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by Marco Chacon
603173JAGS-2Marco Chacon

Hello and welcome to JAGS2! After about a decade of playtesting, refinement, and a good deal of thought, this is our latest effort to create a working, balanced, and easy to learn RPG. JAGS2 is the rules-lite(er) system that shares much of the same design philosophy as JAGS (and a compatible but not identical rules-engine) while clocking in at a lot fewer pages! Hopefully we've learned something in the 2 years we've been live on the internet and you'll find this easy to pick up and run with!

Some Notations

Why JAGS2?


! This means there's an important point that you don't want to miss!

This deserves, and will get, a much longer piece (designers notes!). But since many people won't read those, we wanted to say a few things here. ? Graduating to JAGS: We do not expect people who like, and play JAGS2 to ever "graduate" to JAGS (you're encouraged to check it outbut JAGS2 isn't conceived as "beginners JAGS.") The two games are different in a few fundamental waysbut they are compatible and can be easily interchanged. If conflicted, pick what you like best from the two. ? What will our continued support be? We plan to continue making great products for JAGS. Very few for JAGS2. Why? Because JAGS2 is supposed to be compatible. Surenot every book is 100% compatible (the full JAGS Martial Arts offer far more options than JAGS2 mere two) but most of the world books will be. Where new books vary greatly we'll try to include updates. ? Is JAGS2 Rules-Lite JAGS? Firstly at approximately 60 pages we don't consider it "lite" at all (and the rules-lite crowd certainly won't)but it's far lighter on the fractions, special-case rules, and the like. On the other hand, JAGS2 has two different ways to pay for skill rollsomething JAGS doesn't have. That's more complex! In a nutshell we felt JAGS2 will fill a niche that JAGS doesn't. Maybe you'll agree. ? A note on Pronunciation: JAGS2 is pronounced "Jags Two." We're using the sub-script because: a) JAGS2 is conceptually sort of a subset of the full-blown JAGS rules and b) The notation strikes us as cool (your mileage may vary and I'm already getting tired of hitting the subscript button ?). We write it as `JAGS-2' online where other better formatting may not be available.

The JAGS2 Roll


At the core of the JAGS2 system is a simple dice mechanic known as the JAGS-roll. It's a 4d6 roll (the dice are added together) where sixes are treated as zeros. This roll is used to check for success or failure of in-game actions like using a skill, surviving damage, making an attribute (AKA "STAT") check, and determining how much damage your character might have inflicted on someone.

In many circumstances the game system will also want to know how well you succeeded or failed. Usually your skill or stat will give you a "target number" (the number the total on your dice must be equal to or less than to succeed). If you roll, say, three below that number, then you'd say you ?made it by 3.? JAGS considers that a moderate success. Rolling five or more below that target number gives you a "Major Success." If, for example, you roll above that number by 5 or more then you have a "Major Failure."

What Sorts of things Have Rolls?


Well, primarily the two things in JAGS2 that you make rolls for are Stats (a numerical value that tells how strong, fast, smart, etc. you are) and Skills, a description of something you know how to do (and a numerical measure of how good you are at it).

Example 1 (Make a Stat Roll): I have a character with a Strength of 13. That gives me a 13 or less roll (written 13- in these rules, where ?-? means `or less'). If I am asked by the Game Master to perform a ?feat of Strength? then I'll make a JAGS roll and if the numbers on the dice add up to 13 or lower then I've succeeded.

Example 2 (Make a Skill Roll): I have a character with the skill Computers and it has a 15- roll. When I am trying to write a computer program to re-route my space ship's power system, then my numbers must add up to a fifteen or less for me to be successful.

Example 3 (Roll on the Wound Table): When I get shot in a fight and I am wounded, and the game rules call for me to make a Constitution roll on the ?Wound Table.? What that means is that I make my Constitution roll (say my character has a CON Statistic of 12, so I have a 12- roll). Then I do the following:

The term ?Roll on the Wound Table? means that there is a table in the book (look at the very back of this book; you'll see the Wound Table along with a whole bunch of other tables). We'll worry about the exact rules in the combat section, but in this case, you make your roll and: you determine how many points you made it or missed it by.

So let's say I have a 12 CON, Stat rolls are the same as the Stat, so that's a ?12 or less? roll. And I roll a 10 (average). That means I ?made the roll? by 2 (12 10 = 2). Essentially I rolled ?2pts under? what I needed to.

If I rolled, say, a 14, then I ?missed it by 2? since I rolled over my target number of 12 and exceeded it by 2pts.

Then I look on the chart for my wound type and find the result (if it was a Minor Wound then the result is Stunned, if you care to check).

Example 4 (Roll at -4): Let's say I'm trying something that is harder than average. Imagine trying to write a really tough computer program instead of an ?average one.? Difficulty is represented by the GM assigning negative numbers to the Roll number. So if you had a 15- Computer skill and had to write a really hard program that's at -4. Then your roll becomes an 11- (15-4 = 11). If the program is really easy then the GM can say ?Roll at +3? (or something). The roll goes from a 15- to an almost-can't-miss 18-

Failure Options


When you make a stat or skill roll you either make it or miss itand as we noted above there are degrees of failure. Here are guidelines for determining exactly what is meant when a roll is failed (note: this usually means a statistic or skill roll, in combat, a failed to-hit roll usually just means you missed your target).

The simplest meaning when you ?blow a roll? is that you just didn't know how to do ityou missed the shot, or something. But there are some tasty options that we think can add to the game. Traditionally the GM decides what, exactly, is the result of a failureand that's good for most play: but all the participants should have input into what judgment is rendered.

Failure Possible Effect


You Missed The Roll? What Happened?


Sometimes when a roll is blown the GM can ask the player ?What went wrong?? Whatever it was, it doesn't have to be the character's fault. For example, if an Etiquette roll is missed, it may not mean the character acts uncouth or doesn't remember his mannersit could mean that someone else spoils the moment (another NPC at the party) or that the character turns around at the wrong moment and accidentally runs into a waiter carrying drinksnot the character's faultbut not likely to win points with the guests either. If the character has Expert Level in the skill it's more likely that the attempt went wrong for reasons unrelated to expertise. If the character's a novice it's more likely a matter of lack of knowledge. One advantage of this technique is that if the GM and players are in synch it can be a very interesting way to introduce new information (characters, etc.) into the game world. While entire chapters could be written on this, a general rule is that players would be wise to work with the GM when introducing new information about important characters or locationsand that includes other NPC's that are created by other players as well (wards, contacts, and other people the players have ?brought into the game? in some fashion).

You need to complete another task.


If you try to hack mega-corp's bank and blow the roll the GM may rule that you don't get in through front-line securitybut you have figured out the name of the employee you need to call and try to talk into giving out their password over the phone. If an expert mechanic tries to repair a car and fails, it's not likely that he ?doesn't know how to fix it? but ?needs to get a new part.? How hard this secondary task is and what different skills it might require will be dictated by how badly the roll was blown and how expert the character is.

Something Else Went Wrong


Maybe while trying to steal a car the cops showed up. Maybe while putting the moves on a target you want to charm information out of, you got unexpected competitionfrom the target's suddenly arrived wife. Whatever the case, the roll didn't work because of unexpected interference. Depending on how badly you blew it you may be able to turn the situation around.

I need more time!


For science and engineering rolls (mainlybut for other things as well) a miss by a little (the roll blown by -1 or -2, for an Average or Expert level skill) might just mean you need more time and then you'll be successful. That might be a few more daysor, in a combat zone, a few more minutes. It's up to the GM.

Resisted Values


JAGS2 has one more mechanic that's used when resolving direct opposition of two different abilities. This is called the Resisted Roll. The classic example is an arm wrestling contestStrength vs. Strength. How do you tell who won?

The basic idea is that both characters would make STR rolls and whoever won it by more would win the match. This is a good, direct comparison of two different scores. But it only works well if the numbers involved are Statistics or Skills (which have ?rolls?). Let's look at the rules:

Resistance of Stats and/or Skills: Each party makes their roll and whoever makes it by the most wins the contest. There are some rules for more complex contests under Drama Rolls, an optional rule, further down.

Resistance Numbers: What happens if two opposing values don't have rolls to make?


Well, first let's look at how this event can happen:

  1. A gun has a Damage Number of, say 13 (a .357 Magnum). That isn't a 13- roll like a Strength of 13 is. That's just a number of 13. A big rifle does 31pts of Damage and a 31- roll doesn't make any sense (rolls are from 0 to 20). A battleship gun does like 33 thousand points of damage. So that's clearly not a roll number either.
  2. Armor has a Penetration Resistance which is a number (not a roll) that tells how hard to penetrate it is. Sounds reasonable, right? A bullet proof vest might have a 16 PEN Defense number. A tank might have a 3000 PEN Resistance for its forward hull. Again, you can see these aren't ?rolls.? They're just numbers.
  3. But when a guy wearing armor is struck by a weapon the guy gets an ?Armor Save? against the armor ?being penetrated? (this is all explained in the combat chapter). So let's say that I have a high-tech battle-vest (from, like the future, eh?) and it has a PEN defense of 50. You shoot me with a modern day rifle and it does 31pts of damage. How do we tell if the armor holds up?
  4. The way we do that is we compare the two numbers and we do, indeed, make a roll. Now, if we were just to compare the numbers straight (and use the exact number as the roll) then we'd get me, my armor, making a Fifty or less roll. On 4d6, treating 6's as zeros, that means that even on the worst possible roll, a 20, I will make my roll by 30. If you, rolling against your damage of a 31, roll a zero then you've made your roll by 31. That would mean that the rifle could beat the armor like one time in a hundred thousand shots. That isn't how it works. We think that those numbers are big enough that a difference of 20pts isn't so large that there's no comparison.
  5. In fact, we think that a score of a 31 against a 50 is more like a contest of, say, a 16- roll against a 20- roll. That's what we (the game designers) think so this is how you figure it out. The rules (listed below) say you divide both numbers by some factor and then compare the divided numbers as though they were a roll. If that sounds complex, don't sweat it. Look at the examples.
  6. Applying the rules we can see that we compare the two numbers: 6 (weapon) vs. 10 (armor) and the combat rules say that the guy with the Armor makes an armor save to see if his armor holds up. The armor is 4pts greater than the attacking weapon and the adjusted number is a 10 so the Armor Save roll is 10+4 = 14-.
  7. I roll and I roll a 14! That makes my Armor Save by Zero and my armor prevents ?penetration? from occurring!
  8. If you're still confused, take a look at the sidebar for more examples and explanations.

The Rules

  • If the smaller of the two numbers being compared is equal or less than 20 then you just use the numbers as their rolls. Divide by 1.
  • If the smaller of the two numbers being compared is 21 to 100 then divide both numbers by 5.
  • If the smaller of the two numbers being compared is 101-200 then divide both numbers by 10.
  • If the smaller of the two numbers being compared is 201 to 500 then divide both numbers by 25.
  • If the smaller of the two numbers being compared is 501 to 1000 then divide both numbers by 50.
  • And so on, increasing the divisor by 25 each time.

Computing the Roll


Depending on the rules, usually one person (either the attacker or defender) makes a roll. The roll starts at 10- and then the difference in numbers is added or subtracted (it's added if the roller has the advantage. Subtracted if the roller is at the disadvantage).

When Are Resisted Rolls Called For?


Resisted rolls are called for in the following situations:

Situation Description Armor Saves When a character with armor is hit with a Penetrating attack (one that primarily does internal damage like bullets, knives, swords, etc.) then Armor gets a ?saving roll? to ?convert the damage to Impact? (or `blunt' damage) which is usually much less severe. This is handled by comparing the damage of the weapon to the Penetration Defense of the armor and assuming the weapon rolled a 10. Grappling Contest Wrestling, take-downs, and ground fighting are handled with a Resisted Contest. The Score is based on the size and weight of each of the fighters as well (in some cases) as training. Usually the character acting makes the roll and the character defending is assumed to have rolled a 10. Poison and other weird ?Resisted Attacks? There is a category of ?Resisted Attacks? that includes things like poisons, drugs, psionic attacks, sonic disruption, magical effects like being turned to stone, death rays, etc. These ?strange attacks? don't just work against Damage Points. They are resolved as a Roll vs. Roll contest where the character and the attack each make a roll (a Death Ray does have a 17- Cause Death ability and its roll against your CON. Good luck!) The amount the character misses or makes it by determines the actual result (there is a Resisted Attacks table in the combat section). Psychology Attempts Really attractive characters may try to charm their way past a guard. Born leaders may try to rally troops. Bad mo-fo's may try to stare gown a cycle gang with intimidation. These are handled by the Psychology rules and it's Roll vs. Roll where the stats are usually the character's Intimidate Score (or Persuade or whatever) vs. the target's Willpower (WIL) scores. The amount the targets make it or miss it by determines the effects (there is a psychology table in the combat section). Contest of Skills When two skills are at odds or a skill and a statistic (Stealth vs. Perception) this his handled as a Roll vs. Roll and ties mean nothing happened immediately and you roll again when the GM determines it's time to re-evaluate. Other examples might be two computer experts trying to hack each other's security or an engineer trying to make a tricky design vs. another engineer trying to figure out how the system works.

Drama Rolls Method (an advanced rule)


An advanced rule that can be employed to heighten the drama of a non-combat task is to us the Drama Rolls Method. Usually this is done when: the GM (traditionally) decides to increase the tension or draw out a non-combat task that would normally be handled by a single skill roll. It's a judgment call as to when to use the Drama Rolls Method. We suggest that everyone participate in the discussion if it's important.

In this case the GM sets a success number that must be achieved before the task is finished. The player then makes skill or stat rolls normally and keeps track of a running score of what they made or missed each roll by. Usually each roll takes some amount of in-game time.

When the final sum reaches the success number, the task is complete. The GM may rule that if the sum reaches a low enough negative number then it's a complete irrevocable, failure (for some reason) but more likely the situation will stop when time runs out or the character gives up.

Alternatively the GM can give a set number of rolls to two or more parties and whoever has the highest total at the end ?wins.? Both these techniques are advanced and you don't need to use them until you feel comfortable with the basic rules.

Character Points


Characters have characteristics like stats (how strong or fast or smart you are) enhancements (like how attractive you look), skills (knowing how to program computers, for example), etc. They may also have `special abilities' like cybernetic enhancements, telepathy, or super powers. You get these by paying for them. Your money is Character Points. The GM determines how many you start with when the game begins.

There are two types of Character Points: "Basic" (or 'ordinary') Character points and Archetype (also called 'weird stuff') points. What's the difference? Well, it's like this: Basic Character points are used to buy STATS and Skills, and Enhancements and Defects. You usually get between 30 and 150 Basic Character points to spend ? and being (for example) fairly quick, costs 15pts. Being handsome might cost 4.

Archetype points are different. Archetype points buy "unusual abilities." Ideally, for a given genre Archetype (or Stereotypes ? or Classes if you prefer) will be spelled out. Generic RPG fantasy consists of Fighter, Mage, Rogue, Priest archetypes, for example. Archetype points are used to purchase special abilities specific to those classes.

