- Turco in Italia, Il
- Ture-Lure, from Appendix
- Turini, Francesco
- Turk
- Turkish Music
- Turle, James
- Turn
- Turner, Austin
- Turner, William
- Turpin, Edmund
- Tusch
- Tutti
- Tye, Christopher
- Tylman Susato
- Tyndall, John
- Tyrolienne
- Uberti, Giulio
- U. C.
- Ugalde, Delphine
- Ulibischew
- Ulrich, Hugo
- Umlauf, Ignaz
- Un Anno ed un Giorno
- Unda Maris
- Undine
- Unequal
- Unger, Caroline
- Unison
- United States
- University Musical Societies
- Upham, Baxter
- Upright Grand Piano
- Urbani
- Urhan, Chrétien
- Urio, Francesco
- Urquhart, Thomas
- Use
- Utrecht
- Ut, Re, Mi
- Vaccaj, Nicola
- Vaet, Jacques
- Vagans
- Vaisseau-Fantôme, Le
- Valentini, Pietro
- Valentini, Valentino
- Valentino, Henri
- Valeriano, Cavalliere
- Vallace, Guglielmo
- Valleria, Alwina
- Vallotti, Francescantonio, from Appendix
- Valve
- Vampyr, Der
- Van Bree, Johann
- Van den Eeden, Gilles
- Vander Straeten, Edmond
- Vanini
- Van Os, Albert, from Appendix
- Variante
- Variations
- Varney, Pierre, from Appendix
- Varsoviana
- Vascello-Fantasma, La
- Vaterländische Künstlerverein, from Appendix
- Vaucorbeil, Auguste
- Vaudeville
- Vaudeville Theatre
- Vaughan, Thomas
- Vauxhall Gardens
- Vecchi, Orazio
- Veiled Prophet of Khorassan, The
- Veiled Voice
- Veillons au Salut de l'Empire, from Appendix
- Velluti, Giovanni-Battista
- Veloce
- Venetian Swell
- Veni Creator Spiritus
- Veni Sancte Spiritus, from Appendix
- Venice, from Appendix
- Venite
- Venosa, Carlo
- Ventadour Théâtre
- Ventil
- Vêpres Siciliennes, Les
- Veracini, Antonio
- Verdelot, Philippe
- Verdi, Giuseppe
- Verdonck, Cornelius, from Appendix
- Vereeniging voor Noord-Nederlands Muziekgeschiedenis
- Verhulst, Johannes
- Verlorene Paradies, Das
- Vernon, Joseph
- Véron, Louis
- Verschiebung
- Verschworenen, Die
- Verse
- Versicle
- Vertical and Horizontal Methods of Composition, from Appendix
- Vert-Vert
- Verve
- Vesperale