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A Field Book of the Stars/Aquila

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The Constellations of Summer.

3445563A Field Book of the Stars — Aquila and AntinoüsWilliam Tyler Olcott

AQUILA (ak'-wi-la)—THE EAGLE, AND ANTlNOÜS. (Face Southeast.)

Location.—Half way up the sky in the Milky Way, you will see three stars in a line, the middle one much brighter than the other two. This bright star is Altair in Aquila. It forms with Vega and Deneb an isosceles triangle. Altair is at the apex, about 35 degrees from the other two. A triangle is formed by Vega, Altair, and Ras Alhague, in the Serpent Bearer, which is about 30 degrees west of Altair.

This is a double constellation composed of Aquila and Antinous. Altair is in the neck of the eagle, Alschain in the head of Antinoüs.

When the moon is absent, a rude arrow head can be traced out, embracing almost all the stars in Aquila. For forty hours (η) remains bright, diminishes for sixty-six hours to minimum brightness, and is stationary in brilliancy for thirty hours.

Aquila dates back 1200 B.C.