Archetype points are also spent to make the character a different Race (like Elves in fantasy ? or aliens in science fiction). Archetype points are usually much fewer in number (a "standard number" being 8? and being a Dwarf, for example, cost 4pts).

Buying Stats


Stats represent the basic physical and mental attributes of your character. There are three broad Primary Stats (Physique, Reflexes, and Intellect) and each has three Secondary Stats underneath it.

All Primary Stats start at a normal-adult-human value of 10. Each Secondary Stat is equal to its Primary Stat (if your Physique is 11 then your STR is 11, BLD is 11, and CON is 11) unless specifically changed by the player. For example, you might be normal height, weight, and strength but unusually tough and healthythat would mean you increased your CON but your PHY was 10.


Here are the basic JAGS2 Statistics


  • Strength (STR)
  • Build (BLD)
  • Constitution (CON)
  • Coordination (COR)
  • Reaction (REA)
  • Agility (AGI)
  • Reason (RES)
  • Memory (MEM)
  • Willpower (WIL)

PRIMARY STAT Definition PHYSIQUE How big and tough and strong you are. REFLEXES Reflexes determines how quick and dexterous you are. INTELLECT Intellect is a measure of what your mind is like.

SECONDARY STAT Abbreviation Definition Strength STR How much you can lift/damage with punch. Build BLD How big and heavy you are. Constitution CON How resistant to damage and disease.

Coordination COR Eye-Hand Coordination. Roll to hit with a ranged weapon/pick a lock. Reaction REA Reaction speed. Agility AGI Roll to dodge a blow, walk a tightrope.

Reason RES Problem solving capability. Memory MEM Roll to see if you remember or know things. Willpower WIL### Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Roll against to do something painful or resist mind control!

Buying Primary Stats

  • To purchase Primary Stats, use the table below. For a normal person, all Primary Stats (and, for that matter, Secondary Stats) start at a value of 10. This is "average."
  • The cost in character points to purchase the stat you want is listed on the chart.
  • If the cost is negative it means you are "selling your stat"this means you are intentionally decreasing your score to make your character weaker. There may be consequences to being below average in some aspect!

Cost To Buy Primary Stats


7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -20 -10 -5 0 5 15 30 50 75 105 140 180 255 275

Q: Why aren't there rules for stats below 7? Primary stats don't go lower than 7 in JAGS and JAGS2 for a number of reasons (although figured stats might). One is that REA's of less than 8 don't work well (so 7 is the outside limit for that). Another is that very small things (like, say, field mice) have very low STR's, BLD's, and Damage Pointsbut they usually have pretty decent CON's (I mean they do die from disease but an organism with a CON or less than 7 would be extinct in the wild). If you are playing a very weak or very small character, there are other ways to get to lower stats than selling a Primary Stat. Furthermore, in JAGS2 you can get lower Secondary Stats using the Stat Defects in the next section!

Stat Value PHY REF INT 20 Super human Super human Super human. 16 Normal human maximum. Massive: bench press 600+ lbs. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Normal human maximum. Lightning Quick: Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan or Jet Li ? Erol Flynn. Normal human maximum. Genius: Einstein, Tesla, Hawking, Newton, Da Vinci. 14 Massively strong. An incredible constitution. Power lifter, huge linebacker. Olympic athlete. Highly gifted. 12 Guy who works out at the "muscle head" gym. Athlete Gifted 10 Average Average Average 09 Younger teenager, small framed person. Clumsy, a little awkwardbut not too bad. A bit slow but gets by okay. 08 Sickly unless CON is raised. Very slight and weak. Highly uncoordinated. Borderline disabled. Illiterate in a literate world, can't hold more than a menial job. 07 Essentially crippled. Needs help walking. Requires day-to-day assistance. Requires assistance getting around town.

Buying/Selling Secondary Stats


Secondary Stats all start equal to their Primary Stat (if your Physique is 9, your STR is 9, your BLD is 9, and your CON is 9). If you want to be, say especially smart or especially weak you buy a Modifier that changes a specific Secondary Stat (or group of them). Some have a negative cost (being weak) because they're considered bad.

NOTE: No chosen Modifier can change a singe Secondary Stat more than once (you cannot take Brilliant and Nerdboth change RES). And: you may have no more than THREE Secondary Stat Modifiers not counting Light.

Modifier Cost Effect Powerful 10 You have highly developed muscles: +2 STR Fat or Obese -3 You are corpulent. +3 BLD, +1 DP. Reduce Initiative rolls by 2. +1 Base Damage. -5 Obese: You are hugely fat. +8 BLD, +2DP. Reduce AGI bonus by 2. Reduce Initiative by 3. +2 Base Damage Light (or Short/Thin) 0 -1 to -3 BLD (this can be taken by anyonewith no in-game consequence) Big or Huge 10 You are tall and broad: +1 STR, +3 BLD, +3 DP. You do +1 Damage in Hand to Hand Combat. 10 Huge: You are massive. +8 BLD, +8 DP. You do +2 Damage in Hand To Hand Combat. Should have STR of 12+ Resilient 10 You are healthy and have powerful recuperative abilities. +2 CON Tough 10 You are unflinchingly tough and resistant to damage. +7 DP. Dexterous Fingers or Excellent Eye-Hand 5 Your fingers are sensitive and you have excellent fine motor. +2 for skills like gem-cutting (a craft), lock picking (breaking and entering), and disarming traps. This does not apply to Combat skills. 10 Excellent Eye-Hand: You have great eye-hand coordination. +2 to COR (this improves all COR based skills (Combat and non-combat) ). Quick 10 You are fast! +2 to REA. Nimble 15 You are agile! +2 to AGI. Butter Fingers -5 You get -2 to COR and must make rolls more commonly or drop thingsespecially if nervous. Clumsy -5 You get -1 to AGI. GM may call for rolls to see if you bump into things. Slow -10 You get -2 to your REA. Brilliant 8 You're very smart! +2 to RES. Photographic Memory 6 You have perfect recall. +2 MEM and you get rolls to recall extremely minor details. Resolve 4 (10) You get +2 to WIL. The cost (10) is in games with Magic or Psionics. Ask the GM. Dumb -3 You are, well, not so bright. -2 to RES and the GM can call for rolls to see if you do something inappropriate or otherwise thick headed. Wishy-washy -3 You have -2 to WIL and the GM can call for rolls if someone is trying to talk you into something you know you shouldn't do. Absent Minded -1 You get -2 to MEM and the GM may call for rolls to see if you remember things most people would have no problem remembering (i.e. you are always forgetting your car keys). Athletic 10 You are a natural athlete. +1 STR, +1 AGI Lion Hearted 10 You have the heart of a lion: +1 CON, +1 WIL Nerd 6 You fit the stereotype of the geeky, underdeveloped "brain." +2 RES, -1 STR and BLD. Couch Potato 1 You watch a lot of TV. +1 BLD, +1 MEM. MEM rolls can be made at +2 to remember TV trivia. Bulked Up 15 You have bulked yourself up with training. +3 STR, +3 BLD, +3 DP, -1 REA. Weak -7### Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### You are underdeveloped. -2 STR, -2 BLD.


Figured stats aren't purchased: they're calculated from Primary or Secondary stats. They are Physical (Damage Points, Perception Roll, Initiative, Ground Speed, and HTH Damage) and Psychological (Intimidate, Persuade, Entrance, and Recruit).

Physical Figured Stats Physique Damage Point Bonus 7 -3 8 -2 9 -1 10 +0 11 +1 12 +2 13 +4 14 +7 15 +11 16 +18 17 +23 18 +28 19 +38

Damage Points

Damage Points (DP) are a measure of how much damage your character can take. This is your Constitution (CON), plus a general Physique bonus (see chart) plus any modifiers for being Tough. Perception Roll

If the GM wants to check and see if you saw someone sneaking up on you, if you managed to pick out the book you were looking for while glancing at a library shelf full of books, or if you can find a trail in the woods at night, a Perception roll can be used. The formula is Reason (RES) + Any Keenn Senses Enhancements.

Initiative Roll

When you get to act in combat is determined by your Initiative Roll. This is equal to your Reaction Speed (REA) pus any modifiers (Natural Fighter makes you act sooner. Being Fat slows you down, etc.)

REA Walking Running Sprinting 7 1 y/s 2 y/s 3 y/s 8 1 y/s 3 y/s 4 y/s 9 2 y/s 3 y/s 5 y/s 10 3 y/s 4 y/s 6 y/s 11 3 y/s 4 y/s 6 y/s 12 3 y/s 4 y/s 6 y/s 13 4 y/s 5 y/s 7 y/s 14 4 y/s 5 y/s 7 y/s 15 4 y/s 8 y/s 7 y/s 16 4 y/s 8 y/s 10 y/s 17 4 y/s 8 y/s 10 y/s 18 4 y/s 10 y/s 12 y/s

Ground Speed

Characters have a speed (in yards per second) for walking, running, and sprinting. Usually if you are stopped you must run for 1 second before getting up to sprinting speeds. The formula is Reaction Speed (REA) plus any Fast Runner type enhancements. Hand To Hand Damage

How much damage you do with a strike is STR 10pts. This might be 0 or even negative (if your STR is less than 10)but mark it down anyway. This is referred to as your Base Damage (weapons add to it). Being big will add to this (Enhancements like Big, Huge, or even Fat). The formula is Strength minus 10 with bonuses for being Big, Huge, Fat, etc.

Grapple Roll

Your Grapple Roll is a measure of how well you wrestle. Mostly it's a matter of Strengthbut Size counts too. And so does training. You have two Grapple Scores, an Offensive and Defensive score. Most people's Offensive Grapple are better than their defensive (the exception being some specifically trained martial artists).

Formula: STR + each 5pts of BLD above 10 (round up) + Training Bonus (if any). Example: a STR 13 guy with a BLD of 13 gets a Grapple of 14 (13 for the STR) and +1 for being big.

Your Offensive Grapple gets +2 added (+20% if you're being picky or the numbers are really big).

Charisma Figured Stats

How enticing, repulsive, persuasive, intimidating, or inspiring a character is can be quantified in the JAGS2 rules. A character with presence or an aura of danger about him may be successful at intimidating people above and beyond his ?innate? physical capabilities. Similarly, if a player is not good at playing a seductressbut the character is then these rules will be highly useful.

There are 4 Basic Charisma Actions:

  1. Charm: The character simply tries to make the character like him. This can be a simple use of charisma or an Entrance attempt where the character inspires love or lust (sexual attraction). It can be used to distract targets, for personal reasons, to get information, or simply to be popular at parties.
  2. Intimidate: The character tries to make the target fear him. This is a psychological fear if the character is decked out with weapons and armor many will fear the character anyway.
  3. Persuade: The character tries to manipulate the target to do what he wants them to. This can have a number of different approaches from fast talking a target to go along to simply being charismatic guy that people want to help.
  4. Recruit: This is the term for an attempt to inspire loyalty in someone or to take command of a situation and, if necessary, lead. It usually applies to troops or henchmen under the character's command but it can also be used to rally crowds, calm down a hysterical person, or otherwise take command by force of personality.

Computing Charisma Rolls

Charisma rolls are predominantly determined by Enhancements and Defects (see below). Use the chart below to determine each score (roll) in for each type.

Formula for Charisma: Start at a value of 10 for each type and then add the appropriate numbers. Drop fractions

Attribute Cost Charm Intimidate Persuade Recruit Presence 2,4,8,12 +2 Level +1 Level Likeable 2,4,8,12 +1.5 / Level +1.5 / Level Leader 2,4,8,12 +1 / Level +2 / Level Exotic 2,4,8,12 +2 / Level +1.5 / Level Attractive 2,4,8,12 +1.5 Level +1.5 Level Statuesque 2,4,8,12 +1 / Level +1 / Level +1 / Level +1 / Level Rugged 3 +2 +2 Flair 1,2,4 +1 Bad Rep -2/-4 -1 / Level +.5 / Level -1 Level -.5 / Level Baaad Rep 1,2,4,8 -.5 / Level +1 / Level +1 / Level Good Rep 2,4,8,12 +1 / Level +.5 Level +.5 Level Ugly -2/-4 -2 or -6 -1 or -3 -1 or -3 Obese -5 -2 Cute 1 +1 -2 -1 Scary 1 -2 +1 -1 Serious 1 -1 -1 +1 Studious 1 -1 -1 +1 Fun 1 +1 -2 -1 Loud 1 -1 +1 -1 Nasal Voice -2 -1 -1 Beautiful Voice 4 +1 +1 ### Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Situational Modifiers Known Lvl 3 or 4 Combat Skill +1 / +3 JAGS+.5 Frightening Appearance -2 +2 -1 +.5 Heavily Armed/Show of Power +1 to +3 +1


Enhancements and Defects are ways of defining a character beyond simple modifications to your stats. These are purchased with basic character points (as are stats and skills and background).

NOTE: You may only have up to -10pts of Defects although if you take a single high-priced defect (Blind) then you may have more. Defects in JAGS and JAGS2 are intended to add definition to characters more than "balance them."

Physical Traits

Ambidextrous [12]

You get 1 extra attack (shot) for free when using fire-arms or swords if you have one in each hand. This attack may be at the same or a separate opponent. It must be made in conjunction with another attack (i.e. the character must be able to launch at least one attack that turn ? and then gets 2 or more).

Asthma [-4]

You must make a CON roll each second after the 2nd of exertion. If failed you will have an asthma attack (-4 to all rolls). If failed by 5 or more, you will collapse.

Bad Eyesight (Wears Glasses) [-1 or -3]

If you wear glasses or contacts, that's worth -1. If your vision is *bad* and you don't (in low-tech world for example) then you get -3. This gives -4 to Perception rolls and -3 to hit things at a range greater than 4 yards

Beautiful Voice [4]

You get +1 to rolls like Showmanship, Musical performance rolls (if you sing), and even rolls (in Psychology) to persuade, recruit, and entrance. You can get jobs in radio!

Blind [-15]

You are blind! You can't see and need help to get around. Combat rolls are at -6 if you make an 8- roll to be aiming in the right direction (if you miss the 8- roll for a turn, you won't hit anything).

Crippled [-4,-12]

You are impaired in some serious fashion. Sometimes this may get you good parking but mostly it's a big freaking obstruction to doing what you want. For -4pts you need a cane to walk (you move at about 3y/sec max and don't get your AGI bonus in combat), are missing important fingers or one entire hand, or some other moderate problem. At -12 you are wheelchair bound or otherwise seriously impaired.

Deaf [-2,-4]

You can't hear anything or hear very badly. For -2pts you get -4 to all hearing Perception rolls. At -4 you have to use sign language.

Fast Runner [2]

Adds +2 to your effective REA for purposes of Ground Speed.

Hearty [2]

You get +2 to CON rolls vs. disease. You get +1 to CON rolls vs. Poison.

Hunch Back [-2]

You get -1 to your AGI (due to the hump) and +1 BLD. Your movement rate in running is 2/3rds normal.

Iron Jaw [8,16]

You get 1pt of Armor at the first level and 2pts at the second level. This has no Penetration resistance. At the 16pt level you also get +1 to CON.

