A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Beethoven, Ludwig van, catalogue

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1505309A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Beethoven, Ludwig van, catalogueGeorge Grove

Catalogue of Beethoven's printed works, compiled from Nottebohm's Catalogue (B. & H. 1868), the Letters, the Works themselves, and other sources.

PF. = Pianoforte. V. = Violin. Va.= Viola. C. = Cello. Cbass = Contrabass. Clav. = Clavecin. Clar.= Clarinet. Ob. = Oboe. Fl.= Flute. Orch. = Orchestra. Aut. = Autograph, ann. = announced. arrt. = arrangement.


Op. Description. Composed. Original Publisher. Dedicated to
1 Three Trios, PF. V. C. (E♭, G, C minor). (For No. 3 compare Op. 104.) Before April 1795. Artaria, Vienna, about Ap. 1795. Pr. Carl von Lichnowsky.
2 Three Sonatas. Clavecin or PF. (F minor, A, C). (For No. 1 see No. 152). . . . . . . Artaria Vienna Mar 9 1796. Joseph Haydn.
3 Grand Trio, V. Va. C. (E♭) possibly the result of an attempt at a string quartet. 1792, at Bonn.—Aut. S. Thalberg. Artaria, Vienna, Feb. 8, 1797.
4 Grand Quintet V. V. Va. Va. C. (E♭). An arrt. of the original Op. 103. . . . . . . Artaria. Vienna, Feb. 8, 1797.
5 Two Grand Sonatas, PF. C. (F, G minor). . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna Feb. 8 1797. Frederick William II, King of Prussia.
6 Sonata 4 hands, Clav. or PF. (D). . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna, 1797
7 Grand Sonata, Clav. or PF. (E♭). . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna, Oct. 7 1797. Countess Babette von Keglevics.
8 Serenade V. Va. C. (D). See Op 42. . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna ann. Oct. 7 1797.
9 Three Trios, V. Va. C. (G, D, C minor). . . . . . . Traeg, Vienna, ann. July 21, 1798. Count von Browne (with preface).
10 Three Sonatas, Clav. or PF. (C minor, F, D). Before July 7, 1798. Eder, Vienna, ann. Sept. 26. 1798. Countess von Browne.
11 Grand Trio, PF. Clar. (or V.) C. (Bb). . . . . . . Mollo, Vienna, ann. Oct 3 1798. Countess von Thun.
12 Three Sonatas, Clav. or PF. V. . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna, ann. Jan. 12 1799. A. Salieri
13 Grand Sonata pathétique Clav. or PF. (C minor). . . . . . . Eder, Vienna, 1799 Pr. Carl von Lichnowsky.
14 Two Sonatas, PF. (E, G). . . . . . . . Mollo. Vienna, ann. Dec. 21, 1801. Baroness von Braun.
15 Grand Concerto, PF. and Orch. (C). (Really the second.) At latest 1796.—Aut. C. Haslinger, Vienna. Mollo, Vienna, Mar. 1801. Princess Odenscalchl, née Keglevics.
16 Grand Quintet. PF. Ob. Clar. Bassoon, Horn or V. Va. C. (E♭). Arrd. by Beethoven as a Quartet for PF. V. Va. C. Also arrd. as String Quartet and marked Op. 75. Before April 6, 1797. Mollo, Vienna, Mar. 1801. Pr. Schwarzenberg.
17 Sonata, PF. Horn, or C. (F). Before April 18, 1801. Mollo, Vienna, Mar. 1801. Baroness von Braun.
18 Six Quartets. V. V. Va. C. (F, G, D, C minor, A, B♭). Nos. 1 and 6 in 1800. Mollo, Vienna. Pt. I (1–3), Summer, 1801; Pt. II (4–6), Oct. 1801. Pr. von Lobkowitz.
19 Concerto, PF. and Orch. (B♭). (Really the first.) See No. 151. Before March 1795.—Aut. C. Haslinger, Vienna. Hoffmeister & Kühnel, Leipzig. Charles Nikl Noble de Niklsberg.
20 Septet. V. Va. Horn, Clar. Bassoon. C. Cbass. (E♭). Before April 2, 1800.—Aut. Mendelssohns, Berlin. Hoffmelster & Kühnel, Leipzig. In 2 parts in 1802. Empress Maria Theresa.
21 Grand Symphony (C). (The first.) Before April 2, 1800. Hoffmeister & Kühnel, Leipzig, end of 1801. Baron van Swieten.
22 Grand Sonata, PF. (B♭). Before end of 1800. Revised copy, Peters, Leipzig. Hoffmeister & Kühnel, Leipzig, 1802. Count von Browne.
23 Two Sonatas, PF. V. (A minor, F). First two movements of Sonata 1, composed in 1800. Mollo, Vienna, ann. Oct. 28, 1801. Count M. von Fries.
24 Sonata in F, PF. V. (Op. 23). Op. 24 was originally PF. score of Prometheus, now Op. 43. Aut. Imperial Lib. Vienna. Originally published as Op. 23. No. 2. but made Op. 24 before 1803. Idem.
25 Serenade Fl. V. Va. See Op. 41. . . . . . . Cappl, Vienna, Early in 1802.
26 Grand Sonata Clav. or PF. (A♭). . . . . . . Cappl, Vienna, ann. Mar. 3, 1802. Pr. C. Lichnowsky.
27 No. 1. Sonata quasi una Fantasia, Clav. or PF. (E♭). . . . . . . Cappl, Vienna, both ann. Mar 3, 1802. Princess J. Liechtenstein.
No 2. Sonata quasi una Fantasia, Clav. or PF. (C# minor.) ['Moonlight']. . . . . . . . . . . . . Countess Giulietta Giucciardi.
28 Grand Sonata, PF. (D). ['Pastoral']. 180l.—Aut. J. Kafka, Vienna. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrle, Vienna. Joseph Edlen von Sonnenfels.
29 Quintet, V. V. Va. Va. C. (C). 1801.—Aut. Mendelssohns, Berlin. Breitkopf & Härtel. Leipzig. Count M. v. Fries.
30 Three Sonatas, PF. V. (A, C minor, G.) 1802.—Aut. of No. 1, Müller of Meiningen. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrle, Vienna, ann. May 28, 1803. Alexander I, Emperor of Russia.

Op. Description. Composed. Original Publisher. Dedicated to
31 Three Sonatas, Clav. or PF. (G, D minor, E♭). Nos. 1 and 2, 1802. Nos. 1 and 2 in 'Repertoire des Clavecinistes'; No. 5, Nägeli, Zürich, early in 1803. Then (with B.'s corrections) 'Deux Sonates ... op. 31 ... Edition trés correcte,' N. Simrock, Bonn: and then as 'Deux Senates pour le Clavecin ou Pianoforte,' Cappi, Vienna. No. 3 in Nägeli's 'Repertoire.' No. 11, 1804. In 1805 as 'Trois Sonates p. Clavecin ou Pianoforte ... œuvre 29, Cappi, Vienna.
32 Song, 'An die Hoffnung,' Tiedge's 'Urania' {E♭). . . . . . . Kunst und Industrie Comptoir Vienna, ann. Sept. 18, 1805.
33 Seven Bagatelles, PF. (E♭, C, F, A, C, D, F minor). 1782–1802.—Aut. J. Kafka, Vienna. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, ann. May 28, 1803.
