Verner's Pride

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Verner's Pride (1862–1863)
by Ellen Wood

As serialized in Once a Week.

2723194Verner's Pride1862-1863Ellen Wood

I. Rachel Frost. Part 1
II. The Willow Pond. Part 1
III. The Crowd in the Moonlight. Part 2
IV. The Tall Gentleman in the Lane. Part 2
V. Dinah Roy’s “Ghost.” Part 3
VI. The Revelation at the Inquest. Part 3
VII. Lady Verner. Part 4
VIII. Lucy Tempest. Part 4
IX. Dr. West’s Home. Part 5
X. A Contemplated Voyage. Part 5
XI. An Altered Will. Part 6
XII. Disappeared. Part 6
XIII. The Revelation to Lady Verner. Part 7
XIV. A Whispered Suspicion. Part 7
XV. Peckaby’s Shop. Part 8
XVI. Days and Nights of Pain. Part 8
XVII. Home Truths for Lionel. Part 9
XVIII. The Packet in the Shirt-Drawer. Part 9
XIX. Dr. West’s Sanctum. Part 10
XX. An Intercepted Journey. Part 10
XXI. News from Australia. Part 11
XXII. “It’s Appleplexy.” Part 11
XXIII. Jan’s Remedy for a Cold. Part 12
XXIV. Back Again! Part 12
XXV. A Moment of Delirium. Part 13
XXVI. News for Lady Verner, and for Lucy. Part 13
XXVII. Brother Jarrum. Part 14
XXVIII. A Visit of Ceremony. Part 14
XXIX. A Special Vision Touching Mrs. Peckaby. Part 15
XXX. A Surprise for Mrs. Tynn. Part 15
XXXI. Lionel’s Prayer for Forgiveness. Part 16
XXXII. Stifled with Dishonour. Part 16
XXXIII. Shadowed-Forth Embarrassment. Part 17
XXXIV. The Yew-Tree on the Lawn. Part 17
XXXV. “I See’d a Dead Man!” Part 18
XXXVI. Commotion in Deerham. Part 18
XXXVII. Matthew Frost’s Night Encounter. Part 19
XXXVIII. Master Cheese’s Fright. Other Frights. Part 19
XXXIX. Mrs. Duff’s Bill. Part 20
XL. A Life Hovering in the Balance. Part 20
XLI. The Thunder-Storm. Part 21
XLII. A Casual Meeting on the River. Part 21
XLIII. Meeting the News. Part 22
XLIV. Tynn Pumped Dry. Part 22
XLV. Looking Out for the Worst. Part 23
XLVI. Captain Cannonby. Part 23
XLVII. Dressing Up for a Ghost. Part 24
XLVIII. No Home. Part 24
XLIX. Turning Out. Part 25
L. Jan’s Savings. Part 25
LI. Going to New Jerusalem on a White Donkey. Part 26
LII. An Explosion of Sibylla’s. Part 26
LIII. An Unexpected Arrival. Part 27
LIV. An Evening at Lady Verner’s. Part 27
LV. Recollections of a Night Gone By. Part 28
LVI. A Crisis in Sibylla’s Life. Part 28
LVII. Well Nigh Wearied Out. Part 29
LVIII. Going to the Ball. Part 29
LIX. Was It a Spectre? Part 30
LX. The Lamp Burnt Out at Last. Part 30
LXI. Aching Hearts. Part 31
LXII. Master Cheese Blown Up. Part 31
LXIII. Light Thrown on Obscurity. Part 32
LXIV. “Medical Attendance Gratis, Physic Included.” Part 32
LXV. At Last. Part 33
LXVI. It Might Have Been Jan! Part 33
LXVII. Sundry Arrivals. Part 33