A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Compound Time

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From volume 1 of the work.

1503863A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Compound TimeFranklin Taylor

COMPOUND TIME. A rhythm formed by the combination of two, three, or four bars of simple time. The compound times most used are as follows:—

Compound Common Times.
6-8 formed of two bars of 3-8 time.
6-4 " " 3-4 "
12-8 " four " 3-8 "
Compound Triple Times.
9-8 formed of three bars of 3-8 time.
9-4 " " 3-4 "
To these may be added 4-4 time, which is made up of two bars of 2-4 time, and in Germany is always classed with the compound times. In England however it is more often called simple time, those rhythms only being considered as compound, in which each beat is divisible into three parts. [See Common Time.]

[ F. T. ]