Wikisource:WikiProject Transactions NZ Institute/Transclusion notes

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Transclusion notes

Guidance on transcluding proofread articles

Header template


All Article pages must have a header template.

Copy the template below and paste over the top of the automatic header (if you have that Gadget turned on).

 | title       = [[../]]
 | author      = 
 | contributor = 
 | translator  = 
 | section     = 
 | previous    = [[../Article /]]
 | next        = [[../Article /]]
 | notes       = 

Leave the title field as it is. (This creates a link to the volume that the article is in.)

Articles in the Transactions are always subpages and therefore have a contributor rather than an author. Leave the author field blank.

In the contributor field enter the name of the author of the article. The link to the author page is automatically created, so just make sure that the name is the same as that on the Author page. See Category:Contributors to Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute for the known list.

A few articles in the Transactions are translated, so add the author name of the translator into that field. Mostly it will be left blank.

Put the title of the article into the section field.

Enter the number of the previous and next articles after the space and before the second / in [[../Article /]]. This allows a reader to move forwards and backward through the articles in a volume.

If there is no previous or next article (your article is the first or last in the volume), then blank the field.

The notes field won't often be needed for articles, so you can leave it blank.


The basic form of the pages link is:
<pages index="Transactions NZ Institute Volume xx.djvu" from= to= />, where the index= field should match the name of the Index: file and the from= and to= fields are the first and last page that an article appears on.

If more than one article is on a page (usually the end of one and the beginning of another) we will need to use section names. The pages link will then look like:
<pages index="Transactions NZ Institute Volume 15.djvu" from=588 to=599 fromsection=Article61 tosection=Article61 />

This version requires that section markers are placed around the relevant parts of the text. If you have the Easy LST gadget turned on (default is on), then see Help:Gadget-Easy LST for how to set up the sections.

If you have the gadget turned off (my recommendation), then place <section begin=Articlexx /> before the first word of the section (where xx is the article number) and <section end=Articlexx /> after the last word of the section.