Nasal Voice [-2]

You have a loud, grating, or nasal voice. When you speak, others cringe. This effects the Charisma rules but is otherwise just roleplayed as a turn-off for many people.

Natural Fighter [2]

You get +2 to Initiative rolls.

One eyed [-3]

You wear a patch. You get -1 to perception rolls and -1 to all Aim maneuvers.

Peg-Leg [-4]

You hobble around. No AGI bonus (this may be "wheel-chair bound" in higher tech societies) and you move at ? normal rate.

Toughness [varies]

You have extra damage points. This costs 1pt per point up to 4 and then 2pts per point.

Ugly [-2, -4]

At the -2 level of ugliness, you're just unattractive. Maybe you look okaybut there's a bad scar. Maybe you're overweight and drab looking? Whatever. It's not badjust ? not good. At the -4 level you are disfigured and people may be shocked to see you!

Visible Mark [-1]

You have a distinguishing feature: a tattoo, a really bad hook nose, a scar that is visible but not necessarily ugly (if you do take Ugly, you can't have this too). If the tattoo is not normally visible (i.e. you wear suits to work mostly) then you get no points for it.

Young [-1]

You are under the age of adulthood and lack certain rights.

Mental Traits

! A Note on Character Hijacks: A character hijack is any game event that places the PC under GM control or dictates a course of action. Some players find this very disruptive or damaging to play. Here is our take on this. 1. Situational modifiers should always be considered for WIL rolls (and other effects): a character grieving for their slain family will not be forced to play out curious or lecherous, for example. The GM may ultimately adjudicate when this is in effect but the participants together should discuss.

2. When action is hijacked, this simply means that the GM is responsible for either having a defect appear as an important part of play or for giving a player a complication that they'd signed up for in taking it.

We would consider it poor form to have a defect resolve a situation in which the player is emotionally invested.

3. Even where ?GM Control? is granted or a player is advised to control their character in a certain fashion, player input should be paramount. A player who fails a Greedy roll need not be played as an automaton but may be asked to invest more effort in roleplaying that line of action.

4. The exact effects of ?enforcing? a defect are left up to the participantsa really good bribe might better entice a Greedy character than a modest one. A character with a temper might be more antagonized by taunts than an accidental slight ? or perhaps vice versa: it's up to the participants to decide.

5. If the player is no longer interested in having the defect apply to the character, Experience can be used to buy it off. Or, with GM permission, a defect can even be dropped immediately and the player must pay earned XP for it until it's paid off.

Bad Judgment [-2] You have ? bad judgment. The GM can call for a WIL when you are presented with something that seems attractive but really is a bad idea. If the roll is failed, your character does it (this doesn't apply to suicidal thingsjust standard, every day bad judgment).

Disturbed [-2 or -4] You are "disturbed." At -2 points you do/say things that put others off around you (WIL roll each 3 hours you are with someone). At -4pts the GM might play your character as an NPC for amusement value! (more seriously, there is something wrong/bizarre going on in your head). Pyromaniac or kleptomaniac is an example of a 4pt behavior.

Drunkard [-2 or -4] ### Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### You are (most likely) an alcoholic ? or at least drunk a lot. For -2pts you drink to impairment once a week and may or may not have serious consequences in your life (thus far) from it. The GM may have black-out episodes and such occur. At -4pts you often adventure or participate in the campaign drunk, may be hard to rouse, etc. Revelry skill is suggested but at the -4pts, you will be impaired much of the time anyway.

Flair [1,2,4] You have innate style! When you throw something together off the rack it comes off looking like a fashion plate. When you walk into a room, people notice. Flair has effects in the Charisma section but also gives +1 per level to Etiquette and at the 4pt level +1 to Showmanship. It also tends to get you envied by those who are jealous and have less (if any) flair!

Hard to Fool [2,4,8] At the 2pt level you get +2 to perception rolls to spot people sneaking up on you. At 4pts, you get RES rolls at +2 to spot con-games, see through Con Artist rolls, and you get an itchy feeling when something isn't right about a situation. At the 8pt level you are almost never surprised (+4 to spot anything fishy). You also get basic RES rolls to tell if someone is lying (this is ultimately up to the GMbut works on most liarseven accomplished ones).

Leader [2,4,8,12] You're a natural leader. You get bonuses to recruit people (see the psychology section).

Likeable [2,4,8,12] You're naturally likeable! You get bonuses to persuade people (see the Charisma section).

Mathematical Genius [4] ### Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### You can do instant mathematics in your head (even complex equations). You always compute tip correctly for your restaurant check! This allows the character to ignore -2pts of negative modifiers to a computer, physics, or engineering roll.

Musical Genius [4] You are a talented with an instrument! You get +2 to musician skill rolls.

Perceptive / Keen Senses [2,4,8] You are very perceptive. For 2pts you get +1 to all perception rolls. For 4, +2 and for 8 +4. These are doubled if the sense is other than sight and hearing. Usually a roll by +5 or more will do things like track someone by scent or tell Coke from Pepsi (or whatever).

Phobic [-1 or -2] You have a strong fear of something moderately common (or pretty uncommon but very strong). The GM decides what it isbut at -2pts you will be hesitant to go in the woods for fear of snakes (for example). Severe phobias (crippling agoraphobia, for example) are not covered here: it's un- playable.

Presence [2,4,8,12] You have great presence and get pluses to your roll to Intimidate people (see the charisma section).

Speed Reader [4] You can burn through stacks of printed material in a matter of minutes with normal comprehension. Read Moby Dick in a day!


Baaad Reputation [1, 2, 4, 8] You are known as what is colloquially called a "bad ass." At the 1pt level you're known to be tough. At the 2 or 4pt level, pick a specific legend that is known. At the 8pt level people believe you are extremely dangerous (the legend may be outrageous!)

Bad Reputation [-1 to -4] The word is out on youand it isn't good. A bad rep for -1pt is something like "troublemaker." For -2 or -3 it could be something like "womanizer", coward, or thief. At level 4, it's more like traitor. In addition to the problems with Charisma, there may be other effects in NPC's reactions. If the character is traveling or otherwise known only to a certain segment of the population the GM may reduce the points acquired.

Enemy [-1, -3, or -5] You have an enemy, nemesis, or the enmity of some group. At -1pts this is a rival or harassment. At -3pts it becomes a real bother (a cycle gang wants to beat you up). For -5pts the danger is real (wanted by the cops and they're on your trail).

Good Reputation [2,4,8,12] People have heard good things about youmaybe very good. A reputation can have a specific aspect such as a reputation for honesty or a reputation for being a good man to have back you up on a "job." If this is the case (and the GM rules that the aspect is less than universal in its applicationhonesty is pretty universal to be well liked forbeing a skilled and dedicated criminal isn't then the cost may be reduced by one level.

Ward [-2] There is someone you have to take care of. A child, a side-kick, etc. This person is danger-prone or otherwise gets into trouble!

Wealth [1,2,4,8,12] You've got moneymaybe lots. For 1pt you have about $20,000 in spare cash (or are otherwise have a good reserve for your demographicfor a group playing teenagers that might be $2,000 in the bank). For 2pts you are 'wealthy' (luxury car, decent home in a country club). You get this for free with an Expert Level skill. For 4pts you are rich. Large house in a high profile country club, a summer home somewhere else. Elite sports car. European vacations. For 8pts you are loaded. You have multiple homes, a chauffer, etc. At 12pts you are massively rich. You have servants, a fortune 100 corporation, a private jet and a castle to hold meetings at.

Write Up [-2] If you do a 1-page write up on your character, you get two points for it! This is handy to do things like the following: (a) Give the GM an idea of what you'd like to see your character doing during play. (b) Create a background with ?plot hooks.? (c) Get into your character's head.

Personality and Appearance

Attractive [2, 4, 8, 12] You are sexy and attractive looking. This comes in four levels from simply nice looking or "cute"/"pretty" to Adonis/Aphrodite level where you are stunning and unearthly in your beauty. This has effects that are detailed in the Psychology section.

Bad Tempter [-2] You might have a chip on your shoulder or a hair trigger fuse when it comes to losing your temper. If your character is a violent one this may actually be Rage. The GM may call for WIL rolls to retain control.

Big Mouth [-2] ### Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### You blurt out stuff you really shouldn't say (the GM may call for WIL rolls for you to keep your mouth shut). This can reveal secrets, start fights, and offend hosts.

Code of Honor [-1 to -3] You live by a code that has some serious impact. For -1pts this may be as minor as modern "gentleman" behavior. At -2 it's a knight's code. A -3, the character does some strange things religiously (code of silence, for example).

Coward [-4] You are afraid to fight! You get -4 to all Initiative rolls and must make WIL rolls each turn for the first three turns of combat or run. Even if you do make WIL rolls you fight in hand to hand combat at -2 to hit. You must make a WIL roll at -2 to "march into combat." If failed you will try to find a way not to go to the encounter (be it a bar-fight, a report that someone's stealing your car, etc.) Being really mad can give +1 to +4 to WIL rolls for this.

Curious [-2] You have an insatiable sense of curiosity that often gets you into trouble.

Envious [-1,-2] You're constantly envying what others have that you don't! You can be petty or mean to them. You're also involved in serious one-ups-manship! If this applies to a specific discipline (intellectual vanity) then it's -1pt. Exotic [2, 4, 8, 12] You are beautiful in an unusual manner. Perhaps you are from a foreign locale. Maybe your eyes or hair is unusual and striking. Whatever the case you stand outare more easily identified, and have effects described in the Psychology section.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

Greed [-2] They say everyone is greedy but you're worse than normal! You don't want to pass up a buck even if you know it's a bad idea. You'll take moderate risks for a little and high risks for a lot. You may also do unwise or illegal things in the pursuit of money.

Grim [-1] You are dark or sullen and have no operating sense of humor (or maybe a very black one).

Honorable [-2] You treat others with the respect they treat you (this is not the same as always giving someone a fair chance)you don't assume the worst if you don't know, however.

Lousy Liar [-3] You have a really hard time lying. Maybe you stutter. Maybe you tell really poor convoluted lies. Whatever. The GM can call for WIL rolls to see if your character is able tell a convincing falsehood. This gives a -4 to skills like Con Games or Charisma attempts that involve falsehoods.

Lousy Driver [-2] You're a hazard behind the wheel! You'll back up through the garage door, ram the car behind you when parallel parking, and make wrong-way turns while jabbering onto a cell-phone with your passenger. You can't have Drive Vehicle skill above a 12- and the GM can call for -2 rolls whenever wanted to see if you make some unnecessary error.

Lust [-2] You are a sucker for the opposite sex and you are always on the prowl! Unlike most PC's Psychology attempts like Charm or Vamp might apply to your PC.

Naive [-2] You are un-worldly and inexperienced (no Street skills unless you somehow learned them without the social background). You haven't been in combat. You've never been far from home. You might think you know what the 'real world' is like ? but you're wrong!

Obnoxious [-1 to -3] You have some bad habit that others find offensive. At the -1 level it could be something like humming or making snarky remarks. At the -3 level it could be really bad body odor, a total lack of social graces, or something similar.

Personality Types [1] Personality types aren't about looksthey're about actions and ? presence. A player may choose any one: Cute, Serious, Scary, Fun, or Loud for their character for 1pt.

Pride [-2] You're an overconfident, cocky bastard. This combines overconfidence with arrogance! You believe you are better than you areand let everyone know it!

Problems with Authority [-4] You have issues with authority! If there are rulesyou want to break them. Laws? Bend them. Curfew? Sneak back after dark. You are not necessarily a criminal but you're always trying to get around rules and regs.

Rugged [3] You have a rough but handsome appearance. This may not indicate a perfect or sculpted bodybut rather a sense of capableness and a worn-ness that suggests experience.

Slick [-2] You aren't smooth ? but you think you are. You'll try to put the moves on people you have no chance with, tip the host in an expensive restaurant a buck, and otherwise go through life acting like you're cooler than you really are. Maybe you're in on the joke. Probably not!

Sloth [-2] You're always late with assignments, always caught sleeping when there's a job to do, etc. You take 2x as long as most to complete a task and have difficulty keeping a job.

Statuesque [2, 4, 8, 12] You appear "striking" and are cut to a perfect mold. Although definitely attractive, the character appears both strong and 'flawless' to a classical mold (no defect that disfigures you can be taken). This has effects detailed in the Psychology section. This may also be described as Rugged.

Swashbuckler [-2] You are a showoff who enjoys daring feats and theatrical risks. You will never do something the boring way if you can come up with a showy one!

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###


Archetype points are used to buy special Genre Convention abilities (races in fantasy, mutations or cybernetics is a post-apocalypse game, etc.) What if the game has no definitive genre (the GM has a modern day adventure where the nature of the challenges is unknown, for example). Well, here are some unusual traits that can apply almost anywhere:

Lucky Miss! [4] You are hard to hit in combat. Three times in combat you can call for a -3 to be hit. This replaces your AGI bonus. If you are hit, you take a -5 Damage Modifier (a hit by, say, 3 becomes a hit by -2).

Luck [2,4,8] You are unusually fortunate. For 2pts you may re-roll any roll once a game session and get +1 to any random rolls the GM makes to see what's going on with you. At 4pts you can re-make any 3 rolls during a game session and random checks get +2. You may also substitute a 14- roll once for a skill or stat check that luck is involved with (i.e. probably not arm wrestling but a roll to hit with a untrained shot would count). At 8pts any 5 rolls can be re-made, the character gets +4 to situational checks, and the character gets 2 16- rolls which can be substituted. At this level, Luck is a life-style and the character may live on lottery money, run into exactly the right people all the time, etc.

Dreamer [4] You have strange and often prophetic dreams. Perhaps your subconscious is offering you insightor perhaps you are reading omens from the spirit world.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

Extraordinarily Tough [12] You get +8 DP. Once in combat you can make a CON roll at +4. Once a play session you may "heal" 3/4 of all damage taken (up to a Critical Wound). This takes 2 seconds. It has no visible or medical effect (after being shot, beaten up badly, etc.) you fall down, recover and then seem to be basically okay (wounds leak blood, etc ... but you aren't dying). If you were unconscious, dead, dying, etc. you remain down for 2 seconds and then are fine.

Hard To Kill [4] The character is hard to kill. Any Dead or Dying result will be ignored (the character will be unconscious for hours). This will not save the character if he is left in a damaging position, takes 5x his DP, is decapitated, etc.

Instinct [4] You get a scratchy feeling on the back of your neck when people are following youor a bad feeling before walking into danger. The GM can call for an Instinct roll (RES+2 or WIL+2, player's choice) to detect danger, to feel if he is being followed, or otherwise feel "if something is going down."

Malice [4] Once per combat the character may strike for +2 (PEN) or +4 (IMP) damage. This may be declared after the strike hits.

Nature Friend [4] You have an affinity for animals and nature. You have a green thumb and plants you care for will flourish. Natural animals respect and like you (and may come to you for help if injured). In the woods, an RES roll will find your way.

Psychic Link [2] You have a link to a kindrid soul (who must also buy this). You know if they're in trouble. You have an idea of where to find them; you get impressions of what is happening to them.

