Wikisource:WikiProject Film/Intertitles from GeoCities/The Scarlet Car

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The Scarlet Car 1 Ernest Peabody was not QUITE as shrewd as his father,---but then he was young yet.

Sam DeGrasse

2 Cyrus Peabody, his father and President of the bank.

Howard Crampton

3 Paul Revere Forbes, the cashier, who bore with scrupulous pride the weight of an illustrious ancestry.

Lon Chaney


         Beatrice, his 

daughter, really didn't care whether she descended from Paul Revere or not.

Edith Johnson

5 "Aw, who let you in on this?"

6 Supper at the Peabody home was something of a ceremony.

7 "Billy, why do you waste all your time? You could be such a help to your father if you only would."

8 Ancestor-worship.

9 "Well, don't forget the party tonight. Remember you're going to call for me."

10 "Our ancestor - our own blood, daughter! A great and glorious man was Paul Revere!"

11 That evening, Peabody Sr. and Jr. returned to the bank on a mysterious mission.

12 The stranger.

13 "Well, have you got the money?"

14 "If I don't put back that thirty-five thousand dollars tonight, the directors will learn of the deficit to- morrow!"

15 "Don't blame me, Peabody - I merely carried out your orders."

16 "I know what you've been doing, Peabody,-and they'll know at the directors' meeting, too!"

17 The following


18 "Where's your father, miss?"

19 "I don't know - he hasn't been home since last evening!"

20 "Mighty funny - the cashier and thirty-five thousand dollars disappear at the same time!"

21 "What do you mean?"

22 "I'm sorry, Beatrice. Won't you come and stay at our house until your father returns?"

23 "I got out early, Mr. Winthrop, and collected enough for the note."

24 "I hope you're ready to pay the bank what you owe, Winthrop."

25 "I refer you to my bookkeeper!"

26 "There's been a terrible automobile accident! Just brought in a big scar- let car - dead man in it!"

27 "And Billy's up at court - he got in a fight again and was arrested."

28 "It will come out all right, my dear. You may stay with us as long as you like."

29 Winthrop's available funds suddenly disappeared when the judge demanded a cash bond for Billy's release.

30 "William, I hope this will be a lesson to you. Brace up and help your father - he needs you."

31 "I'm going to go to it! Watch me!"

32 And when Billy was really aroused ---

33 "Your father's note is due today - and he can't meet it because of your escapade!"

34 "Dad, I know I've been a loafer - but now I'm a busi- ness man! Give me all your unpaid accounts, and watch little sonny collect a few!"

35 "As for you, old Shylock, you'll get every cent that's coming to you inside of six hours!"

36 Billy collected the accounts - in money and various other negotiable material.

37 "Now I'm going to auction off the rest of the stuff I've collected - and I'll have enough money to buy the old bank!"

38 When Billy said he was going to "go to it," he meant it.

39 "Hello, dad, you old loafer! I suppose you've been idling away your time in a pool room again!"

40 Later... Peabody argues with Billy over Beatrice.

41 "Jealous, eh? - you good-for-nothing!"

42 "This is the big scarlet car that was wrecked - I won it in a raffle! Whadda ye know about that?"

43 "Mr. Peabody, I want you to meet my sho-fewer!"

44 "Guess my sho-fewer and I got our hats mixed!"

45 "I found it in the scarlet car - and this wallet, too."

46 The engagement party.

47 Billy followed up

  the clue.

48 "I want you to give this to Miss Forbes - secretly -"

49 "I'm sure your father didn't take that money! I've got a clue!"

50 "I'm going to prove that the Peabodys are the crooks!"

51 "Oh, Billy! I'm so miserable about this engagement!"

52 "Will you marry ME?"

53 "I have a car waiting out there and a minister at the hotel - get your cloak!"

54 "Give this to my father in ten minutes."

55 "You!"

56 "A fine night for a wedding!"

57 "Billy - in that cabin - a ghost! The ghost of my father!"

58 "General, in the name of the Continental Congress, I salute you! What news from Bunker Hill?"

59 "My servants are away, General, but there is hospitality here for the messenger from Lexington."

60 Years of blind hero-wor ship, the shock of the accident, and the ensuing solitude - all had combined to cloud that simple mind.

61 "Aha - my suspicions are correct!"

62 "I have a page from the ledger that will damn you, Peabody!"

63 "The book! The book! Give me that book!"

64 "But I have that page - I hid it where you'll never find it!"

65 "Don't you know Beatrice?"

66 "Your daughter is here."

67 "Tell us all you can remember about that night."

68 "He struck me -- but I recovered ---"

69 "-- and I brought the proof here ---"

70 "Won't you tell us where you hid the proof?"

71 Young Peabody had a card up

his sleeve.

72 "We were just getting married when ---"

73 "- and he carried her off to a little cabin ---"

74 "I'd like to see that page from the ledger, General."

75 "We're going to tar and feather that fine son of yours!"

76 "I'm going to ride out there and warn Billy."

77 "I've got an idea that may work!"

78 "See - a messenger from Paul Revere is approaching!"

79 "Paul Revere demands that paper!"

80 "We'll go down to the hotel and 'phone for a doctor."

81 "I've seen Forbes' ghost!"

82 "Look! At last - Paul Revere!"

83 "Ride up there quick and ask that old man for a paper he's hiding!"

84 "General, I have come for that report you have been hiding for me."

85 "That old man has a page from the bank ledger that will send old Peabody to jail for twenty years!"

86 "Sir, here it is! You will find it of exceeding importance."

87 And there came a rift in the clouds

that fogged the 
  simple mind.