34 Six Variations on an original theme, PF. (F). Close of 1802. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, 1803. Princess Odeschalcht. née. Keglevics.
35 [15] Variations with a fugue, on theme from Prometheus, PF. (E♭). 1802.—Aut. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, 1803. Count M. Lichnowsky.
36 Symphony No. 2, Orch. (D). Close of 1802. First performance, April 5, 1803. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, Mar. 1804 (Parts) Score. Prince Carl Lichnowsky.
37 Grand Concerto, PF. and Orch. (C minor). 1800.—Aut. C. Haslinger, Vienna. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, Nov. 1804.
38 Trio, PF. Clar. V. or C. (E♭), arranged by author from Septet, Op. 20. 1802.—Aut. of V. part. Simrock. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie Vienna, Jan. 1803. Prof. J. A. Schmidt, with Preface
39 Two Preludes, through all 12 major keys, PF. or Organ. 1789.—Revised copy. Artaria in Vienna. Hoffmeister & Kühnel, Leipzig, close of 1803.
40 Romance, V. and Orch. (G.) 1803 Hoffmeister & Kühnel, Leipzig, 1803.
41 Serenade PF. F. or V. (D) from the Serenade, Op. 25; revised by composer. . . . . . . Hoffmeister & Kühnel, 1803.
42 Notturno, PF. Va. (D), arranged from the Serenade, Op. 8. . . . . . . Hoffmeister & Kühnel, Leipzig, 1804.
43 The men of Prometheus Ballet, Nos. 116. . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna, June 1801 (PF. arrangement only).
44 Fourteen Variations, PF. V. C. (E♭). 1792 or 1793. Hoffmeister & Kühnel, Leipzig, 1804.
45 Three Grand Marches, PF. 4 hands (C, E♭, D). . . . . . . Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, Mar. 1804. Princess Esterhazy, née Liechtenstein.
46 Adelaide, by Matthisson, Cantata, for Soprano with PF. (B♭). 1795(?). Artaria, Vienna, Feb. 1797. Matthisson.
47 Sonata ['Kreutzer'], PF. V. (A). 'Per il Pianoforte ed un Violino obligato, scritta in uno stilo molto concertante quasi come d'un Concerto.' Mar. 17, 1803. N. Simrock, Bonn, 1805. R. Kreutzer.
48 Six Songs by Gellert, for Soprano:—Bitten; Die Liebe des Nächsten; Vom Tode; Die Ehre Gottes; Gottes Macht; Busslied. . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna, 1803. Count Browne.
49 Two Easy Sonatas, PF. (G minor, G major). Not later than 1802. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, ann. Jan. 19, 1805.
50 Romance, V. and Orch. (F). Aut. F. Amerling, Vienna. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, May 1805.
51 Two Rondos, PF. (C, G). . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna. No. 1, 1797. No. 2, Sept. 1802. Countess Henrietta von Lichnowsky.
52 Eight Songs:—Urian's Reise (Claudius); Feuerfarb (Mereau); Das Liedchen v. d. Ruhe (Ueltzen); �Mailied (Goethe); Molly's Abschied (Bürger); Die Liebe (Lessing); Marmotte (Goethe); Das Blmchen Wunderhold (Bürger). Mostly very early. Kunst und Industrie Comptoir, Vienna. June 1805.
53 Grand Sonata ['Waldstein '], PF. (C). See No. 170. 1804.—Aut. J. Kafka, Vienna. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, May 1805. Count von Waldstein.
54 ['LIst'] Sonata, PF. (F). . . . . . . Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie Vienna Ap. 1806.
55 Sinfonia erolca, No. 3 (E♭). Aug. 1804.—Revised copy. J. Dessauer, Vienna. Contor delle Arti e d'Industria, Vienna, in Parts. Score. Prince von Lobkowitz.
56 Grand Concerto [Triple], PF. V. C. and Orch. (C). 1804. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna ann. July 1, 1807. Prince von Lobkowitz.
57 ['LIVth'] Sonata, PF. (F minor), so-called 'Appassionata.' 1804. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, ann. Feb. 18. 1807. Count Francis v. Brunswick.
58 Fourth Concerto, PF. and Orch. (G). 1805. Kunst und Industrie Comptoir, Vienna, Aug. 1808. Archduke Rudolph of Austria.
59 Three Quartets ['Rasoumoffsky'], V. V. Va. C. (F, E minor, C). (7th, 8th, & 9th.) Before Feb. 1807.—Aut. No. 1. Mendelssohns, Berlin. 'Begun May 26, 1806.' Aut. No.3. Thielenlus, Charlottenburg. No date. Schreyvogel & Co. Pesth, Jan. 1808. Count von Rasoumoffsky.
60 Fourth Symphony (B♭). 1806. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Pesth and Vienna. Mar. 1809. Count Oppersdorf.
61 Concerto. V. and Orch. (D). 1806. First played Dec. 23, 1806.—Aut. Imperial Library, Vienna. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna and Pesth, Mar. 1809. Stephan von Breuning.
Concerto, PF. and Orch., arranged by author from his First Concerto for Violin (D). April 1807. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna and Pesth, Aug. 1808. Madame von Breuning.
62 Overture to Coriolan. April 1807.—Aut. Herr Paterno, Vienna. Bureau des Arts, et d'Industrie, Vienna. Jan. 1808. M. [H. J.] de Collin.
63 Scena ed Aria. 'Ah, perfido!' Sopr. and Orch. Prague, 1796. Hoffmeister & Kühnel, Leipzig, 1805. Countess von Clary.
64 Twelve Variations on 'Ein Mädchen' (Zauberflöte), PF. C. (F). . . . . . . J. Traeg, Vienna, Sept. 1798.
67 Symphony, No. 5 (C minor). Begun 1805; first played Dec. 22, 1808.—Aut. Mendelssohns, Berlin. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, Ap. 1809. Prince von Lobkowitz and Count Rasoumoffsky.
Op. Description. Composed. Original Publisher. Dedicated to
68 Pastoral Symphony. No. 6 (F). Aut. Baron van Kattendyke, Arnheim. Breitkopf & Härtel. Leipzig, Ap. 1809. Prince Lobkowitz and Count Rasoumoffsky.
69 Grand Sonata, PF. C. (A). . . . . . . Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, Ap. 1809. 'My friend Baron von Gleichenstein.'
70 Two Trios. PF. V. C. (D, E♭). Close of 1808. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, 1809. Countess Marie von Erdody.
71 Sextet, Clr. Clar. Cor. Cor. Fag. Fag. (E♭) Early. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, Jan. 1810.
72 Fidelio, or Wedded Love. Begun 1803. Produced in 3 Acts. Nov. 20, 1805; Overture, 'No.2.'
Reduced to 2 Acts and reproduced Mar. 29, 1806; Overture, 'No. 3.' PF. Score, Breitkopf & Härtel. Leipzig, 1810
Much revised and again produced May 23. 1814. Overture in E first played at second performance. PF. Score, Artaria, Vienna, Aug. 1814. 'Leonore, Oper in 2 Akten v. L. van Beethoven; vollständlger Klavierauszug der 2ten Bearbeitung [1806] mit den Abweichungen der 1sten.' with preface by O. Jahn, Sept. 1851. (B. & H. Leipzig.) Archduke Rudolph.
Overture, 'No. 1.' composed for a proposed perframance in Prague, 1807, but not played. See Op. 138.
