Zoological Illustrations/VolI-Pl61
TAMYRIS Nurscia.
Generic Character.—See Pl. 33.
Specific Character.
- T. alis nigris, anticis suprà fasciâ centrali rufescente, infrà punctis duobus ad basim albidis; posticis infrà cæsiis, cinereis, basi nigris lineâ obsoletâ albidâ; margine nigro.
- Wings black; anterior above with a central reddish band, and two white basal dots beneath; posterior beneath grey and cinereous; base black with an obsolete white line; margin black.
The marginal fringe of the lower wings in this species has a few white dots between the nerves, and the upper surface is sprinkled or powdered in the middle with blueish-green atoms; on the under surface of the anterior wings the lower part of the band is orange, the upper bright rufous; and within the black margin of the posterior wings is a large blueish spot, and two or three whitish dots on the sides of the thorax. It seems nearest allied to Hesp. Celsus of Fabricius, which is only slightly described from Mr. Jones's unpublished drawings.
TAMYRIS Laonome.—lower figure.
Specific Character.
- T. alis utrinque similibus, concoloribus fuscis, margine communi aurantiacis; capite anoque rubris.
- Wings in both sexes alike, uniform brown, with a common margin of orange; head and tail red.
The under surface of this insect (a female) perfectly resembles the upper: it will approach near to Hesp. Amiatus of Fabricius, which no doubt belongs to this genus.
For both these interesting insects, not to be found in Fabricius, I am indebted to the liberality of my friend Professor Klug, Director of the Royal Museum at Berlin: no note accompanied them, I therefore conclude they are undescribed, and probably inhabiting South America.