See Inner Person [12] When you meet someone you can size them up pretty well! You can, with a WIL roll, tell if they are of character, if they are actively planning to betray you, and otherwise get a sense of what kind of person they are (a mob hit man would give you cold chills. A serial killer might cause a character to faint).

Sensitive [4] You are tuned into the "other side." Ghosts may manifest to you. Readings with Tarot Cards may prove spookily accurate. You respect (and maybe fear) s?ances.

Shadow Friend [8] The shadows like you and you have a special relationship with darkness. You get +2 to stealth. Even mild shadows will hide your face. You ignore -3pts of darkness modifiers (you see well in dim light). In normal light you are at -2 to Perception rolls and in bright light (a very sunny day) you are in pain.

Storm Friend [8] The weather matches your mood! Anger may bring thunderstorms. Sadness, rain showers. This is not a super power but happens more subtly than that. If battling out in a lightning storm, however, lightning may well strike your targets! Large storms (hurricanes) won't hurt youalthough incidental damage may be hazardous.

Synchronicity [8] Synchronicity is when unrelated events come together in a meaningful way for you (like picking up a book (and a keen interest) in Norse Mythology and then seeing an "ODIN" license plate--when you go and talk to the guy, he's a Norse Mythos scholar).

With this advantage the character is aware and in touch with Synchronicity. The universe's inner workings are somewhat available to him. When looking for 'information' (clues, a course of action, etc.) he may get signals from unrelated sources. The GM should make a secret WIL roll and, if made by 4+, the character will get--and recognize--some message.

NOTE: The message may not be completely clear. A character investigating a crime scene might see a bright red truck and know it's a message. When he re-visits the scene, he notices that there's a bright red tile on the floor ... moving the tile he finds a clue...

Twisted Genius [8,12] You are a mad scientist. To qualify you must have the following: Level 1: More points in INT than *either* REF or PHY Level 2: More points in INT than *both* REF and PHY put together.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### You must still have the science skills (at Level 2 or better). The GM should rule that some inventions are at -3 to -10 (depending on how hard and expensive). These modifiers are reduced by Level 3 skills. You get the following advantages:

Level 1: Weird Science +1 to RES, your L3 or L4 skills have a strange twist to them. You may invent things that the GM rules are plausible but unlikely (usually that means no force fields, psionic technology, etc.) You may make 1 invention per month of game time (the invention may take more than a month and you don't get to save points but you can have more than one project going at a time). Just having this doesn't give you the lab and materials necessary: the campaign may center on getting them. Level 2: Mad Science You get +2 to RES. You can make one invention per month per point of RES above 10. Your inventions will be capable of bizarre things (anything the GM agrees to). Often there will be unintended side effects. Furthermore, the Mad Scientist is driven to create things.

Unusual Gear [2,4] You have some sort of abnormal edge in terms of gear. This might mean having a normal firearm in a game where the characters are normal high-school students or having a magical sword when the characters are starting adventurers. At the 4pt level this represents a serious edge and must be allowed by the GM.

Will To Fight [4] You get +4 DP and a minimum CON roll of a 12- (or your CON, whichever is higher).

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### JAGS2 SKILL RULES

You've seen the Stats and Enhancements and Background rules: now for the skills! Skills represent an area of training, study, or experience. Skills are things like a study of literature, knowledge of nuclear physics, or practice of karate. Skills, like stats and enhancements, cost base character points.

How Skills Work

Skills have a Roll and a Level of Mastery (or just Level). Your Roll is the target (roll-under) number on a JAGS Roll to see if you succeeded. The Level of Mastery determines how advanced your training is in that skill.

A talented but relatively inexperienced Karate master, for example might have Karate at Level 2 with a 15- rollhe's accurate but doesn't know some of the special moves or ways to generate power that a high level black belt (Level 3) would know.

Level of Mastery Level Typical Roll Description Beginner 1 12- You are a novice. Even if your roll succeeds you are still limited in what you can do with the skill. This could represent an Associates degree from a college. Professional 2 13- to 14- You have the skill at an "average" level for a practitioner of the art. This would be a Bachelors degree or a Masters in a collegiate skillor a low-level Black Belt in a martial art. Expert 3 15- You are highly advanced in the skill. This is the equivalent of a Ph.D. in an area of science, a high level black belt in a martial art, or a well recognized author, for example. Master 4 16 or more You are "World Class" in the skill. The master of a martial art form would be Level 4. The top men in a scientific discipline would be level 4 (Stephen Hawking, for example). Example Skill Level Roll `Brilliant' High school chemistry student Chemistry 1 12- Scientist at major lab Chemistry 2 14- Head scientist at major lab Chemistry 3 15- Stunt-Driver Drive Car 3 16- Multi-Platinum Rock Star Guitarist Musical Instrument 4 18- College graduate who took a lot of history (but didn't major in it) Advanced Education 2### Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### 12-

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

Combat and Non-Combat Skills

There are two types of skills: Combat Skills and Normal Skills. Combat skills are more expensive than normal skills (i.e. the same roll at the same level will cost more character points) but otherwise they work the same.

Z In JAGS Hard Sciences are considered "Difficult" and cost the same as Combat skills. We've removed this distinction for the purposes of simplicity.

Linking Skills to Stats

Okay, so skills have a Level and a Roll. What else? Well let's say you're playing a genius with a 14 RES and you want to know a bunch of sciences. It makes sense that you might learn them better (i.e. have a better roll) than someone with a 09 RES ? who's a little slow).

When buying a skill, you pay for the Level and the Roll. What you pay for the Roll can be done one of two ways:

&UnknownEntity; Just buy the roll. You want a 16- for a Combat Skill (Difficult)? Check the chart, that's 12pts) &UnknownEntity; Link to Stat. There's a second chart for linking. You have a 14 AGI and the skill is linkable to Agility? You can get a Combat Skill roll of STAT+2 for 8pts. Note: ?linking to a stat? only affects the cost of the skill. It has NO bearing on how the skill is used or envisioned in the game.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###
      2. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Note: It is cheaper to link-to-stat if you have a stat of 13 or above, however if you only want a handful of skills at high rolls, it makes more sense to just buy the roll unless you want the high stats too.

Name: The common description of the skill (Karate, for example). Type: There are two types: Combat and Non Combat. Combat skills are, by their nature, a little more expensive. STAT: The secondary stat that the skill may be associated with. You will have an option to "link" your skills to your stats if you choose. Description: Short discussion of the skill in general.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Paying For Skills

When buying skills for your character you pay for two things: the level and the roll. These are paid for separately (but both out of Base Character Points).

When buying a skill, this is how you do it:

&UnknownEntity; Choose your skill: pick it from the list. Is it a Combat Skill or Non-Combat? If it's a combat skill, it cost a bit more. &UnknownEntity; What level are you? Beginner? Average? Advanced? Or Expert? Pay for your Skill Level. &UnknownEntity; Do you want to Link the skill to one of your stats or just buy the roll? If you're not sure which is better, just purchase the roll. The skill description tells which Stat the skill will be linked to. The ONLY thing that linking applies to is Skill Roll Cost. It has NO bearing on the use of the skill or the Level Cost.

COST FOR SKILL LEVELS (Beginner To Master)

Skill Level Combat Non Combat Beginner (Level 1) -1pt (minimum of .5) -1 pt (minimum of .5) Professional (Level 2) 0pts 0pts Expert (Level 3) 4pts 2pts Master (Level 4) 16pts 12pts


Combat Skill Not Linked to STAT ROLL 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20-

COST .25 .5 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 20 28 36 44


COST .5 1 2 3 4 6 10 14 18 22

Example: Shoot Gun is based on COR (eye-hand coordination) according to its description. A gunslinger wants Shoot Gun at Expert Level (3) on a 16- roll. His COR is 12. The Level cost is 4pts (on the chart, a combat skill at Expert Level costs 4pts). The cost for the roll if the skill is not linked is 12pts (on the chart, a roll of a 16- costs 12pts). It'd cost 14pts if he did link it (STAT+4). COST FOR BUYING NON-COMBAT SKILL ROLL

Non-Combat Not Linked to Stat ROLL 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20-

COST .25 .5 1 2 3 4 5 13 21 27 35

Non-Combat Skill Linked to Stat ROLL STAT-2 STAT-1 STAT STAT+1 STAT+2 STAT+3 STAT+4 STAT+5 STAT+6 STAT+7

COST .25 .5 1 2 3 4 6 14 22 30

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

Combat Skills

Acrobatics (Dodge) Difficulty: Combat Stat: AGI Description: You are experienced in tumbling and gymnastics. This is useful for Olympic tryoutsbut in combat it allows for a better dodge.

Beginner At Level 1 the skill is useful primarily for making rolls and flips (instead of AGI). Professional You can use Acrobatics skill as a 5 REA dodge (instead of AGI). Expert You can perform an Acrobatics Dodge (using Acrobatics skill instead of AGI) for 3 REA (like a Block). Master Your acrobatic dodge is at +2 if you spend 5 REA and it applies fully against ranged attacks.

Brawler Difficulty: Combat Stat: AGI Description: You are experienced in streetfighting and unarmed combat. You must have a minimum of a 13- roll to get the DP bonus.

Beginner You block at skill -1 (-4 against weapons). You hit at skill +1 (a ?miss? by -1 counts as a hit by 0). Professional You block at skill (-4 against weapons). You hit at skill +1 (a ?miss? by -1 counts as a hit by 0). One strike per turn does +3 damage. Expert You block at skill (-4 against weapons). You hit at skill +1 (a ?miss? by -1 counts as a hit by 0). All strikes hit for +1 damage but one strike per turn does +4. You get +4 DP. Master You block at skill+1 (-4 against weapons). You hit at skill +1 (a ?miss? by -1 counts as a hit by 0). All strikes hit for +2 damage but one strike per turn does +6. You get +8 DP.

Heavy Weapons/Gunner Difficulty: Combat Stat: COR Description: This skill is used to hit with heavy weapons (vehicular mounted weapons) that require operator skill but are not aimed and sighted like a normal firearm. NOTE: if the weapons are fixed to a vehicle (i.e. do not swivel or don't swivel much) then use the Combat Driving/Pilot skill.

Beginner Double all negative modifiers. Professional A standard roll to hit. Expert Ignore up to -3 pts of range/size/speed/visibility modifiers. Master Ignore up to -6 pts of range/size/speed/visibility modifiers.

Knife Fighter Difficulty: Combat Stat: AGI Description: You are trained with knife fighting techniques..

Beginner You can use this skill to hit with a knife and block knife thrusts at skill -3. Professional You use this skill to hit with a knife. You can block at skill -1. Expert You can block at skill. You strike for +1 base damage with a knife. You get 1 extra "free" 0 REA attack along with another normal attack. Master You block at skill+1, You strike for +2 base damage with a knife. You get two "free" 0 REA attacks (each must be made along with another normal attack).

Martial Artist Difficulty: Combat Stat: AGI Description: You are trained in the martial arts and fight with a precision fighting style! Note: this is a simplification of the martial arts from JAGSuse them for more depth and flavor! You must have a minimum of a 12- roll to get the extra attacks.

Beginner You block at Skill -2 (-4 against weapons). Professional You block at skill-1 (-4 against weapons), strike for +1 damage barehanded. Expert You block at skill (-2 against weapons), and strike for +2 damage barehanded. You may make one free attack (for 0 REA) along with a normal attack. It may be against the same or a different target. Master You block at skill+1 (-1 against weapons) and strike for +4 damage barehanded.

Melee Weapons Difficulty: Combat Stat: AGI Description: You are trained with weapons of Hand to hand combat. These include swords, axes, hammers, maces, and flails. This skill is used to hit with these instead of AGI.

Beginner You have just started your training. You block at Skill-2. You can only strike once per turn no matter how fast you are. Professional You are adept with weapons. You block at skill-1. Expert You are an expert fighter who has probably seen several battles. You block at skill. You strike for +1 base damage. Master You are super-skilled with hand to hand weapons. You block at skill+1. You strike for +2 damage. You get 1 free (0 REA) attack along with a normal attack if the weapon allows it.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

Shield Difficulty: Combat Stat: AGI Description: You are trained in the use of a shield to protect you (anyone can carry oneyou get more usefulness out of it). The size of your shield also gives you a bonus (see the combat section).

Beginner You can use a "shield block" for 5 REA (the cost of an attack). It blocks at skill +1 Professional You can use a shield to block at skill for 3 REA. Or skill +1 for 5 REA (instead of an attack) Expert You can use a shield to block at Skill+1 for 3 REA or skill +2 for 5 REA (instead of an attack). Master You can use a shield to block at skill+2 for 3 REA or skill+4 for 5 REA instead of an attack).

Shoot Gun/Bow Difficulty: Combat Stat: COR Description: You are trained with ranged weapons.

Beginner You use the roll to hitbut all negative modifiers are doubled. You may fire a bow once every 3 turns (costs 5 REA each turn to load). Professional You use the roll to hit normally. You may fire a bow every other turn (costs 5 REA each turn to load). Expert You may ignore up to -3 pts or rage/speed/size/visibility modifiers. A bow may be fired every turn (using two 5 REA actions). Master You ignore -6pts of negative modifiers. A bow may be fired for 5 REA. A gun user gets a free (0 REA) attack along with any other firing action.

Staff Fighter

Difficulty: Combat Stat: AGI Description: You are trained in the use of a Staff as weapon (a martial arts weapon). You do not need to have any martial art.

Beginner You block at Skill -1. Professional You block at Skill. Expert You block at skill +1. You get 1 free (0 REA) block per turn. Master You block at skill +2. You get two free 0 REA blocks per turn and one free (0 REA) attack along with another, normal attack).

Thrown Weapon (knife/Spear/Axe) Difficulty: Combat Stat: COR Description: You can throw a weapon so that it lands appropriately (point/blade first). It is a Medium action (5 REA) to draw a weapon and a Medium action (5 REA) to throw it. Usually a character can carry many, many knives, two or three axes or spears.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### No Skill If you have no skill with throwing things then bladeless items like grenades or rocks are simply thrown with COR. The Range modifier is -1/3yds for something that's not balanced well (an oddly shaped rock), -1/5yds if it is (a ball, a grenade, a good rock).

Beginner If you hit, there's still a 50% chance (roll one die) that the blunt side hit first (for Impact damage). Professional A hit does appropriate Penetrating damage with a thrown weapon. Expert You can draw a weapon for 0 REA if you make a skill roll (5 REA otherwise). Master You throw weapons for +2 base damage.

Science Skills

Bio-Sciences Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: RES Description: You are skilled in Biology and Botany and Ecology and other such sciences.

Beginner You have a basic knowledge of biology and physiology. Professional You can perform dissections on new animals (and learn about their bio-systems), perform autopsies, work to predict the effects of existing drugs, study bio-chemical reactions, etc. A roll could be used to improve a pesticide or figure out what a species might be vulnerable to. Expert You can create new bio-chemical compounds (drugs), study bizarre life forms, and make predictions about what complex and unusual new species might do when introduced into new environments (The "T-Rex" will eat Los Angeles!). You might be called in to help clean up environmental disasters. Master You are capable of vast improvements in bio-medicine. You can come up with ways to salvage the most dire environmental disasters, find new drugs in rain-forests, etc. You are a leader in your field.