73 Concerto, PF. and Orch. (E♭), the Fifth 1809.—Aut. G. Haslinger, Vienna. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, May 1811. Archduke Rudolph.
74 Quartet ['Harfen'], V. V. Va. C.(E♭). (The 10th.) 1809.—Aut. Mendelssohns, Berlin. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, Dec. 1810. Prince Lobkowitz.
75 Six Songs, Sopr. and PF. 'Kennst du das Land,' 'Herz mein Herz,' and 'Es war einmal,' Goethe; 'Mit Liebesblick,' Halem; 'Einst wohnten' and 'Zwar schuf das Glück,' Reissig. No. 1, May 1810. No. 4, 1803.—Aut. of 5 & 6 Artaria, Vienna. No. 4 Appendix to Leipzig A. M. Z. Oct 1810. Nos. 5 & 6 In 'Deutsche Gedichte,' July 1810, Artaria, Vienna.
Op. 75, Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, Dec. 1810 Princess von Kinsky.
Op. 75 is also marked to an arrt. of Op. 16 as a string quartet. . . . . . . C Haslinger.
76 [6] Variations. PF. (D). See Op. 113. 1809(?) Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, Dec. 1810. 'To his friend Oliva.'
77 Fantaisie. PF. (G minor). 1808(?) Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, Dec. 1810. Count Francis von Brunswick.
78 Sonata, PF. (F#). Oct. 1809. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, Dec. 1810. Countess Thèrese von Brunswick.
79 Sonatina, PF. (G). Before Dec. 1808. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, Dec. 1810.
80 Fantasia, PF. Orch. Chorus. Words by Kuffuer. The theme of the variations is Beethoven's song 'Gegenliebe.' See No. 254. Performed Dec. 22, 1808. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, July 1811. Maximilian Joseph, King of Bavaria.
81a Sonata, PF. (E♭), 'Les Adieux, l'Absence, et le Retour.' May 4, 1809. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, July 1811. Archduke Rudolph.
81b Sextett V. V. Va. C. 2 Cors (E♭) . . . . . . N. Simrock, Bonn, 1810.
82 Four Ariettas and a duet, Sopr. and PF. Words by Metastasio. 1. 'Dimmi ben mio.' 2. 'T'intendo, si.' 3. 'Che fa, il mio bene' (buffa). 4. 'Che fa il mio bene' (seria). 5. 'Odi l'aura.' German words by Schreiber. No. 4, 1809.—Aut. No. 1, Artaria. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, May 1811.
83 Three Songs by Goethe. Sopr. and PF. 1. 'Trocknetnicht.' 2. 'Was zieht mir.' 3. 'Kleine Blumen.' 1810. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, Nov. 1811. Princess von Kinsky.
84 Music to Goethe's Egmont. Overture. 1. Song. 'Die Trommel.' 2. Entracte I. 3. Entracte II. 4. Song, 'Freudvoll und leidvoll.' 5. Entracte III. 6. Entracte IV. 7. Clara's death. 8. Melodrama. 9. Battle Symphony. 1810.—Aut. of Overture. F. Hauser, Munich. Do. of No. 8, Frl. Kistner, Leipzig. First performance, May 24, 1810. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig; Overture, Feb. 1811. Other movements, April 1812.
85 Christus am Oelberge, 'Mount of Olives,' S. T. B. Chorus. Orch. 1800. First performance April 5, 1803, Vienna. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, Oct. 1811.
86 Mass, S. A. T. B. Chorus, Orch. (C) 1807. First performance, Sept. 8. 1807, Eisenstadt. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, Nov. 1812. Pr. Nicholas Esterhazy de Galantha.
87 Grand Trio for V. V. Va. (C) taken, with Beethoven's approbation, from a MS. Trio for 2 Oboes and Engl. horn. 1794(?).—Aut. of original, Artaria. Artaria, Vienna, April 1806 (for V.V. Va.) The original by Breitkopfs in the complete edition.
88 Song, 'Das Glück der Freundschaft,' S. and PF. (A). . . . . . . Löschenkohl, Vienna, 1803. Hoffmeister & Kühnel. with Italian text added, April 1804.
89 Polonaise. PF. (C). 1814(?). P. Mechetti. Vienna, Mar. 1815 (without Opus number). Empress of Russia.
90 Sonata. PF. (E minor). Aug. 16, 1814. Steiner, Vienna, June 1815. Count Moritz von Lichnowsky.
91 Wellington's Victory, or the Battle of Vittoria, Orch. Battle fought June 21, 1813. News reached Vienna, July 27, 1813. First performance, Dec. 8, 1813. Steiner, Vienna, Mar. 1818. Prince Regent of England
92 Seventh Grand Symphony, Orch. (A). May 13, 1812.—Aut. Mendelssohns, Berlin. First performance Dec. 8, 1813. Steiner. Vienna. Score, Dec. 21, 1816. Two-hand arrangement corrected by Beethoven. Count von Fries. Empress of Russia.
93 Eighth Grand Symphony, Orch. (F). Linz. Oct. 1812.—Aut. C. Haslinger, Vienna. First performance, Feb. 27, 1814. Steiner, Vienna. Score, 1816. Two-hand arrangement corrected by Beethoven.
94 Song, 'An die Hoflhung,' by Tiedge, S. and PF. 1816(?). Steiner, Vienna, Ap. 1818. Princess Kinsky.
95 Quartet, V. V. Va. C. (F minor). (The 11th.) Oct. 1810.—Aut. Hofbibliothek, Vienna. Steiner. Vienna, Dec. 1816, Parts. 'His friend N. Zmeskal von Domauovetz.'
96 Sonata. PF. V. (G). 1812. First performance Jan. 1813. by Archduke Rudolf and Rode Steiner, Vienna. July 1816, Parts.
Op. Description. Composed. Original Publisher. Dedicated to
97 Trio, PF. V. C. (B♭). 1811, Mar. 3–26.—Aut. Mendelssohns, Berlin Steiner, Vienna, 1816, Parts.
98 Six Songs, 'An die ferne (aut. entfernte) Geliebte. Liederkreis,' by A. Jeitteles. April 1816. Steiner, Vienna, Dec. 1816. Prince Joseph von Lobkowitz.
99 Song, 'Der Mann von Wort,' by Kleinschmid (G). Aut. Gurckhaus, Leipzig. Steiner, Vienna, Nov. 1818.
100 Duet, 'Merkenstein near Baden,' by J. B. Rupprecht. (F) Dec. 22, 1814 (?) Steiner, Vienna, Sept. 1816. Count von Dietrichstein (Dedn. by Rupprecht).
101 Sonata, PF. (Hammer-klavier) (A). First performance Feb. 18, 1816. Steiner, Vienna, Feb. 1817. Baroness Dorothea Ertmann.
102 Two Sonatas, PF. C. (C, D). July and Aug. 1815.—Aut. {'Freie Sonata '), 0. Jahn, Bonn. Simrock, Bonn and Cologne, 1817. Artaria, Vienna, Jan. 1819. No dedication. Countess von Erdödy.
103 Octet, 2 Ob. 2 Clars. 2 Cors. 2 Fag. (E♭). The original of Op. 4. Aut. Artaria. Artaria, Vienna, 1884.
104 Quintet, V. V. Va. Va. C (C minor), arranged by Beethoven from op. 1, no. 3. Aug. 14, 1817.—Aut. Artaria. Artaria. Vienna, Feb. 1819, Parts.
