A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Creyghton, Robert

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From volume 1 of the work.

1503981A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Creyghton, RobertWilliam H. Husk

CREYGHTON, Rev. Robert, D.D., born about 1639, was the son of the Rev. Dr. Robert Creyghton, Professor of Greek at Cambridge, afterwards Dean of Wells, and in 1670 Bishop of Bath and Wells. In 1662 he, like his father, held the Greek Professorship at Cambridge. In 1674 he was appointed canon residentiary and precentor of Wells Cathedral. Creyghton composed several services and anthems still extant the library of Wells Cathedral. Two, in E♭ and B♭, are now printed. Tudway's MS. (Brit. Mus., Add. MSS. 7,338, 39) contains a third, in C, besides an anthem, 'Praise the Lord.' He is widely known by his sweet little canon-anthem 'I will arise.' He died at Wells in 1736 [App. p.601 "Feb. 17, 1733"] at the advanced age of 97 [App. p.601 "94"].

[ W. H. H. ]