Chemist Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: RES Description: You are a skilled chemist, able to analyze and create new compounds. For creation of medicines, see Bio-Sciences.

Beginner You can perform basic analysis and experiments on compounds. This can help identify things, use acids and bases, and even create low-powered explosives. Professional You are a skilled chemist. You can perform complicated analysis, create high-powered explosives, and otherwise generate useful compounds. Expert Expert Chemist/Material Sciences: you can create new polymers and other useful materials (useful for making high tech armor, for example). You can run a large lab and analyze complex substances. Master You are a world class chemist.

Computer Science Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: RES Description: You are skilled in the operation and programming of computer systems.

Beginner You can use computers at a highly proficient level. This includes office software, internet searches, and operating systems. Professional You are a computer programmer. You can create programs and have an excellent level of knowledge about protocols, computer security, and things of that nature. NOTE: Hacking is a separate but related skill. Expert You are an expert computer programmer. You can write code in 1/4th the time of a Level 2 programmer and can architect large web sites and complex systems. Master You can write code in 1/10th the time of an average coder. You can do things with a computer even skilled technicians wouldn't believe possible.

Doctor Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: RES Description: You are trained in medical sciences. Unlike most skills, Level 4 Doctors are top-level specialized surgeons (and are therefore a good deal more common).

Beginner At Level 1 you can apply first aid. This will stop bleeding (you can stabilize a Dying result) and will usually restore damage points based on the available technology (recover a Minor Wound with a few hours of modern day treatment). Professional You are a general practitioner. You can prescribe drugs and otherwise treat illnesses and wounds. Expert You are a surgeon. You can perform advanced medical care. Master You are a top-flight specialized surgeon (and one of the best in the world).

Engineer Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: RES Description: You are trained in electronics and mechanics (at the higher levels, civil engineering as well).

Beginner You have the equivalent of a late high school/beginning college level of learning. You can fix basic problems. You are a skilled handyman. Professional You can repair a car, wire a house, and do other professional level jobs. Expert You are an engineer. You can design new devices or vehicles. These must be based on existing premises. Master You can invent totally new designs. You can improve existing designs by about 100% (GM's decision, could be more or less depending on what and how much is improved).

Physicist Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: RES Description: You are a mathematician and physicist.

Beginner Basic physics: you understand basic Newtonian physics. You can work out moderately complex real-world problems. Professional You are skilled in higher mathematics and can work out highly complex problems. Expert You are an expert physicist, often dealing in the realms of the theoretical. You understand chaos theory, quantum mechanics, and Einstein's theories. Master You are a world class luminary in the field of physics. You are working in the deep theoretical realm.

Street Skills

Con Games Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: MEM Description: You are a grifter or con-man, skilled at winning people's confidence (which is usually a prelude to taking their money). This usually works well as a prelude to a Persuade roll.

Beginner Basic Cons: You understand things like rigged bar-bets, crooked dice, and other such simple cons. This can be used to make money (but if you blow the roll there are usually risks involved). A roll blown by 3 or more usually results in a very suspicious mark. A roll blown by 5 means the con artist better run. Professional Smooth Talker: You can talk very persuasively. A roll against a target's RES will make them inclined to do as you suggest. A successful roll will either convince the target to make a seemingly reasonable snap-decision (give you some temporary help) or give +2 to a Persuade roll. A failure will (likely) result in the target being more suspicious of you. Expert

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### As above but it gives +3 to a Persuade roll. At this level you are skilled in running Long Conscomplex confidence games with multiple levels of psychological advantage.

Master As above but it gives +4 to a Persuade roll. It can also be used to "talk your way out of anything." The GM decides what "anything" is but it's pretty damn persuasive.

Breaking and Entering Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: None. May be linked to COR (picking locks). May be linked to RES for high tech games. Description: You've been trained/had experience in breaking into places. This includes (at the appropriate time) knowledge of security systems and cameras and such.

Beginner A roll will break into lightly secured places: cars without expensive security, homes that are not "locked up tight," interior doors (if already inside an office, for example). Professional You are skilled at disarming basic security systems and picking most locks. Difficult systems are at -3 to -6. Expert

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### You can get into secured installations with a roll (this may require help to circumvent guards, make distractions, etc.but you can make the plan). You can open safes.


      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### You can put together a plan to get into Fort Knox ? you know how to open computerized time vaults (or how to dig around them). You know where to "attack" to neutralize a facilities' security systems. Most plans involve teams of specialistsyou have contacts at that level.

Card Mechanic/Pick Pocket Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: COR Description: This is the skill used to cheat at cards. It is also used to be a stage magician ? or even pick pockets.

Beginner A roll will pull off a basic card trick (Three Card Monte). A failed roll will mean observers get Perception rolls (RES) to figure it out. Professional You are an excellent card mechanic and/or pick pocket. You can improvise tricks and otherwise rig betting hands. A roll against RES will steal a wallet. A failed roll gives an RES roll at -2 to catch something. Expert You can steal wrist watches by rolling against RES with a handshake. A roll gives an RES roll at -4 to catch something. Master You are almost magical: even if you fail a roll, the observers must make an RES roll at -8 to see anything happening. You can steal a shirt off of someone without taking their vest off (don't ask us how).

Gambler Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: MEM Description: You are a trained, expert gambler. You understand odds, betting strategies, and bluffing. JAGS C-13: The Thirteen Colonies has some gambling rules in it that can be used.

Beginner Basic gamesman. You can play any major Casino game and understand the rules and odds (i.e. not in your favor). Professional Professional Gambler: You are a professional player (usually this means poker). A roll will mean you make moneyhow much is determined by the GM and the specific game). You can also "bluff." A roll to bluff means that you do not reveal any stress in a stressful situation (holding an unloaded gun to a terrorists head, for example). Hard bluffs are at -1 to -3. Expert Card Counter: You're good enough that casinos will usually kick you out. You make enough to live on by gambling. You can pull hard bluffs at no negative. Master You are a master gambler. You earn a wonderful living playing cards or dice and get +2 to Bluff.

Hacker Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: RES Description: You are skilled at breaking into systems, finding out about people (tracing them) via the Internet and otherwise using computers for illicit purposes.

Beginner You can get old games, access to porn sites, and other mediocre internet goodies. Professional You can hack web-sites, get latest releases of games off the internet, get credit card numbers, and, with rolls at -2 to -6 access hardened systems. Expert You are an expert hacker (ignore -3pts of difficulty modifiers). You can also track people and find out about people on the web. You are adept in social engineering as well and know what dumpsters to look in and how to present yourself on the phone to organizations you want to penetrate. Master You can hack hardened military systems. You are capable of getting into anything that has a phone line or network connected to it.

Shadowing and Surveillance Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: MEM Description: You are skilled at following people and keeping out of sight.

Beginner With a roll, an inattentive person will not notice you behind them for approximately 5 min (roll each 5 min). If missed, the person gets a perception roll. If the person is nervous or might have any reason to think or check for followers, their RES is rolled against your skill. If they beat or match your roll, they see you. Professional You need roll only once per 30 min. Their perception roll is at -2 to begin with. If you have this skill you can roll against it instead of RES to see if you're being followed (and not at -2). Expert As above but they are rolling at -3 and you roll only once every hour. Master As above but they roll at -6 and you only roll once every day.

Streetwise Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: MEM Description: You know the streets well. You probably grew up there.

Beginner You know many common criminals and how street-level crimes get committed. Professional You are aware of what goes on in the mid-echelon of the underworld. You have some good mid-to-high level contacts and know how to move contraband and fence common goods. Expert You have knowledge of unusual crimes, know how to fence exotic goods, and know a really big slice of the players at all levels of the underworld. Master You are highly connected. You know everything and everyone that is important in the underground.

Educational Skills

Advanced Education Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: MEM Description: You have had some basic schooling above what is the norm for your culture. Usually the GM will allow a MEM roll to know something "most people learn in high school."

Beginner Excellent primary school education. You can use this skill to replace a MEM roll to know things a "high school student" would know (whatever that translates to in the game culture). Professional You may apply the roll to History, Literature, Art, and Philosophy areas. Your knowledge is broad and not deep but is "college level." Expert You have an advanced (Ph.D. level) education in one of the above areas. You may also speak a second language. Master You are a world-class scholar in all of the above areas. You know the entirety of the breadth of knowledge relevant to the culture you have studied in. You may speak 1 major language for each point of skill-roll above 10.

Ancient History Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: MEM Description: You are skilled in Archeology and Anthropology (yes, dinosaurs are different from early manif you want to get that complex split this into two skills).

Beginner You can assist on dig sites, work with exploration teams, and otherwise contribute as a junior assistant. Professional You are skilled in the analysis of bones and ancient artifacts from a dig. You speak 1 ancient language and know the details of 1 ancient culture. Expert You are an expert: you speak 1 ancient language per point of roll above 10. You are familiar with 1 culture per point of roll above 10. Master You know the secrets of vanished cultures and species. You know all ancient languages and all ancient cultures.

Lawyer Difficulty: Non Combat

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Stat: MEM

Description: You are trained in law.

Beginner Para-legal: you can assist and research cases. You understand courtroom procedure and how to file motions and such. Professional You are a practicing lawyer. Some cases will be at -1 to -6 based on how far outside your general specialty and how difficult they are. Expert You are multi-disciplinary: ignore -3pts of difficulty. Master

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### As above but ignore -6pts of difficulty.

Research (and Journalism) Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: MEM Description: You are skilled in research and talking to people.

No Skill Anyone can use a library or the Internet without the skill. The difference is in how long information will take to get and how obscure information can be found. Beginner Research Assistant: you are skilled in getting information out of a library and other records halls. Rolls can be at -1 to -6 based on the obscurity of the situation. Professional You are skilled at getting an interview and tracking down leads. A roll will let the character know how to proceed with a story (note: this is complimentary to Police Procedure Level 3the knowledge is not so much forensic as knowing journalistic techniques) Expert A roll will usually get people talking, even if they are reluctant. Master You can interview people without them realizing they are being interviewed. You can get information out of sources that are usually very hostile or difficult to crack.

Occupational Skills

Craft/Artistic/Singing/Music Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: None (may be COR or RES based for some disciplines) Description: You are skilled in a craft, form of artwork, or musical skill.

Beginner Novice: you can produce basic forms of the art and/or craft. You can't make a living doing it. Professional You can produce commercial art, serviceable crafts, play at local night clubs, etc. Expert

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Star: you are a known name in the field. Your crafts are of excellent quality (a musician might have a gold-record alum). You make a very good living with the skill. A musician will have

Master Super Star: you are a top-class name in the filed. If you are a musician, you have platinum records, coffee table books devoted to you, etc.

Drive/Pilot Vehicle/Ride Animal Difficulty: Combat or Non Combat Stat: COR (for steered vehiclesno stat for boats or large starships)

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Description: You can maneuver a vehicle. Most people can do this to a degree with common vehiclesjust having this skill represents some training. There are vehicle combat rules (forthcoming) that define this skill. Some vehicles with fixed guns (fighter aircraft) buy the skill as a combat skill.

Beginner Basic Training: You can maneuver a difficult vehicle (like riding a horsesomething an untrained person may have a very hard time doing). Professional Professional Driver: you are trained in defensive driving and advanced vehicle operation. Expert Stunt-Driver: you can perform dangerous maneuvers with a vehicle fairly safely (a skiddingcontrolled reverse, for example). At this level you can "drive anything" or "fly anything." Master You are one of the world's top drivers/pilots/whatever. You can routinely do what others find impossible. At the GM's discretion you may extend this mastery to all vehicles.

Police Procedure [also Investigator] Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: MEM Description: You are trained in the skills of a security or police agent.

Beginner You know procedure: basic rights, arrest procedure, radio call signs, police response times, etc. Professional You are a practiced security agent. You can use this skill up to a 12- as a perception roll to spot trouble. You know how to handle a crime scene so as not to contaminate it and how to question witnesses. Expert You are a Police Detective (you might also be a private investigator). You know how to look for clues, probe into testimony, etc. A roll should at least give you an idea of where to start. Master Cinematic detective: you break cases in under 24 hours, make startling deductions, find the most esoteric connections "elementary," etc.

Run Business Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: RES Description: You are trained in economics, administration, and other such business skills.

Beginner Novice: you understand the basic principles of economics (from a working knowledge if nothing else). You can make a small business somewhat profitable with enough successful rolls. Professional You are a professional business owner. A major application of this skill is that a roll can determine what something is worth. Expert You are an expert business owner/administrator/economist. You get asked to help figure out what the effects of things will be on the economy, run a successful large business, or assist in the running of a mega-corp. Master You have started and successfully manage a megacorp.

Military Sciences

Climbing/Rappelling Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: AGI

Description: You can scale walls or rappel down them (or from an aircraft).

Beginner You are skilled at climbing: climb at 2 yards per second up "normally climbable" surfaces (trees) with a roll. If you can get your hands up on a ledge, a roll will get you over it. Professional Using ropes and spikes you can climb a mountain, throw a grappling hook through a window and go up a wall, and otherwise scale surfaces. Expert Barehanded climber: you can climb rock surfaces and some buildings barehanded. A roll failed by 5 usually means a fall. A roll failed usually means you are stuck (and a second roll failed may mean badly stuck). Master You can scale almost sheer surfaces. It's spooky. You climb anything rational at 4yards per second!

Demolitions Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: MEM Description: You are trained with high explosives.

Beginner You can set and use simple explosives successfully. This roll may be substituted for a RES roll to keep from blowing yourself up. Professional You are a demolitions expert: you can blow up buildings and bridges with appropriate amounts of explosive (something very difficult to do if you don't know how). Expert You can build and/or disarm devious bombs. You know the tricks of wiring and triggers: roll vs. a bomb-maker's skill to disarm (or against your skill to create a bomb). Master You roll against other's skills of a lower level at +4.

Solider Training Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: MEM Description: You are trained by the military (this assumes modern but can be varied).

Beginner You know chain of command, military etiquette, and how to conduct yourself in a combat zone. A roll will answer questions about what you should do. Professional Special Gear operation: you can make rolls to use the radio, drive military gear, and operate complex weapon systems (guided missiles). Machine guns and man portable rocket launchers require a COR based Combat skill. You can command squad and platoon level operations. Expert You are skilled in parachuting, strategy, and tactics as they apply to your branch of the service. You can command company and division level operations. Master You can command theater level operations.

Stealth Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: AGI Description: You are trained in moving silently and keeping hidden.

No Skill Moving at half walking speed will force a PER roll at -0 to -3 (based on shoes, carpet, etc.) to hear the character. Beginner Walk silently: moving at normal speed, a roll will give listeners a -3 to hear the character. Professional When moving with any sort of cover (shadows, hedges, etc.) a roll will give viewers -1 per each point it was made by to see or hear the character. Expert You can do sniper-style camouflage. With the proper preparation (a suit) you can get -2x what you make a roll by vs. being seen (even if they are right next to you) so long as you don't move. When moving it's -1x what you make your roll by. Master As above but multiply by 2 (so 2x when not moving, 4x when still). You're almost invisible.