105 Six very easy themes varied, PF. F. or V. 1818, 1819. Artaria, Vienna, Sept. 1819.
106 Grand Sonata, PF. (Hammer-Klavier) (B♭). 1818. Artaria, Vienna, Sept. 1819. Archduke Rudolph.
107 Ten [national] themes with variations, PF. F. or V. 1818–20. N. Simrock, Bonn and Cologne, 1820.
108 Twenty-five Scotch Songs, 2 Voices and small chorus, PF. V. C. May 1815(?). Schlesinger, Berlin. Pr. Radzivil.
109 Sonata, PF. (E). 1820(?).—Aut. Schlesinger, Baden-Baden. Schlesinger, Berlin, Nov. 1821. Frl. Maximiliana Brentano.
110 Sonata. PF. (Hammerklavier). (A♭). Dec. 25, 1821.—Aut. Artaria, Vienna. Schlesinger, Berlin and Paris, Aug. 1822.
111 Sonata, PF. (C minor); the last sonata. Jan. 13, 1822.—Aut. Artaria, Vienna Schlesinger, Berlin and Paris, April 1813. Archduke Rudolf (ded. by publishers).
112 Calm sea and prosperous voyage. S.A.T.B. and Orch. Goethe's words. 1815.—Revised copy, C. Haslinger, Vienna. Steiner & Co. Vienna, Feb. 28, 1823. Goethe.
113 The Ruins of Athens. Kotzebue's words. Chorus and Orch. Overture and 8 numbers. For No. 4, see op. 76. 1811. Produced Feb. 9, 1812.—Aut. of Overture and Nos. 3, 6, 8, and corrected copy of No.7, C.Haslinger. Aut. No. 2, Artaria. Artaria, Vienna. 1846. King of Prussia.
114 March and Chorus (E♭) from 'Ruins of Athens,' for the Dedication of the Josephstadt Theatre, Vienna. . . . . . . Steiner & Co. Vienna, 1824.
115 Grand Overture in C, composed (gedichtet) for grand Orchestra; sometimes called 'Namesfeier.' 'Am ersten Weinmonath (October) 1814.' Produced Dec. 25, 1815. Steiner & Co. Vienna, 1825. Prince Radzivil.
116 Terzetto, 'Tremate,' S.T.B. (B♭). 1802. Steiner & Co. Vienna, 1826.
117 King Stephen, Grand Overture (E♭) and 9 numbers. 1811, for performance with Op. 113 on Feb. 9, 1812. T. Haslinger, Vienna, 1815, Overture, Score alone. The other numbers in Breitkopf 's general edition.
118 Elegiac Song. S. A. T. B. and Strings (E). In memory of Eleonora Pasqualati, died Aug. 23, 1811. 'Summer 1814.'—Aut. C. Haslinger, Vienna. T. Haslinger, Vienna, July 1826. 'His friend' Baron Pasqualati.
119 New Bagatelles, easy and agreeable, PF. (G minor, G, D, A, C minor, G, G, C, C, A minor, A, B♭, G). Nov. 1–6, 1822. Nos. 7–11 in Starke's Vienna PF. School, 1821. Nos.l–ll. Schlesinger, Paris, end of 1823. No. 12 Diabelli & Co. Vienna, 1828 or later.
120 33 Variations on a Waltz (by Diabelli) (C), composed for a collection called 'Vaterlndischer Knstlerverein.' 1823(?).—Aut. C. A. Spina, Vienna. Cappi & Diabelli, Vienna, June 1823. Mad. Antonia von Brentano.
121a Adagio, Variations, and Rondo, PF. V. C. (G). . . . . . . Steiner & Co. Vienna May 7, 1824.
121b Opferlied, by Matthisson, Sopr. with Chorus and Orch. 1822(?). The original version 1802. Produced Ap. 4, 1824.—Aut. PF. score, G. Petter, Vienna. Schott & Sons, Mainz, 1825.
122 Bundeslied, by Goethe (B♭), S. A. Chorus and Wind. 1823.—Aut. PF. score, G. Petter, Vienna. Schott & Sons, Mainz, 1825.
123 Mass in D, 'Messe Solennelle.' 1823.—Aut. Kyrie, Imp. Library, Berlin; the rest, Artaria, Vienna. A revised MS. (M. Solennis) in the Musikgesellschaft Library, Vienna. Schott & Sons, Mainz, April, 1827. Archduke Rudolph.
124 Overture In C, called 'Weihe des Hauses.' Written for opening of Josephstadt Theatre, Vienna. End Sept. 1822.—Aut. Artaria, Vienna. Schott & Sons, 1826. Prince N. Galitzin.
125 Symphony, No. 9 (D minor), Grand Orch. S. A. T. B. and Chorus. 1823.—Aut. of first three movements in Imp. Library, Berlin. Portions of Finale, Artaria, Vienna. Schott & Sons, 1826. King of Prussia.
126 Six Bagatelles, PF. (G, G minor, E♭, B minor, G, E♭, E♭). Early in 1823.—Aut. Ritter von Pfusterschmid, Vienna. Schott & Sons, Mainz, 1825.
127 Quartet. V. V. Va. C. (The 12th) (E♭). 1824.—Aut. first movement, Mendeissohns, Berlin; second do. Artaria, Vienna. Schott & Sons, Mainz, Mar. 1826, Parts. Prince N. Galitzin.
128 Arietta. The Kiss,' by Weisse. End of 1822.—Aut. formerly Ascher, Vienna. Schott & Sons, Mainz, early 1825.
129 Rondo a capriccio, PF. (G.), 'Fury over a lost groschen, vented in a caprice.' . . . . . . A. Diabelli & Co. Vienna, 1828.
Op. Description. Composed. Original Publisher. Dedicated to
130 Quartet. VV. Va. C. (B♭). (The 13th.) 1825 and (finale) Nov. 1826.—Aut. First movement Mendelssohns, Berlin; second do. F. Gross; third do. J. Hellmesberger; Cavatina, Artaria; Finale Ascherall in Vienna. Produced with op. 133 as finale, Mar. 21. 1826. Artaria. Vienna. May 7. 1827. Prince N. Galitzin.
131 Quartet, V. V. Va. C. (C♯ minor). 'Fourth Quartet.' (The 14th.) Oct. 1826.—Aut. First movement, Mendelssohns, Berlin. Revised MS. Schotts. Mainz. Schott & Sons, Mainz, Ap. 1827. Baron von Stutterheim.
132 Quartet. V. V. Va. C. (A minor), 'Second Quartet.' (The 15th.) 1825. Produced Nov. 6, 1825.—Aut. Mendelssohns, Berlin. Schlesinger, Berlin, Sept. 1827. Prince N. Galitzin.
133 Grand Fugue. V. V. Va. C. (B♭) 'Tantôt libre. tantôt recherchée.' Originally the Finale to Op. 130. Aut. ('Ouvertura'), Artaria, Vienna. M. Artaria, Vienna, May 10. 1827. Archduke Rudolph.
134 Grand Fugue (Op. 133), arranged by the Author for PF. 4 hands. . . . . . . M. Artaria, Vienna, May 10, 1827. Archduke Rudolph.
135 Quartet, V. V. Va. C. (F.)—(the last.) Gneixendorf, Oct. 30, 1826.—Aut. of second and fourth movements formerly with Ascher, Vienna. Aut. of the parts, Schlesinger, Baden-Baden. Schlesinger. Berlin. Sept. 1827. 'His friend Johann Wolfmayer.'
