A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Altenburg, Johann
ALTENBURG, Johann Ernst, a famous trumpet-player, born 1734 at Weissenfels, and son of Johann Caspar, also an excellent master of the same instrument. The father served in several campaigns, and was in action at Malplaquet. After leaving the army he travelled much in Europe, and was admired wherever he came, and so successful that he was able to refuse an offer from Frederic Augustus of Poland to enter his service with a salary of 600 thalers. He died in 1761. His son—more celebrated than the father—after completing his education, adopted the military career, and was a field trumpeter in the army during the Seven Years' War. After the peace of Hubertsburg he became organist at Bitterfeld. He was the author of a book entitled 'Versuch einer Anleitung zur heroischer musikalischen Trompetkunst' (Halle, 1795), which, though poor in style, is so complete in its treatment of the subject, as to be of the greatest interest in relation to trumpet music.
[ F. G. ]