s journey slowly trans-forms into the part of life called death, one can find the entire world in a grain of sand
  • The first indication of survival is a feeling of sadness and a tear, and the first action of survival is Self Preservation
  • At every level, there is another Devil
  • Visions, hopes, and dreams are what keep one alive, when you lose them and they come to you no more, then one has lost his / her reason for life itself
  • My Dad would always say to me, always takes care of your business son, and let everything else fall as it may, a lot of things may come and go, but you need to stay focused
  • Like my mother always said … You can’t always bust your gun Son, she would say, Sometimes you got to run
  • The kind of fear that can’t be erased is the kind of fear for failure of Self – Preservation
  • It’s better to be a live chicken, than a dead duck
  • Being a live chicken is a form of self – preservation, however when that same chicken is cornered and has to come out of the same corner fighting, is also a form of self – defense
  • I am a firm believer in the K.I.S.S., method: Keep It Simple Stupid
  • Happiness isn’t something that you remember it’s something that you experience
  • Hold on to your dreams, for if your dreams die, life is like a broken winged EAGLE that cannot fly
  • It is on the wings of the sparrow that the soul is first incepted into the world, and it is on the wings of ravens that it is incepted into the part of life called death
  • It is what it is, and never anything else but that
  • It’s the ones who you love the most, that hurt you the most, when you need them the most
  • If you don’t stand for something, then you will fall for anything
  • Always, everyday, all of the time, do the right thing, especially when no one is looking, that way when they go behind your back to see what you’ve done, they have nothing to see
  • The only time that water has life, and will flow uphill is when it’s forced, other than that it will only flow downhill, all the time
  • My Word is Born and my word is Bond … I said it and I meant it
  • It takes two negative reactions to erase one positive action, and it takes two positive reactions to erase one negative action
  • Trust is a hard thing to come by, it takes years to build and moments to destroy, oftentimes once you lose it you can never get it back
  • The ups and downs, changes and turnarounds in your life series occur when, a positive action is executed with a grain of salt, or a negative action is executed with a grain of sugar
  • Backwards, Ass Backwards, Back Asswards
  • It is so weak, but yet so powerful, and that is my gift to you
  • This one resounds through the ages, and never goes away: Money talks and Bullshit walks”
  • (Random & Idol thought) ….. Don’t be afraid, and don’t go away
  • (Random & Idol thought) ….. Don’t worry or feel any pain, and you can scream because there is no shame
  • A Theory, A Retrospective, A Hypothesis, you are a product of your environment
  • I believed that this happened, this is what happened, and this is what I believe can happen
  • Time does not heal all wounds, in-stead the longer it goes on, the worst it gets
  • Failure is a favor that moves one higher in responsibility and action as opposed to firing one from it
  • Trial and error, shadows and dust, dust and air
  • The smell of a skunk comes in two forms, a tree and an animal however the smell always dissipates with heat
  • Where darkness meets the light, and vice versa, If I can be myself in shades of gray, than that would be worth my weight in gold
  • Cutting edge creativity is a combination of creativity from pure thought (nothingness) in combination with creativity from the repetition of action
  • You cannot stop the sun from shining, because it shines all of the time, the times that it did not are the times you turned away from it
  • By natural characteristic, water flows downhill and still waters run deep unless it’s forced by pressure or wind, therefore water is always associated with a downdrop.(The Church of the living water’), (R.I.P, - Rest in Peace)
  • By natural characteristic Fire burns up in all degrees white, blue, red, yellow, and orange, then it dies down. But never burns down
  • There is a war up in heaven, and there is peace down in the earth
  • The book of Life brings death, and the book of death brings life
  • One cannot stop life, grass will grow through a concrete sidewalk, and a rose will sprout up in the middle of the street
  • An Atheist does not believe in Satan, Lucipher or the Devil !!!!
  • Love is that part of the glory of me, inscribed in you, that is enough to sus-tain you, even when I am away
  • Laughter is the best medicine, Success is the best revenge, Love is the answer
  • Shoot for the moon ... even if you miss, you'll land among the stars
  • Don’t be afraid, and don’t go away, for what may seem like the end of the world to you, but to me it is just another day
  • Love has no Label, it's PURE or NOTHING
  • That’s the hurt bringing the pain, that’s the bitch calling the whore, together they are to die for
  • Almost doesn't count because there is absolutely tooooo much life on the other side of Almost
  • Keep your enemies close, but keep your friends closer, when you know who your real friends are, then you will know how far away to keep your enemies
  • There’s always a beautiful thing happening in the now right there before your eyes, you simply need to open your eyes to see it, When are you gonna open your eyes
  • Free your mind of the mental and psychological chains of traditionally defined colonialism
  • Hate has a perfect place in the world, but it's a trigger that is sets off by a variable, and not a constant
  • All good song lyrics comes from Poetry, and all good music comes from Classical music
  • When the POSITIVE motivation stops and the NEGATIVE is all around you the system is sending you into ISOLATION to set you up for EXTINCTION

  • Tadaram Maradas - Book of Quotations