136 Der glorreiche Augenblick ('the glorious moment'}, Cantata, S. A. T. B. Chorus and Orch; words by A. Weissenbach. 6 numbers. Sept. 1814. Produced Nov. 29, 1814.—Aut. C. Haslinger, Vienna. T. Haslinger, Vienna, 1896. The Sovereigns of Austria, Russia and Prussia.
Also as Preis der Tonkunst ('Praise of Music') by F. Rochlitz. . . . . . . T. Haslinger, Vienna, 1836.
137 Fugue, V. V. Va. C. (D). Composed for a collection of B.'s works projected by Haslinger, now in the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, Vienna. Nov. 2, 1827. T. Haslinger, Vienna. 1827.
138 Overture, Orch. (C), known as 'Leonora, no. 1,' but really Leonora, no. 3. See Op. 72. 1807(?). Revised MS. score. C. Haslinger, Vienna. T. Haslinger, Vienna, 1898. Score.



139 12 Minuets, D, B♭, G, E♭, C, A, D, B♭, G, E♭, C, F. Before Nov. 22, 1795.—Rev MS. Parts, Artaria, Vienna PF. arrangement, Artaria & Co. Dec. 1795. Score, B. & H. edition.
140 12 Deutsche Tnze, C, A, F, B♭, E♭, G, C, A, F, D, G, C. Before Nov. 22, 1795. PF. arrangement, Artaria & Co. Dec. 1795. Score, B & H. edition.
141 12 Contretnze, C, A, D, B♭, E♭, C, E♭, C, A, C, G, E♭. N.B. No. 7 is the dance used in the Finale of Prometheus, the Eroica, etc. No. 11 also used in Finale of Prometheus. Nos. 2, 9, 10, 1802. Nos. 8, 7, 10, 4, 9, 1, for PF. only. Mollo & Co. Vienna. April 1802. Early in 1803. Orch. Parts of the 12. Score. B & H. edition.
142 Minuet of congratulation (E♭), for Hensler, Director of New Josephstadt Theatre. Nov, 1822.[1] Artaria, Parts 1835. Score, B. & H. edition.
143 Triumphal March, for Kuffner's 'Tarpeia' or 'Hersilla' (C). Before Mar. 26, 1813. Revised Parts, C. Haslinger, Vienna. For PF. in 'Die musik, Biene' Pt. 5, No. 9, Vienna 1819. In Score after 1827, T. Haslinger, Vienna.
144 Military March (D). Before June 4, 1816. For PF. Cappi & Czerny, Vienna. Ap. 1827. In Breitkopf's complete ed.
145 Military March (F), (Zapfenstreich). For the Carrousel on Aug. 25, 1810. 1809. Schlesinger. Berlin, 1822.
146 Rondino (E♭), 2 Ob. 2 Clar. 2 Cors. 2 Fags. Very early.—Aut. C. A. Spina, Vienna.
147 3 Duos, Clar. and Fag. (C, F, B♭). . . . . . . Lefort, Paris, 1815 (?).
148 Allegro con Brio. V. Orch.(C). Fragment of 1st movement of a V. Concerto. Completed by Jos. Hellmesberger. 1800?—Aut. Library of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, Vienna. F. Schreiber, Vienna. 1879. Score. Dr. G. von Breuning.
149 Muslk zu einem Ritterballet. 1791(?) Rieter-Biedermann, Leipzig, 1872. Arranged for Piano by F. Dulcken.


150 Sonatina for the Mandoline and Cembalo (C minor). Aut. British Museum Add. MSS. 29,801. 'Dictionary of Music and Musicians' (Macmillans, London), under 'Mandoline.' Also by Ricordi.
151 Rondo, PF. and Orch. (B♭). Probably finished by Czerny. Perhaps intended for op. 19. Aut. Dlabelli. A. Diabelli & Co., Vienna. June 1829.
152 3 Quartets. PF. V. Va. C. (E♭, D, C). N.B. Adagio of No. 8 is employed in Op. 2, No. 1. 1785.—Aut. Artaria. Artaria, Vienna, 1832.
153 Trio, PF. V. C. (E♭). 1785(?)—Aut. Wegeler. Dunst, Frankfort, 1830.
154 Trio in one movement, PF. V. C. (B♭). June 2, 1812.—Aut. Brentanos at Frankfort. Dunst, Frankfort, 1830.
155 Rondo. Allegro, PF. and V. (G). Probably sent to Eleonora von Breuning in 1794. Simrock, Bonn, 1808.
156 12 Variations on 'Si vuol ballare.' PF. and V. (F). . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna. July 1793. Eleonora von Breuning.
No. Description. Composed. Original Publisher. Dedicated to
157 12 Variations on 'See, the conquering hero,' PF. and C. (G). Aut. in Gesellschaft d.M.F. Library, Vienna. Artaria, Vienna, 1797. Princess Lichnowsky.
158 7 Variations on 'Bei Männern,' PF. and C. (E♭). Jan. 1, 1802.—Aut. F. Amerling, Vienna. Mollo, Vienna, ann. Ap. 3, 1892. Count von Browne.
159 Variations on a theme by Count Waldstein, PF. 4 hands (C). . . . . . . Simrock, Bonn, 1794.
160 Air with [6] Variations on Goethe's 'Ich denke dein,' PF. 4 hands (D). 1800. Kunst und Industrie Comptoir, Vienna, Jan. 1805. Countess Josephine Deym and Countess Theresa Brunswick.
161 3 Sonatas, PF. (E♭ F minor, D). 'These Sonatas and the Dressler Variations my first work,' L. v. B. Bossler, Spire, 1783. Elector Maximilian Frederic of Cologne.
162 Sonata [called Easy], PF. (C), two movements only, the second completed by F. Ries. . . . . . . Dunst, Frankfort, 1880. Eleonora von Breunlng.
163 2 Sonatinas, PF. (G, F). Not certainly Beethoven's . . . . . . J. A. Böhme, Hamburg, after 1827.
164 Rondo, Allegretto, PF. (A). . . . . . . Bossler, Spire, 1784.
165 Minuet, PF.(E♭). 1783(?). Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, Jan. 1805.
166 Prelude, PF. (F minor). 1785(?). Do. Jan. 1805.
167 6 Minuets, PF. (C, G, E♭, B♭, D, C). Perhaps written for Orch. . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna, March 1796.
168 7 Ländler dances (all in D). . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna, 1799.
169 6 Ländler dances (all in D but No. 4 in D minor), also for VV. and C. 1802. Artaria, Vienna, Sept. 1802.
170 Andante [favori] PF. (F), said to have been intended for Op. 53. 1804(?) Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, May 1806.
171 6 Allemandes, PF. and V. No. 6, in G, for PF. . . . . . . L. Malsch Vienna July 1814.
172 Ziemlich lebhaft, PF. (C minor). Aug. 14, 1818, written by request. Berlin Musikzeitung, Dec. 8, 1824.
173 Bagatelle, PF. (A minor), 'Für Elise am 27 April zur Erinnerung von L. v. Bthvn.' Aut. in the papers of Frau Therese von Drossdick geb. Mallatte. In Nohl's 'Neue Briefe Beethovens,' 1867, p. 28.
174 Andante maestoso (C), arranged from the sketch for a Quintet and called 'Beethovens letzter musikalische Gedanke.' Nov. 1826(?) A. Diabelli, Vienna, 1840.
