A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Barsanti, Francesco

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From volume 1 of the work.

1502670A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Barsanti, FrancescoMary Catherine Hamilton

BARSANTI, Francesco, born at Lucca about 1690. In 1714 he accompanied Geminiani to England, which country henceforth became his own. He played both the flute and oboe, the latter for many years in the opera band. He held a lucrative situation in Scotland, and while there made and published 'A Collection of Old Scots' Tunes, with the Bass for Violoncello or Harpsichord,' etc. (Edinburgh, 1742). After his return to England about 1750, he played the viola at the opera in winter and Vauxhall in summer. At the close of his life he was dependent upon the exertions of his wife and his daughter, a singer and actress of considerable ability. His other publications include 'Twelve concertos for violins,' and Six 'Antifone' in the style of Palestrina.

[ M. C. C. ]