A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Bizet, Georges

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From volume 1 of the work.

1502857A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Bizet, GeorgesGustave Chouquet

BIZET, Georges, [App. p.548 "his proper names were Alexandre César Léopold"] born at Paris Oct. 35, 1838, was a brilliant pupil and laureate at the Conservatoire from 1848 to 1857. He studied composition under Halévy, whose daughter he afterwards married [App. p.548 "married in 1869"]. Before winning his 'prix de Rome,' he gave an insignificant operetta 'Docteur Miracle' (Bouffes Parisiens, April, 1857); and, after his return from Italy, composed 'Vasco de Gama' (1863), which did not gain him much credit. At the Théâtre Lyrique were performed 'Les Pêcheurs de perles,' in 3 acts (Sept. 30 [App. p.548 "Sept. 29"], 63), and 'La jolie Fille de Perth,' in 4 acts (Dec. 26, 67). [App. p.548 "'Les Pêcheurs de perles' was given in Italian as 'Leila' at Covent Garden on Apr. 22, 1887"] 'Djamileh' (May 22, 72) was not successful, but the interludes to 'l'Arlésienne' (Sept. 30 [App. p.548 "Oct. 1"], 72), and his Overture 'Patrie' were received with applause. Bizet's last effort was 'Carmen,' in 4 acts, a sombre libretto, but a fine score, which was heard at the Opéra Comique on March 3, 75. This highly gifted composer and very talented pianist died almost suddenly on June 3, 75. Much was expected from him. He was a musician of superior abilities, though his vocal style is deficient in ease. [App. p.548 "he took part, with Jonas, Legouix, and Delibes, in the composition of the operetta 'Malbrough s'en-va-t-en guerrè,' produced at the Athénée, Dec. 13, 1867. Of his three symphonies, one, entitled 'Souvenirs de Rome' was played under Pasdeloup's direction, Feb. 28, 1869, and at the Crystal Palace, Oct. 23, 1880. He finished Halévy's biblical opera 'Noé.'"]

[ G. C. ]