Traps Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: MEM and/or COR Description: You are trained in setting and disarming traps. Disarming a trap requires a COR roll or a skill roll linked to COR. If a single skill (Traps) linked to COR is taken, it can be done with one roll. Otherwise there is a roll to find the trap and a COR roll to disarm it.

Beginner You take double negatives for any difficulty modifiers. Professional A standard roll to find traps. A COR (or skill linked to COR) to disarm it. Expert Disarming is at +2. Master Rolls to disarm are at +4.

Woodland Lore Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: MEM

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Description: You are trained in survivalist skills, navigation (on land), hunting, and tracking.

Beginner You can provide food for yourself each day with a roll. A roll will get you oriented if you are no more than one day lost (if you miss two rolls in a row, you're lost until you stumble across a trail). It will protect you from rain or start a fire. Professional

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### You can provide food for yourself and one other. You can keep protected from very cold or hot weather, and you can orient yourself with a successful roll. You can hunt common game successfully.

Expert Guide: You can lead parties at double rate through the wilderness. You can supply up to Roll-10 people with food each day (and store the remainder if any). You can hunt exotic and dangerous beasts (safari). Master You can support Roll-7 people per day. You travel through the wilderness as though on roads (and lead parties at 3x normal rate). You can locate animals thought to be extinct.

Social Skills


Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: MEM Description: You are a member of a government or court. In modern-day this is simply "politics." It involves skill with political machinations, telling when someone is lying, and figuring out other's motives. Rolls may be made against other schemers to guess their next moves or to create political solutions (with as much misdirection as necessary).

Beginner Heraldry: you know the 'color's of each individual. This means you can make a roll to determine what faction someone belongs to and how that faction behaves. Professional You are familiar with the basic political forces and the issues. A roll will let you guess what the most likely move is by a rival politicianor what a workable political solution might be to a given problem. Expert Deeper Games: You can create fairly opaque schemes and see through less crafty ones. Master Power behind the Throne: you are a master schemer. A roll will tell you a deep amount about other's plans, reveal subterfuge, and can find out traitors. It will also formulate a complicated and threat resistant plan (there are plots within your plots).

Diplomat Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: RES Description: You are trained in mediation and arbitration. This can be used to settle disputes, make demands in a pleasant fashion, or talk you way out of getting beat up by angered cycle gangs.


      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### A roll will allow you to phrase something that isn't nice in a polite fashion. It's a good skill for a PR person to have when writing letters to angered customers (for example).

Professional Diplomacy: a roll can cool tempers, bring parties back to the negotiating table, and otherwise smooth over problems. Expert Negotiator: You can talk down hostage situations, settle divorces amicably, and resolve international incidents. Master

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### You can talk the guy running the bulldozer that's going to demolish your friend's house into laying down in front of his own bulldozer while you and said friend slip off for a drink.

Etiquette Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: MEM Description: You are trained in the social graces appropriate to your world (or others!)

Beginner Basic Etiquette: you know which fork to eat with, good table manners, how to approach the arch-duke, etc. Professional You are a smooth courtesan. A roll can be used to send subtle signals, compliment a host or hostess in a classy fashion, or otherwise blend in smoothly with high society. Expert Your excellent tastes make you appear to be a person of exquisite class. You know when to break the rules and when to follow them. You can show up rivals with a contest of skills. Master You can apply your etiquette to situations you've never been in before. You have an instant grasp of other culture's social morays.


Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: MEM or WIL Description: You are skilled in extracting information from people (it is also used to help resist intimidation. The tact by which one gains the target's confidence is the Con Artist skill. This skill is the more abrupt use of pressure without resorting to physical abuse. Using the Charisma rules and intimidate attempts will assist with this skill. Usually the skill is rolled against the target's WIL or the target's Interrogator skill (both parties roll and the one who succeeds by more wins).

Beginner A roll will allow the character to apply basic pressure tactics to good effect ('good cop/bad cop'). It will get information out of low level criminals. Professional A roll will let an interrogator distinguish truth from lies. A hardened subject may not talk muchbut what he or she gives up will be verified (roll vs. WIL, a win by 3+ will detect a falsehood). A win by +0 to +3 will crack a moderately resistant subject. A win by +4 to +6 will crack a career criminal. A win by +7 will crack a hardened subject.

In normal conversation, a skilled interrogator can get information out of a subject with a roll vs. RES (the interrogator simply presses and seems interested). This is a useful skill for journalists. Expert A +3 win will crack a career criminal. A +5 win will crack a hardened subject. Falsehoods are detected on a win. The interrogator will spot subtle flaws in a target's story. Master A successful roll will crack just about anyone.


Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: MEM or CON Description: You are an experienced party animal. In addition to being fun at the bar, you can really handle your alcohol. NOTE: in the JAGS system there are specific rules for being intoxicated should you want them.

Beginner You hold liquor a little better than normal. You're known at the local pub. Professional When you show up the party starts. You can drink a lot and still get everyone home safe. In the right circumstances you'll quickly be known as a hero of happening parties! Expert You are the life of the party. You get invited to high society events because when you're there it rocks. You can drink prodigious amounts. Master You function better drunk than sober. You are renowned for your ability to handle alcohol.

Showmanship Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: MEM Description: You are trained in putting on a great performance. This skill is the compliment to, for example, Musical Instrumentthe craft skill is the raw talent. The Showmanship roll is the rest of the performance. This is also the skill to be a standup comic.

Beginner You put on a decent (if not too varied) show. This can get applause at local night clubs. Professional You are a skilled performer. You can play medium sized venues, open for title acts, etc. A professional level showmanship roll will make up for a lack of real talent a lot of the time. This roll will allow you to be charmingly or at least interestingly theatrical (whether on stage or, say, when getting bad service in a restaurant). Expert You are an expert performer. You play large venues. You can make a great living on your stage presence. In smaller groups you can exude charisma with a proper roll. Master You are world class. You play Carnegie Hall. You have fans, etc.

Vamp Difficulty: Non Combat Stat: MEM Description: You are skilled at the sexual come-on. This can be used to get people to let their guard down, "score" with the opposite sex, or otherwise seduce targets.

Beginner A roll will get you further than you would otherwise getbut it's usually clear to the target you're trying a come-on (but it's a good one!) Professional You can figure out how to present yourself so that your target will be interested. Some targets are very tough to work (marines in an embassy, for example). These are at -1 to -6. Targets that are not difficult to seduce (nerdy scientists, for example) can be pumped for information with a successful roll and a few nights of work. Expert You ignore -3pts of difficulty. You can get information out of targets that are difficult to crack. Master You are a master/mistress of seduction. Men/Women fall into your arms and you can barely stop it. You hear about all sorts of stuff you don't want to know.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### JAGS2 COMBAT

One of the most exciting elements in traditional roleplaying is combat and, in most RPG's, it's also the way characters are most likely to get killed. The combat rules in JAGS2 allow you to play out second-by-second shoot-outs, sword fights, or martial arts battles. The body of the JAGS system has (or will have, as it evolves) more such rules for car chases, "cyberpunk" hacking, mind duels, and similar such key-points of exciting resolution in the game (again, as they are traditionally played).

Here are the rules for running combat:

Step One: Roll Initiative

When it becomes clear that someone's gonna make a move combat has begun. The GM will ask for everyone to roll Initiative. This is a roll against your Initiative (which is equal to your REA unless you have some modifiers like Natural Fighter ? or Cybernetics). When asked you tell the GM how much you made it or missed it by.

The character who makes his or her roll by the most acts first, and so on in order. If there is a tie, the higher REA value acts first. If those are tied, roll one dice for each person in the tie and the highest value acts first (keep rolling if those are tied).

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###
      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Step Two: Taking Your Turn

When it is your turn to go (Fred's turn comes first in the above example), you get to act. You may strike, shoot, run-away, whatever. Note: you can always do things like talk (and although each round is 6 seconds in theory, if the GM wishes to expand the amount of discourse allowed as poetic license, there's no mechanical problem with that).

When you take your turn, you spend REA to "buy actions" (you get it all back at the beginning of next turn). What kind of actions can you buy? How much do they cost? Here's the chart:

General Actions Chart

Action Type REA Cost Block (parry) strike with shield or weapon Short 3 Dodge strike or shot Short 3 Hit the deck (dive for cover) Short 8 Attack Medium 5 Draw a weapon/Grab something Medium 5 Grab Someone Medium 5 Take a step, change facing Medium 5 Start running/run away Long 8 Keep on running if running the past second Long 5 Aim Gun Varies 3,5, or 8 Feint with a HTH Attack Varies 5 or 8 Defuse a bomb, pick a lock Varies Varies

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

Acting Out of Turn (Reaction): When someone declares an action that affects you directly (this is spelled out more clearly in the side bar: What Can I Respond To?) you may take an action of a faster Type (a Short blocking action may be taken as a reaction to a Medium attack, a Medium Strike may be taken against someone doing a Long Move action, and so on).

SHORT Actions: These are commonly called "defensive" actions and can be taken in response to someone's medium action. That is, if someone says, "I strike you with my sword." You can take a "Block" action to parry the blow.

MEDIUM Actions: Medium actions are the strikes, steps, and advances and retreats of combat. When it is your turn to go, you can take several actions for as much REA as you have to spend.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### LONG Actions: Running into and out of combat is a Long Action (if you charge someone, they will get a Reaction move to hit you on the way in, for example).
      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### How To Resolve Attacks

When you decide to attack, select a target and roll to hit. The roll to hit is against your Weapon Skill or AGI (for hand to hand strikes) or COR (for ranged or thrown weapons). There may be some negative modifiers:

Attack To-Hit Modifiers

&UnknownEntity; AGI BONUS If you are not tied down, mobile, and aware of an attack you are at -1 to be hit for each point of AGI above 10 by hand to hand attacks. This is halved (round down) for ranged attacks. &UnknownEntity; TARGET SIZE Small targets are at -1 to be hit for each ? man-size and +1 to be hit for each 2x man-size. &UnknownEntity; TARGET SPEED Each 15mph of speed gives a -1 to be hit. &UnknownEntity; RANGE MODIFER Further away targets are hard to hit (by ranged attacks). Ranged weapons have a "range" stat (for handguns it is -1/5 yards). For each [range] number of yards the target is at -1 to be hit. &UnknownEntity; VISIBILITY MODIFIER If light conditions are bad (or there's fog or smoke) the GM will call for a Perception roll at the start of each round at a given negative (-3 for smoke). If you miss it you fight at that negative for the round.

How To Resolve Blocks and Dodges

When trying to defend against an incoming attack you may either Block or Dodge (hitting the deck is a somewhat more advanced option). To perform a block or dodge, spend the appropriate REA (3 to Block, 5 to Dodge unless you have Expert or Master level Acrobatics skill) and roll against either AGI or your Weapon's skill Block Score (usually something like Skill-1 ? see the Melee Weapon's Skill).

If your Block Roll matches or exceeds the amount the attacker made their weapons skill roll by you deflect it.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Ranged attacks are at -4 to be blocked or dodged unless you are using a shield.
      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Resolving Moves

A Move is the action you declare when you want to get somewhere (charging into or out of combat is a common reasonmoving to attack a distant opponent is another). There are two kinds of moves: the Step and the Full Move.

The Step is a 5 REA Medium action. It moves you roughly 1-2 yards (in JAGS this is more specifically spelled out) and allows facing changes. It is a sort of "generic move around in combat action." Other combatants may not take an attack as a Reaction to a Step.

The Full Move is a different story. It costs 8 REA to start the move and 5 over subsequent turns to keep going. No matter how much REA is paid for it, though, it is a long action.

Other similar actions: ? Stand up from completely prone: Two 5-REA Medium actions. ? Stand up from "knocked down," or down on one knee: 5 REA Medium Action. ? Close or Open A Door: 5 REA Medium Action ? Step or duck behind a wall (if right next to it): 5 REA Medium Action

Distance Moved: In most combat situations a Move action takes you up to 3x your move-per-second. JAGS2 Combat rounds are 6 seconds long and you can technically run 6x your move (if you're in a track and field event, for example)but you lose all your AGI modifier against being hit and are at an additional +2 to be hit if someone aims or is striking you in hand-to-hand combat as you go by.

Resolving Grapples

If you decide to Grab or ?Wrestle? (Grapple) with someone, use these rules. 1. You roll to hit using AGI or an unarmed combat skill. 2. If they want to ?Grapple you back? they must spend 5 REA then and there. 3. If they don't ?grapple you back? you roll assuming they rolled a 10. If they do, you both roll. 4. If it's a tie, you have each other Grabbed (that is, your hands are on thembut you aren't hindering their action other than movement). 5.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### If both parties were grappling (both spending REA) then whoever won can choose an effect off the chart below.

6. If you lost but they didn't ?grapple you back? then they can only choose ?break the grapple? as a move.

Won by Tie 1 to 4 5 to 9 10+ Effect Grabbed but not grappled Minor Edge Major Edge Critical Edge

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

Grabbed: Neither party can move without either breaking the Grab first or spending the REA to move and then scoring a Major Edge (in which case the loser is dragged along). Both parties lose their AGI bonus vs. being hit.

Break Grab or Break Grapple Attempts: This costs 5 REA and allows a roll. The roll must be equal to the success level of the hold (so a Clinch is broken with a Minor Edge).

Minor Grappling Edge: Tie Up or Free Weapon Arm: A weapon can be neutralized until it is freed. Clinch: You can clinch your target (draw them close) so that they are at -3 to hit you (you can't hit them while clenching).

Major Grappling Edge: Take Down: Both parties fall down. Characters are at -3 to attack from the ground and at +2 to be hit. Hold: A held character cannot use a weapon save for bio weapons or other innate attack forms. All attacks launched by either party in a Hold are at -4 to the Damage Modifier roll.

Critical Edge: Pin: A pinned character can (usually) take no action other than making an attempt to break the pin. No attacks that require physical movement are useful.

NOTE: In the full JAGS rules many more possibilities exist.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Resolve "Aim Weapon" and Feint Actions

Ranged weapons (or thrown ones) can be aimed. Taking a 3 REA short action gives +1 to hit. A 5 REA Medium Action gives +2, and an 8 REA Long Action gives +3 (note: if you take a Long Aim action your target will get a Reaction move to shoot backbefore you fire--if he has the REA to spend). Once a single shot is fired the Aim bonus is gone.

A Feint with a HTH attack is similar to "Aim." The extra REA is spent for a greater chance to hit. Spending 5 REA gives +1 to hit. Spending 8 REA gives you +2 to hitand if your opponent attacks you, he does not get a block.

Resolve A Hit the Deck Action

If you absolutely have to get out of the way of an explosion or other such attack, you may take an 8 REA "hit the deck" action to do a rolling dive for cover. This action is a short 4 yard move that leaves completely prone (Two 5 REA Medium action to stand up). This move requires that you make an REA roll and beat the Initiative score of your attackerotherwise they get to shoot you as you divebut at -2 to be hit.

Resolve Drawing a Weapon

Normally drawing a weapon is a 5 REA Medium actionhowever Expert (Level 3) weapon users can perform a Quick Draw for 0 REA if they make a skill roll. If they fail the roll the weapon is drawn for 5 REA (you must have 5 REA to try a Quick Draw).

