Young India (1916)/end matter

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2921062Young India — end matterLala Lajpat Rai


An account of its origin, doctrines and activities, with a Biographical Sketch of the Founder. With an Introduction by Professor Sidney Webb, LL.B., of the London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London.) With 10 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. pp. xxvi+305, price, $1.75 net.

Professor Sidney Webb in the Preface which he has written to this book says—"I believe that this is the first book dealing with what may possibly prove to be the most important religious movement in the whole of India." The author, Mr. Lajpat Rai, gives a biographical account of the Swami Dayananda, who was the founder of the Arya Samaj, and died in 1883. Since then the organization which Dayananda founded has increased enormously, and numbered 243,000 members in 1911, having more than doubled since 1901.

The Arya Samaj aims at a thorough reformation of the religion of Hinduism. It advocates the abolition of the worship of Idols and desires that the Hindu religion should be restored to the pure and lofty Monotheism of the Vedas which it believes to be the sole source of religious truth. Mr. Blunt, I.C.S., in the census report for the United Province for 1911 calls it "the greatest religious movement in India of the past half century."

New York Times:—It is quite impossible for any one possessed of imagination to close this book without feeling that it has introduced him to a movement of very great importance ... (a) fascinating book.

Unity:—J. T. Sunderland, D.D. "An interesting, well written, reliable book."

Journal of Religious Psychology:—A very interesting account.

Boston Transcript:—Very remarkable book.

Christian Intelligence:—Fascinating in style and matter.

Literary Digest:—More interesting to Americans.

Outlook:—It (the Arya Samaj) deserves wide attention.

Christian Work:—"Carefully thought out and selected material" framed "into well-expressed phrases."

London Times:—A remarkable book.

London Daily News:—An indispensable book.

London "India":—A historic book.

Very favorable reviews given by the (London) Nation, the (London) New Statesman, the Pall Mall Gazette and other English and American papers in lengthy notices.


A pamphlet, 25 cents.

To be had of the author, care of B. W. Huebsch, 225 Fifth avenue, New York.


Second Edition in Course of Preparation