175 10 Cadences to Beethoven's PF. Concertos in C, B♭, C minor, G and D (arrt. of Violin Concerto, see Op. 61). Also 2 to Mozart's PF. Concerto in D minor. Auts. of 10. Breitkopf & Härtel. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, Compl. Edition. No 11 had appeared in the Vienna 'Zeitschrift für Kunst' Jan. 23, 1836.
176 [9] Variations and a March by Dressler, Harpsichord (Clavecin), (C minor). 1780(?) said by B. to be his first work, with the Sonatas, No. 161. Götz, Mannheim, early in 1783. Countess Wolf-Metternich.
177 24 Variations on Rghini's air 'Vieni (sic. I. e. 'Venni') amore,' Harpsichord (Clavecin) (D). 1790. Traeg, Vienna, 1801.
178 [13] Variations on Dittersdorfs air 'Es war einmal,' PF. (A). 1792(?). Simrock, Bonn, early 1794.
179 [9]Variatlons on Paisiello's air 'Quant' è più bello,' PF. (A). 1795. Traeg, Vienna. Dec. 1795. Prince C. von Lichnowsky.
180 [6] Variations on Paisiello's duet 'Nel cor più,' PF. (G). 1795(?) 'Perdute per la—ritrovate par L. v. B.' Traeg, Vienna, March 1796.
181 12 Variations on minuet [a la Viganò] from Haibel's ballet 'Le nozze disturbate,' PF. (C). 1795(?) Artaria, Vienna, Feb. 1796.
182 12 Variations on the Russian dance from Paul Wranizky's 'Waldmädchen,' for Clavecin or Pianoforte. 1796 or 7. Artaria, Vienna, Apr. 1797. Countess von Browne.
183 6 easy Variations on a Swiss air, Harpsichord or Harp (F). Revised copy, Simrock of Bonn. Simrock, Bonn, 1798.
184 8 Variations on Grétry's air 'Une fièvre brûlante,' PF. . . . . . . Traeg, Vienna, Nov. 1798.
185 10 Variations on Salieri's air 'La Stessa, la Stessissima,' Clavecin or PF. 1799. Artaria, Vienna, Mar. 1799. Countess Babette de Keglevics.
186 7 Variations on Winter's quartet 'Kind willst du,' PF. (F). . . . . . . Mollo, Vienna, Dec. 1799.
187 8 Variations on Süssmayr's trio 'Tändeln und scherzen,' PF. (F). 1799. F. A. Hoffmeister. Dec. 1799. Countess von Browne.
188 6 very easy Variations on an original theme, PF. (G). 1800(?) Traeg, Vienna. Dec. 1801.
189 [7] Variations on 'God save the King,' PF. (C). . . . . . . Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, March 1804.
190 [5] Variations on 'Rule Britannia,' PF. (D). . . . . . . Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, June 1804.
191 32 Variations, PF. (C minor). 1806(?) Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie, Vienna, April 1807.
192 [8] Variations on 'Ich hab' ein kleines Hüttchen nur,' PF. (B♭). 1794(?) Dunst, Frankfort, 1831.


193 Bass Solo, Chorus, Orch. 'Germania!' Finale for Treitschke's Singspiel 'Gute Nachricht.' First performance April 11, 1814. Hoftheater Musik-Verlage, Vienna, June 1814, PF. arrangement.
194 Bass solo, Chorus, Orch. 'Es ist vollbracht.' Finale to Treitschke's Singspiel ' Die Ehrenpforten.' First performance July 15, 1815. Sterner, Vienna, July 24, 1815, PF. arrangement.
195 'Miserere' and 'Amplius.' Dirge at B.'s funeral . Chorus of 4 eq. voices and 4 trombones. Adapted by Seyfried from two of 3 MS. Equali for trombones, written at Linz, Nov. 2, 1812. Nov. 2, 1812.—Aut. Haslinger. Haslinger, Vienna, June 1827.
No. Description. Composed. Original Publisher. Dedicated to
196 Cantata on the death of the Emperor Joseph II. (Feb. 20. 1790). 'Todt! Todt! stöhnt es aus,' for Solos, Chorus and Orchestra (C minor). Bonn 1791. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, 1887. PF. score.
Another Cantata (Sept. 30, 1790}, 'Er schlummert,' on the accession of Leopold II. is in the press (1887).
197 Song of the monks from Schiller's William Tell—'Rasch tritt der Tod.' 'In recollection of the sudden and unexpected death of our Krumpholz. May 3, 1817.' T.T.B. (C minor). May 3, 1817.—Aut. formerly A. Fuchs. 'Neue Zeitschrift der Musik,' June 1839
198 Chorus, 'O Hoffnung' (4 bars); for the Archduke Rudolph (G.) 'Spring 1818.' In Steiner's 'Musikalisches Museum,' 1819, Part 7. See also Nohl's 'Neue Briefe Beethovens,' 1867, p. 168.
199 Cantata, S. A, B. and PF. (E♭). 'Evening of April 12, 1823.' for the birthday of Prince Lobkowitz.—Aut. Ottokar Zeithamer, Prague. Nohl's 'Neue Briefe Beethovens,' 1867, p. 221.
200 Cantata, 'Graf, Graf lieber Graf.' Voices and PF. (E♭) to Count Moritz Lichnowsky. . . . . . . Nohl's 'Briefe Beethovens,' 1865, p. 107.
201 Cantata, 'Seiner kaiserlicher Hohelt' (C). To the Archduke Rudolph. Jan. 12, 1820.—Aut. in the Library of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, Vienna. Nohl's 'Briefe Beethovens.' 1865, p. 203.
202 Cantata (4 bars), on the arrival of Herr Schlesinger of Berlin—'Glaube und hoffe' (B♭). Comp. No. 22. Sept. 21, 1819. Marx, 'Beethoven,' vol. ii.
203 Melodram for speaking voice and Harmonica, 'Du dem sie gewunden,' written for Duncker's 'Leonora Probaska' (D). 1814.—Aut. Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, Vienna. 'Dictionary of Music and Musicians' (Macmillans, London), under 'Harmonica.'
204 Canon[2] a 3 to Heltzen's 'Im Arm der Liebe,' comp. op. 52, no. 3. 1795(?) Breitkopf's general edition no. 296.
205 Canon[2] a 4, ' Ta, ta, ta, lieber Mälzel.' (B♭). Spring of 1812.[3] Hirschbach's ' Musikalisch-kritisches Repertorium,' 1844.
206 Canon[2] a 3 to Schiller's[4] 'Kurz ist der Schmerz' (F minor), for Herr Naue.' Vienna, Nov. 23, 1813. Neue Zeitschrift für Musik.
207 Canon[2] a 3 'Kurz ist der Schmerz' (F), for Spohr. Vienna, March 3, 1816. Spohr's Selbstbiographie, 1860, vol. ii.
208 Canon (Räthsel Canon) to Herder's 'Lerne Schweigen o Freund' (F), for Neate, Jan. 16. 1816. End of 1815(?) Vienna, Allgemeine Musik. Zeitung, March 6, 1817.
209 Canon[2] a 3 'Rede, rede, rede,' for Neate. Vienna, Jan. 24, 1816.—Aut. of 208 and 209 in Neate's album. Breitkopf's general Edition, no. 256.
