A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Bishop, John (1665–1737)

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1505323A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Bishop, John (1665–1737)J. A. Fuller-Maitland

BISHOP, John, born in 1665, and educated (according to Hawkins) under Daniel Roseingrave. Between Michaelmas and Christmas, 1687, he was a lay clerk of King's College, Cambridge, and in the following year was appointed to teach the choristers. In 1695 he succeeded Jeremiah Clark as organist of Winchester College; he was afterwards appointed a lay- vicar of the Cathedral in place of T. Corfe, and in 1729 succeeded Vaughan Richardson as Cathedral organist. (Hawkins is wrong in calling him organist of Salisbury Cathedral.) He died Dec. 19, 1737, and was buried in the west side of the cloisters. MSS. by him are contained in the collections of the British Museum, Royal College of Music, and Christ Church, Oxford. Philip Hayes's 'Harmonia Wiccamica' includes some of his compositions. (Dict. of Nat. Biog.)

[ M. ]