Special Strikes: Kicks and Crosses

Here are some optional rules to add more flavor to unarmed combat: kicks and crosses.

Kick: A kick costs 6 REA and is at -1 to hit. It hits for +2 Base Damage.

Cross: A "right cross" (also could be a haymaker or uppercut) may be thrown once a turn (even if you have the REA for more). After throwing it, you are at +1 to be hit and -1 to block attacks until you get to go on your next turn. A Cross does +1 Base Damage.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

Weapons In JAGS2

Weapons, whether they be swords and axes or assault rifles and hand grenades ? or lasers all have some common characteristics. Here are the rules for using weapons in JAGS2!

Melee Weapons

Melee Weapons use the Melee Weapons skill or AGI to hit (if you don't have any points in skill, double all negative modifiers to hit a target, including AGI bonus).

Weapon Damage STR Min Att Lvl1 Att Lvl 2 Att Lvl3 Att Lvl 4 Reach Notes Small Knife +2 PEN None 1 2 3 4 Short Large Knife +3 PEN None 1 2 3 4 Short Short Sword +4 PEN 9 1 2 3 3 Short Broadsword +6 PEN 11 1 2 2 3 Medium 2Hand Sword +8 PEN 12 1 1 1 2 Long Axe +7 PEN 12 1 1 2 2 Medium May be thrown Battle Axe +8 PEN 11 1 1 1 1 Long Great Axe +10 PEN 14 1 1 1 1 Long Requires 13+ STR Spear +5 PEN 10 1 2 2 2 Long May be Thrown Club (baton) +4 IMP 10 1 2 2 3 Medium Hammer/Mace +9 IMP 12 1 1 1 1 Medium Great Maul +12 IMP 14 1 1 1 1 Long Requires 13+ STR Baseball bat +6 IMP 10 1 2 2 3 Medium Morning Star +8 IMP 11 1 1 1 2 Medium -2 to be blocked Staff +5 IMP 10 1 2 3 4 Long Must have Staff Skill

Damage: This is the amount that is added to your Strength damage. PEN means the damage is Penetrating (sharp), IMP means the damage is Impact damage (blunt).

STR Min: If your STR is below this, you may not use the weapon.

Attacks: Although you must have the REA for each attack you make (5 REA per attack) weapons can still only make so many attacks per turn. This is based on your Melee Weapons (or Staff or Knife or whatever) skill level. For example, a Level 3 Melee Weapons fighter with 15 REA can make 2 strikes with a broadsword, 3 strikes with a Short sword, or 1 strike with a Battle Axe (even though he can theoretically pay for more).

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Reach: Reach is an optional rule (See sidebar). It's essentially yards of striking distance.

Guns and Bows

Guns are a little simpler. Guns do Penetrating damage. They hit with COR or Shoot Gun/Bow skill.

Auto-Fire: Firing a weapon on full-automatic is a 10 REA action. It gets the listed number of attacks for the weapon. Alternately one attack can be exchanged for a +2 to hit.

Shotguns: Shotguns' damage is halved against any armor. Shotguns get +2 to hit (but that is not added to the to-hit roll for damage).

Recoil: Every additional shot in a turn takes a negative to-hit modifier due to recoil. For machine guns or other mounted weapons, the recoil modifier is reduced by 1 if the user is Level 3 and ignored if Level 4.

Basic Gun Table

Weapon Damage Range ROF Recoil Clip Notes Small Pistol 4 -1/4y 2s / sec -0 6 Hold-out gun Standard Pistol 6 -1/5y 2s / sec -0 9 9mm Large Pistol 9 -1/7y 2s / sec -1 6 .45 ACP Huge Pistol 13 -1/8y 2s / sec -2 6 .357 Desert Eagle Massive Pistol 15 -1/9y 2s /sec -3 6 .44 Automag .22 Rifle 21 -1/50y 2s / sec -0 8 Small hunting shell .30-.06 Rifle 31 -1/100y 2s / sec -1 8 Medium game shell Huge Rifle 50 -1/150y 2s / sec -2 8 Big game shell Sub Machine Gun 9 -1/15y 4 attacks -0 32 M-11 Heavy SMG 12 -1/20y 4 attacks -1 32 Hekler and Koch MP5 Assault Rifle 24 -1/50y 3 attacks -0 16 M16 Machine Gun 40 -1/100y 3 attacks -1 -- Belt fed M60 Heavy MG 80 -1/200y 3 attacks -2 -- Belt fed .50 cal Shotgun 24 -1/20y 2s / sec -2 8 Pump shotgun

Bows Bows have a STR. If the user's STR is less than that, it takes an additional second to fire the bow for each point below. Note that for modern day bows the Pull is reduced by 2. The rate of fire of a bow is based on the Level of the attacker. 1/2s means 1 shot every 2 seconds. Each second of loading takes a 5 REA Medium action.

Bow Damage Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Range Pull (STR) Light Crossbow 8 1/3s 1/2s 1/2s 1/1s -1/15y 9 Heavy Crossbow 11 1/3s 1/2s 1/2s 1/1s -1/15y 11 Short bow 7 1/3s 1/2s 1/1s 2/1s -1/20y 9 Long bow 9 1/3s 1/2s 1/1s 2/1s -1/20y 11 Heavy Long Bow 12 1/3s 1/2s 1/1s 2/1s -1/20y### Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### 14 ### Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Damage In JAGS2

Bodily damage is the usual result of a hit with weapons, explosions, falls, etc. Here is how to calculate damage and its effects. Note: the regular JAGS rules contain special rules for electricity and fire and damage to non-living objects (machines, animate skeletons, battle mecha, etc.) These rules are more streamlined.

Here's a basic overview of how the damage system works:

&UnknownEntity; Every weapon/attack or hazard has a Base Damage Number. ! There are two types of damage Penetrating, (PEN) which is cutting and stabbing weapons, and Impact (IMP) which is blunt damage (falls, fists, clubs, etc.) ! With hand to hand weapons you add the weapon's damage to your Base Damage (bigger, stronger people do more damage with swords than smaller, weaker ones). &UnknownEntity; Both types of damage have a multiplier chart: you roll on the chart (a standard JAGS Roll) and that gives you either a positive or negative multiplier. ! When "rolling for damage" (on the damage charts) you add the amount you hit by to what you roll. Better hits tend to do more damage. ! If you hit by 4 or more with a PEN damage weapon, the number you hit by is doubled (a hit by 4 adds +8 to the number rolled when looking on the Penetration Damage chart!). This assumes you hit ?vital targets? on the subject. &UnknownEntity; Armor's Damage Resistance is subtracted from the computed damage. ! If a PEN attack hits armor, the armor's wearer gets an Armor Save roll to "prevent penetration"if this roll is successful the damage is rolled as Impact (much less serious). &UnknownEntity; The remaining damage (if any) is kept track of and compared to the Damage Point number of the target. &UnknownEntity; The target (if a living being) makes a CON roll to see how well it took the damage (this may result in it being killed). The more damage the target has taken and the amount of the damage compared to the standard DP number determine how ?dire? the roll is. This is explained in the Damage section.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Two Types Of Damage
      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### There are two basic types of damage in JAGS2: Impact (IMP) and Penetrating (PEN). Impact is blunt trauma: fists, chair legs, maces, hammers, clubs, explosions, falls, etc. Penetrating damage is bloody: bullets, knives, swords, etc. The basic difference is that Impact damage is usually far less severe (does less points of damage) than PEN damage.

The amount the to-hit roll was made by is added to the Damage Modification Roll. If the attack is PENETRATING and hits by +4 or better (a "vital location hit") then the to-hit modifier is doubled.

Here are the Damage Tables for PEN and IMP damage: Impact Damage Table

Roll plus to-hit Modifier 0 1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12 13-14 15 16-17 18-20 21-25 26-29 30+ Damage Multiplier 1pt .1x .25x .33x .5x -3 -2 -1 1x +1 +2 +3 1.5x 1.75x 2x

Penetration Damage Table

Roll plus to-hit Modifier 0 1 2-3 45 6 7-8 9-10 11 12-13 14 15-16 17-18 19-25 26-30 31-35 36-39 40+ Damage Multiplier 1pt .1x .25x .33x .5x -3 -2 -1 1x +1 +2 +3 2x 2.5x 3x 4x 8x

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

Exceptions and Odd Cases: ? The -3 to +3 numbers are short-hand for +/-10% to +/-30%. If playing with numbers over 10, use the percents. ? For very low Base Damage numbers, if a "lower" result is ever better (more damage) use that. So if a 2pt base damage IMPACT attack gets 2x damage (4) but the +3 result would result in 5pts, use 5pts. ? The minimum damage from an attack that hits is 1 if the Base Damage was 1 or higher. ? If the Base Damage of an attack is 0 or less then positive damage modifiers are needed to do even 1pt (a normal man strikes for 0 Base Damagehe will need to get a +1 result to do a pt).

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###
      2. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

Armor and Armor Saves

When targets are armored they will take less damage from attacksand armor may prevent penetration. Think of a guy who gets shot but is wearing a Kevlar vest: they may be bruised badlybut will not be bleeding to death if the vest stops the round. This is handled by an Armor Save.

When a Penetrating attack hits armor, the player whose character was hit gets an Armor Save to turn the attack from PEN to IMP (roll on the Impact table and do not double hits by 4+). The armor save value is calculated as follows:

The Armor Save: The armor save is a Resisted roll where the armor rolls against the damage of the incoming attack. The incoming attack is assumed to roll a 10. There is no ?roll for penetration? on the part of the attacker.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

DEFENSE: Defense is the amount subtracted from computed damage. If an attack does fewer points of damage than the DEFENSE value then the attack completely bounces off the armor.

PENETRATION DEFENSE (PEN DEF): The amount of resistance the armor has to being penetrated. This value doesn't subtract from damage doneit's just used to make the Armor Save.

SAVE: When a Penetrating attack hits armor, it gets an Armor Save to turn the attack from PEN to IMP (roll on the Impact table and do not double hits by 4+). If the Base Damage of an attack is more than 4x the Defense of the armor, there is no Armor Save (it automatically fails).

STR: This is the STR value necessary to wear the armor. For each point of STR less than this number the user is at +1 to be hit and loses 1pt of REA each turn.

STEALTH: This modifier is subtracted from any Stealth rolls made while wearing the armor.

Fantasy Armor

Armor Cost Defense PEN DEF STR Stealth Light Leather 10c 2 4 9 -0 Heavy Leather 30c 3 5 10 -1 Mixed Armor 40c 4 6 11 -3 Padded Chain 250c 5 8 12 -4 Plate Armor 500c 6 9 13 -6 Fine Plate N/A 7 10 13 -6 Heavy Plate N/A 8 11 15 -8

Modern Armor

Armor Cost Defense Pen DEF Heavy Leather Jacket $150.00 1 2 Light bullet-proof vest $100.00 4 12 Heavy Vest $300.00 8 24

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###
      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###


Shields are great defenses against hand to hand attacks.

Shields Negative to be hit Block Bonus Strike Negative STR Min Small Shield -1 +0 -0 9 Medium Shield -2 +0 -0 10 Large Shield -3 +1 -1 12 Huge Shield -4 +2 -2 13

Negative To Be Hit: This may be substituted for your AGI Bonus. It does not stack. Block Bonus: This is the bonus given to your Shield Skill block. Combat Negative: all your strikes suffer this negative when you use the shield.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### STR Min: You must have this STR to use the shield effectively.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Effects of Wounds

When a living target is hit, it may have to make a CON roll to see how well it takes the damage. Here is how that works.

&UnknownEntity; All damage taken is kept track of. &UnknownEntity; The total amount of damage from any single hit counts as a "wound." Wounds come in four types: Sub-Minor, Minor, Major, and Critical. The numbers in the chart do NOT Change unless the character gains more DP through experience. Damage during combat does NOT affect the figured scores. ! The amount of damage that constitutes a wound changes depending on how badly hurt you areit sounds complex but it isn't that bad. ! Mostly, 1/3rd of your damage points is a Minor Wound, 1x your damage points is a Major Wound, and 2x or more of your Damage points is a Critical Wound. &UnknownEntity; There is a Wound Table you roll onmaking a CON roll. How well you make (or how badly you miss) your CON roll by determines the damage effect. ! A character is not dead when they have taken ?all their Damage Points.? That's not how it worksa character with 10 DP (human normal) who has taken 10 DP may be up and fighting if they made their CON roll. They're just at Injured Condition. You are, however, usually ?auto-dead? when having taken 5x your listed DP. ! Damage effects can be things like "Stunned" or "Dazed", knocked unconscious, or even "dead." &UnknownEntity; If the total damage you have taken so far is high enough your condition on the "condition chart" (see below) may change your wound numbers (but, again, these calculations only need be done at character-generation timenot during play).

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

The Condition Chart (Based on Total DP)

Condition A hit for this amount forces a roll on the Wound Table Normal Total Damage taken is Less than 1/3 DP Sub Minor 1pt

Minor Wound 1/3rd DP

Major Wound 1x DP

Critical Wound 2x DP

Hurt Total Damage taken is 1/3 DP or more but less than 1x DP Minor Wound 1pt

Major Wound 1x DP

Critical Wound 2x DP

Injured Total Damage taken is 1x DP or more but less than 2x DP Minor Wound 1pt

Major Wound 1/3 DP

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Critical Wound

1x DP

Serious Total Damage taken is 2x or more than DP ### Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### ### Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Minor Wound --

Major Wound 1pt

Critical Wound 1/3 DP

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### How This Works:
      2. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### ### Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### ### Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### ### Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### A character with 12 DP has already been hit for 5pts of damage. His condition is Hurt (he is in the 4-11 Range). He is struck again for 2pts of damage. This is a Minor Wound: because he is at hurt condition any number from 1pt of damage to 11 causes a roll on the Minor Wound chart.
      3. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### ### Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### ### Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

The Wound Effect Chart When you suffer wound greater than Sub-Minor you make a CON roll on the Wound Effect Chart. The Row is based on the severity of the wound you suffered and the effect is determined by how much you made or missed your roll by. Wound Effect Chart: CON Roll based on Wound Taken

Wound No Effect Stunned Dazed Unconscious Internal Damage Dying Dead ### Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)### Minor +3 or more +2 to +0 -1 to -3 -4 to -5 -6 to -10 Nil Nil Major +8 or more +7 to +5 +4 to +3 +2 to -1 -2 to -3 -4 to -5 -6 or worse Critical +10 or more +9 to +7 +6 to +5 +4 to +0 -1 to -3 -4 to -5 -6 or worse

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

No Effect The character absorbs the damage but is not hindered by it. Stunned Lose 5 REA being stunned! If you have already gone this turn, you suffer the REA loss next turn. If your weapon only gave you one attack per turn (like a big axe), lose that attack. A character with 15 REA and a handgun could normally fire 3x a turn (once for each 5 REA). If stunned, he'll drop to 10 REA and can fire twice (the gun isn't limited to 1 attack per turn). If the character had an axe and Level 2 skill (1 attack per turn) then they'd lose 5 REA and the attackbut have 10 REA to spend on whatever else. Dazed Lose your next turn (if you haven't gone already, lose that one). You may still block or dodge once, but at -3 (it's the only action you may take). Optionally, roll one die: on a 5 or 6 you are knocked down (5 REA action to get up). Each turn after the first, you make a CON roll at the beginning of the turn to recuperate.