210 Canon[2] a 3. 'Glück, Glück, zum neuen Jahr' (F), for Countess Erddy, comp. no. 220. Vienna, Deo. 31, 1819. Breitkopf's general Edition.
211 Canon[2] a 4, 'Alles Gute! Alles Schöne!' (C), for the Archduke Rudolph. Jan. 1, 1820.—Aut. Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, Vienna. Breitkopf & Härtel's general Edition, no. 256.
212 Canon[2] a 2, 'Höffmann! Höffmann![5] sei ja kein Hofmann' (C). 1820 (?) Cäcilia. April 1825.
213 Canon 3 in 1, 'O Tobias!' (D minor). for Tobias Haslinger. Baden, Sept. 10. 1821. Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung (Leipzig), 1863, p. 727.
214 Canon[2] a 6, to Goethe's 'Edel sei der Mensch' (E). 1823(?) Vienna Zeitschrift für Kunst etc. June 21, 1823.
215 Canon 4 in 1, 'Schwenke dich ohne Schwänke,' for Schwenke of Hamburg. Vienna, Nov. 17, 1824. Cäcilia, April 1825.
216 Canon[2] a 3, 'Kühl, nicht lau' (B♭), referring to Fr. Kuhlau. Baden, Sept. 3. 1825. Seyfried, L v. Beethoven's Studien, 1832; Anhang, p. 25.
217 Canon[2] a 3, 'Signor Abate!' (G minor), on Abbé Stadler. . . . . . . Breitkopf s general Edition, no. 256.
218 Canon[2] a 3, 'Ewig dein' (C), perhaps for Baron Pasqualati. Aut. J. Street, Esq., London. Allgemeine Musik Zeitung, 1863, p.856.
219 Canon 3 in 1, 'Ich bitt' dich,' on the scale of E♭, for Hauschka. . . . . . . Breitkopf s general Edition, no. 256. Dedicate al signore Illustrissimo Hauschka dal suo servo L. v. B.
220 Canon (free) 4 in 1 to Goethe's 'Glück zum neuen Jahr,' (E b). Comp. no. 210. . . . . . . In 'Lieder von Göthe und Matthisson' etc., J. Riedl's Kunsthandlung, Vienna and Pesth, May 1816.
221 Canon (Räthsel canon) 'Si non per portas' (F), to M. Schlesinger. Vienna, Sept. 26, 1825. Appendix to Marx's 'Beethoven,' 1859.
222 Canon in 8va (A), Souvenir pour Monsieur S. de M. Boyer par Louis van Beethoven.' Baden, Aug. 3, 1825.—Aut. O. A. Schulz, Leipzig. Nohl's 'Neue Briefe Beethovens,' 1867. p. 274.
223 25 Irish Songs, for Voices with PF. V. C.:—1. 'The Return to Ulster' (F minor). 2. 'Sweet power of song' a 2 (D). 3. 'Once more I had thee' (F). 4. 'The morning air' (G minor). 5. The Massacre of Glencoe ' (A minor). 6. 'What shall I do ' a 2 (D). 7. 'His boat comes on the sunny tide' (D). 8. 'Come, draw we round' (D minor). 9. 'The soldier's dream' (E♭). 10. 'The . . . . . . Contained in a select collection of original Irish airs for the Voice, united to characteristic English poetry written for this work; with symphonies and accompaniments for the Pianoforte, Violin, and Violoncello, composed by Beethoven. By George Thomson, Edinburgh, vol. 1. 1814.
No. Description. Composed. Original Publisher. Dedicated to
Deserter' (F). 11. 'Thou emblem of faith' (C minor). 12. 'English Bulls' (D). 13. 'Musing on the roaring ocean' (C). 14. 'Dermot and Shelah' (G). 15. 'Let brain-spinning swains' (A). 16. 'Hide not thine anguish ' (D). 17. 'In vain to this desert,' a 2 (D). 18. 'They bid me slight,' a 2 (D minor). 19. 'Wife, children, and friends' a 2 (A minor). 20. 'Farewell bliss' a 2 (D minor). 21. 'Morning a cruel turmoiler is' (D). 22. 'Garryone' (D); comp. no. 212, no. 7. 23. 'The wandering gypsy' (F). 24. 'Shall a son of O' Donnel' (F). 25. 'O harp of Erin' (E♭); comp. no. 212, no. 2.
224 20 Irish Songs:—1. 'When eve's last rays,' a 2. 2. 'No riches from his scanty store.' 3. 'The British light dragoons.' 4. 'Since greybeards inform us.' 5. 'I dreamed I lay,' a 2. 6. 'Sad and luckless.' 7. 'O soothe me, my lyre.' 8. 'Norah of Balmagairy.' 9. 'The kiss, dear maid.' 10. 'The hapless soldier,' a 2. 11. 'When far from the home.' 12. ' I'll praise the saints.' 13. 'Sunshine.' 14. 'Paddy O'Rafferty.' 15. "'Tis but in vain.' 16. 'O might I but my Patrick love!' 17. 'Come, Darby dear, easy.' 18. 'No more, my Mary.' 19. 'Judy, lovely, matchless creature.' 20. 'Thy ship must sail.' May(?) 1815.—Aut. of Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 18, 20. Artaria, Vienna. Nos. 1 to 4 in vol. i. (1814) of foregoing publication; nos. 5 to 20 in vol. ii. (1816).
225 12 Irish Songs:—1. 'The Elfin Fairies.' 2. 'O harp of Erin'; comp. no. 210, 25. 3. 'The farewell song.' 4. 'S. Patrick's day.' 5. 'O who, my dear Dermot.' 6. 'Put round the bright wine.' 7. 'Garryone'; comp. no. 210, 22. 8. 'Nora Creina.' 9. 'O would I were but that sweet linnet!' a 2. 10. 'The hero may perish,' a 2. 11. 'The soldier in a foreign land.' a 2. 12. 'He promised me at parting,' a 2. . . . . . . Nos. 2 and 7 in vol. i. of above (1814), nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 in vol. ii. of the same.
226 26 Welsh Songs:—1. 'Sion the son of Evan,' a 2. 2. 'The monks of Bangor's march,' a 2. 3. 'The cottage maid.' 4. 'Love without hope.' 5. 'The golden robe.' 6. 'The fair maids of Mona.' 7. 'O let the night my blushes hide.' 8. 'Farewell, farewell, thou noisy town.' 9. 'The Æolian harp.' 10. 'Ned Pugh's farewell.' 11. 'Merch Megan.' 12. 'Waken lords and ladies gay.' 13. 'Helpless woman,' 14. 'The dream,' a 2. 15. 'When mortals all.' 16. 'The damsels of Cardigan.' 17. 'The dairyhouse.' 18. 'Sweet Richard.' 19. 'The Vale of Clwydd.' 20. 'To the blackbird.' 21. 'Cupid's kindness.' 22. 'Constancy,' a 2. 23. 'The old strain.' 24. 'Three hundred pounds.' 25. 'The parting kiss.' 26. 'Good night.'
227 12 Scottish songs:—1. 'The banner of Buccleuch,' S. T. B. 2. 'Duncan Gray,' S. T. B. 3. 'Up, quit thy bower,' S. S. B. 4. 'Ye shepherds of this pleasant vale,' S. T. B. 5. 'Cease your funning.'[6] 6. 'Highland Harry.' 7. 'Polly Stewart.' 8. 'Womankind,' S. T. B. 9. 'Lochnagar.' S. T. B. 10. 'Glencoe,' S. T. B. 11. 'Auld Lang Syne,' S. T. B. 12. 'The Quaker's wife,' S. T. B. Aut. No. 6, Artaria, Vienna. No. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 published in vol. vi. of above collection, 1841.
