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Minister of Education ,Thailand

Ministry of Education’s Policies

and Working Procedures

Under the Government’s Policy Main Menu, New Aspirations, The Cabinet’s Statement,Ministry of Education’s Policies

The Ministry of Education has laid down relevant policies and procedures within the framework of the government’s policy which was stated in parliament on the twenty sixth of July 1995 concerning social and educational matters which encompass religion, art, culture and sports as follows:-

1. Policy on 9-year-compulsory education 1.1) In the year 1997, all children who have completed sixth grade shall be able to continue their education at the lower secondary level in any government school without having to pay educational fees; 1.2) Underprivileged learners will be provided with appropriate educational support such as school uniforms, textbooks on loan, school transportation, transportation allowances, study grants and/or accommodation for the needy, the handicapped and for those whose houses are too far from school etc.; 1.3) Good quality resources will be adequately provided for schools to ensure maximum efficiency, be it teachers, buildings, materials and equipment or new technologies;

1.4) Local  communities  should  be  encouraged   to  participate  in  school administration 

while local resource persons are recruited as supplementary teachers with certain remuneration;

1.5) A 9-year-compulsory act is currently in the process of being drafted.

2. Policy on 12-year-compulsory education

2.1) School mapping and  learning networks will be established in an attempt to mobilize 

educational resources;

2.2) By the year 1998,  all children who have completed ninth grade shall be able to further 

their studies at the upper secondary level, both in the general and the vocation streams, in any government school with school fees exemption;

2.3) Vocational schools and institutions will be actively supported to expand their  quantitative  

recruitment capacity at the vocational certificate level via the following measures:- provision of diversified learning programs such as, the bilateral system, curriculum adjustment towards flexibility and diversity, establishment of networks linking various educational institutions in catchment areas;

2.4) Educational  access  will  be  expanded  to  enable  the underprivileged, women,    

and the handicapped to enter any type of educational institution according to their potential and desire. For those handicapped, an extra service of learning aids and materials will be provided;

2.5) A 12-year-compulsory education act will be drafted.

3. Policy on pre-primary education

3.1) Child-rearing services for pre-school children  will be expanded to cover all areas with an 

attempt to render equal opportunities to both rural and urban children;

3.2) Activities  which  stimulate  all  aspects  of  child  development namely, physical, emotional, 

social, cognitive, will be promoted, while also taking into consideration local culture and various stages of children’s growth;

3.3) Relevant  policies  and  practices  amongst  jointly  responsible agencies should be unified 

with a view to increasing the coverage of good quality services. Local communities and the private sector should also be encouraged to take part in this matter. 4. Policy on qualified personnel production in much needed professions

4.1) Vocational education in relation to professions which are currently in a great demand  in  the  

labour market should be rapidly expanded by way of joint investment with the private sector and entrepreneurs who need qualified employees in such fields. Many measures to be explored include: the bilateral system, personnel development, international co-operation with various educational institutions for technological transfer in needy disciplines, in-service training and skill development to keep employees abreast with the latest technology which is being utilized in the labour market.

4.2) Scientific and technological capacity of  higher  educational  institutions

should be raised in terms of production and development. Its qualitative and quantitative outcomes should adequately satisfy the country’s needs concerning social and economic development. Entrepreneurial co-operation, both within and outside, the country must be encouraged in order to attain international standards. 5. Policy on teaching/learning process

5.1) Curriculum  development  will  be  undertaken with special emphasis on laying foundations 

for the following:- language skills, mathematics, science, morality, ethics and democracy. The learner will be enabled to analyze and synthesize which will serve as a learning tool in the future;

5.2) The quality  of  education  services should be raised to acceptable international standards;
5.3) Teaching / learning  processes  should  be  urgently  modified  to  yield practical results by 

means of format development, teaching innovations and the setting-up of learning networks between formal and non formal education;

5.4) Development must be  undertaken on  such  matters  as  technology and teaching/learning 

materials, libraries and information centers of all kinds;

5.5) The  testing  and  selecting  systems  will  be  reformed  to  ensure that accumulated   

educational achievement is more important than examinations. Admission by quota will also be increased at all levels;

5.6) Assessment mechanism is  to be  improved  while educational standards are raised at 

every level;

5.7) A network of technical  co-operation should be developed and promoted for technical 

devolution. 6. Policy on teacher production and development

6.1) The process of teacher production  and  inservice  teacher  development must be systematically 

reformed so as to establish an active network throughout the country. Top priority should be given to developing teachers in those subjects which encounter the problem of teacher shortages while upholding moral and ethical aspects at the same time;

6.2) Welfare and social benefits for teachers will be improved to boost their morale and strengthen 

their security. Local teaching profession organizations in various subjects should be developed, along with the development of Golden Jubilee Fund. Private investment should be mobilized in order to set up low interest loans in an attempt to raise the quality of teachers. 7. Policy on democracy development

7.1) Democratic  culture  must  be  instilled in the way of life of learners, youths and the public 

at large;

7.2) Teaching/learning  activities  should  be  structured  towards  democracy development in 

all schools;

7.3) The process of democracy should be applied to learners’ activities.

8. Policy on the roles of families, local communities and the private sector

8.1) Families must be encouraged to develop knowledge,  skills and desirable attitudes  for  all  

of their members while families, local communities, charity organizations, the media as well as the private sector are supported to take part in educational management;

8.2) Local communities,  together with the private sector must be encouraged to participate in 

educational administration in a manner which corresponds to individuals’ needs, local development and national development;

8.3) Private investments in education must be promoted to lessen  the State’s burden through the 

following means:- low-interest loans from a revolving fund, educational coupons and deregulations. 9. Policy on religious and cultural promotion

9.1) People of all religions and faiths will be encouraged to gain insightful knowledge and values  

from their religious beliefs in order to apply them in everyday life;

9.2) Education for monks and learning networks  should  be developed while religious buildings

serve as actual community centers;

9.3) Relevant acts relating to monks must be updated while a monk university act is drafted;
9.4) Ancient items  and  monuments  of  the  nation must be preserved while local wisdom is 


9.5) Resources from both the public and the private sectors,   within and also outside the country, 

must be mobilized in order to preserve, promote, publicize and develop religious, artistic and cultural affairs;

9.6) Co-operation  will be extended  to international organizations in an attempt to place Thailand 

as a research and development centre for arts and culture in the Southeast Asian region;

10.  Policy on sports for good health
10.1) Economical swimming pools will be built,and if an adequate amount of budget is available, 

stadiums, sport materials and equipment will also be provided in all areas;

10.2) Basic sports and exercise for good health should be extensively promoted via teaching/

learning process integration, recreational activities;

10.3) Coaches  and  sports  persons  must  be  developed according to international standards.   

Certain categories of Thai sports such as Thai boxing should be publicized until they are acceptable at the international level. 11. Policy on administration and devolution

11.1) Re-engineering of the administrative system must  be conducted at all levels so that 

devolution in educational, religious and cultural management could be achieved. The Ministry of Education’s representatives at the provincial level will be able to determine their own educational policies, promote staff’s career advancement and allocate their budget according to local needs. Local management will thus be streamlined for maximum efficiency;

11.2) Resources from both the public and the private sectors will be mobilized for maximum 

efficiency in educational, religious and cultural administration as well as community affairs.

What's new details . . . Copyright © 1997 MOENet Thailand Service Program by Mr.Bumrung Chiablam