A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Barre, Antonio

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From volume 1 of the work.

1502663A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Barre, AntonioGeorge GroveEdward H. Pember

BARRE, Antonio, was of French extraction, but the place and date of his birth are unknown. We find him as a composer of established repute at Rome in 1550. In 1555 he started in that capital a printing-press, which he afterwards removed to Milan, and from which he published a series of six volumes containing pieces by himself and other writers. The titles of these are as follows:—(1) 'Primo Libro delle Muse a 5 voci, Madrigali di diversi Autori.' (2) 'Primo Libro delle Muse a 4 voci, Madrigali ariosi di Antonio Barre ed altri diversi autori.' Both of these volumes were dated 1555, and were dedicated, the first to Onofrio Virgili, the second to the Princess Felice Orsini. (3) 'Secondo Libro delle Muse a quattro voci, Madrigali ariosi di diversi excellentissimi Autori, con due Canzoni di Gianetto, di nuovo raccolti e dati in luce. In Roma appresso Antonio Barre 1558.' (4) 'Madrigali a quattro voci di Francesco Menta novamente da lui composti e dati in luce; in Roma per Antonio Barre 1560.' (5) 'Il Primo Libro di Madrigali a quattro voci di Ollivier Brassart. In Roma per Antonio Barre 1564.' Of this last only the alto part is known to exist, having been actually seen by Fétis. (6) 'Liber Primus Musarum cum quatuor vocibus, seu sacræ cantiones quas vulgo Mottetta appellant. Milan, Antonio Barre, 1588.' Out of these six volumes even the learned and indefatigable Baini had only thoroughly satisfied himself as to the existence of the two first. The last is said to contain no less than twenty-nine pieces by Palestrina, besides specimens of the work of Orlando Lasso, Rore, Animuccia, and other rare masters.

[ E. H. P. ]