228 12 Songs of various nationality, for Voice, PF. V. C.:—1.'God save the king,' Solo and Chorus. 2. 'The Soldier' (The Minstrel Boy). 3. 'Charlie is my darling,' S. S. B. 4. 'O sanctissima!' (Sicilian Mariner's Hymn), S. S. B. 5. 'The Miller of the Dee,' S. T. B. 6. 'A health to the brave,' a 2. 7. 'Robin Adair,' S. T. B. 8. 'By the side of the Shannon.' 9. 'Highland Harry,' Solo and Chorus. 10. 'Johnny Cope.' 11. 'The Wandering Minstrel,' Solo and Chorus. 12. 'La gondoletta.' Nos. 2, 6, 7, 8, 11. May 1815. Nos. 2, 6, 8, 11, published by Thomson, Edinburgh, 1816; nos. 3 and 5 by him. 1831.
No. Description. Composed. Original Publisher. Dedicated to
229 Song. 'Schilderung eines Mädchens.' 1781(?) Bossler of Spire, in 'Blumenlese für Klavierliebhaber, '1783'—'von Herrn Ludwig van Beethoven, alt ellf Jahren.'
230 Song to Wirth's 'An einen Säugling.' . . . . . . Bossler of Spire, in 'Neue Blumenlese für Clavierliebhaber,' 1784.
231 Song. 'Farewell to Vienna's citizens,' to Friedelberg's words. Solo. Nov. 15, 1796. Artaria & Co. Vienna, Nov. 19, 1796. Obristwacht-meister von Kövesdy.
232 War Song of the Austrians, to Friedelberg's words. Solo and Chorus, with PF. . . . . . . Artaria & Co. Vienna, April 14, 1797.
233 Song to Pfeffel's 'Der freie Mann.' 1795(?)—Aut. Artaria, Vienna. Simrock, Bonn, with another text by Wegeler—'Maurerfragen.' In 1808 with original text and with op. 75, no. 2, and Opferlied.' no. 221.
234 Opferlied, to Matthisson's 'Die Flamme lodert,' comp. op. 121 b. 1795(?) See no. 220.
235 Song. 'Zärtliche Liebe' to Herrosen's 'Ich liebe dich' Voice and PF. (G.) N.B. begins with second stanza. Aut. Dr. Schneider, Vienna. Traeg, Vienna, June 1803. 'II Lieder, no. 1 ... von Ludwig van Beethoven.'
236 Song. 'La Partenza,' to Metastasio's 'Ecco quel fiero istante' (A). Revised copy. C. A. Spina, Vienna. Traeg, Vienna, June 1803. 'II Lieder, no. 2 etc.' See no. 222.
237 Song. 'Der Wachtelschlag' (the Quail) to Santer's 'Horch! wie schalt's.'(F.) . . . . . . Kunst- und Industrie Comptoir Vienna, March, 1804.
238 Song 'Als die Geliebte sich trennen wollte,' words translated by S. von Breuning from the French of G. Bernard (E♭). . . . . . . Allgemeine Musik Zeitung, Leipzig Nov. 22. 1809.
239 Arietta, to Carpani's 'In questa tomba oscura' (A♭). 1807(?)—Aut. Artaria, Vienna. The sixty-third of a collection of settings of Carpani's poem published by Mollo, Vienna. Sept. 1808.
240 Song, 'Andenken' to Matthisson's 'Ich denke dein' (D). . . . . . . Breitkopf & Härtel, May 1810.
241 Four settings of Goethe's 'Sehnsucht.'—'Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt.' Soprano and PF. Nos. 1, 2. 4. G minor ; No. 3, E♭. . . . . . . No. 1, Appendix to 'Prometheus,' no. 3; April 1808. The 4 settings appeared at Der Kunst und Industrie Comptoir, Vienna, Sept. 22, 1810.
242 Song, to Reissig's 'Lied aus der Ferne'—'Als mir noch.' Voice and PF. (B♭). 1809.—Aut. Artaria, Vienna. Breitkopf & Härtel, May 1810.
243 Song, to Reissig's 'Der Liebende' 'Welch ein wunderbares Leben.' Voice and PF. (D). Aut. Artaria, Vienna. A. Kühnel, Leipzig, in 'Achtzehn deutsche Gedichte,' etc., July 1810.
244 Song, to Reissig's 'Der Jüngling in der Fremde.'—'Der Frühling entblühet' (B♭}. . . . . . . A. Kühnel. Leipzig, with the foregoing.
245 Song, to Reissig's 'Des Krieger's Abschied' (E♭). 1814. P. Mechetti, Vienna, in 'Sechs deutsche Gedichte,' etc., June 1815.
246 Song, to Reissig's 'Sehnsucht '—' Die stille Nacht.' 1815 or 1816. Artaria & Co., Vienna, in 'Drei deutsche Gedichte,' etc., June 1816.
247 Song, to Stoll's An die Geliebte'—'O dass ich dir.' 2 versions in N. Dec. 1811.—Aut. Petter, Vienna Vienna, in 'Friedensblätter.' July 12, 1814.
248 Song (Bass), to F. R. Herrmann's 'Der Bardengeist'—'Dort auf dem hohen Felsen' (G.) Nov. 3, 1813. Musenalmanach for 1814, Vienna.
249 Song, to Treitschke's 'Ruf vom Berge' 'Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär' (A). Dec. 3. 1816. Appendix to F. Treitschke's Poems, June 1817.
250 Song, to Wessenberg's 'Das Geheimniss'—'Wo blüht das Blümchen.' 1815. Wiener, Moden-zeitung. Feb. 29, 1816.
251 Song, to Carl Lappe's ' So oder so.'—'Nord oder Sud?'(F). 1817. Wiener Moden-zeitung, Feb. 15, 1817.
252 Song, to von Haugwitz's 'Resignation.' 'Lisch aus, mein Licht!' (D). End of 1817. Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunst, March 31, 1818.
253 Song, to Goethe's 'Abendlied unter'm gestirntem Himmel.'—'Wenn die Sonne nieder sinket' (E). March 4. 1820.—Aut. Hofbibliotheck, Vienna. Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunst, March 28, 1810.
254 Two songs to Bürger's words, 'Seufzer eines Ungeliebten,' and 'Gegenliebe.' For 'Gegenliebe,' see op. 80. 1795(?) Diabelli & Co., Vienna, April 1837; with no. 255.
255 Song, to Herder's 'Die laute Klage.'—'Turteltaube' (C minor). 1809(?). See the foregoing.
256 Song, 'Gedenke mein! ich denke dein' (E♭). . . . . . . Haslinger, Vienna. 1844.

[ G. ]

  1. See 'Zweite Beethoveniana' p. 396 note.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 These are more properly Rounds.
  3. Schindler, confirmed by Nottebohm, 'Zweite Beethoveniana' (1887), p. 113.
  4. Jungfrau von Orleans.
  5. Hoffmann in Nohl, 'Briefe Beethovens,' no. 328; but Hofmann in B. & H.'s edition, no. 256. See Thayer's 'Chron. Verzeichniss,' no. 228.
  6. This is possibly a Welsh, possibly an Old English air.