OPTIONAL: Lose 2 Attacks and 8 REA. (This is instead of losing ?the whole turn?). This is more like JAGS-proper. Unconscious You are knocked down and unconscious. You get a CON roll to recover in 3 seconds if at Hurt Condition or less. Otherwise you are out for a while (as determined by the GM). Internal Damage Bones are broken, internal bleeding is possible. You are unconscious. You will be out of commission for at least 1 week (barring healing of some sort). If left unattended, and having suffered Penetrating damage make a CON-2 roll or bleed to death in [CON-7] x 5 minutes.

Note: The GM may rule that if the damage was from a puncture wound (an arrow) the character may be awake but dazed. This is also the sort of wound that might indicate a limb is chopped offalthough JAGS2 doesn't contain specific hit locations or exacting rules for limb-loss. Dying You are dying fast. You are unconscious and will die in CON seconds unless a medical roll is made. Dead You are clinically dead. Some lifesaving measures may still work but it doesn't look good.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###


Resisted attacks are a term for a special kind of attack in JAGS2. Poisons, mind control attempts, and diseases are all examples of Resisted Attacks. Rather than doing damage, Resisted attacks have "Effects" and when you are hit, it's the POWER of the attack against your Stat roll (usually CON or WIL for resisted attacks that work against the mind).

Steps to Resolve a Resisted Attack

&UnknownEntity; Roll to hit normally (if it's a poison tipped arrowif it's toxic gas, there's a roll to hit the area like an explosion). ! What you hit by doesn't matter with resisted attacks. Just if you hit. ! However, if the target is armored and your resisted attack is a blood toxin, you will have to do at least 1pt of Penetrating damage. &UnknownEntity; Roll against the POWER of the resisted attack. This is treated like a Stat roll. ! It is acceptable for the GM to lower or the effective POWER of a drug against larger or smaller targetsthere are some rules for this in JAGSbut if you accept that the same knock-out drug that will take down an man probably won't phase an elephant you're in the right area. &UnknownEntity; For each point you made the roll by, your target makes a resistant check at -1. So if your poison makes a POWER roll by 5, the target makes a CON roll at -5. &UnknownEntity; Whatever the made it/missed it number is, check the Resisted attack chart &UnknownEntity; The target (if a living being) makes a CON roll to see how well it took the damage (this may result in it being killed).

Resisted Attack Chart +4 or Better +3 to +1 -0 to 3 -4 to 6 -7 to 9 -10 or worse No Effect Minor Effect Standard Effect Major Effect Critical Effect Catastrophic Effect

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

Sample Resisted Attacks

Here are some sample Resisted Attacks. More are listed in the JAGS Monsters book and JAGS Supers (Attacks). Poison Poisons (the standard kind, anyway) have a Base Damage and a Power. Here is a sample list:

Poison PWR Base Damage Cobra Venom 17- 32 Arsenic in Drink 16- 16 Cyanide Tablet 17- 24 "Standard" Poisoned Weapon 13- 8 Semi-Deadly Scorpion 14- 12

Effect Description Minor Effect Target takes ? Base Damage immediately and the same each 10s until a CON roll is made Standard Effect Target takes ? Base Damage immediately and the same each 5s until a CON roll is made Major Effect Target takes ? Base Damage immediately and the same each 2s until a CON-1 roll is made Critical Effect Target takes 1x Base Damage immediately and the same each 2s until a CON-2 roll is made Catastrophic Effect Target takes 1.5x Base Damage immediately and the same each 1s until a CON-4 roll is made

Paralysis The Paralysis toxin here is non-fatal (in real life your lungs or maybe even your heart stopshere it's just your major muscles that freeze up and loss of consciousness).

Effect Description Minor Effect -2 Initiative (not REA) for 3 rounds. Standard Effect -2 REA for 3 rounds. Major Effect Stunned for 1 turn then Dazed for 2 turns. -3 REA for 3 turns. Critical Effect Stunned for 1 turn, Dazed for 2 turns, then unconscious for 3 turns. Catastrophic Effect Unconscious for several minutes.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

Terror Terror is some kind of fear effect. It may be caused by the supernatural, some sort of "fear gas," or, at the GM's option, a really scary event. This is resisted with WIL. The Fearless Enhancement adds to rolls against Terror.

Effect Description Minor Effect Spooked: Target jumps! -2 to Initiative Rolls next turn. Should role-play a sudden "fright." Standard Effect Shaken: -2 to Initiative rolls for 3 turns. Stunned. Target feels dread for the event or source. Major Effect Frightened: -3 to Initiative rolls for 5 turns, Dazed. Attacks to hit object of fear are at -2. Must make WIL roll not to flee. Critical Effect Horrified: -3 to Initiative rolls, loses 3 turns to running or cowering. Attacks are at -3. Must make another WIL-3 roll or flee the subject. Catastrophic Effect Terrified: Target faints. If the target has a bad heart roll vs. CON or suffer a heart attack!

Charisma Effects

Although they don't do damage ? and may not even be hostile, Charisma effects are covered under the combat section. For a complete description of what these effects are, look at the Character Generation section to see how the numbers are generated and what they mean.

Charisma Effects in JAGS2 are treated as Resisted attacks vs. WIL. A "No Effect" is treated as a "Minor Effect."

Charisma attempts, when done in combat, are 5 REA Medium actionswhich may usually only be attempted once (in a given combat).

Charisma and Skills Say you have an exotic appearance and the Vamp skill (the skill in putting the (sexual) moves on someone): how do they inter-relate? Firstly Charm can be done by anyone of a given gender to anyone else regardless of their sexual orientationthat's different from Vampso the two aren't necessarily identical (although the effects can be).

Using a skill (be it Con Artist or Diplomat for Persuade, Vamp for Charm, Interrogator for Intimidate, or Showmanship for Recruit) gets bonuses if you make your Charisma roll (it can get negatives if you blow your charisma rollor the target is otherwise not swayed).

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###


Effect Skill Description Minor Effect -2 Target evaluates the offer on its logical merits only. If a skill was employed other than Diplomat, the target will probably be angered. Standard Effect +1 The target examines the proposal on its logical merits only. Major Effect +2 The target is motivated to do what the persuader asks. The target trusts and likes the persuader. Critical Effect +3 Trust is won! Even moderately hostile juries or targets are swayed. Something that is obviously a fairly bad deal may still be taken to please the target. Catastrophic Effect +4 The target is devoted in a lasting fashion to the persuader. Sacrifices will be undertaken gladly.


Effect Skill Description Minor Effect -2 Target is of unchanged loyalty and feels manipulated. Standard Effect +1 As above but target doesn't feel manipulated. Major Effect +2 Troops get +2 to WIL rolls in scary situations. Attentive crowds are swayed. Neutral characters will join as soon as they see some good or progress in the character's cause. Critical Effect +3 Troops rally to the character's side (+4 WIL). Crowds are swayed. Individuals called will see make personal sacrifices to the mission. Catastrophic Effect +4 Followers are fanatic (+8 WIL rolls). Crowds are totally under the character's command. Double agents switch sides. Assistants go way beyond the call of duty.


Effect Skill Description Minor Effect -2 All but the most na?ve targets feel they are being manipulated. Standard Effect +1 Target is not especially attracted to the character. If the character is a knockout then it may be tone or actions that have put the target off. Major Effect +2 Target is very attracted. Perception rolls and RES rolls to notice trickery are at -2. Target will exercise poor but not horrific judgment. Critical Effect +3 Target is entranced: -4 to rolls to spot tricks. Target will execute very poor judgment. Catastrophic Effect +4 Target is in lovewill do very foolish things..


Effect Skill Description Minor Effect -2 Target is no more intimidated than is logical. He may even feel he has the edge. Standard Effect +1 Target is no more intimidated than is logical. Major Effect +2 Target gets -2 Initiative rolls for the first round of attack if acting against the intimidator. Target is at -1 to RES or WIL rolls to avoid pressure or deception. Target may try to deal. Critical Effect +3 Target is scared and will run. -4 To initiative rolls and -2 to hit the character for the first three seconds of combat. Catastrophic Effect +4 Target will flee or cower or deal (some other surrender type effect).

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

Odds and Ends

There are some things that didn't go well anywhere else so we're putting them here. Enjoy.

Experience Points: When we play, it's customary for each session or adventure to end with the characters getting extra points to spend. The rate of advancement and how many points are given is up to you as a group and could vary greatly dependant on the game (we've run lots of ?single adventures? that ran several sessions or many hours but didn't grant the characters extra points at all).

If Experience (also called XP) are given out we advise that a determination be made about Archetype (Weird Stuff) points. For more ?normal? games we don't usually give out any more (although the players can discuss this with the GM)but for some genres like the post apocalypse JAGS Have-Not where the characters may acquire mutations or improve psychic abilities and such each 4 XP gets one Archetype point.

JAGS Fantasy: JAGS Fantasy has several races described that force one to purchase an ?extra point of AGI? (or other stat). In JAGS2 you can't do that. We suggest that one be forced to take the trait that improves that statistic and get the additional points as well.

An alternative is to halve the cost of the JAGS2 trait (so if the race forces one to buy a point of AGI and get another for free then Nimble costs only 8ptshalfbut the character gets the full +2 AGI).

JAGS Armors: JAGS Armors will have different PEN values if converted ?correctly? to JAGS2. Mostly we didn't worry too much about this in play-testing but where it was important we had the GM step in and adjust the value of the armor in accordance with the armor PEN values listed here. The usual number for PEN defense was 1.5x the armor's Damage Reduction (rather than a usual 2x in JAGS).

Undead And Automatons: JAGS has rules for the undead and robots and things like that. You can look them upbut if you want to simplify just give them a number of damage points (maybe 15 for a skeleton) and when they're gone it's destroyed. You could also, for example, reduce to-hit rolls or attacks per turn for each 1/3 damage taken (so if you hit the skeleton for 5 DP, an arm falls off, another 5 and a leg is gone, then it's ?dead?). This will require some GM interpretation for JAGS2, of course, but we hope it beats a lengthy sub-system.

      1. Drawn Shape (ignored--not implemented yet)###

Wound Effect Table

Wound No Effect Stunned Dazed Unconscious Internal Damage Dying Dead Minor +3 or more +2 to +0 -1 to -3 -4 to -5 -6 to -10 Nil Nil Major +8 or more +7 to +5 +4 to +3 +2 to -1 -2 to -3 -4 to -5 -6 or worse Critical +10 or more +9 to +7 +6 to +5 +4 to +0 -1 to -3 -4 to -5 -6 or worse

Grappling Table

Won by Tie 1 to 4 5 to 9 10+ Effect Grabbed but not grappled Minor Edge Major Edge Critical Edge

Impact Damage Table

Roll plus to-hit Modifier 0 1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12 13-14 15 16-17 18-20 21-25 26-29 30+ Damage Multiplier 1pt .1x .25x .33x .5x -3 -2 -1 1x +1 +2 +3 1.5x 1.75x 2x

Penetration Damage Table

Roll plus to-hit Modifier 0 1 2-3 45 6 7-8 9-10 11 12-13 14 15-16 17-18 19-25 26-30 31-35 36-39 40+ Damage Multiplier 1pt .1x .25x .33x .5x -3 -2 -1 1x +1 +2 +3 2x 2.5x 3x 4x 8x

Resisted Attack Chart

The defender made their defense roll by: +4 or Better +3 to +1 -0 to 3 -4 to 6 -7 to 9 -10 or worse No Effect Minor Effect Standard Effect Major Effect Critical Effect Catastrophic Effect

Action Type REA Cost Block (parry) strike with shield or weapon Short 3 Dodge strike or shot Short 3 Hit the deck (dive for cover) Short 8 Attack Medium 5 Draw a weapon/Grab something Medium 5 Grab Someone Medium 5 Take a step, change facing Medium 5 Start running/run away Long 8 Keep on running if running the past second Long 5 Aim Gun Varies 3,5, or 8 Feint with a HTH Attack Varies 5 or 8 Defuse a bomb, pick a lock Varies Varies

Weapon Damage STR Min Att Lvl1 Att Lvl 2 Att Lvl3 Att Lvl 4 Reach Notes Small Knife +2 PEN None 1 2 3 4 Short Large Knife +3 PEN None 1 2 3 4 Short Short Sword +4 PEN 9 1 2 3 3 Short Broadsword +6 PEN 11 1 2 2 3 Medium 2Hand Sword +8 PEN 12 1 1 1 2 Long Axe +7 PEN 12 1 1 2 2 Medium May be thrown Battle Axe +8 PEN 11 1 1 1 1 Long Great Axe +10 PEN 14 1 1 1 1 Long Requires 13+ STR Spear +5 PEN 10 1 2 2 2 Long May be Thrown Club (baton) +4 IMP 10 1 2 2 3 Medium Hammer/Mace +9 IMP 12 1 1 1 1 Medium Great Maul +12 IMP 14 1 1 1 1 Long Requires 13+ STR Baseball bat +6 IMP 10 1 2 2 3 Medium Morning Star +8 IMP 11 1 1 1 2 Medium -2 to be blocked Staff +5 IMP 10 1 2 3 4 Long Must have Staff Skill

Weapon Damage Range ROF Recoil Clip Notes Small Pistol 4 -1/4y 2s / sec -0 6 Hold-out gun Standard Pistol 6 -1/5y 2s / sec -0 9 9mm Large Pistol 9 -1/7y 2s / sec -1 6 .45 ACP Huge Pistol 13 -1/8y 2s / sec -2 6 .357 Desert Eagle Massive Pistol 15 -1/9y 2s /sec -3 6 .44 Automag .22 Rifle 21 -1/50y 2s / sec -0 8 Small hunting shell .30-.06 Rifle 31 -1/100y 2s / sec -1 8 Medium game shell Huge Rifle 50 -1/150y 2s / sec -2 8 Big game shell Sub Machine Gun 9 -1/15y 4 attacks -0 32 M-11 Heavy SMG 12 -1/20y 4 attacks -1 32 Hekler and Koch MP5 Assault Rifle 24 -1/50y 3 attacks -0 16 M16 Machine Gun 40 -1/100y 3 attacks -1 -- Belt fed M60 Heavy MG 80 -1/200y 3 attacks -2 -- Belt fed .50 cal Shotgun 24 -1/20y 2s / sec -2 8 Pump shotgun

Bow Damage Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Range Pull (STR) Light Crossbow 8 1/3s 1/2s 1/2s 1/1s -1/15y 9 Heavy Crossbow 11 1/3s 1/2s 1/2s 1/1s -1/15y 11 Short bow 7 1/3s 1/2s 1/1s 2/1s -1/20y 9 Long bow 9 1/3s 1/2s 1/1s 2/1s -1/20y 11 Heavy Long Bow 12 1/3s 1/2s 1/1s 2/1s -1/20y 14

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