A Chinese Biographical Dictionary/Chia Ch'ing

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318 Chia Ch'ing 嘉慶. Died A.D. 1820. The title of the reign of 顒 (or 永) 琰 Yung-yen, the fifteenth son of the Emperor Ch'ien Lung. He succeeded in 1796, and proved a worthless and dissolute ruler. His reign was constantly disturbed by family feuds, secret society risings, and plots, which cost vast sums to put down; while from 1805 to 1809 the coast from Shantung to Tongking was infested with pirates, who fought pitched battles with the Imperial navy and almost stopped trade. In 1808 the Emperor was attacked in the streets of Peking; and ten years later a band of conspirators penetrated into the palace, and the Emperor owed his life to his second son, whom he at once made Heir Apparent, and to a nephew. He gave up the annual hunting excursions, which had been associated with Manchu energy. By insisting on the "kotow," he repelled Lord Amherst's mission in 1816. He was strongly opposed to missionaries, and expelled the famous Père Amyot. Canonised as 仁宗睿皇帝.